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  1. I think her teeth are charming. Makes her unique. IMO, "fixing" them would be a mistake like when Jennifer Grey got a nose job.
  2. I loved Belinda's dress at dinner. Is she feeling attracted to Pornchai? I couldn't tell. He was obviously feeling her. I think Kate's living in Austin was the reason the other 2 were surprised to hear she was conservative and church-going. It may not have been as much of a shock if they knew she was living somewhere ultra-conservative. Does Kate work?
  3. but without the charm or charisma I like waiting for the weekly epi drop, but i am old. i like having something to look forward to and also avoiding the temptation to watch them all in a sitting while growing roots in my sofa i have done the "wait for them all to drop" when wanting to see a series on a streaming service i don't usually subscribe to so i can only pay for on month and watch it all LOL. That's what I did before I had free Hulu w my cell phone plan and wanted to watch Handmaid's Tale
  4. Wow. Harsh, not sure anyone needs to be murdered to fix the problems of the country. FWIW, IMDB lists the character names and Jake's surname is neither Adamson nor Robinovitch. It's Malloy.
  5. I had assumed that Kristi and auntie were in PA from a neighboring state w/o available abortion care (WV perhaps). Mom mentioned "fun weekend w auntie" and didn't Auntie say they were at a hotel? Perhaps it would be more realistic for them to be at PP but I saw it as a desperate ploy that they cooked up - head to the nearest big city that allowed abortion and then try and find a doctor to do it. They may have gone to the ER out of ignorance (after being turned away at PP for no appt) and begged Dr Abbot to help and he agreed if they came back (perhaps at the very end of his shift?). /end fanwanking
  6. I really felt for Carrie C's character, sucks to be the odd one out. Parker Posey is brilliantly awful. In re: her accent, the actress grew up in Louisiana and Mississippi... I wonder if she is deliberately NOT doing an upper-class NC accent? Is the character a social climber who made it to UNC from Nowhere, Deep South, and she managed to find and land a Duke rich guy? She seemed pretty provincial to me. Saxon is the absolute worst and I LOLed at his name. IMO its so on the nose. And Lochy? What a terrible nickname.
  7. Nepotism is the advantage, the favoritism, not an assertion that the "nepo baby" is undeserving. IMO its undeniable that there is an advantage in having a famous parent in rat-race of Hollywood. While the nepo-baby in question may be talented, its undeniable that there IS another person (probably a SLEW of other such people) out there who is JUST as talented who didn't get an audition because they didn't have a connection. Of course there are "nepo-babies" who are so sublimely talented, so virtuosic, that they would've made it regardless, but I consider those people to be the exception, and I kinda think there's something in the DNA - like in crazy talented musical families.
  8. It seems to me that the only thing the "ER" people had to offer were the existing characters and their history. If they couldn't come to an agreement: Oh well, Noah Wylie cant be Carter, with all Carters personality and backstory. IMO, there's nothing unique about a medical procedural set in an urban Emergency dept. I mean, its like saying that NYPD Blue and Homicide: Life on the streets are the same show. ER was ground breaking in its time for the long uncut scenes and other story telling tools, but aren't they now in common use across many shows?
  9. So I feel like the reaction from Kody and Robyn vis a vis the baptism has to do with their LDS roots. While moving around amongst various Protestant denominations is pretty common, the LDS faith is pretty unique and has some very specific beliefs and directives. I personally wonder how much of the AUB/LDS religion Kody has "lost" and how much he's just mad at the church leaders. Does he still believe in celestial marriage? His own planet? Are he and Robyn concerned that if Aurora (Breanna?) pledges fealty to a different church that they will lose her in the afterlife? Protestant churches are also pretty clear that the bible is the ONLY text -- do K and R still believe in the Book of Mormon? I don't really give a shit about the sad daughters' church affiliation, but if they are going to force it down our throats, at least give us the juicy bits!
  10. I think Robyn is feeling the effects of being the only person available to manage Kody's ego. He seems like a bottomless pit. Like a toddler level of PAY ATTENTION TO ME. Robyn's boo-hooing about her broken dreams about her "sisterwives on the porch" is, to me, a PERFECT demonstration of an innate flaw of polygamy as they were living it: that your personal happiness depends on the state of other people's relationships. Did Robyn expect 3 other women to remain unhappy, unfulfilled and unloved FOR HER BENEFIT? That 13 other children would ignore their own feelings and needs to be sure that HER 5 KIDS have the childhood experience of "family" that Robyn wanted for them? It's an insane standard. And she doesnt even seem to have an inkling of how crazy that is, which is telling.
  11. Of course they do, but I am sure they didn't create the graphics, so they can split hairs about how THE COMPANY didn't make health claims, just THAT PERSON (who is decidedly NOT employed by them but just an independent contractor) did. MLMs make specious claims all the time, they know how to legally walk the line.
  12. I’m Wondering if one of the girls already was dating someone from another church and all this church shopping is just reverse engineering.
  13. I don't have the patience to try to pin down the timeline, but I wondered: Was it possible that 'RoraandBreanana were already attending their new church (which is neither UAB nor LDS) and everyone was so tentative because they knew Koe-Dee might flip out? My ears perked up when Koe-Dee when right to "cult." What made him go there? Is he saying their OLD church was a cult? Or that he suspected the girls were interested in a specific church that HE has deemed a cult? Its super interesting to me that he is now having some sort of church-based phobia. IMO, he needs to lay blame for his failures first on the women, but now on the church that somehow traumatized him. He is pro-level blame-shifting. But also - is he mad because he sees that his dad and the AUB sold him a bill of goods when they said he could be the priesthood holder and have his own planet and that the women would silently, gratefully take whatever crumbs he threw them? Cuz the thing is - they might have, if he had never pushed them all into the spotlight. It was the show, and the money it brought, that showed the women what life without the AUB and Koe-Dee could be. He was definitely the instrument of his own destruction. And that's why their church leaders didn't approve of the show. They knew it already - how you gonna keep them down on the farm (or compound) after they've seen Paree?
  14. I get the impression that Dave and Jill both feel Jill is out of his league and therefore she is in the power position in the relationship
  15. why do her nails always look so weird? Does she get acrylics or something? Her nails don't look like they "fit" her fingers.... anyone understand what I mean?
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