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Of course they do, but I am sure they didn't create the graphics, so they can split hairs about how THE COMPANY didn't make health claims, just THAT PERSON (who is decidedly NOT employed by them but just an independent contractor) did. MLMs make specious claims all the time, they know how to legally walk the line.
I’m Wondering if one of the girls already was dating someone from another church and all this church shopping is just reverse engineering.
I don't have the patience to try to pin down the timeline, but I wondered: Was it possible that 'RoraandBreanana were already attending their new church (which is neither UAB nor LDS) and everyone was so tentative because they knew Koe-Dee might flip out? My ears perked up when Koe-Dee when right to "cult." What made him go there? Is he saying their OLD church was a cult? Or that he suspected the girls were interested in a specific church that HE has deemed a cult? Its super interesting to me that he is now having some sort of church-based phobia. IMO, he needs to lay blame for his failures first on the women, but now on the church that somehow traumatized him. He is pro-level blame-shifting. But also - is he mad because he sees that his dad and the AUB sold him a bill of goods when they said he could be the priesthood holder and have his own planet and that the women would silently, gratefully take whatever crumbs he threw them? Cuz the thing is - they might have, if he had never pushed them all into the spotlight. It was the show, and the money it brought, that showed the women what life without the AUB and Koe-Dee could be. He was definitely the instrument of his own destruction. And that's why their church leaders didn't approve of the show. They knew it already - how you gonna keep them down on the farm (or compound) after they've seen Paree?
I think her dress was too big at the wedding, I wondered if she was losing weight throughout this time. I was actively dieting in the run-up to my own wedding and the seamstress had to take in the dress twice: at both the 1st and 2nd fittings - she warned me at the 2nd fitting in her Italian accent "No more lose the weight! Your gown will be-a too beeg at the wedding!" LOL
He looks like Alex Jones
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All their finances seem like a flim-flam trick. I think Kody dazzled all 3 OG wives with bullshit over the years and did all kinds of shell games. "OK Janelle so you helped us with Robyn's down-payment so we will put your name on the bigger part of the coyote pass plots and then when we pay it off, we will sell the big house and pay you back and redivide the plots BLAH BLAH BLAH" and so Janelle wound up with NO liquid assets. Christine kinda played his game and came out clean. Meri was hanging on waiting for Kody to take her back so she didn't want to rock the boat. Kody was, in my mind, ABSOLTELY going to do some fancy footwork to gain himself the majority of the money, or else he wouldn't have resisted the idea of an appraisal (SUCH lame reasons, eye rollingly absurd). I still don't understand why, if Janelle and Meri want out, they had to PAY IN MORE to CP?? But I'm no finance expert, unlike Kody "T Rowe Price" Brown.
I cant believe they invited her in the first place when her claim to fame is having antisocial personality disorder. I am so glad Chandler didn't win, I hate when they put ringers in the competition. I really wanted Ilona to win but mainly because I just love her, I know quite a few people (including myself) who came back to the show just for her (well, and pommel horse guy LOL). I don't care AT ALL about the Bachelor/bachelorettes Mactors, Real Housewives, Disney teens. And please no more criminals
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I'm not willing to blame Janelle for the money stuff. I have NO DOUBT that Kody manipulated her. I can imagine he pretended to take her advice, listened to her ideas, and probably lied to her that he was keeping the others in the loop. I blame the others if they allowed themselves to be ignorant of the finances. I'd like to think I would have demanded periodic meetings of all the adults to go over the books. Alas, they all just believed whatever Kody told them. But I would also bet my bottom dollar that is ANYONE got the details of the cash flow, it was Robyn.
No, she said 500 in sales, not profits. the video of the girls announcing the Black Friday sale …. I swear to god it’s like those poor things have been raised in complete isolation. Have they ever had an actual conversation with a person they are not related to? Not a TESTIMONY, not a PERFORMANCE, but an actual spontaneous exchange of ideas and information? They reminded me of Jodie Fosters character in that movie “Nell”
I rilly rilly hope meri threw that hideous “diary” away before it even made it to the moving van.