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Everything posted by BrittaBot

  1. I would have sent Candice home. Boring as shit. Also, I still don't understand why the judges were salivating over her all season. Everything she did was boring as shit. Right! And little ol' Candice thinks she is just "so original" but she is just as fake, if not faker! than all those girls who walk around bleaching their hair piss-blonde and doing duck faces and taking selfies all the time. As someone else in this thread said, how long does it take her to put that face on in the morning? It is EXTREMELY manufactured - her whole persona. Kelly wears a lot of make-up to but it's her personality. I hate fake people. She is fake in her wardrobe, styling, and the way she acts towards other people. I would rather someone be bitchy if that is who they truly are then act all self-righteous like her. She also acts like she's God's gift to Earth and is just so much "wiser" than everyone. She is a year older than me. There was an episode or two before where she was bestowing her wisdom on Merline and I was like….Merline is older than you are and you are acting like she is your child. Same thing with her "opinions" towards Ashley. Ashley is only three years younger than her - that's nothing. As someone else also said, I literally grit my teeth every time Candice talks too. Every time she starts talking, I have my finger on the FF button. I effing hate it when designers only use black. A lot of my work clothes are black just because work clothes tend to run in black and I MYSELF feel depressed if I wear black too many days in a row. SHOW ME SOME COLOR. If she wins, I really might be done with this show. I don't love Ashley either but she doesn't give me irrational clawing the wall, gritting my teeth rage-ons. Kelly's dress was unique and perfect. Ashley's was nice too I thought. If that dun dun dun dun dun dun music at the end doesn't give away a TG save for Edmund, then I don't know what would. They were essentially playing Jaws theme music. And Edmund didn't seem too shattered. He should be back. Candice should go the eff home.
  2. Yeah, there just HAS to be something else going on behind the scenes. This is reality tv. It is very easy to edit someone in a negative, or positive manner. To me, it is telling that despite Tim, the judges, and the producers' best efforts, a good portion of PR viewers still find Swapnil to be a decent, okay guy. What I'm trying to say is that if he was as "evil" as they say, then couldn't they have found better footage to show him to be as evil as he was? I don't get the lazy thing either. Tim is acting like Swapnil personally went out and murdered his family. So he didn't work up to his potential and didn't have things ready in time. Again…he didn't murder anyone. This literally makes no sense to me. Candice's outfit made me want to barf. I don't get what the judges see in her. They think she's all great but really what has she produced this season that's any good? I hope the top 3 is Kelly, Edmund…..and I don't really know Merline I guess, because I'm starting to dislike Ashley and I hate Candice.
  3. Completely agree with all of this. I'm just sitting here eating lunch next to my doggie and that comes out of Jake's mouth, and I just start sobbing. For like 15 minutes. It was not what I expected was going to happen while watching Project Runway. Poor guy; I feel for him. And then I gave my baby a gigantic hug. I really can't think about it at all because I'll lose my mind. Tim's reaction was also very genuine.
  4. I don't know whether I found Dewey or Reese more hilarious. Probably Dewey when he was younger because he was also so adorable, but then Reese was effing classic. Honestly, Malcolm was the other worst part of that show other than Francis! lol My favorite episode was when Dewey thinks there's a whole other house under theirs, where there's "magical pants" (non hand-me-downs) and his mother is actually nice to him. LOL Also when Brian Cranston roller skates. Or speed walks. Damn. Literally sitting here giggling to myself. Now I want to rewatch it! Does anyone know what the Dewey/House episode is called? Except I hated the series finale. When Lois tells Malcolm he's going to be President and that whole speech, it was just so stupid.
  5. My vote is Malcolm in the Middle. Watched it on netflix a couple of years ago and was surprised at how clever, rebellious, and funny it was. In my mind previously it was just a stupid sitcom. That being said, show would have been 100% perfect without Francis on it. He was just like..on his own show for some reason.
  6. I don't want to get to off-topic. Right, we are, but those $100k+ jobs out of law school don't exist anymore except for a few select people. There are plenty of people who are interested and committed to public interest despite the loans and would "work for less" but can't get into those government jobs. It just seems stupid to me that I know there is people who would do this work and try their hardest to do it well (not me, I'm not really interested in criminal law) but can't break into it. And there are people who really need their help. But we can't connect those two groups.
  7. After they showed the clip of the one black guy who had the breathing issues, I turn to my husband and said "they are literally arresting him for being poor." It's a debtors' prison. I thought we outlawed those... My solution to this problem is: hire a ton of recent law school grads who are willing to work for little pay. They would still be eager and knowledgeable and willing to do their job right. Oh wait: a) everyone refuses to hire recent law school grads, especially in the public sector, because you need a minimum of 2 years’ of experience for anything and b) it would still require the state to put SOME money into a public defender system, which it clearly doesn’t want to do. *Full disclosure: I am a recent law school grad. This shit is sad though. I hate the thought of people getting arrested and put in jail for being poor. It’s just so disturbing.
  8. Do you know some people wear them to the gym? I know this because I've seen them riding up their ass. That just makes me…shudder. I understand no visible panty line but IT'S THE GYM WHO CARES. Also, I haven't had a problem with VPL since I stopped buying the tightest shorts/pants possible after high school. I literally just avoid clothing that would require me to wear a thong. I guess that's why I was confused at first why Jake's model made such a big deal out of coverage. In my head, I was like jeez, most underwear covers your butt, no? Um, not like any the designers made. My favorites were Kelly, Ashley, and Lindsey. And I hate to admit it, but matronly guy's (forgetting his name) wasn't that bad either looking it on the website. I would wear it. I guess that makes me a 26 year old matron.
  9. I was born in Poland, though immigrated to the US before I even went to elementary school. It is a slur. Speaking of high school mentality, I got into a fight with a high school friend because when we went off to college, she wrote bla bla something something, ya Polak on my facebook wall. I simply deleted it and asked her not to say that word anymore because it offended me. And she flipped out on me and somehow turned into my fault. And I was like Bye. On topic: Not offended by a mispronunciation of Pollack that happens to sound like the word.
  10. I've only watched once so far but I was still devastated. I had a feeling he was going to kill himself when he rushed out of the house like that, but was telling myself no, no, no, no. Then the funeral interspersed with updates on everyone's lives and how they delayed you seeing Nay, his mom, and his brother till closer to the end of the walk, and then I just went full on Wahhhhh. I don't think I would have had quite the same reaction if it wasn't for Oscar Isaac. This was the first thing I've seen him in and he got me really attached to the character, even when he was acting like a jackass. I also don't think he cheated on Nay. You can tell when a guy is a cheater and he wasn't.
  11. Only caught up on these two episodes so far. I really enjoyed it. Enjoying the politics/town council side of it more than the one focused on the people in the housing projects, but that's that. I actually worked in a Town Manager's Office, albeit in a much, much smaller town, so this is right up my alley. Show has done nothing to dissuade me that people who show up and yell at Town Council Meetings are by and large, batshit crazy. The part that's most disturbing is the blatant racism behind it all. :\ Like when Catherine Keener's character said, "Can we keep religion out of it?" that showed me, maybe, perhaps she's more sane then the rest of them. Also, could Alfred Molina be chewing any more scenery? lol I hope there's more Winona Ryder in the next few episodes!
  12. I'm sorry to say this, but I find Heather painfully unfunny. I groaned when I saw it was her. Although I am glad she called Ryan out for his sexist nurse comment.
  13. This episode was so bad my husband and I couldn't even finish it. That's never happened before.
  14. A degree nowadays doesn't even mean much, so even without a career-ending injury and getting a degree in whatever doesn't mean the athlete will be okay. I have a law degree and am making minimum wage. Like Ollie said, no one is expecting to pay these athletes millions of dollars while they're in school. I don't get why they can't, at minimum, get whatever per hour the kid working at the bookstore is getting and some kind of worker's comp. The NCAA just sucks so much. I am not a fan of sports at all and hated at my own school, which wasn't even that good at sports, how athletes were favored over others. And yet I STILL sympathize with these guys and want better for them.
  15. Haha, oh god, Rebecca… she was making me twitch. I really didn't understand why she only bet $800 for the first daily double when the max she could bet was $1000. It was the beginning of the game and a difference of $200 - who cares? And then I REALLY didn't get when she got the other one in the second round and goes "I'm not doing that again" and bets $1400 (out of like $3200 or something). Alex even said "Doing what again?" Seriously though….doing what again? She screwed up that category twice in two different ways each time. Jessica Chastain is not in Argo, nor starts with an A. Titanic was not released in 1984, nor starts with an A. There were also a few times where she answered before Alex called on her. I don't know if that's allowed, I guess, it might be, but how did she know another contestant didn't buzz in before her? It was all times the camera wasn't on them, so I couldn't tell. If she won, I told my husband I wouldn't be able to watch the next show.
  16. My husband and I started watching this show on Netflix a while ago. Just got up to this episode. Wow, haha, I love reading how almost everyone agrees with us about Kristina & Max. Unfortunately it's kind of gotten to the point where we can't stand this show because of those two. I hate Max, but I feel like he is somewhat the way he is because of Kristina. They are very similar - can't apologize for anything and refuse to take no for an answer. I can't believe Sarah had to apologize in this episode. Do the writers realize how they are writing A&K&M? I mean, they ALWAYS get what they want and literally the parents never say no to Max. It's insane. I honestly can't comprehend if the writers think the parents are being good parents or bad parents because you get moments where a character does say the truth - like Sarah about them never saying no to Max. Beyond that, Kristina is just a pure ASSHOLE. Like at the baptism dinner (can't remember if that was in this episode), when she called Drew and Amber out on being stoned and smiled that little snotty smirk of hers like oh she's so great and they are so awful. Sarah was calling them out on their PARENTING SKILLS (which I think she was right about) and Kristina goes and insults Sarah's kids and acts like she's better than them because they use marijuana (did we forget she did too?) Also, the cancer lady she later become friends with - Kristina made fun of her before too. She always does this. Sometimes I honestly don't think Max has autism either but is an asshole just like his mom. I seriously think Max is going to end up like…murdering someone or something. What's the worst end game for a kid who literally has never been said no to? There's so much more I could say, but a lot of you have said it! Thanks for commiserating haha.
  17. I've barely seen any of these movies (Birdman, GBH) is about it, but these nominations make no sense to me. Everything I've been hearing is that Foxcatcher and American Sniper weren't even that good. What do I know though? I thought Birdman sucked. I like Emma Stone, but didn't think her acting was anything special. Also, Eddie Redmayne is 33, who knew? (The Timothy Hutton thing - just watched Ordinary People for the first time and my husband read on his phone that he won for Best SUPPORTING Actor.)….wut? He's in 95% of the movie.
  18. Hincandenza, wow, I agree with everything in your post, especially the parts about Leslie. In Season 1, she was really weird and awkward. Then from S2 until she ran for office, she was normal, competent, and likable. Then I don't know what happened and they made her an unlikeable, crazy shrew. Within the first 2 minutes of the first episode, I thought to myself about how I forgot how much I hate Leslie now. I'm basically only finishing watching this show for Andy, Ben, and a little bit of Ron when he's not being railroaded by Leslie. My husband actually stopped watching this show because of the illogicality of jobs-getting, most April. I'm trying to ignore it but it's insane.
  19. Hmmm, I think my TV cut out a scene. Did this happen to anyone else? I'm hearing all of you talking about fire chiefs and whatnot and I'm like huh? The last scene I saw before it cut to PBS "commercials" was Robert pouring stuff over the fire. And I remember thinking that was a really weird, abrupt way to end an episode. Can anyone fill me on what happened next? Thanks!
  20. Rue721, I agree. I should have made my post more clearer. I don't know anyone whose parents didn't help them move in the first semester. After that, yeah doesn't matter as much. But I cannot be expected to believe the Bravermans didn't even see where Hattie was going to college, let alone help her move in.
  21. Only on TV do insanely overbearing, hovering, involved-in-every-inch of your life parents NOT move their children into college. Instead they just stand outside in their yard or at the airport and tearfully wave goodbye while Junior heads to college with one suitcase and a backpack. See Adam and Kristina Braverman and Mr. and Mrs. Coach from Friday Night Lights (although I like Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and think they were great parents). But seriously, the only TV show or movie I've seen where the parents actually moved the kid into college was in The Kids Are Alright. So you're expecting me to believe that Kristina Braverman, who would watch her kids take a shit if she could, did not move her precious daughter into college? That makes no sense logically either. How is an 18-year-old girl going to lug a ton of shit up staircases? At my school for freshmen, they had upperclassmen who helped with moving on that weekend but I do not think that is the norm. And still, I do not know one single person whose parents did not help them move into college. Also, only on TV do high school seniors make a decision about where they are going to college before they even apply for financial aid and get a financial aid package. Also, student loans most of the time do not exist on TV. Also only on TV does a stay-at-home mom who hasn't had a job in 16 years magically get two dream jobs as a campaign manager for a CITY COUNCIL position and there is enough money in that fund for her to hire an assistant. Also I guess elections are like in April now, not November. This turned into a Parenthood rant about how much I hate Kristina and Adam Braverman, lol. Sorry, they are just so ridiculous.(Only at the beginning of S4 on Netflix though.)
  22. Birdman was boring and I don't get what all the hype is about.
  23. Helen's made me want to barf. I literally groaned/gasped when I saw the girl come out of the car. I mean, it was just god-awful. I feel like with at least every other outfit, there was SOMETHING okay about it, something that showed the attractiveness of the other person. Helen made a baggy, wrinkly, button-up shirt that made the girl look like she was pregnant. It was so bad that when she was trying it on the model in the room, I assumed it was unfinished and it was going to look somewhat okay later once she had more time to work on it. Nope.
  24. Krissy drove me batty. She wasted so much time. I'm glad Ryan won. Also, I think that they shouldn't have given Krissy the FJ as correct. Didn't she say Queen Elizabeth and didn't put the II? My boy Ryan got the whole thing right. :P
  25. In addition to all the things that have been said about how illogical it was for Tommy to come back to AC, I want to echo this: Right! 12-14 year old boys, with the rare exception, still look VERY MUCH like children. They are all awkward limbs. That kid playing Tommy was 20 years old, at least. Just made an already unbelievable storyline even more unbelievable. Or at the least, that the writers didn't even do us the service of thinking about something as simple as logic. I'm still mad that they killed off Jimmy (apparently I know how to hold a grudge). He was my favorite character because he was the most interesting character. Killing him off changed what this show was and I don't think it was for the better.
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