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Everything posted by cyberfruit

  1. ash, you big fucking baby. if your manhood can't handle the thought of being wrong, then go home to your mother
  2. oh tom's on...is my rice done yet? i should go check on it
  3. i am so proud of you, rose. this sex tourist really thought it was gonna pull one over on you and you had something for him!
  4. bored with "lana" and david. i want rose to have actually made a break for it. i want her to break free.
  5. one best friend had many fights after coming out to her mom as bisexual. the other best friend waited to come out after her mother passed away. i didn't come out to my mom due to casually disparaging remarks she made about the lgbtq community over the years until i was out of a shitty relationship (that i wished i had her guidance on). thankfully, she apologized but people aren't as okay as we would like.
  6. why do women on this show keep dating men from hella patriarchal cultures? and then act shocked that the men expect them to fall in line? the sex can't be that great, i swear
  7. the major redeeming factor of 90DF is how we get transported to cities we've never been to or have been to, but haven't visited in a long while. i want to go to abuja and palawan!
  8. lisa is saying all of this about usman's hometown? cool cool cool
  9. well, they broke up 3 times already, so probably the same thing each time they got back together
  10. "do i make you feel like a woman?" literally what kind of question is this
  11. I enjoy Tim's weird ass on Pillow Talk. He and Veronica seem like my kinda people.
  12. might as well JUMP!...back on a plane to the U.S. because this was a mistake
  13. Megan's pantsuit didn't work for me...together. I would have worn the wrap by itself, worn the pants by themselves, maybe repurpose the obi (belt), but together, it looked kinda costume-y. The runway look was stunning. I didn't like Jonny's runway look at all. It looked very junior, like something you'd find in Urban Outfitters. I didn't understand why the judges loved it so much. If he called that outfit is accessible look, I wouldn't have questioned it. The jumpsuit was much more runway. It was Jiwon's time to go. The accessible look was missing...something. A jacket? It just looked unfinished. And the runway dress was nothing special, sorry. Please nix the Tim/Heidi segments for next season, thanks.
  14. If there's one thing I really like about Erika, it's that she knows her feelings and owns her feelings. I'm only a few yrs older than Erika, but at 24, I couldn't articulate exactly what I wanted from another person like she could. If Stephanie weren't so self-centered, she could really learn something from her. Hopefully she'll learn something from this massive failure of whatever it is that they have other than, I'll never love again!
  15. Oh and Ed -- a perpetual whiner. I don't know if he's being encouraged to be as open as possible or if he just lacks tact. I am so tired of this, "does she love me for me" bs. That has to be producer driven because I would like to think that a 53/54 year old man understands transactional relationships. I'd have more respect for him if, after seeing Rose's impoverished surroundings, he invited both Rose AND Prince to a hotel (I can understand not inviting the whole family, but hell, major points if he did that, too), booked a separate room for Rose and Prince, and then gotten to go on excursions together as a family. That would have shown Rose that he is a family man who wants to protect them, and it maybe she wouldn't look lowkey disgusted by him every time he speaks.
  16. Long time lurker, first time poster (in 90 day fiance) just wanting to put in my two centers re: Stephanie & Erika On Stephanie's sexuality: I'm not going to speculate. As a young, bisexual woman whose sexual identity is constantly being erased and changed to lesbian (I've given up at this point), I don't think it's fair to try to gauge how bisexual or gay (Stephanie isn't gay; she's said so herself) she is. Which leads me to my next point: Stephanie and Erika just don't have any chemistry. I've done more than my fair share of online dating, and the oft-spoken, but oft-ignored, tenement of online dating is to meet the romantic interest as soon as possible. You can be as flirty, sexual, etc. online as much as you want but there's nothing like meeting that person face to face. Doing all of that online doesn't have nearly as much of an emotional risk. I've been on both sides -- I've been on dates after chatting for a few weeks only to sit down to dinner and have...no spark, despite their clear interest in me. I've also sat down to dinner and went away very intrigued by a girl, only for her to wish me luck with meeting someone new. <-- This is Stephanie and Erika, imo, but they're on a reality show so they can't be like, welp, I thought this would work out but I'm actually just not feeling it. And then walk away forever. Erika likes the Stephanie she talked to and likes the Stephanie who's in front of her, personality not withstanding, but Stephanie liked the idea of Erika she had in her head and it's not translating in person, hence the numerous walls.
  17. All I have to say is: Why can't *I* be in Tokyo?? Why can't this be me, lord! #getmymoneyright2019
  18. There was a quick teaser about it during the show, and Contessa is the link as a friend of hers is on the LA show. From what I managed to get in that 30 seconds, there's supposed to be an intro episode (with some of the Atlanta ladies) taking a trip to LA. That episode airs in March.
  19. I was so disgusted at this exchange: Mariah and Toya telling Heavenly to "not say 'hit'." What the hell is this. Both Quad and Gregory literally copped to there being physical abuse in their marriage, but those two want to mince words about how? Is this *really* the hill y'all wanna die on?
  20. I wore dresses for all of my graduations (HS - master's), but the first two were not my choice. My mother is weird about women wearing pants for certain events. Don't ask. I actually really liked Anthony Ryan's, and could see myself wearing it -- but in different colors. I love orange (yes, it's polarizing), but that orange and that blue were too electric for me. However, I enjoy the top and the loose pants. Definitely needed a different shoe (glad Alyssa thought the same). That and Anya's outfit would have gone over well in humid climates, like the one I grew up in. If Sunny hadn't given the finger up to the challenge, Irina would have gone home and there would have been zero arguments from me. That fabric was hideous and the proportions were way off. I liked the red/white dress that sort of looked like brocade? It could have been so matronly, but the way the designer sculpted the fabric made it very interesting.
  21. That definitely should have been handled in private -- a private office with a therapist present. It doesn't surprise me to hear that he's being a grouchy bastard because he's tired and in pain, but that doesn't mean that Nene has to take it. Caretakers need care, too.
  22. The ladies are going to Japan? Oh god, here come the stereotypes from the more ignorant castmates. I'm going to give Gregg this one -- I'm with him on the fixation of that stain on the countertop because that would be me fussing all day, but then again, I also know that marble doesn't belong in kitchens. It's relatively soft and porous stone that is sensitive to acid, and therefore does not belong in kitchens. On home design shows, I always roll my eyes when someone demands it in their kitchen, unless they're upfront about the fact that they don't cook. Shout-out to quartz. Anyway, I have neither in my kitchen because I'm a poor, student loan saddled millennial, but this is the internet and I'm allowed the criticize things that I will never have.
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