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Everything posted by ComeWhatMay

  1. Tyler Christopher and Billy Miller were special talents. Asking anyone to fill their shoes is setting them up for failure. From what I read the show did Miller dirty and themselves too in the end by bringing Burton back. Mathison and Easton may be brass darlings, but the characters are duds.
  2. I use checks for small stores I patronize. Credit card fees are rough on them. Today felt like time killer filler, but I do like Yuri and Maura West elevates the heck out of her scene partners.
  3. I think Drew doesn’t care if Scout wants to go… The school is about him.
  4. I knew back when adult Michael would be a mess. He took his social cues from his mama.
  5. They really did well with the NAC casting. The aristocratic bearing that Tyler gave Nik is there in NAC’s Spencer. Genie’s idea of a secret Cassadine son resulted in two great hires for the show in those two men. The segue at the end from Spencer to the Tyler Christopher tribute was lovely. Glad the tribute was not preempted for me as I understand it was for some. The closing scene is on X if you missed it. Royal families like the Cassadines know crazy and the top shelf of the bar, Marshall. I see Curtis and Portia declined the fine champagne and drank other beverages and I caught the glare from Curtis that got Spencer’s hand off Trina’s back. Ha! It’s nice that Trina acknowledges Taggert, but the show should spring so we see him at big moments like holidays too. Portia can deservedly squirm some more. Lying about a child is vile. I am going to hope it turns out Esme and that last imposter who actually fathered her kid wind up riding into the sunset together. Wonder who’s buying Wyndemere? Ryan Lavery can go too. Magnanimous thy name is not Carly. MW did a great job conveying how out of place Ava felt at that dinner without her daughter right at hand. I don’t know all the history but Joss’ attitude toward Sonny and Sonny’s distance toward her makes sense. She’s Jax’s. Sonny would find that intolerable. Gloria does not need a storyline, let alone with the Russian mob.
  6. This may be naïve, but I think the reason Austin’s body has yet to be found is because of its location and that the passage of time in show time is less. Also, isn’t he single presently? It’s sadly not uncommon for those of us who are to take longer to be discovered. I agree the show has not always been respectful of its actors, but I take my lead from Roger who seems to be going out of his way to say it’s all good. Also, the NAC leave of absence is not something I saw happen in earlier eras. Didn’t Tyler Christopher once get booted after booking another gig? As much as I would have liked to have seen Leslie C.’s Monica yesterday, I also know she has health problems. The show has its problems, I know, but I think current management should only have to answer for current management as to decisions made. I do hope they don’t recast Nik yet again and not just because of fans like me, but out of respect for Genie, Mo, and others who clearly felt deeply for Tyler.
  7. Charlotte is deeply disturbed. There was another way to respond to the letter from grandpa that did not involve terrorizing her father’s girlfriend. I get Anna going to the hospital room. She’s heartbroken and the wronged party here.
  8. I so hope this is the reason. I would like to see a proper farewell to Jackie’s Bobbie. Someone also reminded me that actors deaths can be the genesis of great exit stories for their characters. I personally hope they go that route with Nikolas too as those they might bring in for a bit would be welcome there too.
  9. I think the smaller budgets brought with them some of the extra ruthlessness of other mediums; i.e. outright firings, putting older vets with big contracts on recurring. The plastic surgery that disfigures faces we know and love is obtained attempting to preserve livelihoods. Roles dry up as one ages. I was glad to see Gregory Harrison and Cynthia Watros today and it is an all around more diverse show than I recall from 1999. I see now Doug Davidson left Y&R angry. It really is never the way to go. As much as I understood it when Kin Shriner popped off in frustration a while back, I also wanted to tell him to zip it.
  10. That’s a great exit interview by Howarth. Honestly, he has no reason not to take the high road as he got a lot of time and work. Doesn’t he make his home on the East Coast too? I don’t think blaming Burton is irrational. Beyond some icky stuff I read about, he seemed to treat GH like a revolving door and while I get always looking for more in any job, he also seemed to overvalue his importance to the show.
  11. “Easy to love; hard to live with…” I have only watched the last episode after being away since 1999, but I know Nik was without his mother and Spencer was without his. Nik’s mother was a prisoner and Spencer’s was a side chick, not his father’s great love, right? I can see how the character would not know about having a mother and what Ace would miss just siphoned off with him per family tradition. Given the lack of a DNA test (weird), I also cannot help but think the kid is probably not even his brother. I would hope they would not be dumb enough to make the kid Spencer’s. No way to treat your 2023 L&L for as long as you have them.
  12. 1996 me is very sorry about who Ingo is. He is appealing. Company policy is company policy. There are lessons for the hot young ones of today in the Ingo and Tyler situations. Honor your contracts and don’t burn bridges. You want GH to be there for you like it was for them.
  13. Still sitting on the barge for the moment, but… It is, yes. I knew one or two folks who switched majors afterward.
  14. What a mess. Make sure you leave a will (Tyler supposedly did and I hope so for his kids along with life insurance) and specify your intentions clearly. Make sure your executor is someone reliable. If Tyler’s body is still unclaimed in San Diego at this point, I don’t know what to say, beyond deeply sad. If that is Genie and she actually donated to the fundraiser, good grief. Tyler’s former manager spoke with People for an article published yesterday. Admitting he didn’t want to cast a “soap actor” in that 1998 “Black Bean” movie, whole lotta yikes. Tyler was a successful actor. Louder for that agent and the people in the back.
  15. Tyler’s NYT obituary and the linked People article within are interesting reading. Sometimes we fail to appreciate what we have until it is gone. GH (and Days) gave Tyler so much more than a stable life in a frenetic industry and a weekly check and I was glad he was able to express that to Maurice before he died. Love The Presidio, but I have always found Meg Ryan to be an a** for her attitude about ATWT. While 1999 GH and 2023 GH are very different I can tell, the employed actors are just as fortunate with many who would love to take their place. While he said he should have done more and many of his former colleagues and loved ones may be feeling the same, I hope Stephen Nichols does not beat himself up. He got Tyler the job at Days and has his own demons by his own admission.
  16. The brass expect the talented young ones to bolt for perceived greener pastures (JJ, Amber Tamblyn), but it doesn’t make it hurt any less, so maybe. Without that departure and the flourishing of his demons that ensued, I can’t help but think TC may have led a very different life as a longtime leading man that kept Sonny’s cabal from eating the show. Fish Taco was a dollar store prince. I always recall the late Jeanne Cooper’s words about those exits when they don’t work out and they so often don’t. “If they are lucky, they can come back to Y&R.” TC came back, but once you leave the first time… I realize I am in funky territory there so I will leave it. I am forever grateful for the distraction I got from him and his cast mates the summer of 1996. I hear good things about the actor who plays Spencer, and he apparently watched a lot of TC tape. Speaks volumes. Wish him well if he departs as many expect he will.
  17. “I want everyone to know how sweet and gentle Ty was.” The common strain regarding who Tyler was. Hollywood is not populated by sweet and gentle people… “Fish Taco” (Ha! Thanks for the reminder.) types are ubiquitous. Childhood trauma casts a long shadow. I saw addiction (alcohol) and mental illness wreak the same havoc on someone close to me… Toxic combo. One or the other, hate to say it, gives you so much more of a chance…
  18. Yes and yes. In Martines post about TC’s death, he claimed to be cordial with Christopher, who is also not here to confirm or deny.
  19. He was only one of many who tried to fill TC’s shoes and I recall my visceral distaste immediately upon seeing him in the part, but Coltin Scott/Stephen Martines slithered onto his X account and commented on Christopher’s passing. It was this reply from him I wanted to share… From just some of what I have read occurred in my time away, it’s the truth, even if the messenger makes my skin crawl. Regardless, I will hope the show gives a proper farewell to Jacklyn Zeman and yes, Christopher too, at the first opportunity. Using Christopher’s image could benefit his children financially and provide for them as he wanted to… His ex-wife’s family has money, I believe, but he was their dad and it’s clear this show needs to class things up more than a bit.
  20. Evan Ellingson, a former child and young adult actor whose resume apparently included an appearance on GH, died at a sober living home. TVLine This may be for naught in the age of TMZ, but I hope any relapse involved here, or in Matthew Perry or Tyler Christopher’s cases, is withheld. The realities and fickle nature of the entertainment business and how it shatters some people are well in evidence already with these men. We don’t need it and nor do the children around these losses.
  21. I stopped watching around the time TC departed the first time. When I would tune in from time to time and see other actors in the role, it just felt wrong. TC in his returns was so visibly off that it was painful to behold. I couldn’t. The entertainment business is a cruel mistress, even for sober and stable people. NLG, RH, and others like LW who stick with the soaps, build a loyal following, enjoy the steady work and pay, and have other outlets to cope with the monotony and backstage bs that do not run afoul of management, seem to fare the best… It’s a brutal business so when inevitably they pull a Stuart Damon on them, there should be ample funds. I grew up with an alcoholic who died of cirrhosis. I hope TC’s children get counseling and that his former co-stars and the studio make a healthy donation to their college funds. I went back and watched stuff on YouTube I had not seen since 1996 when I heard. Peace to TC, best to his kids, and if it was up to tuned out me, stop with the recasts, toss some of the nonsense they pulled (they do it all the time), and let his “mother” mourn her “son”. Goodbye, sweet prince.
  22. If there was anything human in that officer, I think it would have emerged in the bedroom with Marga. Her face afterward told me all I needed to know.
  23. Masterpiece | PBS Lois, Harry, and Kasia Featurette
  24. I think Harry is a continuous disappointment as a person, and Kasia is too good for him. The chemistry between Jonah and Zofia is fabulous, however, and I would like to see their characters in a good place whenever the end comes regardless. Harry is elevated by Kasia and I think Harry can help Kasia find a new, healthy version of herself when the war is over… The writers are throwing everything and the kitchen sink at Lois and I still think she’s an a**. Harry is the “love of your life,” Lois?! When Lois was talking to Robina all I could think was Lois bellowing repeatedly while pregnant she didn’t want anything, being absolutely hateful to Harry at each opportunity that presented itself to her, and being all set to hand over Vera to Vernon had he not been killed. Vera is Robina’s son’s child because you jumped a visibly distraught man in the back of a car to get back figuratively and literally, Lois. I’m going to wonder about Bowker’s grandmother (Lois was based on her at the start at least) if Harry is there with Lois and Robina at the end of the show. Ha!
  25. Looks like I may be back next series. Ha! Best of luck to TB! Hope the show does well by Rishi’s character.
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