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Everything posted by iloveit

  1. Cary’s “nailed it!!” after reapplying Leann’s lash was hilarious.i also enjoyed her convo w Kam telling her to STFU. The contrast between her talking head look and her natural normal look in the scene was jarring. im surprised Brandi and DAndra could stand after all that they drank at the store. It looks like they had at least three shots there and a glass of champagne, preceded by a shot at the house. Damn, ladies. Glad they had fun though! can you imagine if Brandi did the butt dart thing instead of DAndra? Kam would have lost her shit. Stephanie was very gracious with Kam’s BS apology. Stephanie gets the last laugh with the airing of the episode showing what she really said! It was nice that the other ladies pretty much said this. DAndra was a buzzkill going in on this. Not a great pageant question.
  2. “Kameron has probably never been to a liquor store.” LOL! I like Cary’s doesn’t GAF attitude this year. IDK what to believe about Brandi- D’Andra. I do believe that D’Andra wasn’t talking about Brandi in the original interview but she probably discussed it w Cary and said something about Brandi. If she didn’t say ANYTHING about Brandi ever, she probably would have been more upset with Cary. Kam talking about getting lice from Shari’s pillow was probably her most amusing comment this season.
  3. There is some bad fashion on this show, y'all. Like everyone's outfits to the Bruin party. Yikes. Dee continues to be an amazing character. Her conversation with D'Andra was insane. Poor D'Andra. I'm glad she has Jeremy. I didn't hate Stephanie's house but it looks like a movie set house and not a place where a family lives. Although, it is so huge, I'm sure there are nice play areas somewhere. It was brave of Leanne and Stephanie to share their struggles. I was definitely surprised by Stephanie's story. It just goes to show that even the perfect looking cheerleader type with a loving family can still be susceptible to abuse and suffering. It seems like she is in a good place now. I hope Leanne is in a good place, too. Leanne's convertible dress is cute. I agree that it is not something anyone would wear to work in an office but I liked the basic design and then the add on ruffles. It doesn't seem like she really had much to do with it beyond the basic idea but it is a nice looking dress. I'm with everyone else hoping Kameron does not make a huge deal about Stephanie's made up story. Like, maybe I can understand being annoyed for one second but then get over it. I guess we will see next week but it looks like Kam way overreacts. I actually think it was rude and annoying that she even said anything to Stephanie about guessing it was a baby reveal. She should have just told Court that was her guess and let Stephanie and Brandi have their surprise. I think Brandi is going to annoy me this year. Based on reading about what D'Andra actually said about using Adderall, Brandi really has little to be upset about. D"Andra in no way called Brandi or anyone a drug addict - unless there is more to the story we haven't seen yet. I am not surprised that Cary has neurotic parents.
  4. Besides the twitter accounts, are the girls required to have a social media presence? Can they just not do Instagram or Facebook or Twitter?
  5. Shane yelling at Gina was the best thing to happen to Gina because now everyone is talking about what a dick he is (which would be accurate). Otherwise, they would be talking about how annoying she was. I don’t mind Gina but I don’t think she really fits in with this crew. She should move back to Long Island and convince Andy to start a RH of LI franchise. if it were a normal situation, I don’t think it would have been weird that Emily felt like she had to get back home but given that she is on this show and appears to be well off, why couldn’t they just hire a babysitter for the kids for a couple hours while Emily was working on RHOC? i think Kelly was stoned AF during her milk man date. Edited to add: maybe Shannon can date Ben when her divorce is over if he is single.
  6. I believe, it is actualy with a y hYlton.... Can we please find out if this was inspired by Paris Hilton? Please say it was. What does Brandi's husband Brian do? They seem not as rich as the rest of them. Is Leanne wealthy? How does she make money?
  7. I love Dee. As a character, not a person. Ripping on D’Andra’s relationships? Omg! Poor D’Andra! i wonder why they only see Koen once a year. I wonder what’s up with the other son. i thought Kam looked really pretty at the party.
  8. It was sweet how excited Stephanie was for Brandi and how much she wanted to be apart of the baby’s life. I don’t think it was weird that she hadn’t met the baby yet. He had only been there for two weeks. After having my kid, I no longer rush to see babies ASAP because it can be soooo hard at first. I really disliked how Court was talking to Kam. It would have been fine to frame it as “Sparkle Dog is not sustainable” but instead he was manipulating the kids into saying she was spending too much time away from them. I’m sure she still spends plenty of time with them.
  9. I do agree that Bethenny had amazing talking heads this season!!
  10. Hilarious tidbits from this episode - Dorinda's bottle opening/waitressing demonstration Sonja telling Carole to give the flowers to Luann because everyone else forgot a gift Sonja says she couldn't breathe while motorboating Tinsley recalling the cabaret practice in Colombia and therefore having low expectations Ramona calling Carole brilliant for telling her to lower her expectations with Bethenny (not hilarious on purpose) Luann's sister feeling it in the crowd I don't really get what the fck happened between Dorinda and Luann. I do think Luann's explanation of why she invited Scott makes sense. I also believe Dorinda that the invitation was murky at best and I don't understand why Luann wouldn't have been able to better explain that only the women had been invited when Dorinda asked about John. If Dorinda hadn't been so enraged, I think they could have cleared things up more easily.
  11. Wow I definitely had no idea Kathryn has a brother. Is he her only sibling? They must be somewhat close if Kensie is in his wedding?
  12. Ashley - take Cam’s advice and go back to California for a chance at a nice life.
  13. Can we please stop acting like being medicated for a mental illness is a bad thing or “cheating” or something? Kathryn is no saint but taking needed medication should not be shamed or looked down upon. This is bad for society. People struggling with anxiety and depression should feel free to seek help including medication without judgment from others. Yes, without medication, she would probably spiral again but that is why she should be properly medicated and we should applaud her for seeking help and not shame her for taking medication.
  14. Ok, I am late and just watched the episode but wowwwwwww Ashley was even worse that I imagined. "I'm sorry for what I said." 3 seconds later "You're a piece of shit who had her kids taken away." Other thoughts: - Totally believable that Ashley threatens Thomas to spill about him if he leaves her - Why did Ashley have her CA nursing license in her evening bag? - Please no more Jennifer Snowden. - Ashley's use of "God bless you" and "I'll pray for you" was so gross, especially since she plasters I love Jesus/God all of her instagram. - I did not like Kathryn's look for the ball. - Forgot about Peyton but she looked really pretty. - Naomie is probaby justified in being mad at Craig but she looks childish in her interactions with him. - Craig, please take Cam's advice and hire someone to organize and clean your house. - JD is gross. What a nasty thing to say to Liz about her dress. I hope Liz gets a hot boyfriend soon. - Agree with everyone that the decor at the ball looked cheap and underdone. - This episode could have been edited down to an hour rather than 1:15. - I love this show. Edited to add; Ashley Jacobs, you are not winning.
  15. I don’t think Kathryn has had a good reunion look since season 2. During some episode this year, she said she was exploring her fashion sense and referred to her previous looks as trying to look like a sentor’s wife. I totally get her wanting to remove herself from that period of her life but I have to say that I much preferred that look! I’m a total prude dresser though lol. poor Gizmo, abandoned then his home is broken. i think Craig and Naomie’s problem (among others) was that they moved way too fast and were too young to be so serious together. (Not saying that no one can be young and move fast.) they moved in together after like six months and Naomie was only like 22 or 23. They probably would have broken way earlier if they weren’t living together and on the show.
  16. Kathryn was awful to people in the past but clearly she is trying (and appears to be succeeding) to be a better person. I’m sure she still has a lot of room to grow but she has come a long way from last season and all of the previous seasons.
  17. I don’t see anything wrong with Kelsey’s comment. Sure, everyone was loving her since the season she made the team but I’m sure she was getting torn up the year she was “the 50-yard line girl.” I also think her reference to cyber bullying was tongue-in-cheek. If she were seriously accusing this board of cyber bullying, I doubt she would have used the crying laughing emoji. I can 100% understand telling someone on the show not to read these boards. Omg we go into so much depth beyond what is commented on in the show, I’m sure they would be hurt to read so many of our comments. And I am not saying we can’t comment on a show, I just think it would be wise not to browse internet comments about yourself! Plenty of other people on tv have said the same thing.
  18. I am thrilled be to a mother and wife and would hate living by myself on a plantation far away from everyone I know without my husband there most of the time. I think Thomas keeps his girlfriends at the plantation so that he can party and filander in Charleston with less fear of them finding out what he is up to.
  19. Can we discuss how Kathryn said she and Kenzie lived in the basement when they were at the plantation? Wtf! Why? I get that Thomas wasn’t that into Kathryn but making her and HIS CHILD live in the basement? That seems nuts, if true. I mean, I’m sure it was a nice basement but it’s still a damn basement...doesn’t send a message that he loves and cares for the people there. Unless he was like remodeling the upstairs??? Prob not..
  20. Just finished watching and it's hard to comment on this episode when the previews look so good. Ashley is such a terror. I can't believe what she says to Kathryn about her kids being taken away. Like Chelsea said, that's some evil shit. I have to say that I do not think she is an escort or a hooker, nor do I believe the same rumor about Landon. I love Cameran and I hope she is back if there is another season! I agree that she doesn't have an exciting storyline but I enjoy her as the narrator and sidekick. I like Chelsea, too. I think she would be a cool friend. Maybe she is not perfect in her interactions with Austen but I think that she would be awesome to hang out with. Naomie seems like a fun friend too but man, she seems like a total psycho as a girlfriend/ex-gf. Minus some of the company, the after polo party looked so fun! The setting and the food looked so amazing adn everyone except Ashley seemed to be having a great time!
  21. So true!!! They say that they have to cut girls for the most nit-picky things and it is so hard to meet their standards yet, at the same time, enforce the idea to the existing team they are completely replaceable and better get in f-ing line.
  22. Well yeah, if you have a mental illness, you may NEED medication to be stable. There nothing wrong or shifty or not real about that. I am happy for Kathryn that she appears to be regaining control over her life. I do wish she would back off all of the HiAshley stuff she is posting on Twitter. I think Ashley is fully capable of making herself look bad enough on her own.
  23. Aww being a new mom is a shock. It’s hard to remember how hard the first few weeks and months are but I sympathize with Camerans struggles. She will learn to deal.
  24. To me, it is even worse if she was acting and using this as an opportunity to get screen time.
  25. I do not think Danni is “thirsty.” She was standing up for her friend which she also did in past seasons, even when doing so was highly unpopular.
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