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Lady Grump

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Everything posted by Lady Grump

  1. I think Whitney is awesome. Love her spirit. Every single person has issues. Some people are thin and healthy, but are judgmental assholes. Whitney has overcome that. She knows what she has to work on -- and she's doing the best SHE can. Give me a Whitney -- ANY DAY -- over some bitch who feels the need to tell other people that they're not good enough for aesthetic reasons. People will say, "BUT HEALTH!" Nah, not buying that. We live in a panopticon of criticism these days -- and folks are constantly projecting. These days, we get rewarded for being mean. Which is easy to fall in to. Whitney is awesome. Love her.
  2. Am I the only one who thinks that Dad Zegbar may not be heterosexual? Not that it matters or anything...
  3. Home sick and came across this on demand. At first, I wanted to snark SO HARD; but, surprisingly, I can't!! The brothers all seem like genuinely nice dudes. Breanna, though? I want her to go as far away as possible and leave sweetie Taryell ALONE! Prince seems like a cool kid; outgoing, stable. Wow. Good Job, TJ and co.! I will snark, though, that in 3 generations, there won't be such a thing as a black Jackson anymore.
  4. What about Robyn seemingly "coaching" the kids' language during the gift wrapping scene!? She was practically forcing the word "love" into their mouths like mama bird feeding a worm to a baby bird. Agreed. I just can't muster any animosity towards Meri, Janelle or Christine. I just feel terrible for them all, understand their obvious depression, and think they all need loads of therapy -- not "fancy napkin" parties -- replete with plastic table clothes -- or fake jewels. I will continue to hope that they all find a true partner (if that is what they want) or discover the joy of being single and hot tail it out of the cul-de-sac, while screaming, "SUCK IT!" (Yes, motorcycles and leather jackets are involved in my vision.) I think Meri and Christine think they need a man (especially Christine), and believe Janelle would be just fine on her own.
  5. I don't watch this show on the regular, But every once in a new moon, I'll tuck into an episode -- ya know, for a hearty "WTF-laugh". I couldn't have picked a better episode, for that purpose, than this one. Now, I don't follow any social media about these people. So, I had no idea that Meri had been catfished (which, I actually feel kinda bad about....but I digress.) The first time I heard about the catfishing was in this thread (though, I do -- vaguely -- remember hearing mumblings that she had an online 'friend', but I didn't realize it was a con man). Anyway, when I read this, I immediately thought, "OMG, Brooks (from RHOC)!" OMG, IMAGINE if Brooks showed up on TLC as Meri's new boyfriend....LOL! It would be EPIC reality TV. Someone who cares about ratings over at TLC needs to make this reality fantasy a reality script. Forget Kim Kardashian, Brooks taking up with Meri would "break the Internet." Zircs and street vendor Tag, is my guess. That picture! Hahahahahahaha. Those kids were laughing AT Robyn, not reveling in joy with her. I'm convinced. Oh man, I am cracking up just thinking about that pic. That was some funny, funny sh*t! There is nothing "sweet" or "cool" about that thing. It's just hysterical creepiness. The camera person had to crack up when Robyn revealed her picture plan. Had to. Since I don't watch this show on the regular, I have questions! 1) Why don't they have grass? 2) Did I see this correctly? Do they have a gate for their cul-de-sac? 3) WHY is Janelle still there? (Every time I tune into this mess, I hope not to see her...in a "Good Will Hunting" kinda way; Like, I hope she takes off and doesn't look back.(That said, my biggest laugh of the night was the "tree cake" reveal. I was expecting an elaborate, 3D tree tower type thing...and all we got was that teeny, flat thing. LOL. Whomp, waaaa. A quarter of a cupcake for all!) 4) Why do they sometimes call Dayton, David? (BTW, Dayton seems like he has the most common sense out of them ALL.) 5) Do the "fundamentalist Browns" drink alcohol? Or was that just grape juice. My gut says that it was wine, since Janelle DOWNED that sh*t like she NEEDED it.
  6. I swore off commenting on this show, but I watched, and I can't hold back. So, I'm a hypocrite -- and admit it. NOW! Brook's body language!? Please. LIAR! Vickie? LIAR! I am AMAZED that there are still people who believe Brooks in any capacity. He's all kinds of wrong. I'm FASCINATED by the support that the two of them still get. Flummoxed. I just don't understand how people can still be consumed with nit-picking about all the other women on the show, and giving Vickie a pass? Really!? I mean, it's fine to pick on all, I just cannot comprehend how anyone, at this point, could still be in Vickie's or Brook's corner...taking up their banner -- and deflecting. It's like a Scientology master class, with some.
  7. I don't know if this is allowed to say, it may be off topic, but I am LOVING the Forsyte Saga comparisons! And so THANKFUL to learn that I am not the only one who was less-than-luke-warm to Iren-EEEE! I mean, I like the IDEA of Iren-EEEE, but could not STAND how everyone always swooned over her. I never understood it -- just like I don't understand why men swoon over Mary. Both women were (are) perfectly lovely looking, and yes, a bit spunky (I love my spunky-punky gals) but come on, they were no Sophia Lorens!
  8. Egh, we'll have to agree to disagree. I think Carson is just as intentional as Barrow -- if not more so. He is intentionally snobby, and treats people like crap. If anything, I'd say Barrow's meanness comes from the frustration of "being an outsider". Carson is in insider. He's the boss, and hence, far from "clueless." But, that's just my viewpoint.
  9. fair enough. I guess I just see Carson as the MOST terrible on this show, and he doesn't seem to evoke the same vitriol. I shouldn't care so much, because it's only a soap opera...lol. I'm just a Barrow fangirl, and I am worried about my Thomas! :-)
  10. But, he hasn't been ONLY terrible. I guess folks who haven't had to "live on the fringes" don't have any touchstone of experience to relate, but gotta admit, it's starting to make me terribly sad at how far we, as a human race, still have to go in terms of compassion. I mean, COME ON, people are AWFUL to him too! It's not one sided! Sorry, just had to vent.
  11. Carson ceasing alcohol for himself and Mrs. Hughes because HIS LORD stopped drinking? Are. You. Serious!? My god, I would never have survived back then -- willingly being unctuously subservient to someone because they happened to be born a blue blood? I would've been Bunting X10, and probably murdered for flagrant insubordination.
  12. Just noticed this thread. What fun! My UOs? 1) I love Barrow. LOVE him! It had to be a nightmare being same-sex oriented back in the day (and still is, in many communities). As such, I understand the chip on his shoulder. Besides, everyone is shitty to him, so why can't he be shitty back? For me, it's a "chicken or egg" question -- and I choose to believe "they" were mean before he was. lol. 2) I cannot STAND Anna! Ugh! In real life, I don't care for rule-obsessed goodie-two-shoes. On TV? I actively hate them and root against them. Also, I just don't believe there is anyone that "good". Everyone has at least one skeleton in their closet, and the fact that she is presented as perfect drives me batty. I'm not a huge fan of Bates, either, but at least we knew he used to be a mean drunk, but changed. That makes me like him more. He's not perfect, and he made an effort to change. That said, he's a little too stoic for my taste. 3) Liked Bunting. (I'm a sucker for anyone who isn't afraid to speak truth to power -- even rudely.) 4) Want snobby Carson to die. Never liked him, never will. It's too late. Die Carson, DIE!
  13. If Fellowes gives Barrow a sad ending, I will be peeved -- PEEVED, I do say! It's funny, in a way, I think of Fellowes as a character. And I was upset with him tonight! Why does he have to turn Daisy into a prat-filled minx? Just because she wanted to earn an education? Change her station in life? Whatever, Fellowes. That said, I do, somewhat, understand her desire to "keep" Mr. Mason for herself. But Mrs. Patmore is like her mother, and Mr. Mason her father -- so I hope she jollies up next episode and they all end up as one happy family. Dream wish: Barrow somehow meets Bertie's cousin who likes to "draw men", it's love at first sight, and the two men live a lovely life, but "give" the title to Bertie, so Edith and he can do their thing. That would be fantastic. Maybe Barrow ends up serving as some sort of unconventional (for the time) nanny for Marigold and any other kids Edith and Bertie may have. "He was more of a philosopher than a thief...." Thought that was an adorable line.
  14. Exactly, I didn't see it. Which is why I am not going to judge someone based on what other people say. But beyond that, I think I'm done commenting on these housewives shows. Doing so only brings out the worst in myself -- and I find myself exceptionally disillusioned with the world when I read these comments. I want to be a better person than one that comments ruthlessly about reality stars I've never met outside of a produced TV drama. Go ahead, tear me down for saying that. I'd expect nothing less.
  15. I enjoyed this episode tremendously. And like everyone else, was expecting some illness for LG, but did not expect THAT! WHOA! My hands immediately shot up to my mouth in WTF!? horror! Well played show, indeed! Edith DID look glorious tonight. And generally speaking, was glorious. The costuming was a special treat. And I laughed -- a lot! Probably one of the better episodes of all time.
  16. Admittedly, I never saw the naked wasted thing. Just heard about it. And yes, it sounds awful, but I sometimes think that people go over the top when discussing these shows, and tend to concern troll. Now, again, I am not saying that what she did was right. I am not! So please, spare me the "rape supporter" nonsense. I think it was awful, and she should have apologized profusely (I thought she did). People do very dumb and dangerous things when they're wasted beyond control -- which is why producers on these shows encourage lots of alcohol. Heck, I had to stop drinking because I acted like a terrible asshole when I would get drunk. Not proud of that, but it is what it is. As far as "gaslighting"? Egh. It's human nature to notice faults in others that you yourself have. Nearly everyone of the planet does it -- not as many people recognize that they do it, though. I guess I just don't understand the point of never, ever forgiving someone. Heck, I could even forgive Vickie if she made an effort to change.
  17. Didn't Shannon say on the show -- while they were all sitting around talking about the scans -- that she has to have them done at least once a year? Something related to her chronic bronchitis, or something.....
  18. Thanks for the info. Didn't know about this. The wine throwing doesn't bother me in the least (standard reality show fodder), but messing with someone else's finances does suck. That said, I feel like Tamara has pretty much fessed up to her past bad behavior, in general. I'm willing to forgive her, for some reason.
  19. The more I read about Vickie, the more I hope she gets some serious, professional help. The woman seems to need the assistance of a good therapist / psychiatrist. Not some OC-esque spiritual adviser, but a medical doctor with a specialty in personality issues. She seems to be a pathological liar and pathologically self-centered. I hope she takes stock, soon -- and then takes action to face some less-than-pleasant stuff about herself, in a constructive manner.
  20. It doesn't have to be either / or. I was just making an observation. As far as the other stuff you mention, egh, for me, it just doesn't equal the amount of vitriol against Tamara. The whole naked wasted thing was bad. Absolutely. But it was a loooong time ago, and weren't they all ten sheets to the wind? Again, not making excuses. And, I think she has apologized. She's pretty much admitted that she didn't like herself in the past. As for the "beaner" comment. Bad. Absolutely. For sure. But in my opinion, stupid name calling isn't as bad as someone like Vickie, who seems to really have genuinely pent up racist tendencies. Like, the way she treated Lizzie when she first met her? Whoa. That was a whole lot of "other aggression." (And yes, I am a minority -- and that's my take.)
  21. Though I liked Heather a lot more this season, how she treated Alexis always sticks with me. To me, it was obvious as anything that Alexis was like that because she was super insecure. (But then again, very few people are understanding about insecurity, which will forever perplex me. People don't WANT to be insecure...but I digress.) I thought it was vicious of Heather to treat Alexis the way she did. Like, "nannie, nannie poo poo, I have more money than you!"
  22. The more people call Tamara a "skank" and a "whore", et cetera -- the more I like her. IMO, the hate towards her, in a way, encapsulates a huge American hypocrisy: so many people hold themselves up as Christians, but so few people are forgiving. And what has Tamara really done that was SO awful. She made HERSELF look an asshole many times, but besides name calling and shit-stirring, what has she done? Shit-stirring is what these women are hired to do!! Maybe because I've been through a hard time the past several years, and haven't been proud of my behavior at times, I have sympathy for her. But reading all the animosity makes me sad; people just really cannot let other peoples' pasts go -- even when it really doesn't have a real impact on other peoples' lives. Yet, people "love" Vickie, even though she has pretty much proven herself to be a racist asshole, who is willing to take advantage of vulnerable, genuinely sick people to increase her bank account (cancer-curing supplements).
  23. OMG, This Show!!!! Just discovered. It's a laugh riot! My stomach hurts from laughing....
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