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Lady Grump

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Everything posted by Lady Grump

  1. You know what I am sick of? Status concious assholes who vomit out the, "I have such a blessed life, and I am so greatful, and I just want to SHARE that with people!" First of all, if that were truly the case, you wouldn't have the zoolander model of your "future home" for everyone to oggle over at your dirt pit. If you were just in it for the "emotion" -- you would have had that party at your rental house. Second of all, you wouldn't get pissed at someone for showing up an hour late because of kid sport obligations. Full stop. Hey Dubrows: You're not nearly as compasionate, kind, or unaffected as you think, we think, you are. And by the way, Heather, when you need to do things like you're little show-off party, it's obvious that you're an unfulfilled, unahppy person. We see that. You're not fooling anyone. Kisses, dahling. OH! And Vickie's a straight up racist.
  2. I'm a programmer -- though I've never been to Silicon Valley -- and have worked at a startup. And I'm finding it less and less entertaining. I can't STAND the main charachter's nebbishness anymore. Can he spit out a sentence without hemming and hawing? Just one. I'm sure he does, he's just too meek for my taste. Also, the jokes just seem like they're stuck in the 80s or something. ETA: Veep "did" Silicon Valley this week, and it was much funnier, IMO.
  3. Is this show getting consistently worse? Didn't laugh once this past episode. Curiously, does anybody know if toga parties are genuinely popular in Silicon Valley? It seems like every show /movie about the area has a toga party scene. I'm just about giving up on this show.
  4. This episode was amazing. I just about died when Sue said, "Yes, I had my hair chemically straightened. It was extremly painful." And Jonah. Jonah, Jonah, Jonah. I love watching Jonah; he's the ultimate outcast and I LOVE his insecure cluelessness -- and his new "co-partner" at Ryantology.NET. LOL! His t-shirt and sweater were something to behold, too.
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