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Lady Grump

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Everything posted by Lady Grump

  1. I'm right there with ya. After cringing through the revival, I was determined to figure out if it was ME who changed dramatically, or the show. So, I watched some episodes from Season 1. Turns out it was me that changed, because upon rewatch, I realized that the show was not nearly as witty as I remember. The formula: repeat words back verbatim, in an ironic way, and then either throw in a pop culture reference every 5th time, or some sort of silly anthropomorphizing. Not to say it was devoid of witty lines, but it wasn't the powerhouse of sarcasm I'd once thought. The two Loreleis are basically just a mother-daughter manic-pixie-dream-girl duo -- which, when younger, I found endearing; but now, in my advanced age, it just elicits advanced eye-rolling. Also, older me -- the one who has to deal with family finances -- is completely flummoxed at how Lorelei could afford that house, in that neighborhood! I think about it every time I see it! Come ON! That house would be, like, $2 million! And she had it before she started her own inn, on a motel manager's salary. Also, the acting. Why didn't I not notice, before, that both LG or AB have a difficult time with it -- especially the "emotional" stuff?
  2. This revival helped me realize what a shitty, shitty person I was sixteen to ten years ago. Because I used to love these characters. Now? I hate-watched the whole thing. The Life and Death Brigade? At the end there? It was like an evil cherry on top. Fuck those guys. Gross. And Shut UP, Lorelei! Gah. HOW! Did I ever like her!? I'm pretty sure I feel some sort of way about ASP, now, too. Yeah, I was cringing through this. Can't un-see certain things -- including the terrible acting. This time around, I didn't feel welcome in Stars Hollow -- and feel stupid for not realizing, sooner, that I was never welcome.
  3. I'm usually on the compassion truck, but when it comes to these two, it's entertainment all the way. Why? Because they're not hurting anyone -- not even themselves, really. They're young -- and like many of us who were hot messes in our 20s, they're arrogant and lack self-awareness and it's high comedy. But they still have time to grow up and change; in 20 years they'll be laughing at themselves, too. (Not together, of course.) And besides all that, Anfisa's bluntness is just....dare I say....refreshing. Homegirl is who she is, right now, and she is not apologizing to a soul. It cracks me up.
  4. Also, Jorge is giving me poor-man's-Jonah-Hill vibes....complete with the loser frat boy angst.
  5. Binged the first 8 episodes over the past two days (sick in bed), and I can't get enough of Anfisa. There is zero shame in her hysterically acquisitive game. Jorge needs to learn a big ole' lesson, so I ain't mad at her one bit. (And I usually can't STAND status conscious people -- but Anfisa is in another category.) Between the mirror comment from last week, to this week's (paraphrasing, of course) Dumb-dumb hypocrite, of course I'm dating you for the stuff. Life-giving, I tell you -- Life. Giving. I start cracking up just thinking about her! It's wonderful! She has provided a much-needed stress break.
  6. Oh, and why would that man date Vicki? He's suspect for that fact alone.
  7. Ever notice how people who want you to believe they're doing better than they're actually doing give a LOT of lip service to "being so busy"? I thought about that when watching Heather tonight.
  8. Yeah, no. My compassion tank is empty when it comes to Vicki. (Same thing happened with Bethenny.) Vicki is a horrible person. She's lived too much life to still be the way she is. She needs to crash and burn. A Maserati? Homegirl is TOO concerned about keeping up with the Jonses. It's nauseating. She's nauseating. And completely lacking a self-awareness gene.
  9. I don't think that saying she isn't over it is a bad thing. It is what it is. Plus, apart from this incident, she keeps saying it -- almost like she is trying to convince herself. I like Shannon, but my gut instinct is suggesting that she should just wrap the marriage up and move on. YMMV.
  10. Clearly, Shannon isn't over the affair. I think that marriage will end, eventually. And all this hand-wringing over Meghan and Shannon not visiting Vicki? STAHP! Producers mis-calculated. Most people agree with Shannon and Meghan. Edit this stupid outrage out!
  11. Yeah, but you could be exactly like Bethenny -- we don't know. :-) (Please know that I am KIDDING! Really, I am. :-) )
  12. I only made it 13 minutes, then clicked off. Had to; my brain could no longer stomach Bethenny and Ramona. And I ached for Sonja. Look, I know Sonja has issues, but her vulnerability runs deep. I've never grasped the instinct to berate people over insecurities. Sonja hasn't hurt a single one of those ladies. (And no, I don't agree with Beth's hysteria over "tipsy girl." Just like there can be multiple websites to discuss RHONY, there can be two similar RH boozes. Whatever. Who cares. The chances of Tipsy Girl usurping Skinny Girl were non-existent. Besides, if they all think Sonja is a flake without follow-through, then why sweat it? At most it would have been a novelty product.) I do understand the intellectual property issues, but the way Beth handled it was cruel. Also, Bethenny rolling her eyes at Sonja for peacocking (probably falsely) about her yearly trips to Phucket and southern France made me so angry -- at Bethenny. Again, Sonja's tendency to embellish is clearly born of insecurity. This is not a psychological analysis, it's just commonsense observation from living in this world for over 30 years: people who "brag" are almost always hyper insecure. Why kick them? It's like kicking a puppy. (I also felt this way about Alexis Belino, even though I despised her politics, values, et cetera...but I digress.) "Puff-bragging" doesn't hurt anyone; it's simply a symptom of insecurity. It's less harmful than someone sneezing near you. If Sonja wants to keep her past, jet-setting life at the forefront of her mind, god bless. Besides, Sonja has a good heart, and that's clear -- even if she is a bit ditzy. On a general note, the whole "they suck because they brag or exaggerate" is, IMO, one of our more hypocritical societal tendencies. A whole lot of people worship at the alter of materialism, but don't recognize that fault in themselves -- and act downright vicious if they feel someone is operating outside their acceptable case. Beth is one of these people. (So is Heather from the OC.) We wander around in a sea of marketing that's screaming "CONSUME MORE! VALUE MATERIAL STATUS!" But then when insecure people embellish their "material status" because they are cripplingly insecure, we kick them. Anyway....yeah....Bethenny and Ramona may have finally - FINALLY turned me towards the light -- and away from BravoTV! (Why don't I have the same compassion for Beth and Ramona as I do Sonja? Not sure yet, will have to think on it.)
  13. Just started to watch "Watch what happens live" with Beth and Rappaport. My lord. No. Michael, I've always kinda had a soft spot for you since "Zebrahead", but your admiration for Bethenny? No. You lost me. (And I actually just turned it off.)
  14. I'm gonna go ahead an speculate: Because Vicki wanted it.
  15. See, and me? I, too, am a "do unto others" person, but for someone like Vicki? She needs to wake up, or SHE is genuinely going to be fucked for the rest of her life. People in her life, IMO, need to drive this point home, at this juncture. If I was still like her, (and granted, I may not recognize it immediately), the necessary "doing unto others", at this point, would be showing tough love. She can't go through the rest of her life like this. It's unhealthy for her, and the people around her.
  16. Fair enough. BUT, was going there really "the right thing to do." I say, "No." Sometimes the right thing is showing people that they've fucked up in life, and driving it home, so THEY can change for the better. It's called "tough love" and that is what Vicki needs right now.
  17. Again, I don't see it. Vicki has rarely given out genuine compassion to anyone, so why should they fall on their knees for her? People who don't give, are not entitled to receive. Vicki hasn't shown any "compassion for fellow human beings" so why should they offer her such?
  18. Yeah, so, I'm gonna go ahead and say, "just you." That's my opinion. Vicki is a horrible person, right now. I am a believer in forgiveness, but that forgiveness only comes when it's accompanied by true remorse. Vicki, right now, is a piece of shit. If she makes an effort, I'll re-think that assesment. (We all need 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chances.) But, no. Right now, she is showing no signs of self-actualization or acknowledgement. She's the kind of woman who thinks she should be forgiven because she exists. I have no patience for that kind of self-absorption. And to overshare for a second, in a way, I was once exactly like Vicki. But I got on meds, which allowed me to see how other people "saw things." And while I, personally, know, that my mental difference (bipolar) was the genesis of my behavior (along with some awful parenting shit, that was out of my control), I still feel awful about it, and recognized the need to change. (Thanks Prozac!) Commit to change, Vicki! It'll do you some good.
  19. See, I read Shannon's look as "incredulous." I was right there with her. The other women were being ridiculous. PLUS, I think it is illogical at this point to think Vickie is ever being truthful. She is a drama queen, and when you cry wolf one too many times......
  20. Great Idea Zoeysmom. I'm really curious how this poll turns out.
  21. A'ight, y'all. I am having SUCH a hard time understanding how anyone could be on Heather and Vickie's side in this all. Huh!? Some people have said that this episode has lightened their hearts towards Heather and Tamara? I'm the opposite. I WAS warming up to them, but this episode CRUSHED that.
  22. I have a theory: it's the self-help industry's fault! [DUN, DUN, DUUUUUUUUN.] OK, OK, OK -- hear me out. To be reductive, all those self-help books pretty much say the same thing: You, the reader, are the most amazing person ever; anyone who doesn't agree with you is toxic, so dump them ASAP! If people in your life are going through a hard time, and aren't at their best, DUMP THEM! Toxic! Surround yourself with sycophants! Recognizing one's own faults was/is rarely part of the self-help narrative; neither is genuine compassion. Plus, if you pick a therapist who is mainly in it for the money, they'll blow smoke up your ass, too (like Beth's TV therapist). A "life coach" will almost always tell you what you want to hear (except when you say something that "offends" them, of course -- which can be as minor as, "No, I'm not crazy about that idea."). -- [Yes, yes #notAllLifeCoaches, #notAllTherapists -- I hear ya.] So, what kind of people has the self-help hoopla created? People like Beth and Ramona. Upper middle class women, with superiority complexes, who fancy themselves "goddesses" and have zero interest in leaving their bubbles, much less becoming better people. After all, the books tell them they're perfect as they are! Why change!? Yeah, Thanks Obama Oprah. :-)
  23. Agreed. IMO, one of the reason's Camille's about face worked so well was because she started her redemption arc on the reunion. Camille's first reunion she was reviled going into it, and she did a stand-up-and-applauds PR job, as she was able to "take it" without getting crazy, and yes, laughed at herself.
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