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Everything posted by WearyTraveler

  1. My take on the ·"I'm glad I found you again" line is that it relates to the tablet that Crane found in his grave. It depicts the witnesses in Crane's time, with swords, IIRC. I'm going to guess that we will see how these two witnesses have been fighting the Apocalypse since pretty much the beginning of time and how they are reborn every time they are needed. Destined to fight this fight all the time. We will see similar depictions of the Witnesses throughout history. I'm also going to guess that the stone storyline that Jenny and Joe are dealing with will tie into the Witnesses story. It was used by the Witnesses in ancient Egypt and it's now come back to them. Favorite parts of the episode for me were Jenny telling Abbie and Daniel to have a good day "agenting", Abbie saying "here comes Jefferson", and the fist pump. I think there's too much episodic MotW right now and not enough overarching arc. Hopefully they'll fix that soon.
  2. Awesome! I love the Blackfish. Also I wonder if his story will involve spoilers from WoW or if we'll see the rest of his story after the RW on the show now.
  3. Minor issue?? It's a big deal!! :D We should start a Twitter wave: #WhereIsSwatch @ProjectRunway. Let's get going, people!
  4. While I'm not a fan of the theory of Tyrion as a secret Targ, it would be awesome to see Cersei's face if she were ever to see Tyrion riding a dragon. I think this is likely to happen in the show too, even if they decide to skip the Tyrion as a Targ story, as there really are no other characters on the show that have the weight of story to be a dragon rider (while in the books, many could fit that bill). IIRC, the show had the first Daario being liked by Dany's dragons, didn't it? So, they really don't need the whole Targ blood thing to make someone a dragon rider. Or maybe Daario gets to ride a dragon until he meets his end and Viseryon flies to his rightful owner, Jon.
  5. I think Dany will end up being the Khal of Khals and she'll get the Khalasar promised to her brother upon her marriage to Drogo. Then she'll march to Mereen, where she'll end the war and be ready to depart to Westeros by the end of the season. I'm willing to bet one of the final scenes of this season will be Dany flying Drogon while ships loaded with her army, under Tyrion's command, are sailing toward Westeros right below her.
  6. I think they are trying to attract the male 18-49 demo, and apparently, market research shows that demo shows up for sassy females, scantily clad, whose boobs are up to their neck. Also, apparently, the definition of ultimate in this case is the demo's definition, which is usually determined by the lowest common denominator. Said definition is, apparently: a woman who can "fight" while wearing only her tight, colonial underwear and who speaks in double meaning with the male lead (usually filled with sexual innuendo). I don't particularly like the character, and I haven't seen the actress in anything else before, but she's doing a horrible job in this role. Better than Winters, but still very bad. Sadly, though, I think the fact that the 18-49 male demo shows up for shows with characters like SH's Betsy Ross, Fox is only attempting to do something that has worked for others before. I don't think she'll be a serious obstacle for Ichabbie's partnership or potential love relationship, but I do think the network is betting on this character to bring the coveted demo, and if she doesn't, we may not get another season.
  7. That makes sense, I should have caught that. Still, their research is not entirely comprehensive. Their theory doesn't attempt to explain why some people within the same "departure energy" field (like Laurie and her baby) disappeared and others didn't. Which, in the end, is what most "survivors" want to know: "why him/her and not me?", like when a person loses a loved one to death and wishes it were him/her that died instead of the loved one. --------------------- In other news, it just struck me now how sad it was for Kevin to ask his father if the voices had gone away. I'm guessing he was hopeful that if his dad got "cured", he could also be cured of his Patti hallucination. Poor Kevin!
  8. It's a good intellectual exercise for me. I don't need to be right or have my theories confirmed / denied. It's the exploring that is fun, adding information, fitting pieces together, taking them apart, use what I already know about these subjects or learning more about them.... Yep, I'm a freak.
  9. I don't think the MIT guys' theory will pan out. After all, Laurie's baby departed while in utero, geographically speaking they were exactly in the same coordinates. But I liked that in the show's universe there are scientists still trying to figure out what happened, just as we have scientists in our world still trying to unravel all the mysteries around us. Maybe they'll get an answer, maybe it will take them thousands of years, or maybe not. Such is life. I thought I saw the camera linger on baby Lily having her hand on top of the pie. Since she's Holy Wayne's child, maybe she fixed it, and that's why everyone who ate the pie was perfectly fine. Also, I don't think the girls disappeared down a crack that opened up and swallowed the river because Kevin, who was apparently at the bottom of the river, didn't get sucked in and, I think we are meant to take the car's locked doors while the lights are on and the radio plays as indicative of the girls being locked inside the car at the time the event happened. So, I'm thinking the show is hinting at another wave of departures having just happened. Maybe next episode we'll find out that 2% more of the world's population is gone and the girls are the first departed from Jarden. The town will no longer be "Miracle", the visitors will go away and new prophets will raise from the wreckage, as they are wont to do.
  10. Well, I think it's because my brain, when it sees something that needs interpretation, keeps working on it in the background, and then brings that interpretation up to my attention. Notice that it has been several days since the episode aired, and I'm only just posting that idea now! It takes some simmering, I guess :D I hadn't thought about possible connections between the two birds, but now that you mention it, it's quite possible, as the bird we saw in present time was small (i.e. baby). I think there's a running theme of mothers protecting their children, no matter what, and what happens when they feel they didn't do enough for their child. Last season we saw Laurie devastated because she lost her unborn child during the disappearances and then possibly changing or at least heading in the direction of recovery because of her children. This season we started with two mothers (a human and a bird) doing everything to protect their children. Then we moved to Regina King's character (can't remember her name now) "failing" to protect her daughter and I'm guessing we'll see Carrie Coon's character (what the heck is up with me today?!) trying to protect her child, even if she didn't come from her womb. I think this season has potential (but I'm one of the rare birds, pun intended, who liked last season). I love trying to make sense of the puzzle and exploring the most ragged emotions of human beings (loss, rage, depression). Also, I love exploring religious, philosophical and supernatural themes, so, there's that.
  11. FWIW, I posited my theory as to her purpose in the media thread, where one of the current discussions is an interview with NR.
  12. So far, my favorite response to that request for caption is Melissa ‏@melsano · 20h20 hours ago @SleepyHollowFOX "Shall I shiv this one now or wait a fortnight?" LMAO! That NR interview reminds me of the time Sheila Kelley got the role of Zoe on Lost. It was as a recurring character in the last season, and the actress basically said in an interview that her character was important and that maybe she had the key to solve the mysteries of the island, or something along those lines. The fan explosion on the internet was major. Many people found it outrageous that this new character who we hadn't seen or heard about in 5 seasons would suddenly reveal everything, instead of that going to the regular characters we had been following from the beginning. The fan break-down was so big that she had to make statements basically retracting all of that, saying that, as an actress, she constructs that sort of story in her head, so she can build her character, but that no producer, or writer had told her that was what her character would do. On screen, she was mysterious, she had an agenda and she knew some secrets (nothing really major), which was par for the course on any new character introduced on Lost. So, anyway. Actors get some direction and some statements as to their characters stories and motivations, some more than others, that depends on the show (Lost as characteristically mysterious and cagey with its own actors sometimes because they didn't want any big secrets spoiled). With that, actors build their characters and perhaps play them in a way that reflects where they think their character is going, I'd guess some wishful thinking goes into that as well, consciously or subconsciously. I'd imagine it'd be hard for any actor to not try to play their character as someone immensely important to the story of which they are a part. As for the overall purpose of Betsy Ross, I think she's there for the same reason Daniel is there. Not to become Ichabod's next true love, but to be a catalyst for Ichabbie actually getting together (and I say this as a non-shipper of any couple on any show, ever). I believe Cliffton when he said that Ichabod and Abbie will be a slow burn, and that makes sense given the story so far (I wouldn't buy it if they suddenly got feelings for each other in three episodes). Daniel showed up and Ichabod was jealous. Betsy will probably show up in the future time and make Abbie jealous, even though Crane doesn't appear to have any feelings for her, but they have a history. Both, Betsy and Daniel, will motivate Ichabod and Abbie to examine their feelings for each other and discover that they actually are interested in more than a friendship/partnership. That's my theory given everything we have read in the media about this season and the new characters so far. I reserve the right to be wrong, off course. :D
  13. I agree, which is why the wife and the bird made sense to me. She put a live bird in a box and buried it, by all the known laws of nature, the bird must have died after a certain amount of time passed and it ran out of oxygen, but the bird is alive. So, something miraculous / supernatural is going on in Jarden. The wife kep the bird a secret because she knows what her husband's "job" is, she knows that he apparently doesn't believe in the supernatural, and she knows what he does to people that do believe in that, so she did her little experiment in secret. _________________________ My take on the prologue with the cave woman was all about symbolism and the human like characteristics we, as a society, attribute to our gods. At the beginning, I think the cave woman attributed her salvation from the cave-in to the eagle. She stayed outside longer than she had to because she was watching the eagle flying. Had she done her business and gone back to the cave immediately, she would have been dead like the rest of her group. The fact that she had a feather in her necklace, indicated to me that her tribe already worshipped the eagle, or considered it a deity of some sort. Later, when she's parched, she sees the eagle again and follows the direction it's flying, and she discovers water. Again, I think we are meant to believe that she thought the eagle had led her there. Notice that she then climbs a tree and eats a bird's egg right off the nest. Then she sees the baby and the snake and climbs down from the tree to protect her child. And then she gets a snake bite. That's the kind of thing primitive (and not so primitive) societies would interpret as a punishment from the gods. I can hear the legend in my head of Alara (to give her a name) betraying the god that helped her when she ate the egg (that was the god's own child), and the god sending a snake to take her life; an eye for an eye, one life for another. I believe that's what we are meant to think she was thinking as she lay there dying, looking up at her god. Just like today when people have a close call they attribute their save to the god or gods they worship, and when something bad happens to them, they ask their god or gods why.
  14. The name is Lindelof, not Lindelhof. I watched Lost, beginning to end, and it still remains my favorite TV show of all time because of the emotional connection I made with the characters; that was so strong, I could overlook many flaws. That said, this show is nothing like Lost, IMO. There are some parallels that can be drawn, but that can be done with many, many shows. TV has been around for more than 60 years, so, every show out there is bound to do something that was done before. This show started with a supernatural event (the disappearances), so I'd expect supernatural events to take place on it, be they animals acting weird, lakes disappearing, or what have you. The main driving force and concept of the show is a supernatural event, I don't understand why another supernatural event would be considered weird or out of place for this show. I would think that given the original premise, supernatural events are to be expected.
  15. lark37 said: I don't think this is a logical jump to make. Experience can make a person better at his / her craft. Your statement pre-supposes that Edmond never improved in all the years he kept trying or that he presented exactly the same thing / style every time he auditioned. I just don't think that's possible. Even if he kept the same vision / POV throughout all his try-outs, just the fact that he kept sewing would have at least made him better at that. That said, I agree that we don´t see as many beautiful designs as we used to in the earlier seasons. I'm not sure it's the quality of the designers, as some of their portafolios seem good enough and have potential. I think part of the reason is the apparently dwindling budget and preponderance of one day challenges. In that spirit I created a petition last year to ask PR to have longer challenges, but I didn't get many signatures. Maybe this is the year I do, so, for all of you who think the show should have longer challenges, you're welcome to sign it here: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/project-runway-bring-back-2-and-3-day There's also a thread on this board discussing what we can do with it here: http://forums.previously.tv/topic/14346-online-petition-asking-pr-to-bring-back-23-day-challenges/#entry357805 One thing about this episode that worried me was the lack of Swatch. This is the second time they go to Mood and we don't see the little fellow!! What's wrong?
  16. Well, if we all thought alike, this world would be very boring! :D
  17. LOL! Why can't it be Ichatsy? or Ichabet? or Beticha? Also, why is it Icha-something? Couldn't it be Abbicha? Or Abbod? Or MillCra? Or CraMill?* *("cha" pronounced "kah" in all of these) ETA: LeftCap?
  18. But, do we know what they are doing? Isn't it a little too early to categorically affirm they are teasing falsely? I've read all the reviews, some people who favor Ichabbie don't like BR, other people who favored Ichatrina, would like BR to do more. It seems to me that no one in the shipping community (for and against Ichabbie) is actually happy with BR. What that tells me is that the reviewers are interpreting the same facts according to their own personal glasses and that for me to make up my mind as to how bad/good the BR character is I'd have to see it with my own eyes. Until then, I can't say if these statements by CC are false teasing or actually the truth.
  19. Well, I don't think it's that straightforward. I am not a shipper, never have been, don't think I'll ever be, but this is obviously not the first time I see romance on a TV show and perhaps precisely because I'm not a shipper, I can see the patterns more objectively. Many shows do this for a reason, it works, it keeps people coming back and that's the sad reality of it. Many shows find that after they get their couples together, the hole thing falls apart and they can't sustain the ratings. Some of it is because the writers don't know how to write the couple together, but some of it is also because once the leads get together some people just lose interest in the story. As a person with no dog in this fight (as in I'm neither rooting for Ichabbie nor rooting against it), I think if they went into a relationship right now it would be too soon, and I'd think, if that were to happen, that they were actually pandering to the shippers, instead of letting the relationship evolve organically. I think that past seasons have shown us a good friendship and chemistry with Ichabod and Abbie, but I don't think there was the opportunity or a credible motive for them to become romantically involved. We know there's a time jump and that Ichabod and Abbie have been apart for months. If so, I'd expect their relationship to be awkward at first, then to slowly fall back into their friendship/partnership rhythm and then for romantic feelings to emerge. Otherwise, it would not feel earned. After that, I don't think it's unreasonable for the characters to be hesitant about these feelings because they would be concerned about how acting on those feelings would impact their friendship and their shared mission, which is basically to save other people from a horrible, horrible future. That's a story I would watch, even if I have a cold, indifferent, non-shipper heart :D I think Betsy Ross as an old flame is different from Katrina, the wife, and the love of his life, as the character said in more than one occasion. An old flame resurfacing can actually act as a catalyst for the characters to understand their feelings. Who knows? Maybe it won't be that bad, after all.
  20. The phrase he used before saying the shippers would be happy leads me to believe that he's saying they will play with the chemistry without necessarily going all the way with it. As shows do. "Will they/Won't they?" eventually turns into "when will they?". I think what they will do this season is have them have those interactions that hint at deeper feelings being developed without any of the characters doing anything about it.
  21. So, LF is taking the Vale army north. This definitely confirms they are pretty much accelerating Sansa's book plot. Not that I'm complaining. All the Vale stuff so far is boring to me.
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