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Everything posted by DrivingSideways

  1. Honestly, not really. She had a new girl help her with the gossip section after Hot Topics who was really cute and fun. But the show was largely background noise for me today while I paid bills online.
  2. The Anita Baker segment was weird. I had heard about the China Anne story (I love Anita Baker) and just kind of wrote it off. I could see how either side could be true... and I could also see how I didn't care. So for Wendy to say, "I'm not gonna go there!" and then going there was lame. Sounds like a personal beef with Anita from way back. My local news pre-empts Wendy for all kinds of things... car chases, breaking news, really any excuse to bump Wendy off the air. It used to upset me but now I don't find myself caring so much. Wendy has lost her joie de vivre.
  3. Yeah I think I'm done with Bill. I'm a conservative (non Trump fan) who enjoys the perspectives I see on Real Time, but Bill's becoming more bitter and shrill as the year goes on. I think Trump has finally broken Bill's brain. It was extremely hypocritical for Bill to rail his GUEST for an opinion piece about Hugh Hefner. I don't agree with the guest but it was a perspective that I think was valid, and you can certainly draw a straight line between Hef's sexual revolution and today's violent pornography. Just because Bill happened to hook up with some hot chicks at the Playboy Mansion doesn't mean Hugh Hefner was beyond reproach. I was grateful Ann Marie was there, because Douthat was powerless against Bill's screed until he had some backup.
  4. I like Beyonce just fine and think she's great, if a bit overrated. That's why I always loved how Wendy would shade her - everybody in the media seems to feel a requirement to deify Beyonce, but Wendy dog her out bad. What can I say, I love a contrarian opinion. Interesting that she has changed her tune? Like some of you have said, she may be finding a kinship with Beyonce with the whole Becky With The Good Hair situation (although I tend to think Jay-Z and Beyonce fabricated that entire long con to sell records).
  5. Wow, Val Chermkovsky is a complete douchebag. He really thinks he's something special.
  6. I didn't expect to enjoy this so much. Literal tears when Snooki was fighting with the Sammi Doll.
  7. Random note, but when Greg was staring at his broccoli during his pasta dinner, he looked JUST LIKE Kristen. What was the point of Navid and Kristen's attackers to put on masks when their blonde hair was hanging out and they made no effort to hide their car? Cannot wait for this show to be over next week.
  8. This show is so stupid. I was enjoying Duc being cute on his date, even with his colitis, but he was a jerk to Carmen in the end. She saw you shit yourself and break your ankle and she's still interested - treat her nice! Navid and Kristen's water gun victims dancing reactions to two strangers squirting them with an unknown substance was very unbelievable and strange. Even though I hate those girls, I still didn't think that was funny - should I have been laughing? The Black Lives Matter scene was next level. Why was the lady asking her about the shop when it happened so creepy? The Boatwright-Bayer's Portland sure has a lot of psychotic, aggressive people.
  9. I think I hate everyone on this show. Maybe Navid is the only one I don't cringe at when they enter the scene.
  10. I've been on these boards for a while, and always defended Wendy while shading her. At the end of the day, I adore her, and give her credit for a long, successful career - and managing to transition from radio hip-hop gossip queen to a new audience on daytime TV. But I have to say, her return really turned me off. I wasn't excited about Jerry, but he kind of won me over. Who knows what went on behind the scenes, but Wendy should have been more thankful to him upon her return. But that's not even what upsets me. I believe Wendy lied about her hiatus. That's her business. But to thank Big Kevin while he runs around town with another woman? For all the world to see? Wendy is that friend who is in a shitty relationship, and gets mad at YOU when you try to give her a reality check. For such a strong, successful woman, she's letting a piece of garbage destroy her life. She resents that we all know the truth, and is working double time to deceive us. Watching her show makes me sad, it didn't used to be this way.
  11. Bwahaha! Good point. I assumed it was just more terrible writing.
  12. Okay I am glad it wasn't me. I burst out laughing and I didn't know why. Something about that actor and that whole scene ("Hey Dr. B! Guess what! She said yes!") was so corny to the point of parody. I like Ashley but she's a little hard on her mom about her childhood, and as annoying as Babette is, the Carrot-Head comment was kind of interesting. For children, can sometimes "your hair is orange, your skin is brown" just be observations? I guess my problem with all of the racial politics of the show is that this is a family, so I would expect a degree of comfort from growing up with each other to know that their motives are pure, even if the parents handling of the racial issues are clunky. It's either the script or the acting, but these people act like they barely know each other, and are all majorly suspicious of each other. I did have Ashley's back with Babette calling the husband - first of all, WTF, and second of all, if my some rando called my husband to complain about me, he would certainly not be siding with HER - and that conversation on the couch would be us shit talking her all night long. I am an idiot who barely speaks English, and the one word I recognized in Farid's dream was Mariposas. I was surprised a scholarly man like him had to put that into a translator. Also, I am so sick of the woman scratching her face with 4 fingers. I'm not intrigued, I'm annoyed every time this 1111 thing comes back. This show doesn't work as a family drama and it definitely doesn't work as a supernatural mystery.
  13. I think Kim is kind of funny and charming in her trashy way on "Don't Be Tardy". I've never been a fan of her on this franchise. She's just so... lame. She cannot hold her own with these women, and tries to be brave and hang with the cool girls, but when the words start flying, she cannot back any of it up. Her comebacks are always pathetic and lame, and she usually runs from the situation because she's weak. I love Kandi - she wears her emotions on her sleeve and when she starts cry-raging, you know shit is real. Kim backed down at that point because she knew she was about to get torn asunder. Is Kim racist? I think that's a strong word and her chicken comments were poorly chosen, but saying "I don't see color" is such a 1987 way of claiming to be free of prejudice. Anybody who has been following racial politics at all for the past 20 yrs would know that people prefer for cultural differences to be celebrated, not ignored. So in that sense, Kim may not be racist but she's ignorant as hell about race. I think we all knew that though. Nene should fall to her knees and thank the Lord that she was able to skate by with her rape comments and keep her job. In 2018, people lose their livelihood for less. And no Nene, the reason people got offended was not because they were Uber employees in tech-land. It was a very strange clapback that shows a real mean streak in Nene, but then again, she's always been willing to go low as hell when arguing. However, I will always love Nene for her Twitter response to Brielle, which will never not make me laugh my ass off... 'the roaches fell out yo funky pu$$y' is an underrated Housewives gem for the ages.
  14. The whole staff and audience seemed so much happier. Did it seem like Jerry got better guests than Wendy also? I wonder if they were already booked? Kelly Ripa can't really be promoting anything?
  15. I have a few questions from this episode. I wanted to rewatch but my husband deleted it too quickly. Would a suburban mom objecting to the song really mean anything in 2018? The stuff I hear on the radio from rap and pop alike are pretty disgusting these days. Is there really a Tipper Gore type who would resonate ? i didn’t understand the first VIP rejection. If the white lady had no intention of making it easy, why would she even offer it? Or she would only accept small cash from a black man? also in the club, the owner who booted him was black - why did Earn’s girl say it was racism? I assume it was tongue in cheek? Apologies if my half ass watching left me confused. Also the new Previously forums format is driving me crazy - just me?
  16. Total co-sign on your entire post. Very succinct sum up of my feelings. Props to Jerry for being a clear superfan. And as corny as he is, I love non-cynical, positive people in this world, it can be hard to come by. This so much. Interested to see what the story Wendy spins when she returns. I would respect her a lot if she straight up admitted she went to rehab to get healthy, and also decided to leave Big Kev.
  17. This felt very strange to me. Jerry is way too extra, he needs to tone it way down. However, it was odd the way he was using all of Wendy's lines, talking to her staff, giving props to Big Kev... the whole thing kind of felt like a warning to Wendy. "We can do your show without you..." I don't know, I found it odd. Having said that, I don't think I would watch the Jerry O'Connell show.
  18. Why does everything Andy do and say seem so sleazy?
  19. Even if Jerry was gunning for her job - can you imagine him trying to fill Wendy's shoes? Love her or hate her, she has a niche and fills it well. Jerry is extremely annoying... I wonder if Wendy will make up these shows during her summer break?
  20. This show is AWFUL. I'm kind of hate watching it at this point. Even the characters I like are so bad. Am I supposed to find Kristen empowering or cool? I find myself actively hoping she will be bullied. I wanted to smack her when she was interrogating the genderfluid kid (I can't remember his name) and rifling rudely through his stuff. Duc's speech at the Realtor of the Month thing was weird. I would be creeped out if someone's guru was brought up on stage at a professional event. I laughed a lot at the lady who mocked him at the pool. I really thought that Haley's bday party was going in a different direction... like the whole town was racist and avoiding them or something. I mean otherwise... coincidentally ALL of Haley's classmates bailed? For a show that has some decent actors, everybody is struggling to make this material work. It makes me sad. I want to like this family but this show is so horrible.
  21. Porsha is frustrating. When she's somewhat calm, she can be funny and charming. But she goes from 0 to ratchet so quickly. Marlo freaks me out. I would not want to cross that woman. I am embarrassed that we keep sending housewives on international trips and further degrading our standing in the world. They always act horribly! The whining about the accommodations and service was totally annoying. Poor Nene looked like she was falling asleep when Porsha was talking to her. In her exhaustion she was almost sweet and maternal to Porsha. Her advice was stellar and spot on, I've never seen Nene so calm and introspective. It's a good look.
  22. OK you are officially slaying me. I love when Christine is in her happy place. I could watch her just wandering around Costco shopping and dropping homespun wisdom; rhapsodizing Reagan with Martha; stopping by the Korean church with the hot pastor(?) and writing her own hymn; and then heading home to her adorable boo. Chip and Dale need to be written off.
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