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  1. I just spewed my beverage everywhere.... lol... thank you. I had LOW expectations going in. I almost didn't record this. But these women are so ridiculous this season, in a fun way. So far, it seems like re-booting might have been a success here, although I could be very wrong. I also love the way the veteran housewives were deployed, and where has this version of Shamea been? She had me laughing so much. I'm cautiously optimistic that this could be a fun season just based on personalities alone.
  2. Agree on all of the anti-Annemarie sentiment. She's just trying too hard, which I guess is the assignment, but her whole persona is so annoying. I would also be extremely concerned if my nurse anesthetist could not remember something she said literally forty seconds prior. Would she forget she already gave me propofol and double it up? I always side-eye medical professionals who come on these messy shows. Also, I swear I heard a few of the housewives call her ANNA-marie? Is that how it is pronounced? The Ojai hijinks were really fun. It's nice when everyone gets along!
  3. I was so confused by Mia's therapy session. Was she saying that she feels guilty the lawyer committed suicide, or she blames Gordon? She kept mentioning her family - was the lawyer a family member? Or she thinks Gordon's 'cold' business sense will destroy her family relationships? Which... it will. Mixing family and business can be toxic. But either way, if I understand the story correctly, Gordon was absolutely right to go a legal route with someone who stole their money. Wendy and Nneka... ouch that was messy. I've enjoyed Wendy but she was 100% wrong in that situation. And her mom's read about Mia was horrible. Nneka with the receipts was brutal!
  4. I've always been a Kyle fan, maybe it was just because housewives who have large dogs have a special spot in my heart. But I went into this season skeptical of the Mo breakup and whether it was real. Now I don't even really care if it's real - she's being a horrible bitch to everyone. I've never understood why she and Sutton pretend they are 'friends' when it has always been pretty clear they can't stand each other. Kyle is always so dismissive and rude to Sutton. What I don't think Kyle anticipated is that Sutton is becoming a camp icon. Her drunk name'em moment goes viral, she's hilarious on WWHL, she's besties with the current audience fave (Garcelle). The power has shifted and I think Kyle is really pissed about it. The cherry on top is that Sutton is disgustingly rich. That said, I agree with other posters who said their disagreement goes far beyond what they are willing to say on camera. Sutton's custody arrangement is a deflection.
  5. I'm still fascinated by how poorly this show is written. I still don't understand the scene with the shopgirl pulling bitchy faces. She was THAT upset that Charlotte was picking out a certain outfit? In real life, she would have been pushing that no-doubt expensive outfit on her, not sneering like a silent film villain from the side. Having Charlotte ditch her Spanx after seeing her boss' larger body type with midriff on display is like 90's Mento's commercial level stupid. Why are they describing Norfolk Virginia as a rustic countryside? Why is Miranda an intern? Why is comedy concert star Che now picking up OT shifts as a vet's receptionist? Is the show trying to throw in some working folks? Why are Carrie and Aiden purchasing an entire fleet of kitchenware for a sex pad? Are we supposed to think him not wanting to enter her apartment is romantic and sensitive? Because it's twee and ridiculous. Grow up. I'm not even going to get into Carrie regretting Big. What a horrible way of undoing decades of storylines, and it won't cure whatever nastiness with Chris Noth that the show would like to separate itself from.
  6. YES STEVE! Tell her what's what! Miranda deserved every line of that and I was so irritated that Steve immediately apologized when she started cry-whimper-screaming out. Miranda is terrible now, and since they seem to be hinting at a Nya hook up, let's just marry those two off and write them off the show. Somehow I've become Team Che. Was it rude to film Cameos in bed, should they have told Miranda they were going to do that. Sure. But also, why is Miranda immediately screeching WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? People pay for Cameos, of course they're going to sound peppy. Although I would be bitter if I paid for a Cameo and I got a 10 second message from a person leaning out of their bed. Che's scene with Carrie showed way more lightness and personality than all of their tortured scenes with Cynthia Nixon. I know as fans we want to see Aiden, but it just doesn't make sense to me in the story. Carrie has become such a smug, above-it-all bitch. Yes Karen was obnoxious but Carrie was so obviously not taking her seriously and just being all 'oooohhh' and rolling her eyes at everything she said. I think SJP thinks it's a cute acting flourish that makes her seem relatable, but given that this character is clearly fabulous wealthy and doesn't have to work, it comes off as imperious and rude. Where is the actor that played Skipper? Last I saw him he was in a coffee creamer commercial. They should make Miranda atone for the way she treated poor Skippy too!
  7. I do think this season is much better than last season, however, in my circle, no one is watching it. The few that tried were immediately turned off in the first 2 eps by Cheranda. These are queer people, so it's not a case of homophobia. The new show has made me actively hate Cynthia Nixon, who used to be my favorite. I feel like she was the loudest voice behind the new direction of this show. Kim Cattrall might have been smarter to have not done the cameo and just be completely unassociated with this mess. I thought I read last year that many of the new writers were specifically hired to be young and in touch with the latest mores. But the way these episodes are written are like someone found an old script from 1990, dusted it off and put it into production. Last year everyone was so elderly they could barely move, now Steve is a workout God and Carrie is embarrassed to be seen with a walker? Makes no sense. Seema's scene with her vibrator felt like a complete rip off of a Samantha scene. I think the biggest problem is that these episodes are so long. I would have loved 45 minute extended versions of old SATC eps. But 45 minutes of AJLT is a chore. I do think Carrie is funny, but she is boring, and in the background. If I didn't know any better, I would assume the show centered around Miranda. I had no clue LTW's husband was from Hamilton. So her insistence that he dress up as one of the founding fathers in bed was just strange and seemed slightly problematic. The Americans was such an odd reference to pull, is someone in this production associated with that show?
  8. Oooh, Kelley girl, don't get into your own head. Hearing about her high school experience was horrible and shocking. I would not have expected that. Julie is exhausting and constantly attempting to make some drama, and doesn't seem to care if it casts her as a racist or a sexual harasser. I could see how being on a show with someone as reckless as that could have collateral damage to other castmates, so I'm assuming that's why Kelley is spazzing out. I'm also wondering if she's a bit in her feelings because it seems like Danny is getting along with, and having fun with, Julie? Like he fully acknowledges that she's nuts, but there are so many scenes where he is engaging in Julie's reindeer games with a twinkle in his eye. I also feel bad for Jamie - I have a weird feeling that both Julie and the editors let it be heavily implied that he had hooked up with Julie in 2000, and possibly have come close during this season. I feel like he is going to be surprised by how his story with Julie is portrayed this season.
  9. I judge Matt's carbon footprint with his brood of kids and weird affected way of talking. But he seems nice enough. He would probably have the same reaction to me as a gay man. I'm fine with Melissa finding common ground with him on family issues and agreeing to disagreeing with him on this issue (I am assuming she disagrees). I'm fine with Danny challenging him on his views. One of my best friend's husband was a Best Man in a gay wedding despite being personally against gay marriage. People are complicated... I think Danny and Matt will be able to have this discussion and leave on a civil note.
  10. Big time kudos to Melissa for apologizing to Julie. Flapping her fan and giving off rude vibes was all about their personal history and less about race, and for once, I think Julie's input was helpful and interesting in this case. Melissa is always so self-aware and for her to recognize that she was slightly out of line, even if Julie is toxic, was huge. I just don't know about Julie - is she for real sometimes, or is she a sociopath who is able to seem sympathetic while always trying to manipulate the people around her? There are a lot of very well-adjusted people on this cast. Kelley and Melissa don't surprise me, but Tokyo is a different person, in an amazing way. After all Julie put him through, he was really thoughtful about walking her through the race discussion and giving her credit when it was clicking for her. Julie is reminding me a lot of Charla on "The Comeback", if anyone is familiar - giving herself credit for creating drama for the show when it's not necessary. I love this season!
  11. Love this reunion and I love the engagement here! I'm kind of disappointed that there again seems to be an 'odd one out' on this homecoming like Becky and David on prior homecomings. Not that it is not deserved, but I felt like New Orleans was a fairly un-toxic cast with relatable issues so it's a bummer there will be this friction. Tokyo could be challenging to connect with but it seemed more to be his own issues preventing him from opening up. And the 180 he has done is amazing - I love this guy! My take was that Julie was annoying and could be a bit disingenuous at times on the original series (really? You want to know whether you can say the N word? Even in 2000 that was a dumbass question) but she really was sheltered, and meeting her family was enlightening as to how she could end up that way. And I rooted for her as she was rebelling against that lifestyle. The allegations after the show were a bummer but seemed to be universally accepted as true that Julie was behind them. So Julie's reaction this time around - crying, wanting to be forgiven while taking zero responsibility - are terrible. I just want to shake her and say, ADMIT YOU DID IT, OWN IT, AND MAYBE THEN DANNY AND MELISSA WILL ENGAGE YOU. The fact that she hasn't bothered to reach out in 20 years is probably a dealbreaker for those 2 but maybe she'd have a shot. I hope Julie doesn't suck all of the air out of the room this go round. People like Jamie and Kelley were slightly boring their season but seemed to be good people. I want to hear more about them. Matt, whatever, at least he's aged well? A Seattle homecoming would be amazing. That was a DARK ASS SEASON. I would also love to see Chicago - in my mind, that was the last season where it felt 'real' before it was all hot tubs and nymphomaniacs. I know we all have a different goalpost for that. I just binged the original series and there were so many great times. Matt and Kelley ad-libbing David's fashion show had me rolling, and of course Melissa's many funny lines. I remember she had a comedy show with Chelsea Handler after the show ended, I think? She's very talented but was so in her head the original season. She was so beautiful then and had no clue. She looks even better now. They all look great, actually. A nice change from the dumpster fire that the LA Homecoming was.
  12. I decided to put my irritation with the corny left turn this show took aside, and just enjoy it. It was pretty cheesy though. I Swear? Ghost Candy was an eye roller too. So how much did Elektra spend on this wedding? I feel like she dropped hundreds of thousands of dollars on it. I just don't see it being in Elektra's character to spend that much on someone else. There's no reason why she, or any of the other ladies, wouldn't find a man to marry them. She acted like Angel was the only one who would ever get married. What I did notice is that MJ Rodriguez has become a great actress. The first seasons it was almost charming how bad the acting was on this show. But her progression has kind of reminded me of Roseanne Barr, who went from very stiff in the first seasons of "Roseanne" to growing into the role surrounded by John Goodman and Laurie Metcalf. MJ always makes me feel warm when she's on screen. I'm going to miss this show, cheese and all.
  13. I don't remember from previous seasons, but his baby mama's sister said "You have a type" when talking about Angel. So my initial assumption was that the ex was a trans gal who had passed of AIDS and that's what Papi would find out. So when it was revealed a bio woman who had a baby, I guessed that he had been busted cheating on the ex with a trans gal. Someone who watches closer can correct me. I loved "Pose" and it's just gotten... bad. Even with mob ties, I don't think Elektra would be able to swing the charges she's racking up. I was glad there was no Pray Tell this episode. The constant Emmy-bait speeches and situations they put him in really burned me out on that character. There hasn't been enough Blanca, she is the heart of the show.
  14. I think Heather and Lisa both came off horribly. I’m not a Lisa fan but I thought she seemed rational and composed for the most part while Heather sat there and glowered at her like Lisa had burned her house down. I get she doesn’t like Lisa, but it seems like a combo of wanting to be the most liked, and also feeling herself and her fandom a bit much. I think Lisa could care less about Heather but she has tequila to sell, and wouldn’t it be great if Rihanna sipped it on her Insta? It seemed to me that Lisa saw that Heather was painting her as a bitch to the point where her business might be affected, and she wanted to flip the script. And for once I think it worked - Heather ended up looking overly invested and irrationally pissed. It was entertaining as hell so bravo to both ladies. And Mary’s life is icky but she had me laughing the entire episode. She’s a pretty solid sparring partner.
  15. I thought for a minute that Glennon Doyle was an Amy Sedaris character.
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