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  1. I am wondering how Bishop was even allowed to have a gun (let alone two) on him in a courtroom? You have to go through a metal detector in California courts, and only officers on duty are allowed to have a firearm on them. At least that's how I understand it. https://justdocprep.com/prohibited-items-california-courts/
  2. That's the million dollar question. Why bother going through the charade once David let him into the house?
  3. Thank you! I'll take your advice.
  4. It's been two years since season one. When so much time passes, it's easy to forget what was going on, and I really don't want to rewatch the whole first season. Is it easy enough to catch up from this first episode?
  5. I remember him the most from Priscilla, which I've seen more recently than the others. That doesn't mean I "hate" science fiction and fantasy genres.
  6. I almost didn't recognize Hugo Weaving... but I don't think I've seen him in anything since Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.
  7. It was an obvious misdirection, since they never showed the intruder's face. He just ran upstairs to the "loo" and started to run a bath. Which is a pretty weird thing for an intruder to do. But Grandad looked at the photo of himself and River, and realized it wasn't River, and grabbed his gun. But also, it's possible River had this plan in place all along because of what he told Louisa... so everyone would easily believe that Grandad simply mistook River for an intruder. That's all I got.
  8. I agree. No one thought River was dead. I was only curious about who it was, and how River got that passport at the end. I will rewatch tonight, to see if I missed anything.
  9. Yeah, I'm done. I didn't love the acting, or writing, and the story wasn't that engaging, either. I just didn't care enough, beyond wondering what actually happened to Masa, who was my favorite character. There just wasn't enough of him. Mixxy's reveal at the end was no surprise, at all. I did enjoy the setting in Japan... that was interesting, but I'm happy to be moving on. Tonight... Slow Horses is back. :)
  10. I'll watch the finale... but if this gets renewed, I won't be back.
  11. Forgive two stupid questions (non book reader), but I must have missed how Louis, Armand and Lestat have seemingly unlimited financial resources. Also... Lestat can stay buried for a century, and live off his "ancient blood" for sustenance, yet Louis was already starving to death after a relatively short while? I must have missed this vampire-verse explanation.
  12. Did anyone else get Godfather/Fredo Corleone vibes in the opening scene with Freddy and Jimmy on the lake? "I'm smart!" - FREDO
  13. I was baffled by that. What were those? I tried to google it, but didn't find anything.
  14. Well, for me, this was a one season and done. Too absurd.
  15. Ditto! Agree about the character... but I do love Eve Best, so I'm always happy to see her. I became a fan because of Nurse Jackie.
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