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I wonder who the mystery inquisitor is. They are skilled in the force, and I am guessing, wearing a mask for a reason.
I teared up when I saw Cody. Aww. Watching his journey is going to be an emotional one. Crosshair seems to be rethinking his choices.
That episode description kind of annoyed me because it didn’t really happen. They met one guy who helped out after they already left the house. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoyed the episode, and I thought the guy was interesting, I was just expecting something else. No! Not Wilco! He seemed interesting The guy who shot him is an idiot. Does he honestly think the Bad Batch just won’t show up again.
They started doing so after learning more about the chips. The energy bow is silly, but it reminds me of the Nightsisters. I kind of like it for that. Cid is starting to annoy me. Scratch that. She’s been annoying me. “Go on this impossible and stupid to take job while I spill your secrets.” These guys need to ditch her already.
True, though I don’t agree with the motive. At least, I don’t think that was the entire motive. However, that’s going to be a matter of opinion.
That’s probably because they haven’t really done anything with her. I like her, but I would like her a lot more if they did something with her. Alara was developed early on. With Talla, they don’t seem to know what to do with her. She’s had one episode. I don’t count the fling with John. That was a subplot that didn’t even feel fully developed. I see so much potential for her, but the show won’t do anything with it.
She’s learning about an entirely new system for the first time. She had to work before, but every day, she risked getting downvoted from someone who didn’t like their coffee or thought she took too long. They don’t even have to confront her, just use her badge number and vote her down without any consequences. Now she’s told, everything she needs will be provided for, that she can do whatever she wants. It’s like a vacation for life to her. It might sound great to a lot of people at first. Having questions is natural, and it should not label her as anything. What she does next is what matters.
Why does that question make her a millennial? The question makes a lot of sense when your needs are all provided for, especially if she wasn’t happy at her job. That she could have a job that she would love might seem like an unrealistic goal to her.
I will have to listen to it again then. Wow, I didn’t even think about wedding presents. I wonder if that is still traditional in the future. Imagine if they all brought a banana.
Random thoughts. I like Lysella as a future minor character, but not as a main character. John and Talla are neglected as it is. I wish John had been best man. Like, even in this, he’s neglected. Why have the season end with him giving bad advice? Finally! We see Talla and Alara meet. It was nice that they either seemed to have met already, or at least knew each other. It shows that Alara is keeping in contact with the crew without them saying it. Yaphit. Awww. I hope they do him well. Isaac inviting the entire planet and not telling anyone is so Isaac. Why did Claire seem to get angry at him though? The “they won’t all fit” could have been said without the anger. Claire, you have nearly an entire planet coming to see your wedding. You should be happy that they clearly take this marriage as seriously as you do.
That would get the Kaylon killed. Without the Union the Krill and Moclans have a weapon that they will use against them. They figured it out pretty quickly too.
You watch it when you want to. You could wait until the whole season drops to watch if you want.
I really tried not to blame her acting abilities, but every time she had a bigger role, I felt ugh. When the character died, I mostly just thought, “Yea, she’s gone!” However, there have been other characters in tv, far worse than her, that I have loved to watch and could pity. Heck, I felt sorry for Perry, and that was right right after betrayed his people. When he said he was going to turn himself in, I felt his heart breaking. I can’t help but think that you are right. I really, really hope not.
@Chicago Redshirt Your entire post is what I was going to say, but in more detail because I’m lazy. 😂 I will just add that I thought the first battle was a simulation at first. Even before they used the weapon. It just had that feel, and I don’t know why. I also thought they used the time travel to sort of hold them in place until they decayed or something. Anyway… Moclans: We will be in charge because you are female. I’m surprised Teleya didn’t do some of her own cutting after that…or maybe she did. Why Admiral Perry, why? Alright, I understand why. I see both sides here because hoping for peace isn’t going to make it happen. The Kaylon thinking that Ed was joking about the device being stolen was funny. I don’t blame them. Wow, what a great battle. Sorry, but nope, still don’t like Charli. She was becoming tolerable, but that’s the best thing I can say about her. I mean, sacrificing herself entirely for the Kaylons wasn’t even true, despite what the show tries to tell me. Against the Krill/Moclan alliance, the Union was screwed if the Kaylon were killed. Once they were gone, I suspect the Krill would have turned on the Moclans.
That was an emotional ride. Anyone predict that Topa would walk into the debate all beat up? I mean, I was surprised they actually went there, actually showed it. As soon as they did though, I figured why. Heveena was wrong, but I can understand why she asked for Topa’s help. So many had to take risks for the sanctuary to happen. Every step a greater risk than the last. I wonder who the contact was, since they kept it a secret. I considered Klydon, but it sounded like the new network started before he left Orville. He also seemed to have really only turned after Topa was almost killed. Locar? We don’t know what became of him, and it’s possible he was able to deny Klydon’s accusations.