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Posts posted by Ashforth

  1. On 3/6/2020 at 11:24 AM, mightysparrow said:

    Victoria's got big hair.  I love the fact that she wears her hair the way it grows out of her head.  Maybe it's because I'm a Black woman and have been told my whole life that my hair wasn't good enough. 

    The problem with the Nancy's model hair is that she looked like she was a back up singer for Bon Jovi.

    As a woman with baby fine, stick straight hair (who was traumatized in my adolescence by Farrah Fawcett being the ultimate hair goal), I have always been envious of women with bountiful hair. To some degree I think I can relate Black women being socially pressured to straighten their hair to my feeling that I am inadequate because no matter how many perms and products and manipulation, my hair will never make the grade. And don't even get me started with gray hair being unacceptable.

    On 3/6/2020 at 1:59 PM, dleighg said:

    That first outfit of Geoffrey, from the back, looked like she had a giant larvae attached to her back. I think the male model looked better with no shirt. The way he did it looked like he had a ratty old tank top on. (not gonna call it by it's very un PC name)

    That tank top was revolting. Did we even see the sweater of arms that Elaine raved about?

    On 3/6/2020 at 2:40 PM, RoxiP said:

    And if Sergio is from Austin, Texas why was he designing in New York?

    He has been sold by the show as living in Austin, where I live. So yeah, wtf that he and his partner live in NYC?

    On 3/7/2020 at 10:32 AM, DiamondGirl said:

    They gushed over Victoria because they say everyone loves separates, which I guess makes sense.

    Sergio’s first look was a 70s socialite in a peignoir with a martini in a Beverly Hills mansion from a Columbo episode.

    Columbo! OMG so true. It also gave me a Pnina Tornai stripper fairy vibe - BUT, it was pretty, unlike Victoria's strangely blah offerings. And are the exposed corset and thong really 1950's? Nina's critiques of Sergio while she fawned all over Victoria have bothered me this season.

    In fact, this season has really bothered me, and the final four are boring and each subpar in some way.

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  2. On 3/3/2020 at 6:35 AM, jlc said:

    I agree the fix was in for her to win that season, but Guy Fieri gave her that ICGA nickname and SHE is the one who ran with it. She introduces herself as Iron Chef Alex Guarnaschelli. She made the name stick and as a judge on other shows she can be rude and condescending. And when you watch her compete, she does not take criticism well - at all! Just think it is time for her to get off tv, just like Melissa D'Arabian!!!

    This. On a recent episode of some FN show she wore a T-shirt emblazoned with "ICAG" and I get needing branding to make money, but that is a tired schtick. And she seems pretty much like a jerk. And her food tastes good, when it does, because she drowns it in butter or other fats.

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  3. 13 hours ago, candall said:

    (After this one, I was a little bit bored trying to figure out skill levels/personalities from scratch on Anne Burrell's new Vegas competition.  Heh.  I'm lazy.)

    Is there a thread for the Las Vegas show? I saw an episode today and it was enjoyable but could not be more of a copy of Top Chef. I'll just say Anne is no Padma and Scott Conant is no Tom Collichio. 

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  4. 16 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    Launch date for Padma’s new Hulu show is June 19th. She and Tom are both on this season of Ugly Delicious which dropped today. 


    This will give me justification for keeping my HULU membership other than the horribly declining The Handmaids Tale.

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  5. On 3/6/2020 at 2:02 AM, Blergh said:

    Both my parents were academics and I have to agree! Moreover, this ad only helped me dig in my heels to NEVER, EVER want to bother with Facebook so it was an utter fail! 

    I loathe Facebook and have an account only because I need one for work and also the occasional internet stalking looking up old friends. The ad in question is both obnoxious and idiotic. Who is it supposed to appeal to? Obnoxious idiots? Well done, Facebook. 🙄

    • Love 8
  6. 19 hours ago, Ohwell said:

    I like this ad, and the 70s song "How Long" by Ace.


    Love the expression on that guy's face. 😄

    Paul Carrack is a great singer! How Long is a classic that he wrote, he also sang lead on the Squeeze classic Tempted (which was written by Glenn Tillbrook and Chris Difford, who are widely regarded as the Lennon and McCartney of the 80's but strangely never got the widespread stardom they deserved). Carrack released a solo album in the 80's called Suburban Voodoo and I wore the cassette tape out listening to it in my car. Cassette tapes! Old times, good times! He was also the lead singer on the song The Living Years by Mike and the Mechanics

    Oh, @Ohwell, now I'm going to go on a jag of listening to my old 80's underrated favorites! Thank you!

    • Love 8
  7. 1 minute ago, tres bien said:

    I thought I had deleted my post. I confused Jason Johnson with Joshua Johnson.  Sorry!

    No worries! It took me a while to look online and write my post, so I was referring to your post before you edited.

    It still was eye-opening to me to see the interaction between Joshua Johnson and the other MSNBC on-air "talent" - I felt like the tension was palpable.

    I used to like watching MSNBC but the past couple of years... not so much. They could benefit from the 1A approach but I think they are invested in trying to be the Dem Party Fox News. Yikes, I can't say more without getting too political.

    • Love 3
  8. 22 minutes ago, tres bien said:

    I believe Joshua Johnson was recently banned from MSNBC for comments he made on another show.☹

    I don't  know if/when he'll be back.

    I couldn't find anything online confirming that he's been sidelined, but I did find this clip (not posted for the political content) that seems to show the established MSNBC on-air people seeming extremely pissy about his POV. Almost like "who is this outsider who dares to have an opinion different than mine?"


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  9. On 3/2/2020 at 7:12 PM, ButterQueen said:

    This happened in 2016.  Why wait 4 years to bring it up.

    I think that she brought it up years ago without identifying Chris Matthews. People are afraid of retaliation and sure enough:  https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/laura-bassett-chris-matthews-harassment-online-msnbc-hardball-resign-a9372781.html

    It was way past time for Chris to resign. I listen to NPR or MSNBC on the radio during my drive home after work, and recently I have changed channels when Hardball came on because of all of the things mentioned here: his inability to remember names, the constant interruptions, I could "see" the spittle flying in my mind, and so much more. I know people who have undergone cancer treatment and am aware of "chemo brain" which could be a partial explanation of some of those things, but his overt sexism in the recent interview with Elizabeth Warren regarding allegations against Bloomberg was, in my opinion, unacceptable under any circumstances.

    • Love 9
  10. On 2/28/2020 at 5:06 PM, Katy M said:

    It's a bill in Congress that I will fully admit I don't know if they've voted on it, f it passed, if it was defeated, or it just died.   The Dairy Farmer's Association feel that things like Almond MIlk and Coconut Milk confuse consumers and that they think it's actual milk so they want it illegal to label a product milk if it doesn't get milked out of an animal.

    They actually got one of those canned "news" stories on at least one of my local news stations. I didn't see the story, but did see the promo, which started with an ominous warning that real milk is disappearing from your grocery store shelves, replaced with weird, suspicious liquids that call themselves milk. Beware!

    • LOL 3
  11. 11 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    I haven't been in a Dominos in ...well, ever. Has anyone tried the BY Pass thingy? Do they really greet you ala Norm at Cheers?

    I haven't seen the ad you reference, but I must question the judgment of the "creatives" who pitched and the person who authorized using "bypass" to promote a product typically laden with cheese and greasy processed meats. Because, you know, clogged arteries.

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  12. On 2/24/2020 at 12:51 PM, lorj said:

    i hate the mayhem commercials with tina fey. 

    Hate is not even enough. I loathe, detest, abhor, despise, abominate these ads.* The one where Fey hisses "You're an old woman" at Mayhem (who is playing her mother-in-law) is incredibly offensive. Fuck you, Tina Fey.

    *this is from a poem I remember from a poetry book my dad had during my childhood 

    "I loathe, abhor, detest, despise,
    Abominate dried-apple pies.
    I like good bread, I like good meat,
    Or anything that's fit to eat;
    But of all poor grub beneath the skies,
    The poorest is dried apple pies.
    Give me the toothache, or sore eyes,
    But don't give me dried apple pies.
    The farmer takes his gnarliest fruit,
    'Tis wormy, bitter, and hard, to boot;
    He leaves the hulls to make us cough,
    And don't take half the peeling off.
    Then on a dirty cord 'tis strung
    And in a garret window hung,
    And there it serves as roost for flies,
    Until it's made up into pies.
    Tread on my corns, or tell me lies,
    But don't pass me dried-apple pies."

    Dried Apple Pie, anyone? 😄

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  13. 9 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

    Marquise seems to be the only designer who actually has ideas.  His lack of technical expertise does hamper him but it shouldn't because this is a design show not a sewing show.  I would like him to get the chance to study design because I really think he has enormous potential.  I also love the fact that it seems that he's always trying to prove himself worthy of his second chance, unlike others who seem to take their good luck for granted.

    I love ya @mightysparrow but I disagree. His design this week was lacking imagination, IMO, and it came on the heels of the ice skater costume the week before. I appreciated his look in the tuxedo challenge but thought his win had more to do with the model than the look (I thought Geoffrey should have won). The top of Marquise's garment in the sheer challenge was, again IMO, a mess.

    I will concede that when one contrasts one designer who doesn't seem to have fresh ideas with his or her competitors who also don't have fresh ideas... well hell, what are we supposed to think?🙄

    • Love 5
  14. 1 hour ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

    I don't know if it was my imagination, but it seemed like during runway the editors kept inserting shots of Victoria looking askance (my read) at other contestants and resembling, IMHO, nothing quite so much as DRAMATIC CHIPMUNK.

    I think it is helpful to take all of the show with a big grain of salt because the editing is subjective to the producers' desire to push "storylines," is taken out of context, is often presented out of sequence, and generally leaves a lot out. 

    I'm fairly agnostic on Nancy, but I can't fault her for failing to blame herself on the runway for the crap that was Geoffrey's design. The stain from the iron didn't detract from the judges' evaluation of his terrible garment. In a contest like this, one never knows whether saying "the dirty iron was my fault" might result in elimination - which in my opinion, it should not. 

    None of these designs were great, but I thought that Nancy was the clear winner. Sergio - oh Sergio, if you could only stop talking - made a pretty dress that I thought suited his athlete. And so let's talk about fashion knowledge. Why did Brandon keep calling the 3/4 length sleeve on Sergio's dress a "cap sleeve"? 



    Definition of cap sleeve

    : a very short sleeve (as on a dress) that hangs over the edge of the shoulder without extending along the underside of the arm


    I'll keep watching because I generally enjoy the show, but the fawning over Victoria's one design is bizarre and off-putting. I predict Victoria, Sergio, and either Geoffrey or Nancy as the final three, with Victoria winning handily thanks to, you know, her one dress. Because it is AWESOME and also SO AWESOME.

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  15. 8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    And I never did hear an explanation for why Victoria’s husband had to give up his career as a professional soccer player so she could be a designer. That made zero sense to me. But then I imagined his day— constantly stroking her ego, reassuring her that nobody is more perfect and pretty and special, marveling over every new cut-out, holding her hand while she pouts and whines, patiently explaining the meaning of super hard words like “sheer”— and realized all that would a full time job in itself.  The poor man is too exhausted to kick a ball.

    Thank you for the huge laugh to start my day! 

    What have we seen of Victoria? She's faux-sympathetic to the "losers" when she's in the top, throws tantrums when she is in the bottom, and is sour that no one gets eliminated after the BAFFLING decision to put her truly awful iteration of her only design in the top two. If anyone is making me dislike Victoria more than Victoria herself, it's the judges (i.e., production). 

    It has occurred to me that The Simpsons was more inventive with one garment to work from than Victoria is with all of the resources available  to her. Remember when Marge got a Chanel suit?


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  16. On 2/16/2020 at 12:18 AM, Ashforth said:

    I watched a charming movie today called "Ladies in Black". It's set in Australia in 1959 and has a very appealing cast...

    I just saw in People magazine that the book this movie is based on has been re-published in the US, re-named "Women in Black."

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  17. Ehhh, I was going to make a comment about MSNBC's debate coverage while carefully leaving out anything that could lead to political discussion, and damn, that's hard. So in the immortal words of Emily Latella, "Nevermind."

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  18. 12 hours ago, RoxiP said:

    Well now, there are muumuus.  Is that how you spell that?  Caftans might be a better term.

    Elizabeth Taylor famously rocked many a caftan!


    5 hours ago, Rt66vintage said:

    In the early days of PR, after someone was auf'd, they'd show all of their outfits on the screen. And who remembers when the winning look was displayed on a mannequin in the workroom, one more added each week?  

    IIRC, the winning looks were lined up on mannequins on one side of the workroom, and the losing looks on the other. Old times, good times.

    • Love 8
  19. 2 hours ago, BlackberryJam said:

    I dislike Nancy heartily and she’s much closer to my personal demographic than Delvin. Nancy is AWFUL. I really really wanted to like her, older woman making a major life change, looking for success in her second or third act. Her story should be great. The reality of Nancy is not. 

    Nancy is the type to go on a corporate retreat and find it educational and fun. She’d love a mandatory bonding session with trust exercises. Her behavior in the group challenge made my eye twitch. Her clothes are always “how much fabric can I shove on my model before s/he disappears?” UGH. 

    I think nothing about Delvin, Brittany or Victoria’s dislike of Nancy was about race, age or gender, but strictly on personality.

    Mean girls do things to undermine, control or destroy other people. No one in this situation was doing that. They didn’t like her or her garments so they talked about her behind her back. It’s not a particularly nice thing to do, especially on camera, but it’s not what I would define as mean girl behavior. They never intended for Nancy to hear. Being a mean girl would be to steal her fabric, insult her to the judges, etc. None of that was happening.

    It’s not just here, but I am bothered by the inappropriate use of mean girl. 

    I'm much closer to Nancy's age than those of the other contestants. I don't think Nancy is awful, but I heartily agree that whatever dislike other contestants may have for her - if that is even what it is - is not based on age. You know that if these producers had any footage of anyone calling her an old lady or making derogatory comments about her age, we would have seen it already.

    Full disclosure:  I'm kind of the type to go on a corporate retreat and find it educational and fun. *RUNS* 


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  20. 1 hour ago, Kira53 said:

    Next year why not have short and curvy girls for everyone?

    YES. A level playing field that tests the designers' skills equally. I can't blame the judges for their bias toward the garments worn by tall, thin models: it's the fashion industry norm and what they are accustomed to seeing. But when only one or two of the designers have a model who doesn't conform to the industry standard while the rest do, it puts them at a (probably subconscious) disadvantage with the judges.

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  21. 2 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

    Yes, the "plus sized" model's dress was an abomination.  It's a classic example of taking the pattern from a size 0 and just expanding it.  It wasn't fit to the model.  I'm certain she was horribly embarrassed to walk in that mess.

    I thought most of the models looked pissed off. Not like "fierce" model face, but literally angry. I kept imagining what kind of shitshow must be going on behind the scenes.

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