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Posts posted by Ashforth

  1. I'm cross-posting this in multiple threads and if I get banned, this is the hill I'm willing to die on because this may literally be a matter of life or death:

    Tom Colicchio is out front in publicizing that the need to feed our nation's children during the COVID-19 crisis is even more critical than it quietly is every "normal" day. With schools closing because of the pandemic, millions of kids in the U.S. will lose their primary source of nutrition. https://www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/2174246/coronavirus-children-school-lunch/

    Not only that, millions of people, especially in the service industry, are going to lose their incomes and may be faced with going hungry.

    If you can afford to, please donate to your local food bank. You can save lives with a $5 donation.

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  2. I'm cross-posting this in multiple threads, apologies, but I think it's that important:

    Tom Colicchio is out front in publicizing that the need to feed our nation's children during the COVID-19 crisis is even more critical than it quietly is every "normal" day. With schools closing because of the pandemic, millions of kids in the U.S. will lose their primary source of nutrition. https://www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/2174246/coronavirus-children-school-lunch/

    Not only that, millions of people, especially in the service industry, are going to lose their incomes and may be faced with going hungry.

    If you can afford to, please donate to your local food bank. You can save lives with a $5 donation.

    • Love 4
  3. I'm cross-posting this in multiple threads and if I get banned, this is the hill I'm willing to die on because this may literally be a matter of life or death:

    Tom Colicchio is out front in publicizing that the need to feed our nation's children during the COVID-19 crisis is even more critical than it quietly is every "normal" day. With schools closing because of the pandemic, millions of kids in the U.S. will lose their primary source of nutrition. https://www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/2174246/coronavirus-children-school-lunch/

    Not only that, millions of people, especially in the service industry, are going to lose their incomes and may be faced with going hungry.

    If you can afford to, please donate to your local food bank. You can save lives with a $5 donation.

    • Love 2
  4. I'm cross-posting this in multiple threads and if I get banned, this is the hill I'm willing to die on because this may literally be a matter of life or death:

    Tom Colicchio is out front in publicizing that the need to feed our nation's children during the COVID-19 crisis is even more critical than it quietly is every "normal" day. With schools closing because of the pandemic, millions of kids in the U.S. will lose their primary source of nutrition. https://www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/2174246/coronavirus-children-school-lunch/

    Not only that, millions of people, especially in the service industry, are going to lose their incomes and may be faced with going hungry.

    If you can afford to, please donate to your local food bank. You can save lives with a $5 donation.

  5. I'm cross-posting this in multiple threads, apologies, but I think it's that important:

    Tom Colicchio is out front in publicizing that the need to feed our nation's children during the COVID-19 crisis is even more critical than it quietly is every "normal" day. With schools closing because of the pandemic, millions of kids in the U.S. will lose their primary source of nutrition. https://www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/2174246/coronavirus-children-school-lunch/

    Not only that, millions of people, especially in the service industry, are going to lose their incomes and may be faced with going hungry.

    If you can afford to, please donate to your local food bank. You can save lives with a $5 donation.

    • Love 2
  6. I'm cross-posting this in multiple threads, apologies, but I think it's that important:

    Tom Colicchio is out front in publicizing that the need to feed our nation's children during the COVID-19 crisis is even more critical than it quietly is every "normal" day. With schools closing because of the pandemic, millions of kids in the U.S. will lose their primary source of nutrition. https://www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/2174246/coronavirus-children-school-lunch/

    Not only that, millions of people, especially in the service industry, are going to lose their incomes and may be faced with going hungry.

    If you can afford to, please donate to your local food bank. You can save lives with a $5 donation.

    • Love 12
  7. I'm cross-posting this in multiple threads and if I get banned, this is the hill I'm willing to die on because this may literally be a matter of life or death:

    Tom Colicchio is out front in publicizing that the need to feed our nation's children during the COVID-19 crisis is even more critical than it quietly is every "normal" day. With schools closing because of the pandemic, millions of kids in the U.S. will lose their primary source of nutrition. https://www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/2174246/coronavirus-children-school-lunch/

    Not only that, millions of people, especially in the service industry, are going to lose their incomes and may be faced with going hungry.

    If you can afford to, please donate to your local food bank. You can save lives with a $5 donation.

    • Love 2
  8. I'm cross-posting this in multiple threads and if I get banned, this is the hill I'm willing to die on:

    Tom Colicchio is out front in publicizing that the need to feed our nation's children during the COVID-19 crisis is even more critical than it quietly is every "normal" day. With schools closing because of the pandemic, millions of kids in the U.S. will lose their primary source of nutrition. https://www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/2174246/coronavirus-children-school-lunch/

    Not only that, millions of people, especially in the service industry, are going to lose their incomes and may be faced with going hungry.

    If you can afford to, please donate to your local food bank. You can save lives with a $5 donation.

    • Love 6
  9. I'm cross-posting this in multiple threads, apologies, but I think it's that important:

    Tom Colicchio is out front in publicizing that the need to feed our nation's children during the COVID-19 crisis is even more critical than it quietly is every "normal" day. With schools closing because of the pandemic, millions of kids in the U.S. will lose their primary source of nutrition. https://www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/2174246/coronavirus-children-school-lunch/

    Not only that, millions of people, especially in the service industry, are going to lose their incomes and may be faced with going hungry.

    If you can afford to, please donate to your local food bank. You can save lives with a $5 donation.

    • Useful 5
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  10. Tom Colicchio is out front in publicizing that the need to feed our nation's children during the COVID-19 crisis is even more critical than it quietly is every "normal" day. With schools closing because of the pandemic, millions of kids in the U.S. will lose their primary source of nutrition. https://www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/2174246/coronavirus-children-school-lunch/

    Not only that, millions of people, especially in the service industry, are going to lose their incomes and may be faced with going hungry.

    If you can afford to, please donate to your local food bank. You can save lives with a $5 donation.

    • Love 15
  11. After reflecting on this, I realized that it makes perfect sense that the designer of the collection I thought was the worst wins the prize of mentorship.

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  12. I liked in order: probably a tie between Sergio and Victoria, then Nancy, poor Geoffrey left sobbing back at the ranch. 

    Thank God that Sergio waited until after the show to propose. It was super sweet, just would have been completely inappropriate on the runway.

    • Love 4
  13. 5 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    What the hell is wrong with people? From NBC News:

    A black business owner whose company was flooded with racist reviews after being featured in a Target ad said she's grateful for the controversy and the growth it offered her company.

    Beatrice Dixon, who started The Honey Pot Company in 2012, told Essence on Tuesday that she's not upset after dozens of racist reviews were posted about her feminine hygiene products. The negative reviews were posted Monday in response to Dixon's comments in a Target ad in which she said she hoped her success could pave the way for black girls.

    "It's all good," Dixon said.

    The USA is full of abhorrent racists (and we are not the only country in the world to have this problem). Those of us who don't share racist views must use our actions to fight those who do.

    2 hours ago, dleighg said:

    The "bushes" thing was an ad for a "personal" grooming device for women for "down there." They had them trimming little tiny trees (bushes) into cute shapes (hearts). 

    I have not seen the men's version.

    And TMI my man is never doin' this


    Don't knock it 'til you've tried it, LOL. A good trim can make a good difference. 😉

    • LOL 2
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  14. 8 hours ago, mmecorday said:

    I dunno. I think that mom is depressed. Maybe she needs some Latuda.

    She needs Emgality! Then she'll be dressing up in fancy costumes so she can cavort with her equally dressed up kids!

    • LOL 5
  15. 3 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

    Hahahhahaaa, yes! Usually it's because of closeups of some kind of breakfast sandwich that has that weird flat-and-folded egg format! That or eggs serving as a hideous glue that holds together all kinds of sticking-out peppers and onions. Ugh.

    Aaaahhh the powdered eggs that one usually finds on "free" breakfast buffets at mid-level hotels (or maybe reconstituted powdered eggs poured from a carton). Not eggs by any stretch. I'm not hating on the breakfast buffets, btw, they usually have some pretty good options and I've been known to eat the "feggs" ("fake eggs"). Wendy's is actually running ads about using real eggs for its breakfast sandwiches.

    In other gag-inducing news, the Texas Dept of Health and Human Services is running a nauseating ad that features various people in a grocery store sneezing on produce, sneezing into their hands and then eating samples, roaming the store with snot running out of their noses, and more. FUCK YOU, people who made this ad! 

    • Love 4
  16. 4 hours ago, mlp said:

    I hope Alton never does this show again.  He was pretty obnoxious - deliberately.  A mentor is supposed to teach and be a positive model, not throw things on the floor and ridicule and berate the student.  Also, as already said, he chose a menu so simple that the judges were not going to be impressed even if the food was cooked well.  Which is exactly what happened.  Leo didn't have a chance.  

    Alton seemed pissed off and acted like an asshole just about every moment that aired. I think he was forced to do this show because of contractual obligations with FN and he didn't like it one bit and he let his furious flag fly. I guess this was a big comedown from being the alleged food expert on Iron Chef America, but yo, Alton, remember the reception for your re-boot of Good Eats? The tribe has spoken, buddy. You should be grateful and gracious for still having a paying job on FN.

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  17. So now we have another Emgality Mom who, thanks to the medication, has unlimited time to dress in elaborate costumes and frolic for hours with her friendless little daughter, including dressing the dog in a dragon (dinosaur?)outfit.

    Why do you want to make me dislike the people in your ads, Emgality? Why do you want to do that to an innocent dog?

    • LOL 3
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  18. 6 hours ago, roughing it said:

    Is BBF really blind judging though?  The reactions of Bobby and his competitors when the judges make their comments, you'd have to know whose dish they were reviewing.

    Not sure whether to take this to the BBF thread... but I think I have read somewhere that Flay and the episode's competitor are not really standing there during the judging and that part is filmed later and edited in. Regardless, Flay's food style is so distinctive that, imo, most of the time the judges would know which dish is his.

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  19. 2 minutes ago, theatremouse said:

    That's true but usually on this show, at least as far as I recall, the city/state they usually list in the text on screen for a given contestant is usually where they currently reside, not where they grew up. So if his residence was NY the entire time he was participating in the show, it is a little weird they'd show him as from Austin. Although you're not wrong, that's likely a producer's call, not his.

    Totally agree. I suspect that it was intended to set up an "Austin v. Austin" with him and Brittany.

    • Love 1
  20. 48 minutes ago, nb360 said:

    I'm really curious about this. His Texas background was repeatedly referenced during the season. I wonder if that background was another "narrative" -- perhaps true but embellished -- that he told because he thought it would look good.

    (On the other hand, he would not be the first reality show contestant to do so, it's just interesting to me)

    His childhood in Texas and the things surrounding it are just as powerful if he no longer lives here (for example, his talking head that he decided early on to be be overly confident instead of cowering to bigots was instructive to me in explaining why he is so relentlessly "khaki" LOL). I place responsibility on the producers and not the contestants for the narratives.

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