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Posts posted by Ashforth

  1. I was angry that the judges accused Megan of copying Esther because she made her suit in black. WTF, did Esther invent black fabric now? Next week, will she have invented white because she made some white pieces for this challenge?

    When Megan pushed back that the suit is her design aesthetic, Heidi was all, well, I know that, but it's black. Ridiculous and insulting.

    It was good to finally have the seamstresses work with the designers in person, and I will say that Esther used her seamstresses wisely and respectfully. Enough so that she had time to sew some of Jonny's garments herself, since he didn't use the seamstresses intelligently. He was too busy curling up in a ball and weeping. Which went completely unmentioned. How is that a global brand leader?


    • Love 22
  2. 32 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

    Jonny’s grey dress benefited from having a guy wear it, I think.  I found if way too frilly and the only thing interesting about it was was that it was on a male model.

    I've never been a fashionista or an "influencer" but to me, putting great-great grandma's old nightgown on a man doesn't make it edgy or cool. These judges apparently felt differently.

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  3. 39 minutes ago, dleighg said:

    I also noticed all that finger-dipping by Jen.

    And I was confused by the fact that Tom seemed to be making  a pan sauce for his steak (maybe it's just habit). After he took the steak out of the pan, he put the pan back in the wood oven (it had halved heads of garlic and ginger in it as I recall).


    I thought that steak was still in the pan when he added that and it was to flavor the steak and the butter that he was going to use to baste it. It could also be that he just can't not make a pan sauce LOL. Regardless, I love watching that man cook.

    I was also grossed out by Jen's finger dipping and double/triple dipping in her sauce and touching of Tom's steak. I think this challenge was supposed to be a softball for her to hit and she blew it. I was ready to see her go.

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  4. 7 hours ago, ProudMary said:

    In past seasons, they've had a couple of medical issues and they had medics on set. I was kind of surprised that only the chefs raced over to Lee Anne's mom and not a medic. That was scary. I felt bad for Lee Anne that she had to continue on with the challenge when she must have been very concerned about her mom.

    They did show the medics taking Leanne's mom out of the kitchen. I'm guessing that the closest people when she started getting woozy were the other competitors, who ran over to help. We can't know how long it was until the medics took over; it was at least long enough to have that heartwarming moment of caring more about a person than winning a competition. 

    I agree that it had to be hard for Leanne to carry on. It seems that even when she isn't creating her own obstacles by trying to do way too much in each challenge, something else is thrown at her. From the very beginning of this franchise, she has seemed to be such a nice person and talented chef. I was hoping she'd have more success on TC this time around, but it doesn't look like it's in the cards.

    • Love 13
  5. 8 hours ago, leighdear said:

    And another thing that annoys me......*LOL*

    "Digital Marketing Campaign".  Seriously?

    It was a freakin' photo shoot.  Why do they have to try to upsell, upscale, and "techie-up" the most basic stuff with ridiculous terminology & buzz words that don't impress anybody and just sounds idiotic?  

    No shit! A digital marketing campaign involves posting your brand on social media, not doing a self-contained photo shoot. 

    8 hours ago, dleighg said:

    I couldn't believe they liked it-- it was matchy-matchy (trademark Heidi) and looked like pajamas.

    I think that Michael Kors first used "matchy-matchy" as a pejorative on PR, in season one or two. Boy, could they use him as a judge on this show.

    Color me crazy, but I thought that Sander was the clear winner of this episode. When they started the "you have to shit-talk each other" portion of the judging between Megan and Jonny, I thought it was to determine who wouldn't be eliminated, not who was the winner. 

    So disappointing, because up to that point, I thought this was one of the better episodes of this shitshow (absent the idiotic Tim & Heidi virtual reality battle - and was she really such an asshole about losing to Tim?).

    Bonus: Vintage Michael Kors PR commentary: 



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  6. I forgot to say, I felt for Kevin that he had already used the apple butter recipe that was so highly praised as something that should be bottled and sold. I wondered at first whether he might try doing it again and putting it with a different dish, but I understand why he didn't, I think he would have been dinged by the judges. 

    But I bet inside he was kicking himself for not holding that recipe back for a minute.

    • Love 22
  7. I loved this episode! Loved the quickfire, loved the way that the chefs came together when Leanne's mother went down, loved Stephanie sending her husband to help Leanne and the way others also helped out. This is a group of good people.

    Most of their products seemed very successful. 

    I like Malarky and thought it was hilarious that he recognizes that he's a dick but doesn't want to be a dick, which somehow seems to make him less dick-ish. 

    Jen was the right choice to go. I thought that Bryan V got lucky, because his calamari sauce did not sound at all appealing to me, and his dish was not something that most home cooks would ever attempt. [ETA: Wait! was it Kevin who did the calamari sauce?]

    So happy for Gregory! But kind of thought that Melissa got robbed of the chance to win, given that her sauce was the crowd favorite.

    In other news, did you know that Eric's culinary roots are in West Africa? Gosh, I had NEVER HEARD THAT BEFORE.

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  8. 8 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

    On another board where I post there was a recent debate on Hunts vs. Heinz ketchup. (Running out of things to post about during the Current Unpleasantness.) I’m going to have to give my vote to Heinz based on their current “I’ll Be There” commercial. 

    I'm pretty sure I saw that ad and all I could think was that the last thing I'm worried about running out of right now is ketchup.

    • LOL 4
  9. That wig with 4 foot long "hair" was so gross. It did match the Defendant perfectly. She claimed to be a waitress now, I have to say if she came to my table in a restaurant wearing that mess, I would get up and leave. She was obviously a scam artist (just not a good one).

    It's been a while since I watched JJ on the regular, but now that I'm working from home, it is appointment TV for me every afternoon. It's always been amusing to see the oddball parties, but the awfulness of some of these people is astonishing. Why in the world would they go on a television show?

    • Love 4
  10. 13 minutes ago, ECM1231 said:

    Has this aired yet? The Hallmark Channel says it is airing May 26 but I don't know if it has aired prior.

    It was on yesterday afternoon. I missed part of it, but I liked what I saw. The characters weren't idiots or jerks and the relationships were treated respectfully. It had a trope or two but not too over the top.

    • Love 2
  11. 1 hour ago, janie jones said:

    My husband and I were wondering if that commercial was made in her house on her webcam, or if they tried to make it look like it.

    I think she looks like a digital creation and not even a real person. In the new one that I'm seeing, the lip synch is off and her voice sounds a little weird, like artificial intelligence bots on phone calls, and I have noticed that in the past in the "Jan" Toyota commercials. 

  12. 14 hours ago, iwasish said:

    Poor girl was obviously devastated over what happened. Bathed the dead puppy so the owners wouldn’t see it “like that”.  
    I’m a fairly cold hearted person but I love to give that poor girl  a hug and then punch that so called mother in the face. 

    I do wonder what circumstances surround the “ relationship” between bio parents. The  mother seemed to have a real deep seated anger or resentment towards daughter, that perhaps might be misdirected.

    I often think that I can't be surprised anymore at how horrible some humans are, but this "mother" took the cake. It's shocking to me that not only was she suing the young woman she gave up for adoption and then claimed to have rescued from an abusive home, but was fine with going on television to expose herself as an abhorrent person. I suppose that people who may encounter her in the future can be thankful for this opportunity to see her for what she is in advance.

    • Love 6
  13. I don't care enough to re-watch this episode, but it seemed to me that at least part of the reason Sander was pissed off was because the show changed the rules mid-stream. First Tim declares several times, "This is not a sewing competition!" Then the show made the last two episodes sewing competitions. My impression was that Sander was saying that within the time restraints and lack of meaningful seamstress support as previously promised, a t-shirt was what he could churn out.

    And boy howdy, that dress from his website is ugly.

    • Love 3
  14. I tuned into All of My Heart: Inn Love as background while working from home this afternoon, and wow, what a stinker. Lacey Chabert's lead character, Jenny, was perhaps the most unlikable, needy, Whiny McWhinerson bitch ever. Her fiance goes back to his job (in the Big City, natch) to make money to save their fledgling B&B and all she does is complain about how she misses him and he's gone all the time (the entire movie seems to take place over the course of a week or so). He, of course, gives up the lucrative work that he enjoys to go back to the boonies with his "girl." These are people well into their thirties who apparently have separate bedrooms at the B&B.

    A secondary character who is a guest at the B&B goes into some sort of zombie-like, googly eyed state every time she sees the town's general store owner-handyman, and of course they are in love by the end. 

    Not to mention the ridiculousness of the "reservation" process:

    Phone rings...

    Jenny: Hi, Emily's Magical Love B&B. Do you want a reservation?

    Caller: Yes

    Jenny: What's your name?

    Caller: Denise

    Jenny: Ok, we'll see you soon! *hangs up*

    Everything about this sucked big time. All I wanted was some generic fluff. As it unfolded, I was just hate-watching and almost angry. It was insulting to everyone involved.

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