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Posts posted by Ashforth

  1. 1 hour ago, LeighLeigh said:

    Just some information: Top Chef Canada started last night. Quickfire: cook something you would eat if stranded on a desert island. Elimination challenge: cook a meal representing the next decade. Zero drama. Zero footage of the house. All about the chefs and cooking. 

    Where can I watch TC Canada?

    Nevermind, my friend Google found it for me.

    • Love 3
  2. 7 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    On your second point, if I ever met Dennis Haysbert in a coffee shop I would never bring up Allstate.   I would be quoting his character in Major League.   

    I would be all, Mr. President! From 24. Yep, I'm old.

    3 hours ago, cinsays said:


    I did not know that, thanks for that tidbit of info.  I had developed a hatred of chip and his mugging and stupid stunts, just show me what you are doing to the damned house!!!, so this just reinforces my desire to avoid anything with their name on it

    Rumor had it that the reason for the abrupt exit from Fixer Upper was because Chip had an affair with a woman who worked on the show. But maybe it was because they were already planning to triple down on their fame with their new ventures. 

    • Love 5
  3. 4 hours ago, BlackberryJam said:

    last night I dreamed the cheftestants were staying in my house during the competition. Bed space was limited so I was sharing with Tre, not a hardship but it wasn’t that kind of dream.

    That's a damn shame 😎

    • LOL 7
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  4. What happened to this not being a sewing competition?

    On 4/11/2020 at 3:48 PM, gorgy said:

    This show reminds me more of something that was NBC years ago (I think Nicole Richie was a judge on that, too) and all the looks were immediately available at Macy's or something like that. Each designer had a team and maybe a mentor.

    That's the show I was trying to remember, in which I believe each designer had a couple of seamstresses IN THE STUDIO. It was interesting to see the seamstresses give input and practical advice to the designers, as I recall (it's been a while, so I could be wrong). I think that's more accurate as a real world collaboration between a designer and their team, instead of the MTC device of stuffing your fabric and patterns into a bag with notes for someone you never get to really communicate with. 

    I'll join the apparently small group that likes Sander. I thought his little meltdown was more about how idiotic the challenges are than a full-blown ego trip. Choose your digital background! Really? WTF, Show? 

    Speaking of which, the "fashion show" was, imo, an epic fail. You couldn't even see the clothes with the projection of the "backgrounds." Add the digital and "influencer" judges and smh.

    But, much as in other disasters, I can't look away.

    7 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

    Heidi, are we supposed to believe she doesn't know the word dichotomy?

    I guess it's Heidi's "word of the day" educational segment. Or Tim's. Tim seems to be so secondary in this mess, it's hard to tell.

    • LOL 1
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  5. On 4/10/2020 at 8:02 AM, Colleenna said:

    If you  held me at gunpoint and  made me choose  between  candy corn and  that godawful  hard ribbon  Christmas  candy, the candy  corn  would  win. But barely. 

    Hahaha I'm on the hard ribbon candy team!

  6. 14 hours ago, sharifa70 said:

    “I love this dish. It’s got a little bit of a take on a Jewish holiday: it’s got pork chops...”

    Oh, Lisa.

    To her credit, she did say "Jewish holiday - pork chops - WHOOPS!" with a laugh. She was self-aware. A friend of mine who is Jewish and eats pork has used the phrase "good pork, the Jewish oxymoron" so, yeah, it made me chuckle.

    2 hours ago, dleighg said:

    I've made ravioli a few times and it's always such a production. He made making those agnolotti look so easy. I was surprised that you could just put a stripe down of the filling and then squish it sideways.

    For anyone who may have doubted it, Tom showed that he has serious cooking chops with that dish. I agree with the poster above about wanting to reach through the tv screen to eat it.

    • Love 3
  7. On 4/7/2020 at 4:34 PM, janie jones said:

    I'm sure it would be a hell of a lot cheaper for them to thank their employees via their typical in-company communication.

    These employees deserve public thanks, not just something on an interoffice message board. Of course, they also deserve hazard pay, PPE, and whatever barriers can be put into place to create the safest possible distance between themselves and customers. 

    Believe it or not, there are still plenty of folks who think this whole pandemic thing is overblown, that social distancing is stupid, that healthy people wearing masks is bullshit, and they themselves are somehow immune. To the extent that these ads promote awareness of the very real danger of COVID-19, I am all for them.

    • Love 13
  8. I found it interesting that after a number of comments in the thread for the previous episode about how low energy this show has been, this episode opened with Heidi complaining to the designers about the low energy level and launching into a PR-style, short time high pressure challenge. 

    Interesting, since Heidi and Tim left PR because they wanted to do it their own way. And their own way led them back to doing it PR's way. 🙄

    • Love 4
  9. 15 hours ago, Bastet said:

    Yes, Padma straight-up told Kevin that Karen wouldn't be up there if he didn't have immunity, but he does, so she is.  When she got to Karen, in talking with each chef on the bottom about their dish, she said, "I want to get to your dish, but before I do," and then addressed Kevin:  "It's a good thing you have immunity, because otherwise Karen wouldn't be up here."

    While not a team challenge, they picked the best dish from each art group and the worst dish from each art group in determining who was eligible for the win and who was eligible for elimination.  It's not like they picked the worst four out of the whole lot, and Karen was one of them.  The picked the worst of each group.  His was the worst from their group, but he had immunity, so, since she had the second-worst, she was the one up for elimination.

    It's not like he made an awful dish, she made a good one, but because of immunity, she was on the chopping block.  There were substantial problems with her dish; if he'd picked another team, she'd still have been up there.  So it's not some tragedy that she didn't get to skate by, and I never heard her treat it that way.  But it's inaccurate to say Kevin having immunity didn't have any bearing on her being on the bottom.

    Yet another reason that I hate team challenges in what is really an individual competition. 

    • Love 2
  10. 8 hours ago, nb360 said:

    Is this legal? Is seems like a form of gender discrimination. (To someone who has never practiced law.)

    Federal judges are appointed for life and can do just about anything they want to do. I could tell you a horror story about one in Houston who has embarked on a vendetta against an attorney in our firm, and there is literally nothing that we can do about it.

    Topic? I had been hoping that the judging was edited for brevity and that they were actually critiquing each designer in every challenge, but the Naomi said to one of them in this episode, "We haven't talked to you before." WTF, show? You're allegedly interviewing these people for their design and entrepreneurial skills, but you've gone four challenges without giving feedback to and learning about each of them? Ridiculous. 

    • Love 5
  11. 16 hours ago, kirklandia said:

    I like these art-themed challenges (Project Runway does them as well), although I know they can be problematic.  When I used to read the Wall Street Journal, I enjoyed the Flower School feature (do they still run this?) where floral designer Lindsey Taylor does an arrangement inspired by a work of art.  Her arrangements were beautiful without being too literal.

    I think that art-themed challenges are well suited to fashion design competitions, but not so much for food. Then again, making wonderful food is an art, so it isn't an unreasonable challenge, just a difficult one.

    Maybe they could have each cheftestant choose his or her favorite artist (no restrictions on who - from cartoons to fine art) and make a dish based on their work. What would you bet that Jackson Pollack would reign supreme? Splatter plates everywhere!

    In other news, I really like Melissa and I thought her dish looked and sounded amazing. But it drives me nuts that she's constantly shown running her bare fingers through her hair while she's cooking and then carrying on with touching the food. Girl! Wear a hat! Same with Eric and wiping his face and head with a kitchen towel that he appears to continue to use. I think some of the other men have been shown doing the same, but can't think of who. Maybe Kevin.

    • Love 2
  12. 14 hours ago, KnotsLanding said:

    You said it perfectly. This is a manufacturing competition for Amazon and *not* a design competition. Having a workroom and the odd seamstress element which isn't shown means that the entire first half of the show is boring until they reach the runway. I don't blame the designers for having a lack of urgency as much as I blame the format. Since it is a manufacturing competition I wish they didn't have a workroom and had a different type of setup for the first half. There has to be a way to do it that is interesting.

    If anything, I want them to edit the first half down some and give more of the runway/judging because I just can't watch them looking around like they're half crazy trying to figure out how to make a pattern or write notes for a seamstress we won't see. 

    Right! They start with a somewhat engaging segment about the design brief, and fabric shopping, and then... well, watching pattern cutting is only a little less interesting than watching paint dry.

    I liked Sabato a lot up until this episode, but when he was doing super close-talking with Sander and then got all up in another designer's space with a way too long hug, I kept thinking that he seems like he would have terrible bad breath. But more important, unless he did and it was edited out, or unless he has more sewing chops that we were led to believe, during the judging he should have given Sander credit for the finishing on the garments that the judges praised. 

    I thought Jonny and Megan's collection was more interesting and ultimately wearable than Bebe & Papi's.

    Prediction: Bebe&Papi may be the ultimate brand winner of this show. 

    I thought that Josh made a completely dignified and respectful exit. Whatever his reasons, he wasn't dramatic or rude, just said that this wasn't for him. And he saved Troy. Or I assume so. I haven't watched the end of the cliffhanger yet.

    • Love 9
  13. 11 hours ago, seltzer3 said:

    We had a nutritionist (Andrea)

    When Lisa was describing the brisket she was making and said prunes were the ultimate Jewish ingredient and threw in "helps you poop!" it totally reminded me of Andrea and made me LOL.

    • LOL 7
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  14. 10 hours ago, JTMacc99 said:

    It's probably because he really does love food, talking about food, and he's genuinely enthusiastic about talking to the people making the food.

    I think for me, it took me a little time to get used to his energy, and at the same time, he's definitely dialed down the schtick while not actually losing any of that energy.

    Resistance is futile LOL

    • LOL 1
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  15. 42 minutes ago, jlc said:

    Somehow, this statement does not surprise me. She definitely gives off the "you are not important enough to be near me " vibe, which is why I am so surprised that Guy seems to like her so much. He seems the exact opposite of her. But, has she been asked to cook at his ranch? That may be a sign of his real feelings towards her. 

    Oh, yes, she's been on Guy's Ranch Kitchen at least once or twice. Another Fieri show that I really enjoy. What has become of me that I like Guy so much? LOL

    • LOL 4
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  16. 10 hours ago, Bastet said:

    I was pretty sure Jamie was going to get knifed (the face of the chef who responded to the lack of jus like Jamie had insulted his mother was hilarious), and I’m relieved; I don’t remember anything about him, so it’s not about him, just about me not wanting to lose any of the others yet. 

    Likewise, I have no memory of Jamie from his season. His dish was apparently the worst, so I was okay with him going. That said, I didn't like this challenge, I found it too abstract. I'm simple, y'all.

    • Love 8
  17. 4 hours ago, Darian said:

    I can take or leave Guy, but weirdly, I enjoyed the show with him watching with his son. I love hearing about anyone's creative process for pretty much anything, and it was interesting to hear how he pulled ideas together. He might be hogging the credit, but it sounds like he was very involved in this and justifiably proud.  I know, it surprised me, too. I had Food Network on and almost changed the channel, but it caught my attention. 


    I really loathed Guy when he won NFNS (RINGER) and went on to dominate FN with the horrific "Guy's Big Bite" and the first seasons of "Triple D" but over the years he has grown on me. Maybe he's that cousin who is such a turd but also really fun.

    It seems to me, though, that over the years he has (maybe subversively) made a gradual change from the "Always Over the Top!" FN mantra and food-wise, everything fried and smothered in a sweet sauce to a fairly sophisticated approach to food. DDD has gone from being a sort of "Wow! Look at this crazy giant burger!" to a show that introduces a wide variety of food cultures and dishes in a respectful way. 

    I have to admit that I love Guy's Grocery Games. Kill me now, LOL.

    Anyway, I said all of that to give a hearty second to @Darian

    And I thought TOC was excellent.

    • Love 12
  18. 13 hours ago, FinnishViewer said:

    She's Nilou Motamed. She's appeared in the last few seasons as a judge.

    I thought she was fun and appealing and I liked her chemistry with Tom (even though I'll admit, I was a little jealous). I look forward to seeing her more as a judge this season and on WWTD.

    • Love 3
  19. 20 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

    Is it too much to ask that we actually see the finished products, perhaps actually displayed either on dress forms or models? 

    They should take all of the time that's spent on "date nights" and inspiration/sketching time and long shots and use that to show critiques of each designer, along with a good look at each design.

    • Love 8
  20. 3 hours ago, Jessa said:

    This felt long for me, but I’m still here for it. Also here for all of the shots of Paris. 

    Speaking of, what a waste of carbon emissions, flying everyone to NYC just to turn around and fly them to Paris for some lame attempt at drama. 

    I don’t mind the seamstress angle, but I’m having trouble wrapping my mind around a designer that can’t sew at all. Maybe that’s normal. I’m not into fashion at all, but I’m all about all of these shows. 

    Good thing I’m not there with all of those fabric shears. I’m not sure I could keep myself from lopping off the butterflies on Martha’s shoes, or Esther’s hair for that matter. I know - shallow and immature, but hey - at least I can acknowledge my shortcomings. 

    I haven’t seen all of the PR seasons since I did not get the channel it was on for a while. When I found it again just this last season, I was so happy to see Christian as the mentor. It was reinforced by seeing Tim, who I used to think I liked. Maybe if he still said “make it work” it would be better? His over the top declaration about the next big designer/brand being in the room was just about too much for me. 

    In spite of it all, I’m looking forward to more. Just keep the aerial shots of Paris coming. 

    It is not normal, to have a designer who cannot sew AT ALL. Unlike many, I thought Martha was quite likable despite my dislike of her style, but she didn't belong on this show, and that's on Heidi and Tim.

    Esther's hair. Finally someone else has said it. That side pony-ish long trailing ick of hair is driving me crazy. I have wondered whether her whole "hair" look is a wig attached to the ever-present hat.

    I loved Tim for a long time. "Don't defend the shoe to me" will never not be classic (RIP Wendy Pepper). He seemed to lose his touch as an adviser to the designers over the years, but I do think that was compounded by the ridiculous challenges on PR (make an evening gown from a pile of garbage!). So far on this show, I'm not seeing a return to his original verve.

    I think all of the talk about the next big designer being in the room is because this is all just a ramp-up for Amazon to sell whatever (probably a ringer) winning designer's clothing line online as an Amazon exclusive.

    Oh, and I think it's so long Paris, they are jetting to Tokyo next.

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