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Posts posted by Ashforth

  1. On 5/12/2020 at 7:44 AM, Nordly Beaumont said:

    She was looking at her mastectomy scars. She told Ben his scars mean he's been through something hard and survived, so she was looking at her own.

    And her husband had rejected her physically after her double mastectomy. I thought that she was in conflict about being sexually active again and her self-doubt had her questioning why anyone would find her desirable. 

    Even though it seemed as if Ben was supposed to be Mr. Wonderful, I thought that his over the top declarations of devotion were a creepy too-much-too-soon.

    • Love 9
  2. 1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

    I love seeing Katie and her husband looking so happy over her pregnancy. They tried so hard to have a family so I hope everything goes smoothly for them. I have to say, that is one tiny kitchen they have. I’ve seen photos of other homes she’s owned and the kitchens were huge!

    The mirrored backsplash seems to make the kitchen look even smaller because the counters look twice as crowded.

    I was a bit surprised this week at how much bigger her belly is already! She looks fantastic and so happy. To me, during the quarantine episodes, Katie is by far the most appealing of all of the cast members of this show (even though I must admit to the shame of kind of liking Zacharian).

    • Love 5
  3. "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like Steve." Oh man, that made me laugh out loud.

    The wig on Judy continues to bug. 

    • LOL 9
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  4. One of the things I appreciate about this show is the lack of nudity (which is usually almost exclusively female in TV shows and movies) even in sex scenes. I noticed it way back in scenes where Judy and Steve were having sex. If men were in charge of this, we would have had breasts and more all over the place - even the teen in the car with Charlie. They would have simply cast an actress over the age of eighteen to justify that it was okay.

    I think this season started out in a bit of a sophomore slump, but it's picked up nicely. I'm entertained and interested to see where it goes.

    On 5/9/2020 at 9:00 PM, stcroix said:

    And they made Judy's new friend too aware of her quirky personality too soon I think.  Somehow she knew Judy would be into astrology signs and crystals and even had a moonstone tucked handily in her purse to give her.  She comes on too strong.  Maybe it's just because I dont care for the actor.

    There's something about her that bugs. I can't put my finger on it.

    • Love 9
  5. 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    The camp is at 6,000 ft., and some don't adapt quickly to that.   When I lived in Colorado, you could tell who the newcomers were, they looked so tired, and some people were really affected by the height.    It also wreaks havoc on cooking.    

    I thought about that, especially because Leanne dropped out of TC Colorado because she was pregnant and had altitude sickness.

    I guess if she ever competes on TC again, she'll have to insist on a "no mountains" clause.

    Also the show got them up there, no time to acclimate, and sent them out to do strenuous physical activities when some of them (Melissa?) were already saying they were tired and needed to sleep. So it's like they fucked with the chefs in a lot of ways. Why didn't they go all out and make them cook blindfolded?

    • LOL 1
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  6. 1 hour ago, andromeda331 said:

    I always think of that when I heard Cinnamon. It was just such a crazy story that its burned into my memory. I looked it up. Your right it wasn't a lifetime movie (shocking! since its so their type of story) it was NBC movie but ended up on Lifetime being run a lot.

    It's a true story, not just a TV movie.

    Topic: WTF GE? Amid all of the ads thanking doctors and nurses and truckers and delivery people (who richly deserve it) now there is a self-congratulatory ad from GE with people thanking their GE appliances. I am not making this up.


    • LOL 6
  7. 15 minutes ago, dleighg said:

    I loved Tom saying "Moms are my fan base" while he twinkled those blue eyes!

    😍 Not a mom but definitely in the Tom demographic! 

    • LOL 1
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  8. Gregory boiled his eggs (I assume soft-boiled) but realized that there was no way he could peel all of them in time.

    Eggs do pretty much need to be cooked in real time unless in a quiche or something. I know that poached eggs can be held and then warmed in hot water to order. It seemed to me that it would have been possible to do that or have a skillet or griddle going, constantly cranking out eggs as the guests came through. But that would have brought its own set of risks. 

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  9. This episode was a dud for me.

    I missed the first few minutes of the quickfire, but did I miss much? Probably not. 

    The challenge was bullshit. Make two brunch dishes for 200 people each, and your ingredients are severely limited and you have to fight for them! How is it possible that no one managed to make eggs? WTF? If I went to a brunch buffet (or cafeteria line if we're being real) I would be seriously disappointed to have NO EGGS. 

    This one left a sour taste in my mouth. I'm just happy that Melissa didn't get PYKAG'd.

    • Love 13
  10. On 5/4/2020 at 7:03 PM, Kiki777 said:

    Was I smoking crack, or was there a commercial by the My Pillow guy hawking his autobiography ‘From crack addict to CEO’ - and the book comes with a discount coupon for a My Pillow!  ....Yay?

    It is a long, long commercial. One of the strange things he says as he describes the drama of his life is that there are "pitchers" (pictures) in the book that validate what he's saying. So he has photographic evidence of his fourteen (FOURTEEN!) Near Death Experiences? This I've gotta see. Except that there is no way I would purchase or read this book.

    • LOL 11
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  11. 13 hours ago, catrice2 said:

    I have never (and I would gather most people have not) had canapes when I went to my grandmother's house.....

    If things were getting fancy at my Granny's, she'd break out a block of cream cheese, top it with jalapeno jelly, and serve it with crackers. 

    Which is actually quite tasty!

    • Love 11
  12. 1 hour ago, jilliannatalia said:

    Yes! I liked that part. JJ said, "You don't look like that much of a prize."    The litigant/professional user was offended.

    The Defendant was very pretty and seems accustomed to using her good looks to get what she wants, so it had to cut deep when JJ said she didn't look like a prize. HA!

    I didn't like that JJ spent so much time ripping the Plaintiff for loaning the money when he 'knew" she couldn't pay it back. For a minute I thought she was going to say it was a gift and dismiss his case. Then she actually looked at the evidence that showed the Defendant had indeed promised repayment. Was that just for drama? 

    • Love 3
  13. 2 hours ago, KWalkerInc said:

    That might be an iPhone commercial.  Except for some reason I thought they were saying, "I want my baby!" with the "baby" they wanted being the phone.

    I just saw it, it is an iPhone/Verizon ad. The "singer" is saying "baby." The "song" is, um, not melodic and seems intended to drive one to feel stabby. Mission accomplished!

    • LOL 10
  14. This episode seemed all over the place. Jen and Judy do... something that isn't explained, presumably to get rid of Steve's body. Jen tells Judy to go away and never come back, then calls to say come back. The video footage is just a tease that says, "we could show you what happened, but we won't."

    Get it together, show! 

    • Love 2
  15. I watched all of Season One yesterday and today. I loved this show! Christina Applegate really knocked it out of the park with her performance. Linda Cardinelli was good too, but I thought a little one-note at times.

    As for why Jen didn't have other friends, I thought it was well established that she is an unfriendly, unpleasant woman prone to fits of rage. So no mystery there for me. If she hadn't been introduced to us a grieving widow, engendering sympathy, her character would have been pretty hard to take.

    On 5/28/2019 at 7:59 PM, JoeyCrown said:

    Why did Judy rat out Steve? Was she hoping for a lighter sentence for herself ?

    I thought it was because when she told Steve she was going to tell the truth about the hit and run, he snarled at her that she was on her own and he would be looking out for himself. That, combined with his suggestion that she have an abortion, and his new girlfriend, led her to decide to hurt him as hard as she could. Plus, you know, plea bargain, because she was involved in, or at least knew about, the money laudering..

    I was 98% sure as the second half of the season played out that Steve would be dead by the end. I thought that Jen and Judy would kill him together, though. It might have been more interesting to have the Greek Mafia kill him but Judy and Jen are the suspects.

    On 8/24/2019 at 7:05 PM, Calvada said:

    I was amused that at the same time Jen was assuring Charlie she was aware she had been a shitty mom and she would do better, she appears to have forgotten about the 10 year old behind a locked door in his bedroom, wondering whether someone is breaking into his home, waiting for his mom to return.

    And also about the loaded gun in the pocket of her robe while she goes in for the long, lingering hug. I half expected it to go off and shoot one of them.

    • Love 3
  16. 1 hour ago, Klaw said:

    lose the fucking influencer as judge, please ...maybe I’m an old fart but I don’t get why a mildly pretty person with millions of followers on instagram should suddenly be someone I should listen to?

    I believe that after the first couple of episodes she was on, she was no longer an "influencer," but a "digital entrepreneur." So of course we should accept her expertise without question!

    But you know, if she had been there to provide tips to the designers on how to leverage a social media presence into a zillion followers and presumably a shit ton of money, it would have made sense. Instead they just had her critique the clothes.

    The whole premise of this was supposed to be building a global brand, but there was no mentoring or instruction on using social media, how to create a business plan and get a loan, how to structure a business team and hire the right people.

    They just had the contestants make clothes, get little feedback, make more clothes - and somehow, that was a phenomenal growth experience. Phooey.

    • Love 5
  17. 1 hour ago, HyeChaps said:

    Kevin seemed scarily wedded to his concept of Grandma's food.  No, there couldn't be fewer sides because Grandma wouldn't do it that way.  Those plates were perfect for Grandma's vision.  He had to keep on top of everyone to make sure it was the way Grandma made it.  Shudder

    A boy's best friend is his (grand)mother.

    • LOL 2
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  18. 40 minutes ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

    Also, not only could I not pronounce "Country Captain" (it kept coming out "Crunchy Captain") but it reminded me way too much of "Cracker Barrel" ... 

    I'm thinking Cap'n Crunch! Served as the main dish: family style but dry, with a myriad of sides including whole milk, 2% milk, soy milk, almond milk, rice milk, and yogurt, plus sliced bananas, blueberries, strawberries, raisins, honey, chocolate sauce, and maybe more. 

    Dessert is drinking the cereal milk!

    • LOL 12
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  19. On 5/7/2020 at 2:19 PM, FinnishViewer said:

    Saw this article on AVClub regarding dining at Top Chef Restaurant Wars.

    The thing in that one that make me involuntarily wretch was that there was a hair (in? on? hanging from the plate?) of the entree. DEALBREAKER.


    This reviewer also dined at RW, he revealed that it was at Kann, which I suspect was the case for the article cited above as well.

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