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Posts posted by Ashforth

  1. I'm glad that Martha was cut because it was actually, in my opinion, a kindness to her. I thought she seemed like a genuine, nice, enthusiastic person who was in completely over her head and knew it. On top of that she had just had a baby, which had to make the stress that much more difficult to handle. And then she can't sew? Even with unseen mystery seamstresses with whom one can only communicate through notes, if you don't know how to sew, you can't instruct someone how to sew a garment.

    The producers (that would be Heidi and Tim) should never have cast her. I think they were shooting for a controversial, attention-getting Hester Sunshine-style wacky clothes designer and so they chose Martha. It was a bad call and unfair to her.

    Her style is certainly not to my taste, but neither are those of a few of the other designers.

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  2. 8 minutes ago, Quilt Fairy said:

    Well, this could not have been filmed before Ep2 because that's when Angelo left. 

    It does bother me, though, that Tom judged either Ep2 or this LCK ep when he felt ill and knew his taste could have been affected.  

    Thanks Quilt Fairy! SMH I don't know how I jumped over the simple fact that it had to be after Ep 2.

  3. On 3/28/2020 at 4:01 AM, dleighg said:

    The "What Would Tom Do" was very light-hearted and fun, but I rolled my eyes when the "MC" (who is she? I missed that) asked Tom if "wouldn't a chef get dinged for doing something so simple that they had time to help their teammates?" and he said "No, not at all."

    Right, Tom.

    It was funny that he started chopping really, really loud when she said that. He knew she had him. And yes, who is she? She looks and sounds familiar but I can't place her. She sure did have her hands all over Tom.

    I liked LCK, I don't usually watch it but I plan to this season. I thought it odd that both Joe and Angelo concealed their star ingredients with sauces. Angelo's fate was sealed before the tasting, though, when Chef Mike pointed out that scrambled eggs should be cooked at the last minute and Angelo said he was going to warm them back up.

    Also, Tom looked really sweaty at the end of LCK. I wonder if he was starting to get or was already sick (as he mentioned in the second regular episode)? It's hard to tell when these things are actually filmed.

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  4. The opening scene with Tim in a horribly ill-fitting suit and Heidi wearing the ubiquitous-on-PR's latest season side-mullet jacket was WTF?

    Tim doesn't seem well and I hope that he is okay.

    It was indeed (INDEED! LOL) strange to get the designers all to NYC only to immediately fly them to Paris. Why? Why not say congratulations! Get on a plane to Paris from your hometown?

    I was stunned that Esther won. Her dress looked a lot like the cheap polyester one that I was required to wear as a waitress in a club in the 80's.

    I like this kind of competition show and I liked a lot of the designers, so I'll keep watching, but I'll keep bitching, too. Ha!

    • Love 7
  5. I watched this today and loved it. I was glad I didn't see it in the theater, because I had remained unspoiled and when he was driving to the house, I thought he was going to see Paul, and when it turned out to be an elderly John, I burst into big sobbing tears. When he told Jack that he needed psychiatric care, I laughed enough to balance that out.

    I'm glad it wasn't a coma fantasy, I'm glad that Jack felt conflicted about his stardom and taking credit for the songs, I'm glad the two people who remembered weren't out to take him down, I'm glad for the happy ending. Love this movie.

    • Love 11
  6. On 3/27/2020 at 4:28 PM, SuprSuprElevated said:


    Crying right now, but I guess sort of hopeful tears. Tears of pride for Christian and his staff.

    You sometimes get a chance to see who people really are during a crisis. Christian has stepped up to the plate in a way I wouldn't have expected. I'm impressed.

    • Love 9
  7. 4 hours ago, ProudMary said:

    Jose' Andres is a global treasure; a truly amazing human being.

    That really cannot be said enough.

    Where there is a crisis, he is there, usually feeding people. In this case, providing critical safety supplies for the first responders of COVID-19, health care workers (who I don't think are really getting enough attention for their heroics and bravery).


    • Love 12
  8. 36 minutes ago, TexasTiffany said:

    I just finished watching the episode "Round One Continues" again. I looked up at the screen at the end of the show in time to see a "In Memory Of" screen. Did anyone else see that and who is mentioned? I don't remember seeing that the first time I watched it. Did they just add that? Did someone else pass away? 

    I saw it, it was quick. I think it was an art director, for sure it was a "behind the scenes" person. Condolences to his family and friends.

    • Love 1
  9. 3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

    Baby Bear would have to find another way to keep his hiney clean.  Drag his ass on the rug, rub up against a tree, wipe his butt with leaves or a slow moving squirrel.

    My boss said if he runs out of TP he'll wipe with his stocks. 'Cause, you know, equal value right this moment.

    • LOL 4
  10. On 3/19/2020 at 10:52 PM, mmecorday said:

    The commercial with Carrie Underwood working out like Rocky Balboa with a face full of carefully applied makeup needs to go away.

    But, but, what about her agonized internal struggle over whether to exploit her fans by selling them her own brand of workout clothes be totally selfless in her commitment to her family or bravely carve out a precious hour each day to work out while wearing a bitchin' outfit and full makeup?

    In other news, whatever happened to the injury she had when she fell on her face and made extremely dramatic announcements that she would never look the same? Because, you know, she does.

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  11. On 3/16/2020 at 11:03 AM, TexasTiffany said:

    Where is Stephanie Izard? Why isn't she on this show? I haven't seen her since she became an iron chef. 

    She seems to have stepped back from tv chef competitions after opening several successful restaurants. Sending well wishes to her and the staff of her restaurants in this national crisis.

    • Love 3
  12. 15 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    My teacher gave me a D on a skirt because if she'd given me the F I'd earned, I'd have had to do Home Ec over the next year, and she didn't want to ever see me again.

    Thanks for the much-needed laugh! Also, you should apparently apply to be on PR's next season. 🤣

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