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Posts posted by Ashforth

  1. 6 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    I think he said it during either the first two episodes (when the designers were all one big lump of people to me) or possible during the upcycling episode, but I definitely remember one of the designers saying that they used leftover material from high end designers (and named three or four specific companies) because at the time I remember thinking well, how do I get my hands on left over material from these companies too?!

    Yes, that was Sergio.

  2. 10 hours ago, aquarian1 said:

    Priyanka Chopra is a beautiful woman.  Why oh why did she wear that dress?  It actually makes her look bad, except for her face & hair.  Yikes.


    That dress is all kinds of wrong, and her breasts look tragic. Big flat implant pancakes.

    How old is she? Why does she already have the "young face on an old neck" look? Her face is so beautiful, with all of the resources available to her, it can't be that difficult to get a decent stylist.

    I won't even begin to explore the oddness of the marriage.

    • Love 2
  3. 11 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

    His suit/tux could have been made on PR, what with the blasted asymetrical jacket (and what's with those shoes!), and her with the overexposed breasts.  


    For this, I have to bust out a Tim Gunn quote: "That's a whole lotta look."

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  4. So I'll be the turd in the punchbowl. All of the news is about how great and wonderful Kobe was. Sure, he was a phenomenally talented athlete and apparently supported good causes. But he was also, in my opinion, a rapist who got a pass, in part because of his fame, and in part because women who have the courage to report rape are routinely dismissed as liars. In this case, she was vilified as a greedy, lying opportunist who was probably mentally ill. In fact, IMO, she was a nineteen year old who was raped by a man who likely felt entitled to do what he wanted because hey, he was a superstar. She was smeared publicly in a way that certainly inhibited other women (and men) from reporting sexual assaults.


    Condolences to his family, especially for the loss of an innocent child if that is accurate. But today I'm thinking of that nineteen year old he raped in 2003 and wondering how she feels today at hearing over and over again what a wonderful man he was.

    • Love 21
  5. I looked up Sergio's company's website, and he doesn't seem to have made up his clothing "activism" for the show:


    CELESTINO believes in designing with a purpose, maintaining a strong socially conscious mentality and standing up for environmental and political issues that affect the United States and beyond. Each design is created with hidden messages in order to bring awareness to social causes, and in turn, prompt others to assist in resolving them. 

    The clothes mainly look costume-y to me. And as a bonus, his fall/winter 2019 collection dives right into cultural appropriation (a concept that I have mixed feelings about, but in this case, cannot disregard). https://celestinocouture.com/collections/fall-winter-2019


    Inspired by the Japanese warrior women known as Onna-Bugeisha, the fearless fighters of the Samurai time that have gone virtually unmentioned in the annals of time. Protecting their families, lands, and fighting for their beliefs, these warriors were a true display of the power of women; a quality that Celestino continuously strives to showcase and uphold. The strength of the onna-bugeisha combined with the elegance and beauty of the Japanese aesthetic found in the gardens, art, and fashions throughout history have been woven together to create the latest Celestino collection.

    Rich, eye-catching pastels and floral brocades play on the classical Japanese imagery and the common fabrications found in traditional kimonos. Shapes commonly found in kimonos such as elongated sleeves and flowing hemlines have been coupled and blended into the classical silhouettes for which Celestino has become known. The innate strength of women displayed through a regal elegance. The entire collection was developed with women of all sizes in mind.

    I will give him props for being, or at least claiming to be, size-inclusive.

    *I was going to put this in the Sergio thread so as not to go too far off-topic, and then realized that there don't seem to be individual contestant threads. Am I missing something?

    • Love 1
  6. 4 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

    Well that's....uh...different? May I ask where it is shown?

    I think this ad is hilarious. It does seem a bit off that a hard-drinking smoker would make a great organ donor, but I think the idea is to grab people's attention with humor and get them thinking about organ donation.

    I assume that the ad was made for distribution on the internet. For one thing, it's way too long to be a TV ad, and for another, the language would indeed limit the stations that would air it.

    • Love 4
  7. On 1/20/2020 at 7:10 AM, PrincessPurrsALot said:

    J.T. is somewhere between 800 and 900 pounds, so of course he has a girlfriend.  I'm sure she fell for his sparkling personality and his smile (it's always the smile). 

    When they met in person, she was so comfortable with him that she didn't even notice his weight! Oh, Jessica.

    • LOL 7
  8. 4 hours ago, jackjill89 said:

    Also hate the asymmetric skirts. It's like the high-low skirt trend turned on it's side. There's been so much of it from different designers this season. Again... shouldn't we be seeing something new and unique? Between that, all the straps, cut outs and flaps, I feel like there's a lot of designers working from the same playbook

    THIS! It's as if every challenge brief includes an instruction that each design must include at least one, but preferably all, of those elements.

    This episode was fun! (Except for DaYoung being ill). Loved the nod to early PR good times with the walk-off. Laughed at Sergio being picked last to choose a print. Laughed harder at Victoria's fall from grace and subsequent tantrum - especially after her fakety-fake proclamation last week of how she felt so bad about always being in the top. Happy Delvin is even hotter than pensive Delvin.

    I wasn't familiar with Ashley L., but I credit her positive energy and (most of) the designers' excitement at working with her art with making this episode so good.

    • Love 10
  9. 4 hours ago, BlackberryJam said:

    That's why these challenges are so difficult. Some families just aren't about a cultural heritage. I think that's why Delvin struggled so much. He doesn't even know anything about his father and he was not raised with an appreciation of that heritage. He would have done better to just go the Victoria route and design something he wanted and pretend that it related to his heritage.

    Shavi struggled as well without truly knowing and understanding his aunt's heritage. And that's OK. The stories of our families become diluted and confused and quite frankly historically inaccurate overtime.

    I appreciated that Chelsey celebrated her family's dedication to education as part of her heritage rather than looking at anything ethnic or cultural. I think that gave her a much clearer vision.

    I think Delvin's heritage story is about trusting himself and his talent and striving to succeed despite challenging circumstances. He has the opportunity to shape his own future. That's why the small piece of his instinctive idea that made it to his finished garment - the muslin corset with his design notes - made such an impression on the judges. I would like to have seen the dress had he stuck to his idea of the entire corset being that "work in progress." I can't recall who it was who talked him out of that, but it's a pity, because the dress as a whole was not good, not good at all.

    What is it with the "one breast covered, one breast not" this season? Please don't tell me that's the future of fashion. If it is, does one cover the bigger breast or the smaller one? Asking for a friend.

    Shavi - oh, Shavi - I wish he could have executed his ideas as beautifully as he described them. He seems to be a lovely person and he did indeed (INDEED!) leave in a way that made me respect him completely.

    I loved Chelsey's look and wholeheartedly felt it deserved the win.

    • Love 12
  10. 2 minutes ago, WaltersHair said:

    One question though. Had the Korean look won, would it be 'cultural appropriation'?

    No, because Dayoung is Korean. If another designer had created it despite having no connection at all to Asian culture, I suppose one could make that argument. 

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  11. 31 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

    Okay, this is a miss for me on many levels, not the least of which is the fact that this is a 55-yr old woman.  This seems better suited to a much younger woman, if anyone at all.  The multi-tiered ruffles just ... no.


    Everything is wrong with this awful garment. What did Laura Linney ever do to deserve this?

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