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Posts posted by Ashforth

  1. On 2/11/2020 at 10:49 PM, Frost said:

    I would also outlaw ear cropping, tail docking, and stupid haircuts.  The dogs should look like they look.  No adding anything, no taking away anything.  Standard poodles are beautiful dogs but that continental clip looks utterly ridiculous and claiming that it's actually practical because it keeps the dogs joints warm is stupid.  Like the incredibly top-heavy clip wouldn't drag the dog's head underwater!  Let the human interference stuff go and let's celebrate the actual dogs.

    I can't "like" this comment because I LOVE IT. LOVE IT. Thank you.

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  2. I watched a charming movie today called "Ladies in Black". It's set in Australia in 1959 and has a very appealing cast. Julia Ormond is fabulous and looks naturally beautiful, so unlike the plastic-surgeried, emaciated American actresses her age.

    There is a fashion aspect that is fun. Let's just say that Sergio would feel right at home.

    For a while I was waiting for 


    the other shoe to drop and something awful to happen to one of the lead characters, but it never did. This is a happy film with happy endings for everyone.


    • Love 4
  3. On 2/14/2020 at 6:54 PM, SuprSuprElevated said:

    I've been thinking about Michael Costello lately, as it seemed to me that he had quite a hearty career going, post Runway.  I'm not a fayshun insider, but I can't recall seeing or reading much about him of late.  I went to The Google, and came up with this runway show from LAFW last fall, showing his Spring/Summer 2020 show.  For me, it's kind of awful.  I'll see what you all think. 

    Oh, dear. If I could have gotten screengrabs to comment on, this would be a very, very long post. The short(ish) version if memory serves:

    • the first dress has many of this PR season's tropes: asymmetry, a strap, one shoulder, a giant puffy sleeve, plus sheer (vaht is dis sheeearr?)
    • around 2:30, a dress with a trail of some sort of applique that leads to the model's crotch
    • at about minute 4, the fabric makes the model look like she has a horrific skin disease
    • the sole token plus size model's dress is horribly ill-fitting, she looks like she's stuffed into a sausage casing
    • the very next look had pasties that made the model's breasts look lopsided AND wall-eyed
    • a couple of gowns after that, the sheer + whatever makes the model look like she sharted

    There's more but you get the idea. The whole thing seems pretty much a mess to me.

    Thanks @SuprSuprElevated for letting me see what I can't unsee. LOL

    • Love 5
  4. 1 hour ago, meep.meep said:

    You can have my pair then.  Those of us stuck with the body type best described as squat would look horrible in them.

    For that matter, while Geoffrey's look was proclaimed something that women of every body type could wear, it actually is something I would look dreadful in.  Us shorties would look great in Sergio's though.

    "Squat" oh my goodness 🤣

    But I think of you as a lovely petite.

    • LOL 4
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  5. 10 hours ago, Pattycake2 said:

    Sergio’s was divine.  The use of the godet and the resulting fullness and swing was very vintage Dior and the white strip at the hem was everything.  That would be one expensive dress.

    Sergio should have won, in my opinion. The need to be able to mass-produce it cheaply did him in.

    I disagree that any woman could wear Geoffrey's dress. It was a great look for the runway, but the idea that any woman could wear it is ridiculous - and if she could, where would she wear it? How often is there an occasion to wear a cut-down-to-here, slit-up-to-there gown? It looked fantastic on the razor slim model, but how would it look on me? Gawd, I don't want to tell you.

    I liked Nancy's look a lot and it was something that would be flattering to many body shapes. I thought it was interesting that the judges liked it more with the removal of the (very 60's-70's) headband. But it wasn't the winner.

    I have been rooting for Delvin, but he stalled in the shirtdress lane for far too long. It became the unforgivable yawn. He was the right designer to eliminate. Because...

    Victoria. She is such a pill. But when her look first hit the runway, before one realized there was a fucking diaper over the jeans, and later, the reveal of the atrocity of the pieces of the top, it kind of read as take on the ultra-cool tie dye peasant top with jeans look (yes, again from the 60's - 70's, because: tie dye). If she had the imagination and/or guts to make hip-hugger, flared jeans and embrace the off the shoulder top... maybe it would have looked dated, but it could have been fabulous. In any event, it was more interesting and certainly sparked more controversy than Delvin's.

    There should have been a bottom three that included Marquis' figure skating outfit.

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  6. 9 hours ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

    Truvada was fist studied in men I am guessing for practical reason for the initial studies because the rate of transmission is much higher via anal sex vs vaginal sex. 

    The risk of transmission via single act of receptive anal sex is 1.4%.  That is as opposed to receptive vaginal sex where it is 0.08%. In a similar but not quite as dramatic fashion, the rate of transmission via insertive anal sex is 0.1 to 0.6% vs. 0.04% for vaginal sex.  I imagine it was just easier to do the initial study on men than women because of this.  You would not need nearly as many test participants because you would have an easier time showing decreased transmission in a higher risk group than a lower risk group.  Now certainly not all heterosexual sex is vaginal, but it is much higher than anal sex

    Not to get too graphic but receptive here means the person on the receiving end and insertive the other person.  The receptive person has a higher risk of transmission in general and its highest for receptive anal sex, much higher than all the others

    It has been studied in women though and it turns out as well you need much higher dosages of the medication to prevent transmission in women.  The active chemical does not penetrate and concentrate as well in vaginal and cervical tissue as it does in anal tissue. 

    I don't dispute your facts on this particular issue, but I think that historically, women have been under-represented in clinical trials of pharmaceuticals and in studies of health problems like heart disease.

    • Love 9
  7. 9 hours ago, LucindaWalsh said:

    Yes, that's what I meant! I did think she was in her forties though because she comes across in her fashion and her knowledge as older. I am going to really look during the next episode because, I am not saying she looks like an old hag, but I would have lost every bet if I had to guess her age as being under 40. 

    Oh, @LucindaWalsh surely you are not saying that women over 40 are old hags. 🥺

    • LOL 2
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  8. On 2/3/2020 at 2:34 PM, GaT said:

    They were just trying to attract younger viewers.  

    I don't think young viewers watch the Hallmark channels. According to this (which I'm not saying is accurate) https://www.statista.com/statistics/228961/cable-tv-networks-hallmark-channel-watched-in-the-last-7-days-usa/ only 15% of viewers are under 30. 

    My young co-workers don't even watch TV. Hallmark, in its various iterations but especially the mystery genre, should focus on pleasing the viewers they have. As already mentioned: provide more new content, get some new talent, have more episodic series, lose the awful wigs. Overall, treat the viewers with some respect.

    • Love 5
  9. 20 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

    I find Aaron Spelling's series to be horribly written dreck.   The dude was unbelievably rich.   He was doing something right, but his shows definitely weren't my cup of tea.

    This weekend I didn't feel well and ended up awake at 2 am watching "Hart to Hart" on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries. Talk about a formula that every single episode followed, complete with an absolutely unrealistic fight scene at the end! On the upside, the leads were charismatic (despite Robert Wagner potentially being a murderer), and over 40, and the concept of the ultra-wealthy couple swanning around solving crimes was entertaining.

    • Love 3
  10. 1 hour ago, Angeleyes said:

    Brandon calls Delvin’s green suit “leprechaun”. Fast forward to yesterday when Brandon debuts his new Fall/Winter collection and there is green everywhere. 


    I'm not defending Delvin's garment, but for Brandon Maxwell, after creating the look on the left above - complete with the hat! - to deride Delvin's as "leprechaun" is totally hypocritical.

    • Love 14
  11. On 2/7/2020 at 8:24 AM, Vanderboom said:

    In our fractured times, Sergio finds a way to annoy everyone into world peace.

    Perfect observation. Sergio IS a political designer in the best way! And so modest about it. 😄

    On 2/7/2020 at 9:35 AM, Pepper Mostly said:

    This seemed to be the Week of One Own's Undoing. Delvin's extreme confidence in himself backfired. Powder blue? 1978 prom! Yikes.

    Arrrggh I accidentally deleted the followup quote from my fellow posteress whose high school boyfriend wore a powder blue tux to prom in the late 70's. MINE TOO! Oh the photos, smh. So happy that social media wasn't a thing back in the dark ages and the pictures are confined to an old-fashioned physical photo album.

    Delvin needs to get his shit together. His fabric choice this week was terrible, and his garment was ugly and ill-fitting. He'd better get his head in the game instead of thinking that he's got it made. Make some beautiful clothes, Delvin! Your time is running out...

    ...because Victoria can do no wrong. Jesus Christ, the zero-imagination of using black fabric, the shitty looking shoulders, the puckered skinny lapels, the unevenly spaced buttons that probably contributed to the poor fit that resulted in a seeming hip deformity and paunch on one of the best models in the competition, the lack of any obvious tuxedo reference - and she was in the top! WTF? Nancy's garment was SO MUCH BETTER.

    • Love 17
  12. 1 hour ago, NowVoyager said:

    Just saw the commercial while watching Project Runway on Bravo (Don't judge me.) ***March 19th!*** Top Chef All Stars premiere 😫😫😫

    I saw this too, from the corner of my eye, and to my horror I thought Robert Irvine was one of the chefs. Please tell me this was a nightmare and not the truth.

    • Love 1
  13. On 2/4/2020 at 2:05 PM, peacheslatour said:

    But don't take the brown acid, man. It's not poisoned, it's just bad acid.

    The realtime PSA of its day! I grew up hearing about Woodstock and not understanding what the significance of a bunch of hippies at a concert was. When I watched some documentaries as an adult, I got it, but the announcement about the brown acid was hilarious to me in a way that I still question. Don't take the brown acid, man. Why is that so funny?

    For the record, I am not on acid.

    2 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    Sounds like the boy didn't have any raising.

    That sounds like something out of the series of Greater Tuna plays. 😊

    Topic? I have a hot, hot hate for the AT&T Internet commercials with the mild mannered nerd serial killer screaming at his Alexis-type device to play smooth jazz playlist while it replies that there is no internet connection. Is this the low to which AT&T has sunk? "Hey out there, we will make sure that you have the right mood music while you commit a crime worthy of an episode of Criminal Minds!"

    • LOL 4
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  14. 24 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

    I’m always sober. I reckon I miss out on a lot of fun that way.

    No you don't, lovey. You stay in control of yourself and don't have to worry about what you said or did under the influence. You can be amused by the antics of the not-sober people around you. Unless you're just a jerk even when dry, all is good with what you do when you're sober.

    • Love 3
  15. 3 minutes ago, Dancingjaneway said:

    Is it too late to replace Shakira & J blows with Gloria Estefan?? 

    I'm no great fan of Jennifer Lopez, but Shakira is a well-deserved international superstar. The show they put on can't be worse than Coldplay. 😄

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  16. On 1/31/2020 at 4:42 PM, Moose135 said:

    In my prior life in a newspaper advertising department, I was in the group that handled the inserts that go into the paper. We received a complaint once from a reader because an insert from a pool place included a photo (maybe 3" square) of a hot tub, with a man and woman in the tub. He complained that they weren't wearing wedding rings, and we were promoting promiscuous behavior. Even with a magnifying glass, it was hard to see their hands clearly enough to tell, but he wrote to us complaining about it. Those were some of the things I had to deal with back then.

    I first read this as "insects" instead of "inserts." So puzzled.

    To quote the late, great, Marvin Zindler from Houston, it's hell to get old!

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