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Everything posted by antikking

  1. Then it would seem that you are exactly the sort of person that Verizon is trying to reach with their never-ending ads. I'm happy it works for you, however, many others don't agree :https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.verizon.fios.tv&showAllReviews=true In any event, their commercials will keep me from ever finding out, because that's how much I hate them.
  2. I can't believe no one's mentioned this one, or maybe it's just a northeast thing. Verizon's commercials play endlessly here, but the one that annoys me the MOST is the one for the FIOS TV streaming app with the laziest and rudest girl on the planet. First she gets on the bus and takes up the ENTIRE back row, laying down across the seat on a furry husband pillow. Then, in a doctor's office in a waiting room full of chairs, she takes the very next seat to THE ONLY OTHER PERSON in the room while snickering along with a LOUD Spongebob episode playing over the speaker! Finally, in the lobby of a hotel, she drags over a settee to LAY DOWN on it while attempting to keep her place in line. If I were the person standing in line behind her I'd give her a good ass-kicking. Aside from the ridiculousness that the voiceover literally says something like "get comfortable": 1) the settee doesn't look at all comfortable, and 2) you'd have to keep getting up and moving it forward every time someone leaves the line! That's just how I want to watch TV. NOT!! I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find out that the girl is destined to remain single and that's why she's completely addicted to television. Also not surprised to find out that the reviews for the app are horrendous and most say that the latest version doesn't even WORK when you're not connected to your HOME WIFI!!!!!! WTH Verizon?!? This ad plays at least 5 times every hour on EVERY channel, and has been for months. I have to turn to a different channel every time I hear that incredibly annoying background music (or SpongeBob's laugh) come on the TV. Second worst is their commercial about moving to a new home while every member of the family, each glued to their smartphone, sits on their sofa while two moving men carry it into their new home. How damn lazy can you get?? Anyone else seen this idiocy? Verizon, if you're going to inundate us with your ads, at least have a little compassion and make them watchable. Other companies can do it, why not you? ps: also hate the stupid Liberty Mutual jingle - Liberty, Liberty, Liiiiiiiibertyyyyyyyyyyyyy ... (liberty)
  3. When I got pregnant with my first child I had just started a new job and my husband was still in college (with a part-time no benefits job) so I had to go back to work after 3 weeks, including the delivery and recovery time. Yeah, that sucked.
  4. Actually, we know that Sheldon went "square-dancing with my sister at a Teens for Jesus Fourth of July Hoedown" at least once in his younger years so maybe he learned some line dancing there? That was from Sheldon and Amy's first date episode.
  5. Well, it appears that second-time motherhood seems to have cured JJ of any residual PTSD
  6. I don't know where she went, but I am happy that she took her crude language with her.
  7. SweetTooth, that is the single funniest post I have read ALL year! Perfect!!
  8. To villavillekulla....where do I know that name from? Pippi Longstocking maybe....?
  9. Sweaty Raj WAS cute! Best moment, though, for me was when Penny asked Leonard to pass the salt and the look on his face when he realized she gave him the perfect setup. All in all, a few laughs but the episode as a whole didn't do much for me. Hated the Howard/Bernadette subplot.
  10. LOL at this too: It can also access information about a family where the father was not very nice to the son, and the mother was silent about the abuse, that some 30 years ago. I would love to see a comprehensive list of all the magic Garcia's computer has performed over the years! So this is apparently quite the popular opinion :-)
  11. As a systems specialist this kind of thing drives me bonkers. I was watching CM over the weekend, and happened upon the episode with the kidnapped father/daughter - I think it's called The Fight - where Garcia was instructed to find all cases where both the father and daughter didn't show up for work and school respectively. I can't begin to tell you everything that's wrong with this scenario. First, schools generally don't have electronic attendance records. Maybe some do, I am certain that most do not, as this isn't something that needs to be archived longer than one year. I know the schools in my district user paper records and call the parent if the student does not show up. But since teachers are busy, it can take awhile for the teacher to report to the office that a given student is missing. Second, I believe the dad in this case worked construction. I GUARANTEE that 99% of construction firms don't track attendance in a computer system either. At MOST, they have a timeclock with a polling system - that keeps electronic records but unless it was a huge firm, I sincerely doubt it. Since construction oftentimes pays under the table, they aren't going to have all employees on the books in the first place, and they may be paying in cash. In that case, employers aren't going to WANT employee records, and certainly not timekeeping records for employees paid off the books. Third, in order for Garcia to tap-tap-tap search for all employees who didn't show up for work, ALL employers would have to upload their attendance records into a SINGLE repository - like a data warehouse - and do it on a daily basis. Then, and only then, could she search for people who didn't show up for work today - IF she had a password or a back door. Without a single repository, she would have to hack EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYER SYSTEM SEPARATELY. This was absolutely ludicrous and isn't handwave-able in any universe that I can conceive of. There was another episode - the guy who wanted to go to Greece - in which she was supposed to go back 20+ years to get information. She found news on the shuttle showing that it crashed on the way to the airport?!? NO WAY NO HOW a news article like that from 20 years ago in a small town would have been pulled for archiving in an electronic format and placed online. And don't get me started on her ridiculously easy access to medical records. Most small doctors offices don't keep electronic patient records and even if they did, they likely wouldn't do it in the same way. So same issue as the construction records. They would ALL have to be uploaded into a single repository otherwise she would have to hack every single one. And even then, that assumes that each one captures say, prescription records, the same way otherwise she would be doing a keywords search of every data field. Which would take DAYS, not minutes. And that's not taking into account HIPAA (privacy laws) which make it harder, although not impossible, to crack security. All that aside, it makes a more interesting show to watch the profilers doing the sleuthing and coming up with the answers instead of relying on the magic computer. I think the writers have lost sight of this concept and THAT's one of the biggest problems with this show in it's current incarnation.
  12. "Yeah you may be right. I get so cinfused sometimes. It doesn't help that info changes like Prentiss went to Yale then later on she says she waited on tables why attending Georgetown? Or JJ said she got a sports scholarship to Univ of VA and then tells Rossi his lecture at Georgetown is what made her go into the FBI. And lets not forget that Reid went to CalTech and not MIT. lol" I just caught a re-run of North Mammon and I could have sworn JJ said ahe went to Pitt on an athletic scholarship.
  13. I would love to see the plot where Amy and Kripke meet, he teases her about her 'amazing' physical relationship with Sheldon, and she confesses to him there is no such thing and that Sheldon is the reason. Then he becomes nicer to her, starts seeing her as a real person, and asks her out. Follow-up episode: Amy asks Sheldon for a revision to the relationship agreement to remove the exclusivity clause, he says no, and she tears it up in his face. I think the actor who plays Kripke totally sells it and I completely believe every one of his scenes. If TPTB would pair him and Mayim I think it would be comedy gold.
  14. "Those who kill" is a new A&E show. Not Criminal Minds.
  15. Okay, so I know a lot of people aren't high on Shemar's acting skills, but I thought he was TOTALLY believable as the romantic interest in Diary of a Mad Black Woman, and was so glad for a happy ending between the two main characters in that movie. As for CM, I'd rather see him with Savannah than Garcia. A lighter (writer's) touch on the flirting between them would be appreciated. I also wouldn't mind seeing Reid finally get together with the bartender who was impressed with his magic skills (was that in 52 pickup?). And speaking of Garcia, as an IT person myself it drives me BONKERS to see the kind of access she has to all kinds of databases. Her ability to identify (within two seconds, no less) that the hospital pulled the plug on Laurie?? Not a chance in hell. Hellooooooooooooooooooo HIPAA!!!? And mistakes, yes!! Databases are populated by HUMANS - who make mistakes!! Let's see some reality here, please! Me three!
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