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  1. It’s not really going to happen, or it will be for two episodes. Otherwise there isn’t a show. In fact, they’ll probably skip forward a month and have her already back. Because nothing ever really happens!
  2. So I skipped the rest of the season and went straight to this and apart from KILL BILL, nothing happened. Again. Nothing. Zero. This show is hilarious. Nothing on Netflix gets four seasons, except this thing. Where nothing ever happens. Why does this show exist?
  3. Aaaaaand… He’s speaking at the Trump Rally at Madison Square Garden: Dr. Phil: They're going to say “Isn't Trump a bully? Let me tell you why the answer to that question is no. Because to be a bully, there has to be an imbalance of power. And when there's not, it's just called a debate. And he's just better at it than anybody else. Thank goodness no woman has ever said Trump did anything but ‘debate’ her. “This country was built on hard work, added value and talent, not on equal outcome, not on DEI.” Phil says at Trump’s rally, complaining about a Black woman being in any way important in the United States. I can’t hear a whistle, but all the dogs are barking all of a sudden. Exactly whose hard work was Phil’s career built on? Wait, I guess Oprah just can’t have worked that hard after all… Not with all that DEI, huh Phil? No, Phil got to where he is because he had to work twice as hard, he had to go it alone because of all that discrimination against educated, middle aged, white men. There we go. It took a while, but inevitably he got there, eventually. So now you can decide exactly what all his other advice was actually worth. This isn’t about politics. It’s just simply about his judgement. It was perfectly possible tonight to say he didn’t like Harris, without saying that she doesn’t really have any right to stand because she inevitably must have only got there by ‘DEI’. This guy was never, ever, the least judgemental person you will ever meet. And when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.
  4. I was thinking today that the character in the original show was basically what you’d get if you crossed Reid with Benjamin Hawkeye Pierce from ‘M A S H’ and then stuck that character into ‘The Mentalist’/‘Castle’. And the out of control hair, skinny outfits, leather satchel and general body language was all very Reid. I mean, tragic, logical, clever, high, silly and horny? It could work.
  5. From what I have seen of the original German show, the character is incredibly similar - Wintenberg reels off statistics about everything, solves crimes with math and weird pieces of knowledge, notices details that others miss. Oh yes, and he’s doomed to die of a genetic disease he’s inherited. And he steals drugs constantly because he has an illness but also seems pretty addicted to most things. So that’s kind of a connection as well. The main difference in the two characters is that Wintenberg horndogs on everyone he meets all the time and Reid quit the drugs and wasn’t necessarily going to catch the genetic doom thing. But I can really see why they thought this might work, since they were never going to just make ‘Criminal Minds: Reid’.
  6. Honestly, sorry for those that enjoyed it, but I’m not sad about this. There was something weird about making a comedic show using the identity of a real, horrifically murdered teenager, that just didn’t sit quite right with me.
  7. The dress is slightly too long. That’s the whole problem. If it skimmed slightly above the knee, it would be a super flattering skater dress, but below the knee it makes this shape look small and wide instead of curvy and gorgeous. It’s also the whole reason why I can’t wear culottes. Massive tragedy. I hate the idea that they made her wear it like this instead of taking it up a bit and making it beautiful because they think women over 50 shouldn’t show their knees if they have hips, but I don’t see another reason for this mistake. Christian Dior would never have messed up like this.
  8. That looks so fun!
  9. This show seems to be super cute and has a kind of ‘Grace and Frankie’ vibe. Enjoying it so far.
  10. Looks like Phil’s latest attempted money spinner is rebranding as a right-wing Christian influencer (super common nowadays). https://www.christianpost.com/news/dr-phil-says-god-wants-him-to-speak-out-against-woke-mob.html ‘Phil McGraw recently spoke at Pastor Ed Young’s Fellowship Church in Grapevine, Texas, where he weighed in on the importance of the church’s role in society and revealed he believes God wants him to speak out against the “woke mob” attempting to re-write the truth. “The church brings something to the family unit that causes cohesion, that causes values to be thought of and talked about and prayerfully considered,” McGraw, a clinical psychologist and television personality,said. “If you are married and you do have two parents in [the] family and you are going to church, that's your best shot of those children going into a lifestyle that will be drug-free, alcohol-free, abuse-free, divorce-free, that's your best shot,” he continued. “Family in America is under attack. We need to fight back with the tools we have, and one of the tools that we have is our active relationship with God.” Anyway, that’s kind of a 180 for the ‘least judgemental guy’ in America, as he always used to say on the show. Glad to hear that being Christian saves you from divorce, drug use and abuse… that’s going to be news to some of his former guests on the show. ‘The former “Dr. Phil” host appeared at Fellowship Church to promote his new book, We’ve Got Issues: How You Can Stand Strong for America’s Soul and Sanity and media network, Merit Street Media.’ “It was important to me, as a father, to model to those children that they see their father in a prayerful relationship with the Heavenly Father, because I won't be here forever,” he said. “I know in my heart that when I'm gone, they won't be alone because they will have a well-practiced relationship with their Heavenly Father. I have the peace of mind knowing they will never be alone. They will never be without a father because when their worldly father is gone, their Heavenly Father will be there, and I will have shown them how to do that. And those are the kinds of things we need to fight back [against], this relativism that's being peddled, all this history is being rewritten, science is being rewritten, biology is being rewritten.” ‘In his conversation with Young, McGraw also tackled issues like government control, income inequality and marriage, calling for a focus on healing "damaged personal truths" that deviate from God's vision.’ I suppose this was always inevitable. But hey, as long as he saves ‘America’s Soul’. Good luck, ‘deviants’, in Phil’s brave new world.
  11. Did anyone really want The David Tennant Doctor and The Doctor Donna to go, though? Really? Basically we are all Rose now. We’ve all got what we wanted. It is truly such a total cop out, but you know… it’s nearly Christmas, and every now and then, very rarely, not often but sometimes… everybody wins. And the new Doctor seems absolutely wonderful as well. Can’t wait to see him running around the universe. Sometimes, if we are all very good, we get to have nice things. I’m happy.
  12. I just saw this and found myself involuntarily whispering ‘what?’. Perry probably should have been the most beloved breakout star of Friends, the Bill Murray replacement of his generation. But he wasn’t and this is so very sad.
  13. Maybe something (anything) will actually happen in season 4? *sigh*
  14. I always thought having a mirror over the bed was a bad idea. But not for that reason.
  15. To me McCallum with always be the best Man From UNCLE, (I’m not that old, they repeated it as a classic show when I was a kid). That show and the three main characters were so cute. It was just magic, especially for kids. Anyway, I’m so sad to see Ducky go, as well. McCallum always had serious charisma (it wasn’t really ever looks that made him special, it was always a certain attitude) and he really did carry every role he did off with such panache.
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