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Everything posted by CentralTexas

  1. IKR??? She's always "downgrading" him, jerk!
  2. Huey didn't look like the mental picture I had of him, I thought he'd be more attractive (by gypsy standards) like Richard, he seems like a nice enough guy, and it's obvious he really loves Nettie. Only love could make anyone put up with in-laws like Mellie living with you. I sure hope that if all the drama affects Nettie's health, Huey will put his foot down and tell Mellie to hit the pavement, pun intended I hope Kayla finds happiness, and her daughters get a glimpse of what their life will be like if they choose to "run off" like she did. I could do without Annie next season, and any more appearances by Tanya.
  3. It may be that he's just not comfortable on camera, he's always seemed standoffish even before Issac was born. You can sense his dislike for Kail too, it's so obvious he can't stand her, but he at least tries to get along with her for his son's sake. He is one dad who will not step out of his child's life, no matter what that asswipe Kail throws at him. The same can be said for Corey, and those two idiot mothers (Leah, Kail) need to take a look at Nathan and Adam, and see that they could have it a hell of a lot worse. On a superficial note...WTH Kail's friend? did she roll in Cheetos? She's self tanned/bronzed herself to death, she looked creepy.
  4. 14 years? Whoa! I think I need to go back and take notes on Nettie's egg facials, and also take note to not be a drug infused ex-stripper like Mellie, heh!!!
  5. I'm surprised Kayla is not in her 40s, though she looks much better than Annie who is younger. Nettie looks great for her age, especially having had 9 children, she seems to take care of herself more than the others do. Mellie? She looks like crap, dirty diseased crap.
  6. I am looking forward to Season 2, I love this show!
  7. Seriously? That's the last thing anyone needed, including us! Another season seeing Smelly Mellie pregnant, hollering that her coochie hurts, and enduring the sight of her puking...ugh!!! I feel terrible for Baby Richard and his future sibling, she's a despicable woman. That's too bad, I was hoping it would work out...I'm a sap.
  8. First of all, I love your gravatar :) It seems Dallas does live with Nettie, at least she was when this was filmed. She has left her kids with her family to run off to do her thing before.
  9. GaT, yes, Nettie showed great patience, no one would have blamed her for going off on Dallas. She is jealous of the attention Mellie's baby was getting, especially of Nettie holding him. I think she spent more time on her hair and makeup, than on throwing some crappy beads on her son's outfit. Mind you, she didn't even bother to get the glue for the bling...she may have to turn in her a Gypsy card for that faux pas.
  10. Why am I shocked at their behavior at the Crawfish Boil? They're not the biggest examples of acceptable social graces, but damn! All of the gagging and bitching, and throwing the food away made me sick. They acted like disgusting pigs. Dallas, gee it's pretty bad when Mellie one-ups you in motherhood, why the hell did she wait until the last minute to get her son an outfit? Not to mention her actions toward her family, cursing her mother out and repeatedly saying her kid came out of her hooha, what the hell was that? Why was her baby naked when they got home? She may be a Mini Mellie in the making, I don't know how Nettie can live in that chaos, it's almost like she thrives on the drama.
  11. I'm sick of Mellie, from her calling her baby her fat bastard, to her drunken disgusting behavior. Over and over she gets drunk, starts a fight or two only to have Nettie coddle her, and clean up her mess. Nettie's medical condition is very serious, I just don't understand how her own sister can continue to cause her stress. Mellie is just vile. Everything she does and says is filth. Kayla...oh man, I hope she and Richard work things out, but in a way that she will be his equal, not the family servant. Nettie making fun of Mellie's jiggly legs made me chuckle. Nettie, in my opinion looks the best, her body is amazing after nine kids and all of that fried food they all eat. I want her metabolism, geez!
  12. Was there ever any mention of the fact that Tam fell off the mechanical bull, and had to get X-rays? If I recall correctly, someone, Heather or La Terry maybe? Told the operator to go faster when Tams was riding. Maybe it was forgotten due to "Spread your Legsgate".
  13. I know I'd host a party for her, I'd get some girlses together and have Leah teach us all how to make our faces look just like hers! because you know...it's been a while since I mastered that eye look from a 1983 Seventeen magazine.
  14. I'm so glad I wasn't seeing things. Can't she spend some of that cash on hiring a tutor? A dictionary? Something to help her sound less dumb? Her speech is jacked up, not only does she mumble, but she assassinates the English language!
  15. I didn't watch the previous season, and have just watched the last two episodes of this season yet I only have a couple of questions because not much has changed. Why is Leah wearing a wedding set on her right hand? Did Kail's mother get married? I saw a ring on her finger too, see a pattern here? I notice jewelry...what can I say? Kail, OMG I didn't think I could dislike her more than I already did, but damn she's disgusting! Poor Isaac and Javi. Janelle, I see she's still dead inside...what a waste of skin. The lights are on (dimmed), but no one is home...creepy. I don't get why these girlses ;) have pets, I'm looking at you Kail and Janelle! The ones who can't seem to handle the stress of motherhood, are the ones taking on the responsibility of a dog, or even two, why? They both get so overwhelmed and down right shitty with the poor dogs and the kids while they are bring filmed, I don't want to imagine what happens when no one is watching. I used to think Janelle was the loose cannon, but Kail is hot on her trail. She's a train wreck.
  16. My brain was numb by the time the older kids were on, but I think the subject of sex before marriage was brought up, and most of them said they thought it was o.k, if they loved the person...I'm surprised little miss Mariah didn't object to that, and she also raised her hand when they were asked if they thought kissing *gasp* was o.k. Maybe she figures if her daddy can swap hormones with a "divorced single mom of three, who drove a mini van", while courting her, it's all good? Whatever happened off-camera, to turn Robyn's stupid smug smirk upside down...thank you Christine!!!
  17. Everyone cross your fingers and toes, that Pablo had a vasectomy after Valentina was born...please!
  18. What magic topping does Shannon put on those damn taters?? David is a great looking man, starch does that body good ;)
  19. CentralTexas

    The Judges

    Arrrrron grrrates on my nerves, he's pompous as a previous post stated, even the way he chose to mispronounce his own name, in Spanish only a double R is rolled heavily in the middle of a word.
  20. I noticed Terry staring at Tamra when she got on the bull, he had a huge pervy grin on his face, I bet Heather will not miss that when she watches the episode. Lizzie...I don't see anything attractive about her, she looks like a Bratz doll to me. Let this be her only season.
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