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Everything posted by TigerLily20

  1. Turn the camera off before you change for the love of God please!!
  2. I am so uncomfortable for her daughter right now.....
  3. I just started watching with in the last month or so (gee I wonder why....) and there was a line somewhere in the beginning episodes about how the more she comes to land the more adapt to it she becomes
  4. Bolding mine, but man do I feel you, I have 3 at home and a husband who is now working from home and it is quite a change.....
  5. Rose looks like she is about to kill him....if looks could kill.......
  6. I think it's a tiger, one on each side....it's like their attacking his face....I just can't with them lol...
  7. The thread disappeared quicker than Williams Instagram....
  8. I just can't with all the hand signals between the friends....
  9. so.....how much money will they try to get out of Ed......and while I understand them wanting a new life, I can't get behind the kid calling him Daddy already....
  10. I just feel like you couldn't have sprung for some hershey's bars, marshmallows and graham crackers......
  11. I am late to this show tonight....so I am assuming Mursel's parents realized that they can't get American money if he doesn't marry the American and there's really now other options out there for him....yeah this isn't going to screw the kids up at all.....
  12. This is what I remember David from, I loved him on Design Star and really liked his style. My husband and I tend to watch this show when we are off on vacations, it's a good background noise show, but the amount of tattoos are starting to get distracting, not a fan of the tigers going up the side of his face/neck area...
  13. How far are you in the manga? I am now caught up and doing the impatient wait every week or so when it comes out....which sucks.....
  14. I'm still watching and started reading the manga again, although I noticed it more in the manga (because reading it obviously) I also noticed last night Gin started using a few words in pig Latin and I can't remember when or why that happened.......
  15. That's so cool, we aren't too far from Baltimore, little over and hour and may look into making a trip down there, my son's (middle one especially) would love that
  16. Tim doesn't like strip clubs because he doesn't want to just look.....ummm you don't want to do anything else either lol.....
  17. I was wondering if there was something at the very end, but I have very impatient kids.....will have to look it up later
  18. Not going to lie, I only saw this for Henry Golding, and I had honestly thought it was just a feel good rom/com, for whatever reason (probably me being oblivious) I didn't get that it was going to have a "twist" until my husband saw a commercial and said something. That said, it was cute, probably would have rather seen it on the local $5 night but Friday had to work for us, our movie felt longer because it had 30 minutes of previews beforehand....and Cats just looks creepy.....
  19. So the 1st wife and the 3rd wife look quite similar......
  20. I vote that Omar is somehow included in the title of this thread, he was awesome
  21. Seeing Charlie dress up as Sho-nuff (sp?) was the whole episode for me. We had just seen The last Dragon (I think that was the movie) on TV a few nights ago and I swore that the actor who played Charlie was in that (I was wrong) but still, it felt like they read my mind a little bit : )
  22. I'm feeling like that part wasn't shown on the tell all.....
  23. uggg now I have to find a way to watch both of the pillow talks, not thinking I'm going to make it through tonight
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