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Everything posted by TigerLily20

  1. What a blow we've been dealt.... I'm going with he's either already betrothed, or married
  2. bahahah speaking Korean when he knows she can't understand him.....
  3. And does no one think to text or call people when they arrive at the airport......
  4. Darcy running is about as good as Paul lol......
  5. Thanks, I will probably give this another go since it's on right before Dr. Stone and sometimes I just don't feel like changing the channels, if I can get through the weird animation of Gankutsuou I can get through this, just been awhile lol.
  6. Man I love Bochi's work and am glad that something is finally getting animated, although most of his other work is much more adult and probably couldn't make it onto TV well without a high parental warning. I also love that in most of his works he focuses on something and really goes into detail about it, in Dr. Stone it's the science, in some of his other work it's food and I have never had a manga make me so hungry before! Anyway I am super excited this is on Adult Swim now so I don't have to be lazy and try to find it online...
  7. Javier.....man you will be missed, but yay for taking out Randell.......that guy deserved it.....and as for the Judges son, that sucked but as bad as this may sound I am glad he doesn't have to deal with dear old dad anymore. Also glad we finally got to see the transition to the white suit, also noticed she was adding white during the episode like the shirt which I think use to be black. Going to miss this show, yeah it gets a bit over the top but if it isn't my guilty pleasure.....
  8. Don't worry Laura, wife #2 will have Aladin's kids.....you can help babysit....
  9. and Evilin realized that the money will stop if she doesn't play nice....
  10. The animation for this is...different....I'm still not use to it, and I'm trying to get a feel for it, the whole Ghost in the shell/voltron mixture (or at least to me it feels that way), So my question is, they can feel pain when they get hit/heads ripped off?? They didn't seem to flinch when they are being riddled by bullets, which I guess armor, but she seems to react to being decapitated....which I guess makes sense, just thinking why put her through the pain if she doesn't have to feel it? I don't know maybe I am overthinking it lol.....
  11. My bet for next week is Camilla, I am pretty certain she will have to weasel her way back into the story somehow.... Also does anyone know if this is the season finale, with the summer/winter shows I never know when the new seasons starts/stops, I feel like I remember this being on around January also, but maybe I am mistaken......
  12. Looks like the Winter Solider has let himself go.....
  13. What I don't understand, in the bonus scene on the last episode you saw Darcy and her sister stuffing her into those jeans for the flight, all for her to get there and change and she knew from the get go he wasn't coming to get her....girl wear some sweats and be comfortable then change into your hooker wear.....
  14. While I will avidly watch just about any version of 90 day fiance, I have avoided this show like the plague, but dang they sucked me in with the Pedro commercials, and I am not even a huge fan of his....it was worth it just to see them in that ridiculous get up for the dude ranch. I also felt for Pedro when he talked about not knowing his father and envying their relationship, I think Father Chantel can be a pretty decent guy minus the mom. I also laughed when Pedro was glad he wasn't the bad guy for once......
  15. oh Jihoon, your going to make me cry....and I will say from a person who's father wasn't around, if you are worried about being a good father you are one...usually the bad ones don't worry.....
  16. oh my word, Jihoon's parents are making me cry lol......
  17. so umm...can she not call these places ahead of time to see what she needs, or if she can even have a job there....
  18. I'm pretty sure it is, I think I saw it around the ankles you could see a bit of the leggings
  19. Zied looks like a Bucky who has been preparing to hibernate for Winter, not becoming a solider....
  20. Darn you TLC for making me feel bad for Pedro......
  21. I can't be the only one who saw that coming.......
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