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Everything posted by TigerLily20

  1. Ahh yes Kit....I just remember the cartoon only ever being referred to as Prince Charming....now I'm wondering where we heard Adam from.....
  2. I thought Philip was from Sleeping Beauty, and Florien (or something like that) was snow white. Was there two Prince Philips?
  3. I am fairly certain this was his name also, one of the only princes I never knew the name of was the prince from Cinderella (animated, I believe they gave him a name in the live version but I can't remember it lol).
  4. My husband just freaked out when he saw the piano player/singer he was like "wait....she can have a pixie cut and shaved head?".......Kind of shocked me also lol
  5. I have to say the ghost of Christmas were both freaky and awesome looking. I also chuckled at Grandma's line of "do you dream in Mandarin?" lol
  6. I was wondering the same thing, I have only gotten to watch Winter and Spring, I will hopefully finish Summer and Fall tomorrow when my sister can come back over so I am remaining unspoiled but I left this episode feeling that Paris was going to end up being pregnant....not sure how I feel about that but I do love Paris in this so it could be interesting : )
  7. I was surprised they didn't have Grandma come in to take care of the turkey when they realized they would have to kill it lol.
  8. I said pretty much the same thing to my husband last night, she can understand everyone around here, but doesn't care to learn English (or possibly couldn't? but I would assume she's been in the country long enough to pick up on it if she can understand everyone) and just joins in the conversations. Reminds me so much of my father in law.
  9. At that scene my husband said "oh he's the Semi from Coming to America", thought....yup that's it lol.
  10. I would assume that she is definitely coming home alone, since this is their first time meeting they don't actually have their K1 Visa yet, they are still establishing a relationship for the process. I am wondering if maybe they get turned down which is why we haven't seen the other couple yet. Also are we getting separate threads for the couples this season or just episode threads?
  11. quick question, Nicole stated that to apply for the K1 they had to show proof of the relationship which is why she was going to Morocco if I heard correctly? I know this was her first time actually meeting him so I am assuming that means they don't actually have the visa yet. Maybe one can hope they will be denied? I have a friend who tried for 3 years to get his girlfriend/fiance over here on the K1 only to keep being denied by her country, he finally went over there and married her and is now trying to get her over here on a spousal visa...fun times. He enjoys watching this show with us lol.
  12. I have never had such a violent reaction like I did when I saw Anifsa, just something about her bugs...she's so smug it comes through the TV. Don't get me wrong I think Jorge is an idiot and probably deserves whatever he is going to get but he could have built a girlfriend for the money he has already put into this one. Quick Question: Will there be individual threads for the couples like the past seasons?
  13. I don't think I ever heard Dani speak as clearly as she did when she was yelling about deporting him.....just something I noticed.
  14. Somehow I doubt Brenda will be around next episode and that is why Teresa ran.....
  15. Brenda, Brenda, Brenda.....I had such high hopes for her, I really felt like she was going to make it....guess that's why I wasn't seeing her in the slow mo walking promos.......
  16. I am so bummed I missed this, I hope they have re-runs next week before the new season starts.....grrr so mad.
  17. Dang Brenda.....you gotta do what you gotta do....., love her spunk.
  18. While I like this show I guess I just feel like the pace is really slow and this episode finally had a bit more happening and a bit more motivation from Teresa. I mean we know in the end she is going to end up being the end all be all of the business but so far she hasn't really shown any indication that she is really all that interested in taking over, or even being in this situation. She seems to just want to get out of it (which I understand) so I guess I'm just wondering when is this switch going to happen from, "get me out of here" to "I'm running this show". I guess to me it seems like Brenda would be more willing to want to plan a coup and take over (which I understand right now would be unwise but she is at least still trying to get her stuff out there). That being said this is coming from someone who knows nothing about how any of this stuff happens. Long story short I just feel like finally Teresa is doing something instead of just following people around looking frustrated.
  19. I was wondering if this show was getting any following lol, the forums on it seem a little on the light side so I was fearful they may try to pull the plug on it (of course I understand there may be a lot more people watching it than commenting on it lol). Part of me wishes I had known there was a book about it I would have read it before hand, maybe I will read it after the show is over to compare lol.
  20. That was one thing I was wondering also, like is he really dead or was it just some set up that would case a catalyst later on in the show? The more that time is going on I feel like he's actually dead though....
  21. So will Brenda have a place once Teresa takes over? I've never read the book so I guess that's what I'm wondering about now, trying to remember if I have seen her in any of the future promos (I just kind of remember one with Teresa in white walking with these people behind her), I don't see them much now that the show has started so will be interesting to see how this all pans out.
  22. I guess the only thing I was concerned about (I know it's a show and I can only imagine it actually happens in real life), but Brenda just leaves her kid in a motel room in a new country while she goes out with some stranger, that for some reason threw me more than the other stuff I have seen, but I guess she felt she had to do what needed to be done.
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