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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. I heard that too, and guffawed, (Which is awesome to do, I'd totally suggest it) Anyway, my thought was that she either: 1. Ran out to buy more career wear (IE frayed jeans and sneaks) for an upcoming interview of an important dignitary 2. Is resurrecting the Unitarian Scarf (tm oakville) and had to run out an replenish her supply
  2. Joe was riffing about how Trump's Daddy gave him millions of dollars and Trump said, "I'm gonna go open a casino." Why didn't Joe use a heavy Queens accent, or do only Southern accents get to be joke bits?
  3. Now wait-- Donald Trump Jr. has a band? You did say ridiculous vanity project, correct???
  4. I beg to differ. At 8:00 they repeat what was shown from 6-6:30 approx., so they only "work" 2 1/2 hours max. WORK is in quotations on purpose. Anyone who has seen The Da Vinci Code, which is 7/8 of the planet, knows what a fibonnacii (sp?) sequence is...
  5. Yes, yes, but can I still say that he needs to not wear those glasses? His entire head is beige, he needs some darker glasses. I feel better--I've been thinking this for years. Loved the Niki Haley lambasting this AM. They have a lot of fun with Mike Pence waiting for the bus to drive over him!
  6. YEPPER. Remember Sarah Palin with her giant Big Gulp on stage as a FU? The soda tax thing should have been the very first thing Joe talked about. Got to get a Dumb Southern Accent Joe reprise today. Loved it when Donny or Heilman called Sessions commercial "a hostage video!"
  7. Baby Billy is about 90% of the show for me. When the one daughter called him "Uncle Baby Billy" I spit out my coffee.
  8. How is this okay that Joe constantly does broad comedic Southern imitations? He wouldn't try to sound like a dumb Hispanic or African American person.
  9. I attending the dress rehearsal of this show. KS was as lackluster, bland and flat-lining in person as on the show. the only one where she was good was the Rosie the Riveter.
  10. Yesterday they had a green screen of the White House or Capitol that had way too many autumn colored trees that it looked like the White House/Capitol is located in the Catskills or the Adirondacks. I think it was a fake (how suitable for this show...)
  11. I'll be there! Even if I have to rent one of those Hollywood rain machines, I will be a Woman Voting In The Rain!
  12. Small colleges!! Quelle HORREUR!! Hillary took an AK47 with a bumpstock and forced them to hire her! BWAH!!!!!!!!!!!! To be fair, however the O.G. in Times Square IS quite popular.... Nothing like going to NYC and eating in a chain that has a branch 5 minutes from your house..
  13. Shecky Kasich was on this AM. He and Joe (Him and Joe?) were orgasming over the days when the budget was balanced, and Kasich started talking about the Democrats and said, "I'm sorry Mika, but the Democrats are talking about taking away private healthcare." Shouldn't he had said, "I'm sorry Mika and JOE?" After all, Joe is a Dem now, correct?? Gratuitous Dr. B imitation by Joe at 8:56 AM
  14. Good Morning Children: This AM we learned from Joe that during the 2016 campaign, Mika voiced reservations about Hillary Clinton and she was mocked, sneered, dragged into the town square and dunked in the town well (oh...that last part was taken from The Crucible). Some journalist or whatever even suggested that she be fired for her non-support. but she bravely carried on! Why, she was a real Mika of Arc (maybe that's the reason for the super short hair?)
  15. What, you don't think world leaders need to know "Eight Things You Need in Your Wardrobe Now?" OMFG WHAT IS UP WITH ARIANA HUFFINGTON'S HAIR???? It's like Queen of the Dead/80's girl hair band. Doesn't she have like a jillion dollars to spend on hair stylists? SQUEE!!! Oh the good old days, back before your Florida retirement and your Warm Cookie Surgery!
  16. WORD O RAMA. The old GOP is gone forever, Joe. Joe probably has a Lisa Frank notebook in which he writes "I Love the GOP," and "Mr. Joe GOP" over and over. By the way, I enjoyed Claire McCaskill's slogan which was something like, "You bought the dress, now wear it out." URGGG--they just did another scroll-thru of the KYV website. All these shiny, bright, thin, well dressed women, which apparently are the only ones who can KTV.
  17. 8:50 AM OMIGOD. Going to the break they showed a view of the homepage at KYV--which highlighted such hard-hitting features such as "9 Wardrobe Game Changers" and "Why Your Workout May No Longer be Working for You" --accompanied by a photo of Mrs Scarborough in a unitard doing yoga. I wish I was joking! This is Ladies Home Journal 2019!" I thought it was about getting ahead in the business world--SILLY ME
  18. Well, right now they have some rock band on. Why? Oh that's right, nothing at all whatsoever is happening in the news. I shut it off so I didn't get to the part where they are somehow connected to Joe's Shitshow band.
  19. I sincerely hope that this was said sarcastically, xaxat!
  20. Again, this AM, The Bill Clinton Impeachment Information Network felt the need to tell me that BC was impeached because he lied about a sexual harassment case. I thought it was because he lied about having sex with ML? I'm a young whippersnapper so I don't know (in fact I'm old, proven by the use of the term "whippersnapper") Mika stumbled over her reading twice today in the 20 minutes I listened. DOES NO ONE REPRIMAND HER OVER THIS??? this is so fucking basic.
  21. Mika and Pelosi Interview: Mika: .... "and Kellyanne Conway, who I think still works at the White House." YASS KWEEN!! That contained so much shade that I am going to throw out all of my sunscreen. Thank you Joe, for letting me know that Bill Clinton was disbarred in Arkansas for perjury. I actually didn't know that, and I actually could give 2 shits that he lied about his immoral, yet consensual sex with an intern.
  22. God, it's amazing the difference in Mika's voice when she talks about KYV rather than badly reading the news and announcing segues. She sounds so fake-ly bright and chirpy, like when you are trying to sell your toddler on taking a bite of the broccoli.
  23. I'm enjoying watching Senator John Kennedy schooling Noah Rothman (who is so svelte now)
  24. Welcome to my daily Sirius-in-the-shower routine. Lotsa "umms", paper shuffles, and about 85,000 "Wows".
  25. It was designed to go with the fleece he was constantly sporting, until Mika got to him.
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