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Everything posted by roseslg

  1. I've used a lot of them, EaterDating, CoffeeMeetsBagel, OKC, Match, EHarmony. I've had the most luck with OKC, that's where I met my husband. I have friends who are on Tinder, but they haven't met anyone really as yet. They are looking for someone serious, but no luck. For me, Match and Eharmony was the worst! When I first signed up for EHarmony it told me that they couldn't find a match. I figured I was too out there :).
  2. @aradia22, it is prime dating season. I once saw this guy on the subway, I was with a friend and he just kept staring at me and staring at me. I was like, dude, stop. He wasn't unattractive, it was just a bit too much ogling. In any case, the next morning, I am cruising the pages of OKC and a message pops up. It's from the same guy! So we start chatting and we meet up for a walk to target. He was a major tool so nothing really worked out, but it was strange having my subway world collide with my online dating world. @Enigma X, I get where you're coming from. There is nothing wrong in making clear what you want from the get go. If you want a family the natural way, the clock is ticking (I hate that expression with a passion). I am 38 and just had my first baby last year. While I didn't have it spelt out in my profile that I was looking for marriage and a baby, I was very clear that I wanted a serious relationship. When I met my now husband, I literally told him that at some point, he would either have to piss or get off the pot.
  3. I like the little quizzes. I never knew what Jack's full name was! I can't imagine Vanessa Williams in the role. Maybe if she channeled some of Wilhemena Slater...
  4. @Enigma X, you asked a lot of really good questions, not sure if you want them answered or not. A lot of it depends on what/who you are looking for. Why do you feel who you're looking for is not looking for you? You never know really unless you try. I think if you do want to be successful at it, you have to really be comfortable with who you are and know what you bring to the table. I have a dear, sweet friend, and one of my greatest hopes (his as well) is that he finds someone. His expectations for a guy and a relationship are unrealistic though, because he has waaay too many issues about himself and would never really be happy with anyone because his expectations are too high and he refuses to deal with his problems. I think the group here is welcoming without being judgmental. Don't lurk, participate! What do you have to lose? You are on the internet!
  5. And him shopping at the Walmart knockoff to get a bike for his grandkid
  6. Maybe some of it has to do with Geography. I'm in NYC, and although I grew up on an island and we didn't have a lot of variety, once I moved here, I was open to trying most things. I went to Scotland, I tried Haggis; I was in Central Asia, I had some horse meat. Some of it tasty, some of it not so much. I am glad that I have the option of Ethiopian, Senegalese (which I love), Georgian, Ukraninan, tons of Indian, Polish and everything else under the sun. While a show about something outside the norm may not do as well ratings wise, one should still try it. People may surprise you in what they'd like. My brother's had the same background I did and once they moved here, my husband and I thought it our duty to expose them to as many different foods as possible. They are surprised by how much the like what they considered strange food.
  7. @aradia22, definitely no to a second date. I hate when people are misleading about their height, well just misleading in general. Next!
  8. @aradia22, are you on more than one site? Good luck with the dates!!!
  9. I loved Prince's version of Nothing Compares 2 U with Rosie Gaines. I love Sinead's too, but for different reasons. The different versions mean something different. I don't have a lot of faith in BET. On anything.
  10. Just had my first baby at 37. Yes, they (doctors, lab staff, etc) keep telling you about your Advanced Maternal Age. I was at a party where a bunch of my friends (who happened to be all pregnant at the same time with their first kids and over the age of 35) were talking about it. It's not something you want to hear constantly. I thought the geriatric comment was funny.
  11. Ed and Lenny is my #1 team, followed by Ed and Jeremy Sisto's character (why am I drawing a blank? I've watched every episode a kazillion times!). I like Logan, I just don't love him. We also saw Ed and Lenny together for longer. I am laughing now thinking of the epic side-eye both Green and Van Buren gave detective beauty queen on her first case. She was literally the worst.
  12. Everyone hated him. Well, except for her. She did after a while. She had to pay him to pick up their kid. She justified paying for his phone bill since he picked her up too. Not a nice name, but it wasn't undeserved.
  13. @DkNNy79, my aunt (the one who named him, not the one who dated him), would always start singing My Prerogative around him too.
  14. Maybe I knew with the hubby... Well, Short Foot Big Hem was kinda short so one aunt supposed that he had big hems in all his pants. Thus, the name was born. My cousin broke up with SFBH and then moved on to "Shit Belly" who had a big belly and another aunt said it must be full of shit because he would eat so damn much. She met him while crossing the street. He was a total loser and obnoxious as hell (they both were). My aunts had their share of loser named bf's too. There was "Gold Teeth Don Gorgan" (he had a gold front tooth and a very island look) and "Bootleg Bobby Brown" (self explanatory) and some more. No wonder I didn't bring anyone around these people.
  15. I think it would allow me to even write the message to begin with. I made the mistake of reading profiles and tried to have something to say... I particularly like "Boy". My family is sort of mean so we would have names for most of the boyfriends other family members would bring around. My personal favourite was Short Foot Big Hem.
  16. @aradia22 My friends and I would give names too. Everyone got a name except my husband. There was Communist Seth (lived in a Commune on Staten Island), Bird Man (he had several birds), some others I can't remember... Half the fun is in the naming! I sort of miss coming up with the names.
  17. Is Mr. Animation new? Maybe I'm just being extra nice, but I say give everyone a second date and then start cutting people off!
  18. @aradia22, sounds like a great date. Anything that passes more than 3 hours usually is. It's also weird to know what to do at the end of the first date. You never want to be too forward. At leas I don't. I would usually just hug, Will there be a second date?
  19. @aradia22, I always sent messages on OKC while enjoying an adult beverage. It helped. A lot
  20. That movie was awful! Seriously. I watched it for her though. Still. Awful.
  21. Ugh... I can't shake my head enough at this.
  22. @aradia22 I dunno, sometimes a first date can be all nerves. You don't know what to say, you are in your head. Once you're relaxed you may be more open. If it wasn't awful, I would say have a second date that's completely different from the first. If nothing there, you can tell him peace out! What do you have to lose, really? @DisneyBoy, you could always just go and say hello. Cut to the chase, ask her if she'd like to have a cup of coffee. You can lead it off by saying that you may be a bit presumptuous, but you see her often enough and it seems as though there's some kind of connection. If she shoots you down, change your subway car!!!
  23. @aradia22 Which movie did you guys see? I think it's hard to do something so date-y on a movie. I always did a coffee or an early-ish enough drink that the drink could turn into dinner or coffee could turn into lunch or something (if I liked the person). OKC really makes you work for it, but that's where I met my now husband. Keep at it!
  24. Haven't watched this show in ages, but can I say that I hate that the accent on Raven's name is misleading and how she pronounces her name is not how her name would be pronounced? Is that even her real name?
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