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Meredith Quill

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Everything posted by Meredith Quill

  1. This topic will contain spoilers for the whole of season 1 of Gen V. For those who watch both shows, how do you think the plotline from Gen V will play out in the next season of The Boys?
  2. While using the forum navigation 'Next Unread Topic' feature, ignoring or skipping specific topics is not an option I'm aware of, unfortunately.
  3. You got it, it's a new optional feature that the forum/topic mod(s) aren't obliged to, but may use as they wish.
  4. Circling back on this - just to let you know that you haven't been forgotten. Unfortunately, I don't have an answer at the moment but hopefully I will sometime this week.
  5. Re intrusive ads. Moving forward please see updated OP. In the meantime, if you would like to provide feedback about intrusive ads, or any other aspect of the site (good or bad), please email feedback@primetimer.com - thanks.
  6. Please see here about forum ad issues. The Bugs forum is the place for members to report offensive (in poor taste) ads, bugs / glitches / technical issues. Please email feedback@primetimer.com if you would like to provide feedback regarding any aspect of the site, including intrusive ads. All feedback, both good and bad, is welcomed. Thank you.
  7. We appreciate the feedback and hear the complaints people have made about the intrusive ads on the forum. Although we do not have full control over the advertisements, we want to let everyone know that we're actively working towards resolving these problems and concerns. Please know that we're committed to finding some solutions to diminish their impact and enhance site user-friendliness and thank you in advance for your patience until then.
  8. First four episodes of S5 have aired (first 3 dropped together + 1 last week) and I forgot to post my thoughts here. Ep 5 will air tomorrow, will try to remember to post afterwards! I binged the first four seasons so waiting week to week hurts but apparently I don't have the patience to wait until they've all aired either. Gah, no win situation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #firstworldproblems
  9. They're referring to Frederick's wife, who was at Prospero's orgy/rave. That scene brought a whole new meaning to the phrase 'drop some acid', oof.
  10. I got a kick out of the use of old horror movie themes and names like The Pit and The Pendulum, The Masque of the Red Death, Murder in the Rue Morgue. Reminded me of my early teens watching old (even then) re-runs of those, and especially Hammer House of Horror movies, at night with all the lights off and being on the edge of our seats.
  11. This forum is for reporting offensive ads, bugs or technical issues only. If you would like to provide general feedback regarding any other aspect of the site, you may do that by emailing feedback@primetimer.com Thanks.
  12. The Small Talk topic is for: Introductions Off-topic chatter Having virtual tea with forum buddies This is NOT a topic for actual show discussion. When you want to talk about the show: Figure out the nature of the topic you want to talk about Look for an existing topic that matches or fits If there is NOT an existing topic that fits, CREATE ONE! Examples of topics that populate show forums include (but by no means are limited to): Character topics Spoiler topics Comparison topics Speculation topics In the Media topics Favourite X topics ...you get the idea Happy trails beyond Small Talk!
  13. The Small Talk topic is for: Introductions Off-topic chatter Having virtual tea with forum buddies This is NOT a topic for actual show discussion. When you want to talk about the show: Figure out the nature of the topic you want to talk about Look for an existing topic that matches or fits If there is NOT an existing topic that fits, CREATE ONE! Examples of topics that populate show forums include (but by no means are limited to): Character topics Spoiler topics Comparison topics Speculation topics In the Media topics Favourite X topics ...you get the idea Happy trails beyond Small Talk!
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