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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. Jessica just brought in 3 pizzas?? There's some money here somewhere she's gunning for. Her aim is clearly to kill him.
  2. Are these women like prison wives? They get to say they have a man and they dont have to worry about screwing them. They're safe with this guy. We know he aint cheating.
  3. Hmmm..have we ever seen anyone laying on their stomach?
  4. This!! I have girlfriends, GROWN WOMEN who post their every single move on FB or Instagram Live. At the airport! Going to Jamaica! Be back on Thursday! Entire house is empty! Laters! Why not leave the key in the door for the burglars?
  5. Where is Heather B. when you need her? MTV can only use what you give them Kail and what you give is CONSTANT bitch.
  6. She was 14. How can a 14yr old be any kind of mother?
  7. Its like he's scolding a child. This is almost sad.
  8. Why is her fried chicken ass moving? Dont be wasting my Dr Now's time.
  9. Where was she when she missed Dr. Now's phone call? The bathroom??
  10. I have 715 in the office pool, boyfriend says 801 Bob.
  11. I don’t know bout this boyfriend, I wouldn’t chance putting my Johnson anywhere near her mouth. Might draw back a nub.
  12. Oh God!! These people are eating food that was prepped in a bed that’s a bathroom. I’m done
  13. My husband asked why don't I read the forum on my phone. Duh, because I'm watching Teen Mom on the phone while I read comments on the episode on my work computer. I am tempted to ask one of the IT guys for a workaround.
  14. https://mtonews.com/.amp/atlanta-housewives-gregg-cynthia-was-never-my-friend So now Greg is walking back on his praise of Cynthia being like a sister to him during his illness. My money says Nene hid Greg's meds and he couldn't get them back until he denounced Cynthia.
  15. Is Plan B something you can just pop? Why does that make more sense than condoms?
  16. I didn't lose my account but Primetimer is apparently deemed a "potentially hazardous site" on my work computer. Sad face.
  17. Does she know the only reason she can pretend to be all sexy and saucy at this weight is because of her age? And not for nothing, the sun is setting quickly on that. At this size she won't be mobile for very long and we can already see her decline from Season 1.
  18. Is Dr. Now's first name Mick? Maybe it's for the future when he has to cut all of the excess fat and skin off of her. It surely can't be a Rocky reference.
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