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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I had to go look up what that episode is (Steele Alive and Kicking), because it just would not come to me. Yeah, that one must be quite lackluster because I can't even remember more than a few scattered scenes. Steele at the gym. Laura ensuring she'll never be asked to pet sit again. (Can I revisit my perpetual disgruntlement that Nero existed for just one episode?) Their annoying client who kept crashing through things. That's all I've got; I can't even remember the closing scene. If I ever get back to my re-watch, I'll find out. Which I need to do, if for no other reason than to watch Beg, Borrow, or Steele again. That is one of my favorites.
  2. First, a public service announcement (since a whole lot of people add the extra syllable): It's triathlon, not triathalon. Back to Mr. Steele. I share his "not unless someone's chasing me" attitude toward running. And his horror at being asked to pick someone up at 6:00 in the morning. He's a lot of fun in that episode, particularly when he tells Laura he's ruining his shoes ... not to mention his feet. (Try running in heels, buddy.) And when he tosses the running shoes over his shoulder and says chasing her is all the exercise he needs. He's just so adorable. So, yeah, Bonds of Steele just has to be chalked up to an evil twin or something, because he makes no sense in it.
  3. Wow, I was just going around the dial during halftime and some hidden camera show featured a couple with a crying baby at a high-end restaurant. They just kept sitting there, instead of one getting up to take the baby outside once it became clear it wasn't going to settle down any time soon, but the show set up the (planted) diner who complained about it as the bad guy, to see how other people reacted to her! Now, I only watched a couple of minutes worth before I needed to pee, and then I had to take a phone call (and then I had to run in here to notify you before the game started back up <g>), so I don't know if she wound up being horribly obnoxious about her protest, but I was flabbergasted that these inconsiderate people were being presented as victims.
  4. The brand is Depend, not Depends (which I didn't realize until fairly recently).
  5. Oh, now Drought Conditions I remember (partially). I'm on the West Coast, and a friend back East called to say, "I know you're not into this show anymore, but you have to watch tonight for a terrific CJ and Toby scene." So I did, and that's what I remember, because it was pitch perfect. (CJ and Toby have my favorite of the show's relationships, just beating out Jed and Leo's.)
  6. Green belts, green wedges, greenways, etc. are all land use concepts (the difference is in their shape - do they go around the populated area, through, etc.) to retain undeveloped areas for agriculture or wildlife. This organization is specific to the San Francisco Bay Area, but shows you the goals and strategies. I missed the whole freakin' week of shows, and was rather irritated about that, until I saw all the complaining about what easy questions they featured. I feel better now; thanks, pTV peeps!
  7. I hate nonsense like that. I think every parent (well, every person, really) should be required to read Lise Eliot's Pink Brain, Blue Brain.
  8. We have a breakfast of sorts after opening presents Christmas morning -- Bloody Marys and German sausage (not bratwurst, a very old Germans from Russia recipe). Then we pretty much lounge about all day, reading our new books by the fire and such, with some light snacking (more if someone will be stopping by during the day to visit). Christmas dinner varies from year to year, but prime rib and ham are probably the two most common main courses.
  9. There's one independent bookstore left in my city now (two had hung on through Borders, Barnes & Noble, and then Amazon, but the second one closed its doors last year). I don't much care for their selection. I have them order me anything I want, so I'm giving the money to them rather than Amazon, but I miss having a great place to browse. When the local feminist bookstore went out of business (many moons ago now), I attended the close-out party and shed a tear along with everyone else. I had spent so much time there over the years, not just for the books but the speaking engagements and terrific discussions. It was a community space.
  10. Collar pin (or bar); the tie pin (bar, clip, etc.) would be down lower, securing the tie to the shirt. Quite debonair. I love how very much she does not care that for a short time he has to endure some of the drudgery she always takes care of, but, yes, he is also just adorable as he does it ... and it's great that he does it himself rather than pawning it off on Mildred, which wouldn't have happened a couple of years earlier. (Although Mildred would likely have been better at it.)
  11. Oddly enough, what I'll watch in his honor tonight is Psycho II. (A friend is coming over for a horror film fest, so I think we'll switch to a Psycho marathon.)
  12. Probably not; I lost interest in the show the first time around, despite absolutely loving the first few seasons (Moonlighting permanently cured me from needing to be a completionist; once entertainment no longer entertains me, I'm done), so I don't really see myself taking the time to see if I feel any different now. Plus, the whole Josh and Donna thing makes me gag, I hate knowing how Toby wound up, I'm rather annoyed with C.J.'s "happy ending" (hopefully that was all vague enough for this thread) ... it's just not anything I feel compelled to watch. I think the first two seasons were some of the best television ever produced, and the third and fourth pretty damn good, so I'm content with just revisiting those from time to time. But, despite my lack of interest in seeking out the rest of the series, if it was picked up in syndication again, I might give it a try if it was on at a convenient time.
  13. His name has always stuck in my memory because of the unusual spelling; if he was Jerry Burns, he'd probably be "that guy from the radio station episode of Remington Steele and that Judd Hirsch show" to me.
  14. I always thought I quit watching somewhere in season five, but in reading discussion of the episodes from the beginning of season six, I recognized some of them. So I guess I stopped watching regularly in season five, but still watched sporadically and didn't throw in the towel until season six. Which is of no importance whatsoever, but this thread made me realize I've been recalling things incorrectly for a very long time now. Carry on ...
  15. Sadly, my initial reaction was, "I'm surprised it took this long." (Of course we don't yet know cause of death, but he cheated death for a long time.) I saw STP in concert a couple of times; great band.
  16. I worked at a video rental store in high school, so I experienced a lot of, "I'm looking for that movie with that guy who was in the other movie with that blonde woman" type of requests. When they were good-natured about it, coming to me from a place of, "I know this is a ridiculous description, but I just cannot remember anything more," I enjoyed the adventure. When they were asses about it, I did not. Oh, and at this same job, the kid who knocked over a display because he was horsing around in a way his father never should have allowed in the first place, started to pick things up, and was interrupted by his father saying, "Don't worry about it, that's their job"? The scathing rebuke I sent the father's way garnered applause from nearby customers, like something out of a movie. Same with when my asshole manager, having no clue of another situation, upbraided me in front of customers and I told him never to speak to me that way again, period, let alone in public.
  17. Bingo. That gave me a good laugh, especially with how red Frances' face was. And to address something said upthread, Renee's "I'll sleep with one eye open" comment seemed good natured to me, and thus not offensive -- I can't imagine it being something she'd utter based solely on Frances' sexual orientation, but something that came up only because she bore such a resemblance to Frances' wife, and something delivered (and received) with nothing but good humor.
  18. “We’d like to see all of you” is already anti-climactic. I live in Los Angeles (born and raised), so I was interested in their commentary on the neighborhoods and restaurants. Except for that from the guy with the bun, because everything he says or does annoys me already. I’m not a big fan of vegan cuisine; I love vegetables and some grains, but I greatly prefer animal protein to plant protein, and when it comes to giving me a soy (or other) version of meat or dairy, especially cheese, I want out. But I hate when people have Grayson’s attitude towards it. Grow up. She’s just unbearable this season. (Bun Guy was almost as annoying at JT.) I don’t like chickpeas/garbanzo beans (I have never met a bean I didn’t hate), so Frances’ dish didn’t appeal to me, setting aside the canned bean issue, and beets are one of the few vegetables I don’t like, so Renee’s didn’t, either. I love cauliflower, and Grayson’s ingredients, but overall that just wouldn’t have been my favorite restaurant regardless of quality. (I have friends in Abbot Kinney, but have never been to that place – the garden looked great, though.) I can see why Renee went over Grayson, as her food actually went wrong rather than just being uninspired, but Grayson has two strikes already. (And did Renee really submit a photo to the world of her in lingerie and a chef’s coat?) I love Korean food (and spent several years working in Koreatown) and the wings are among my favorite munchie foods; hers looked good, but it’s hard to make a chicken wing look bad to me, especially if it’s remotely made with Korean flavors. I’ve been to the restaurant in which they were cooking (I like the food, but not the atmosphere). The cuttlefish and shrimp salad looked pretty, and the ribs made me hungry through the screen. The noodle dish, too. I also love many varieties of Mexican food (NOT Tex Mex), but their menu looked pretty anemic and I don’t understand why they didn’t pick the chef’s brain any. This carrot dish didn’t look very appealing, beyond the fact I dislike banana. I love the combination of shrimp and pork, so that offering looked nice. I’m with the judges that the skirt steak didn’t look Mexican. The chorizo dish sounded good, because I love chorizo, but didn’t look very good. Persian food I’m a bit hit and miss with (and I’ve also been to Taste of Tehran), but theirs looked good. The carrot looked tasty, and the chicken dish did, too, other than the yogurt (which I hate). And I’d have been all over Isaac’s meat dish. The dessert made me wish I liked yogurt as it looked beautiful and I like every other ingredient. I’m not surprised they won, as it looked like the best overall menu. Nor that Marjorie won overall, because, like I said, just looking at that dish made me wish I liked yogurt.
  19. "Frozen dairy dessert" or whatever they call that crap that masquerades as ice cream? I recently had a throwback craving for an ice cream sandwich, but gave up after the first two brands I looked at did not contain actual ice cream.
  20. Since he left the blended mixture somewhat coarse and just strained out the juice, I wonder if that was his internal justification for not taking the time to remove the labels. But I didn't take a close look at what he was using to strain (cheese cloth, maybe, but I can't say for sure it wasn't something with larger holes that could have allowed through little bits of chopped up vegetable label).
  21. I'm glad you watched that one, because I knew there was a contradictory timeline in there somewhere. Maybe the first one - with X years at Hayvenhurst, X time running her own agency before it folded, and X years with Remington Steele Investigations - was in Red Holt Steele? Because it's a bad guy talking to his fellow bad guys about what he dug up on her, and it would make sense for it to be that episode, if they traced the Rabbit's license plate to find out who this woman recording them was. I know it would be a terrible hardship for you to watch that one again and find out.
  22. That's me with plumbing. I hate it! But so does my dad, so I can't ask him to do it for me without knowing I'm causing him to be just as aggravated as I would be. I do know an honest, skilled plumber I can call in when we both declare, "Nope, not interested" -- like when I needed my house re-plumbed (replacing all the original [1938] galvanized pipe with copper). Re-wiring the house, my dad and I did together (and, other than the work up in the attic space, generally enjoyed it). But the re-plumbing was one of the few things I outsourced, and worth every penny.
  23. He was about 55, and married to my mom's friend. Not that any of that precludes thinking, "Ooh, a young woman who knows how to work on cars - hot," but it wasn't that kind of vibe. Maybe he was just trying to connect with us, because of the friendship, but it was a little odd and even more annoying. I've had neighbors wander up my driveway to see what I was working on in the garage, and then try to stand there and chat with me, despite the fact I'm under my car, using my table saw, or, once, my arc welder. First of all, obviously I am busy and this small talk can wait. I'm also obviously doing something that requires my concentration. Now, chatting with me while I'm painting ... no problem, as I can do that in my sleep and it starts to get dull pretty quickly; then, I welcome the distraction.
  24. I can quote Clue in its entirety, verbatim, while watching (and come pretty close just sitting here). I'm well practiced at the split-second analysis of whether it would be an inappropriate response under the circumstances (e.g. I'm in court), because "Too late" is my default response to "To make a long story short." Same with "You could've fooled me." This is TV rather than film, but thanks to Moonlighting, I automatically want to respond, "A gnat with a lobotomy could fool you."
  25. Flashbacks to winter break my freshman year of college. My dad and I were rebuilding the engine of a VW bug, and every.damn.day a guy down the street would come up and chat at us as we worked. And, no, neither my dad nor I possess something that could remotely be described as an approachable face -- I get that "smile" shit all the time, and my dad would, too, if he was a woman.
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