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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I think the only way I'd actually sit out a Super Bowl game is if it was the Patriots vs. the Cowboys. Yes, as a Giants fan, the idea of rooting for the Eagles makes me want to puke. But I'll do it, because I hate the Patriots that fucking much. I will find it in myself to root for any team in the NFC other than the Cowboys going up against the Patriots in the Super Bowl. And if the Eagles lose, the Giants being the only team to beat them in the big game - twice, mind you - in recent years is quite a nice consolation prize.
  2. No, June Diane Raphael was pregnant at the end of last season; that's why Briana was off stalking Barry. This season, she's freshly post-partum.
  3. “When I go to a funeral in a long black car, I won’t be returning.” I find it odd Nick would assume he’d be accompanying Grace to the funeral, but whatever – she asked him not to. It is not remotely charming (or whatever they’re going for) for him to ignore that and show up. This is more of the same shit from when they met. Yay, another appearance from Swoosie Kurtz. Her character is awful, but I like seeing her. I love watching Robert and Grace together, and I like him having her back when she spins her stupid water skiing story at the funeral. I loved the talk between the two of them about Phil; the news that Phil died hitting Grace, when no one else standing there chattering about it knew what it meant to her, was nicely done.
  4. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Knowing the Patriots were going to win this damn game does not make it any less frustrating to watch the Patriots win this damn game.
  5. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    The only thing worse than watching New England score is hearing Tony Romo scream about it. He's so annoying!
  6. I have a lot of TV shows on DVD/Blu-Ray, but most of those I have in their entirety are shows that ran anywhere from one to four seasons; with longer-running shows I tend to buy the discs for most, but not all, seasons. There are some long-running shows I like the whole way through and thus have in their entirety on disc, though: Cagney & Lacey (I have the limited edition with absolutely everything) Roseanne Seinfeld Absolutely Fabulous I'll probably wind up with Major Crimes in its entirety, too, even though I have very mixed emotions about season six. We'll see how I feel by the time it comes out. I'll buy the Golden Girls boxed set one of these years when I stumble across it on a great sale (like I did with Seinfeld and Roseanne), but with it in syndication I'm easily getting my fix without it.
  7. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I'm in love with the forced fumble that just happened. Too bad they couldn't turn it into points. "Give New England credit - no timeout called there." You mean the timeout you were yelling at them to call? Shut. Up.
  8. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Goddammit. Jacksonville failing to get the play off in time - coming out of a timeout - negating the third-down conversion was a huge mistake, and I knew the Patriots were going to wind up scoring. Total momentum shift.
  9. Not to me, given how many doctors there are in Chicago.
  10. I was so mad at Hotep's owner; the dog was so young, that wasn't a situation of someone having a pet, then life going to hell for her so she could no longer afford to care for the dog; she never did a damn thing from day one. No shots, not fixed, and then after weeks of suffering, she made him someone else's problem to deal with. At least he wound up with the good people at Cypress Lake in his final hours. I like that Jasco's owner was totally sold on adopting him once she learned he'd been passed over a few times, saying he may not have a flashy personality that would grab a lot of people, but he has the perfect personality for her. Xena taking care of her puppies was really cute, and her face in the update photo at the end was adorable. I liked seeing M2 in a Rosie the Riveter shirt. And I love Moe and Lizzy making their departed dogs part of the baby's room. I like that they, just like Tania feels about Bluie not being here to meet her daughter, really wish Monster and Jack could be part of this big event in their lives.
  11. A friend came over for movie night last night, and we always just order in dinner (she's a vegetarian, and has pretty boring taste - e.g. only likes those white button mushrooms, no other mushrooms - so I, quite frankly, don't bother cooking for her [we order in at her house, too; she doesn't cook much]), but I make appetizers. Last night I made spinach balls - thawed and drained a package of frozen spinach and mixed it with grated Parmigiano-reggiano, finely chopped scallions, some whole wheat breadcrumbs I'd seasoned with oregano, granulated garlic, and onion powder, a little bit of melted butter, and two beaten eggs, then formed them into balls and rolled in a very light coating of some more cheese, and baked 15 minutes. Right up her alley, and pretty tasty.
  12. For "movie night" last night, a friend and I had a Sharon Raydor marathon, including some of her episodes of The Closer (bean bag gun!). Pretty much everything Sharon and Brenda ever said to or about each other is a favorite quote, but here are a few highlights: B: So, you're saying I should take the job whether I want it or not. S: Yes. Please make the oh-so-terrible sacrifice of accepting a promotion that offers you more money, prestige, and power than any other job in the city. And if it will help you with the suffering, you'll not only be a positive role model for little girls all over this country, but I personally ... I will feel very proud to have a chief that I can truly admire. B: What’s going on? Why have you been so nice? S: I could ask the same of you. B: I’ve been nice? S: No. S: We want the mayor’s first impression of you to be as a woman capable of handling a lot of power. To look at you and think something like, “Wow.” B: Because I’m a woman. S: No, no, – because most candidates for chief of police run popularity contests, and you’re not especially political, well liked, or even friendly. Sharon: You don’t think I wanted to spend my career in Internal Affairs doing a job that leaves me disliked and mistrusted by my fellow officers every day of my life? No, I chose IA because I thought it was the quickest way to achieve rank. And I also thought it would be good for the Department to see a woman in a Captain’s uniform. And, of course, you got your job the old-fashioned way -- by sleeping with the boss. B: Captain Raydor? S: Chief Johnson. B: I have a complaint. S: When have you not? Brenda, interrogating a sheriff’s deputy: [You went] right over the line that you’re never, ever supposed to cross. The justice system works pretty well until someone starts thinking that they’re smarter than the sheriff’s office, the FBI, and the entire LAPD combined. Do you see what happens when you throw away the rule book? People die! Sharon, watching on the monitor with Pope and Fritz: Do you think she’s conscious of what she’s saying? Somebody may want to play back this part of the interview for her when she gets home tonight. S: As good as Coach Carr’s intentions are, his actions were illegal. B: … Or you could say that the challenges he faced at work forced him to look for unorthodox solutions. And now, for going above and beyond the call of duty, he’ll probably lose his job. S: Maybe it’s time for him to move on. B: I don’t know. He seemed to be doing important work, even if it wasn’t fully appreciated by his boss and fellow teachers. There’s something about that I find admirable. S: Me too. S: Congratulations, Chief. B: Listen, I just wanna thank you for standing by me, I know it hasn’t been easy. S: Chief, if our job was easy, no one would put up with either one of us. You’re no more difficult to deal with than I am. I mean that as a compliment. B: Well thank you, Sharon. I’m very grateful to you, I really am. S: You’re welcome. And, of course: "Mama, Daddy, this is my Captain Raydor. I- I mean my- my friend, Captain Sharon. I mean, my friend, Sharon Raydor."
  13. So do I (on my hamburgers, too). Otherwise, I'd have a dry bun; I don't like ketchup or mustard.
  14. When I made threads for the ones I'd watched, I just used the Episodes menu (on Netflix) to get the titles and summaries - from that screen where you can choose between Play, Episodes and More, etc. you choose Episodes and More, and on the right hand side the episodes will come up.
  15. Just create threads for the ones you've watched and want to discuss, as I did.
  16. The Woman King and A Day in the Life were both kind of duds (something Moore freely admitted in his commentary), but I'm glad I continued on and watched Dirty Hands rather than going to sleep, because I loved that one. I like that this show normally asks questions without giving a clear answer, but I also loved this unapologetic celebration of unions. I really enjoy any time we get a sense of what life is like for the civilian fleet, but I know budget constraints dictate we see very few ships other than Galactica. So this was refreshing, both for getting to see life on the tyllium refinery ship, and for that being the natural opening to conversation about what life is like on some of the other ships as well. This was just a great exploration of class and labor, and I also liked the scene between Adama and Tyrol, exploring the ways in which the military is justified in having a separate set of rules. There was also nice commentary on drafting people into service. I was fired up and wide awake, but Moore said at the end of his commentary that Maelstrom starts a rocket ride to the end of the season, so I decided that made for a natural break and finally went to sleep. I know at some point in the series, but don't know when, so it may not even be this season, but there have been some things in these past few episodes that have made me think that's happening. I'm curious to see if I'm right, but also not ready!
  17. "You know your roommate's a drug addict, right?" I have to go back and re-watch this one (and then watch the rest), which won't happen until Monday night at the earliest (boo!), because I kept getting interrupted (stupid job <g>). But what I saw I liked, especially Grace's totally predictable but totally entertaining "fuck my life" experience at the hardware store. I like Barry promising not to tell Brianna, but noting that she'd find being drunk at the hardware store fabulous.
  18. My vet automatically emails me the results, and then calls me to discuss them. I think it's a shame more people don't look at the actual numbers, because if they're within normal limits, but are significantly different than the last tests, or continue a pattern of increase or decrease, that's important to note and monitor. And, sadly, not everyone can rely on their vet to do that; too few vets look at the results in the context of the patient's history rather than just scanning down the page looking for red numbers. So, that's a peeve, as are jurisdictions that require pets to be "up to date" on rabies vaccinations not accepting titer test results, thus requiring people to over-vaccinate their pets. I'll take that over the anti-vaccination movement in people, but they both boil down to denying science, and that's far beyond a peeve. As for posting peeves, today's is this: If you've watched a show for 25 years, viewing most episodes multiple times, have you never managed to glance at the credits? If you participate for years in a forum discussing that show, have you never seen the actors' names written there? If you have seen the credits, or such posts, five, six, or 587 times, how in all hell do you not know how to spell the name of one of the (two) lead actors?
  19. He is ridiculously floofy; he loves to be brushed, and demands it multiple times per day, but within half an hour his fur is just every which way again: Also, speaking of floofy, this was his tail when he first showed up. No, it's not puffed up; that's how furry it was, so he could wrap it around himself and keep warm, I assume, as it quickly became clear that while he was used to people, he'd never been indoors:
  20. I've never been to such a party (and feel confident in saying I never will), so it wasn't that I knew the revelation was going to be in a cake, it was just that urinal cakes came to me instantly (and the wedding part of the clue confirmed it as the answer), which is disturbing.
  21. No, thirteen, I believe (that was what was announced when they were renewed for season four, but I haven't scrolled ahead beyond those I've watched to verify).
  22. A lawyer who won't agree to a pre-nup? We're generally the ones trying to knock some sense into friends who insure their houses against burning to the ground but don't insure their marriages against the far more likely chance of divorce. And he practices family law! Of course Allison's cat's fur fell out. I laughed out loud at Bud's "He's not a hairless cat?!" I want an invitation to the Designing Women party. Grace's face when she realized there was a reason Arlene's son "dumped" her in the senior living facility was such a great little moment of acting by Jane Fonda. Nice job by the actor playing Arlene, too. Sisters Frankie and Teddy reminds me of Sisters. Now they just need a Georgie and an Alex.
  23. Yes, from Tanya's comment about having a dish she could have executed in 45 minutes, I think it's clear she - already frustrated that she didn't get to do the speed round - was annoyed Claudette chose something that would require so much assistance to complete, when in their pre-challenge discussion of it, Claudette had said she'd mostly need help with plating. Going by how the other teams all acted like teams, making sure the speed round chef got help to get the dish done in time, just as the speed round chef was going to help with the second and third rounds, while Tanya and Claudette got irritated with each other and Chris just stayed in his own zone, I think the white team just did a poor job of establishing beforehand what the two who weren't the point person in each round would be doing to assist in those rounds, and then it just snowballed from there.
  24. Nor did I. I'd actually find it quite odd if they were just merrily cohabitating all these years, especially when Mulder was self-isolating and deeply depressed. I find it incredibly refreshing on general principle, and organic to these characters, to show that two people who love each other exclusively and eternally cannot always live with each other. They can still be sleeping together, and that doesn't reduce them to fuck buddies. My objection has always been to CC playing coy, acting like them having sex is a Huge Deal when it's incredibly old news, writing shitty dialogue, and saying stupid things that showcase his refusal to accept reality, not to what the status of their relationship was (as the show originally ended, in ITWB, or last season).
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