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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. No (except D.J. during his phase - which apparently lasted - and when they were in Ed and Crystal's wedding [no one else got married in a church]). Darlene and Bev didn't believe in any god, Roseanne believed in a higher power of some sort but was not involved in any organized religion, and Dan was the same - he had a talk with his god while in the hospital after his heart attack, but had no use for religion as a whole. (Which is why Roseanne praying at the dinner table in the revival premiere was so out of left field.) This was the great conversation when they found out D.J. was sneaking around to go to church; he says he went because he had questions about "god and stuff," and Roseanne tells him he should have come to them, since there's no one better to answer his questions: D.J.: Okay. What religion are we? Roseanne: I have no idea. Dan? Dan: Well, my family is Pentecostal on my mom's side and Baptist on my dad's. Your Mom's mom is Lutheran and her dad was Jewish. D.J.: So what do we believe? Roseanne: Well, we believe in, uh, being good. So, basically, we're Good People. Dan: Yeah, but we're not practicing.
  2. No, I don't watch The Simpsons, but it would annoy me in anyone. We'll see how this plays out, but the odds of it unfolding in a way that doesn't sour me on Geena are pretty low. Which will be a bit of a bummer, since the girl D.J. wouldn't stage kiss because she's black winding up the woman he married tickles me. The episode when D.J. started getting interested in religion contained some hilarious lines (that entire "what religion are we ... we're good people/yeah, but not practicing" conversation is gold), so Dan wanting no part of this shit will probably be funny yet again, at least.
  3. This episode is going to determine how I feel about Gina - I liked her "Yes, I could have" snark to D.J. when he said she could have warned him the couch was wet, but she can miss me with her "pick up a Bible/you're all going to hell" talk. So how she handles this church thing will be a big one -- is it the former, where she wants her daughter to come to church with her when she's home, Mary asks others to come with her and they agree, or is it the latter description, where Geena is demanding people who don't want to go attend anyway?
  4. They might have chosen it precisely because of the disconnect between what "Granny" brings to mind and Roseanne's life when she became a grandma - young, still working, etc. Or she could have done a "Granny" imitation at some point (I'm thinking of the several imitations Dan and Roseanne had done to embarrass the kids back in the day) and it stuck. (Or she just liked it, but - especially in this family - it's possible it was rooted in humor.)
  5. If it's Rodney Peete (former NFL quarterback) and Holly Robinson-Peete (actor), yes, they have been married for a long time.
  6. Y'all are generous, because I'm the opposite; I think they clearly wanted St. Petersburg, but the wording allows one to make an argument for Petrograd (the clue in whole seeks the city that exists, but the beginning phrase about when "this city" was founded gives rise to the possibility of accepting Petrograd). Leningrad, though, I don't see how you succeed in making a case for that one.
  7. Prairie Rose Clayton. Poor dear.
  8. The video clues often eat up time, as do TS and clues where one or two contestants ring in with a wrong answer before someone gets it right. Add up any combination of those - or Alex's inane after-answer babble - and time can be up before all the clues are revealed.
  9. Probably not, unless he reconciled with them. But presumably Mary has a relationship with her other set of grandparents. So maybe Harris and Mark originally called Roseanne and Dan Granny and Grandpa, and then when Mary came along and started calling them Granny Rose and Grandpa Dan to distinguish them from her other grandparents, the other grandkids followed suit. Or maybe when Harris was learning to talk, Darlene asked Dan and Roseanne what they wanted her to call them and Granny Rose and Grandpa Dan were the picks from the beginning. To Roseanne and Jackie, their grandmother was Nana Mary, but to Becky, Darlene, and D.J., their grandmother was Grandma (Bev, anyway; I don't remember what they called Dan's mom). And their grandfathers were both Grandpa. So there's no strict family tradition; it's probably whatever the grandparent or the grandparent/grandkid combo comes up with for themselves. @BeachDays, I was wondering about Bev/the great-grandkids, too, but I don't think we ever heard them address her directly. I think Darlene referred to her as "Grandma Bev" with respect to Harris in this episode, though, so that may be who she is to them.
  10. If Geena is going to be around (they're using the actor in a lot of promotion, so I suspect she will), then it could be her; she got pregnant while home on bereavement leave in episode one, and thus can't remain on her overseas assignment. They threw in the "my boyfriend" line for Becky, so it could still be her (she was my original guess), but I'm so hoping it's not her or Darlene that now I'm keeping my fingers crossed it's Geena. (I wish they'd skip the whole thing, but that ship has sailed.)
  11. Unless something has changed in recent times, they put uncovered clues back in the hopper for potential future use (whether that be in a category that's basically the same, one with a different focus but where the clue still fits, or, often, a potpourri category). But, apparently (according to an interview with one of the writers or producers), between uncovered clues and the extra clues they create for each category that don't wind up on the board, they have a lot of never-used clues.
  12. This just ended on TV right now, so of course I had to watch part of it yet again, and: Forget the damn ball (no, it wasn't on purpose), my longstanding question has always been why the hell present-day Marla gives Mr. Capadino (Jon Lovitz's character) a kiss on the cheek and calls him "honey" when they're looking at the tryout day picture and she says, "That's the day you changed my life." He was a total jerk. I find it hard to believe he reformed somewhere along the way and they got back in touch so that she instantly recognizes him and is friendly with him. It also always strikes me that the actor playing present-day Marla is mixed in among the real-life players watching the game.
  13. No, they were owned by the same Sutter and both along the American River, but they're about 50 miles apart.
  14. Okay, because we’re all anonymous here, I will admit that I’d managed to go my entire life until tonight without knowing what a capella means. Now, I knew it means singing without instrumental accompaniment, but I didn’t know it means “in the manner of the chapel” in Italian. So I was stumped by that one just like the contestants. I did know babushka in that category, though. I hate war history categories, and the WWI category wasn’t any exception to my bad record, although I could guess barbed wire and Scotland easily. I was surprised that DD was missed; it seemed obvious it was about people who wear some sort of skirt, and skirts + UK = Scotland (kilt). I don’t think any of the TS surprised me tonight, though. I knew most of them (including all the Band Books ones), but I can’t say I’m sitting here shocked by any of them going unanswered. Including Glenda Jackson, even with a picture, or Java, even with a map. FJ wasn’t an instaget, but I didn’t find it "tough" as Alex described it; multiple name changes plus northernmost got me there fairly easily. And, sorry to those who hopped in the wayback machine, but I think the verbiage calls for the current name (“The northernmost city with a population over 5 million, it was founded in 1703 and its name was changed 3 times in the 20th century”). I also think if they'd been prepared to accept any of the previous names, Alex would have rattled them off: "Yes, St. Petersberg. Or, Petrograd or Leningrad."
  15. And that overdoses can happen accidentally, not only recklessly, by taking just a little too much; Roseanne didn't swallow a bottle full of pills over the course of a day, she took pills, went to bed, and with her other health problems it was enough to stop her breathing and she died in her sleep.
  16. That has been driving me crazy all day, too, @2727.
  17. Mary Steenburgen wasn't made up like Mary Steenburgen walking the red carpet or as another, more glamorous character -- she was made up to look like a small town woman who is drinking herself to sleep because she's dealing with profound guilt, harassment, and constant questioning. That's not how the actor looks (not that there's anything wrong with that), that's how this character looks under these circumstances.
  18. As a kid, I didn't care for greens, but it turned out that was because they were cooked to death. Once I had them prepared differently, much more lightly cooked, I discovered I love them. (It makes sense - I don't generally like vegetables to be cooked beyond al dente, but it seemed like a different rule applied to greens and everyone cooked the ever-loving hell out of them.) I got my mom to start making them my preferred way half the time, and then that's how I prepared them once I started cooking. I don't know why so many people insist on doing that when someone says they don't like a particular type of food. "Have you ever tried them prepared X way?" is a valid and potentially helpful line of inquiry, but declaring, "You'll like them this way" is ridiculous. There are things we simply do not like, no matter how they are prepared.
  19. I had that niggling thought right after I posted; thanks for the confirmation. Well, given that the mattress we saw them replace during the original series was the one they'd had since they got married (not to mention the state of their furniture in general), this mattress is probably that replacement one, so after flipping it a million times, having switched sides in the last year or so because what was uncomfortable on one side for one of them wasn't as bad for the other one would be an explanation for the switched sides, and one with precedence. (Edited to say: Oh! The CPAP machine - when Dan woke up in the "I thought you were dead/Why does everybody always think I'm dead?" scene in the first episode of the revival, we him using one. Since there's only room for it on that side, that's why they switched.) Last night, there were only clips up on the ABC website, but now that the whole episode is available I was able to see the opening that I missed. Even having it recapped, I was still, "Wow, there's a lot here in just a few minutes." - Not liking bible-thumping Gina. Get stuffed with your "everyone who believes differently than me is going to hell" talk. Although it does tie back to D.J.'s religious phase, I guess. And gave us the funny "We already have a cabana" line. But between this and the preview, I'll be happy when she's back in Afghanistan. - It's nice that, three weeks after the funeral, Bev and Crystal are still regularly coming over for death casseroles. - Roseanne only got proper pain meds for two days post-op, and then was supposed to just take Ibuprofen? Even a non-addict would be begging pills off people! - Dan is heartbreaking. "It doesn't make any sense - I got her knees fixed, I flushed all her pills." - "Dammit. That's the only thing from Mom's closet that I wanted" - even having seen that quoted, I still laughed out loud.
  20. They wanted to preserve the secrecy of what happened to Roseanne Conner. Roseanne Barr revealed it in an interview, but reviewers wrote about how they couldn't confirm or deny it, because they weren't allowed to write about that spoiler. So rather than taking their chances on an entire studio audience abiding by NDAs, they'd just film it without one (like the Murphy Brown revival premiere filming the Hillary Clinton cameo on a closed set). Because she wasn't being officially notified by the medical examiner, she was being given a courtesy heads-up by a friend (presumably from her time as a cop) within the coroner's office. They switched sometimes when the mattress wore down in one spot, so it could have just been that, but it was a little odd - in the midst of a terrific tag - that he was on what was her side the overwhelming majority of the ti me.
  21. I don't think they said how Mark died (the actor, Glenn Quinn, died of an overdose).
  22. Thank you. Wow, that is indeed a lot of exposition in an opener. Knowing Roseanne died in bed and Dan was sleeping on the couch makes the tag even more powerful now, and it got to me just on general principle!
  23. Well, it's certainly not uncommon. What she described is a scenario that does play out - it comes up in conversation that Person A can't afford all they need of Drug X, and Person B says, "Oh, I took that last year; my doctor switched me to a different med, so I have some left - you can have them." One subset of that is the case where someone dealing with chronic pain runs out of pills, and someone who was prescribed a number of those pills for an acute injury has some left over and helps out. They certainly may not know the person has become addicted in scenarios like that, where there is a chronic ailment and the addict was prescribed that drug.
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