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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I find his face distractingly goofy looking, but know that is entirely on me (and unfair; glasses aside, that's just his face!). I thought he did well as guest host - to my surprise, as he annoyed me as a contestant - but not well enough for me to root for him to get the job. I didn't dislike any of the guest hosts based on their performance (Dr. Oz based on what I learned of him, oh yes, and of course now Mike Richards for the same reason), but I was always hoping they were just ratings- and charity-raising filler while interviews with contenders with, you know, hosting experience went on behind the scenes. So I was hoping Aisha Tyler or Meredith Viera might be announced as the next "real" host. With that all blown to hell - Richards having later inserted himself, announced the guest hosting gigs as on-air auditions, and then skewed the results (who was scheduled when, what edits were or were not done, what was shown to Sony, etc.) - I've given up guessing what's going on this time around and just hope they choose well on their second try.
  2. I, too, would never be able to practically use those for my only period protection due to my flow, but based on the recommendation of several posters here, I bought a couple for overnights on the first two heavy days - trying them as my extra layer of "crap, slept through a tampon change" protection instead of my reusable pads. I'm quite happy; now the "oops, didn't wake up in time" layer is a nice thin absorbent panty instead of a bulky pad. Much more comfortable; thumbs up. I think with the wide variety of menstrual flows, and circumstances - in terms of being able to easily change out the panties when needed - among women, these can, while certainly not serving everyone, be useful to a number of women looking to cut down on the disposable, one-use aspects of period care, and in a more comfortable way than some other reusable options.
  3. I have an extensive bra collection (same with panties; I have an intense dislike for boring underwear - on me, I don't care what anyone else wears - so I've curated a varied selection), and I'm lucky to have a lingerie shop in the neighborhood run by a very knowledgeable woman who looks at your breasts' size, shape, and placement, and immediately rattles off a handful of options to best support and flatter them. Whenever she comes across (in catalogs or trade shows) a new bra with the structure I need and a style I might like, she gets one in my size and asks if I want it. Anyway, based on that experience, some of my favorite brands are Lunaire, Chantelle, Wacoal ... and my very favorite, that I can't recall the name of, and was unable to check the tag for, as it turns out to be worn off on all the tags - great bras, terrible tags! (Oh look - another peeve.)
  4. The shape of the body in the picture with Spanx appears different than the shape of that same body in the picture without it; that's the whole point of wearing shapewear. Launched a full decade after the line for women had been on the market (to the tune of $350 million purchased in a year), targeted only at the stomach, and later reintroduced with boxers and socks as well. From what I read, only in 2021 has sales of the men's line started to rise. I didn't, in a quick search, come across comparative sales data for the two lines, but I'd imagine the women's line sells a good deal more. And men certainly don't face the same pressure to wear it - no one asked the male attendees of the Golden Globes if they were wearing Spanx that year the women were quizzed on their undergarments as if that's a totally appropriate question to pose on camera.
  5. In other words, "no problem if they freely choose it based on liking how they look in it".
  6. Indeed, and I'm very glad I've never worn any of that shit; it all sounds terribly uncomfortable, and I have a problem with women of all sizes being made to feel like they need to don shapewear (no problem if they freely choose it based on liking how they look in it, but a big problem when they do it out of fear of the judgment they'll get if they're not tucked in or a belief their body shape is inherently wrong and must be altered) while men are given exponentially more latitude to look as they naturally do.
  7. I haven't seen it since it was first available as a rental, and I don't remember it as a great film, yet I do recall numerous scenes all these years later: yet another embodiment of the cute little kid trope as the bespectacled dude talked about the weight of a human head, "Show me the money", one of Regina King's terrific performances when her husband gets hurt as she watches on TV and waits for information, the ridiculous "Never stop fucking me" scene, some horrible exchange about "pootie" and single mothers, and "You had me at hello". (I somehow don't, however, remember Bonnie Hunt - whom I always enjoy - even being in it, so I think the line-up of my memories is influenced by what I call "cultural osmosis".) So, despite just watching it and moving on at the time, I have to acknowledge that's a good deal more than I remember of a lot of films under similar circumstances, so I guess there's a reason I can't identify that it struck a cord.
  8. It seems to me that's how a lot of her costumes are designed. I don't know that her costumes even allow for wearing Spanx; certainly not the kind that cover the thighs (thus the four pairs of tights), and, like I said, I think shaping her stomach is accomplished via the corset style of the costumes. They weren't discussing the bra pinning trick specifically in conjunction with her performing; it was general advice to women wanting to wear shapewear under their clothes.
  9. They're encouraged to, in order to keep the game moving. Nothing worse than the "Alex, I'll take Things You Shouldn't Put In Your Mouth for $600, please" folks to slow down a game.
  10. Two weeks is a brutally long time to wait for the biopsy results. I hope everything turns out well.
  11. That article misstates the interview. Wearing multiple pairs to keep things supported was what she said when asked why she wears four pairs of tights on stage. When they talked about Spanx, it was about pinning it to your bra in four places so it doesn't roll down (which, of course, made me think about Wanda Sykes joking about that happening to her in the middle of a Tonight Show appearance); there was nothing about her wearing multiple pairs while performing.
  12. I can't figure out how anyone could breathe, let alone dance, in multiple pairs of Spanx, so I just did a quick internet search and can't find anything about that. I find articles about her wearing (one pair of) Spanx when she attended an event a few months after giving birth to twins, about wearing four pairs of tights, about Kim Kardashian wearing two pairs of Spanx, and about how 15 female celebrities answered when asked the ridiculous "Are you wearing Spanx?" question at the Golden Globes several years ago, but nothing about Beyoncé wearing multiple pairs of Spanx.
  13. Exactly. Every SAG member I know personally is Membership First, so I'm disappointed on their behalf by this outcome, but also as an outside observer of the platforms and actions of United for Strength.
  14. There's nothing new about it; that's how he's always pronounced his last name (well, ever since he changed it back to the original family name; like so many, his grandfather had his name Anglicized when he came here, from Fieri to Ferry). The letter R is pronounced differently in Italian than English, and sounds like a T or D to us.
  15. Ed Asner is probably rolling in his grave. (A former SAG president himself, he was staunchly Membership First, and one of the named plaintiffs in its class action suit against the SAG-AFTRA Health Plan.)
  16. Oh, my! I won't even wear one, so I cannot imagine what it feels like to have FOUR pairs of tights on.
  17. Update: All VRC animals and staff are fine. They sustained damage in both New Orleans and Assumption Parish, and estimate about two weeks just of clean-up. Power is starting to come back on in AP, so they're able to transfer generators to the NO locations (they have dogs in both warehouses), where power is set to remain out for at least two weeks (in addition to the grid's typical storm damage, a main tower fell into the Mississippi River). So what they need most is gas (which is in scarce supply; they have to drive further and further out to fill up the cans) to keep all those generators running. And, horror of horrors, Tia is out of the Coke Zero to which she is hopelessly addicted. 🙂 They were able to move some dogs out of the city; Tia has another location that has never been seen on the show that is a kennel property, in an area that never lost power, so they were able to move some dogs there. (They can't just plop dogs in crates someplace, obviously, since it will be weeks before they can come back - they need buildings with both power and kennels to house the dogs in, or they're better off staying in the city with generators.) The new warehouse, which is very close to the old warehouse, is enormous (and held up well in the storm; it flooded some in the deluge of rain, even though the building itself is a couple feet off the ground [and then the kennels are another two feet off the floor, so they're good] but no wind damage [the wind did a real number on the old warehouse]), and it's going to include a training center staffed by parolees who've graduated from one of the prison dog programs. So that will be another source of income for VRC and another resource for the community. They have no idea when or even if they'll be filming again, though; with Discovery bought out by AT&T this spring, filming on pretty much all Discovery productions stopped and remains in limbo. ☹️
  18. OMG, I kind of hated myself for it, but I could not stand that show! At all. (I was in high school, and my parents watched it, so I saw quite a few episodes of it.) Kellie Martin annoyed the ever-lovin' shit out of me (and did so in virtually everything I ever saw her in, so there's just something about her that doesn't gel for me), I didn't warm to Corky, and I didn't even particularly enjoy Patti LuPone. So, since this will apparently be centered around Becca (why?!), I will not be watching, but I'll once again applaud from afar for representation of a character with Down Syndrome, played by an actor with Down Syndrome, on TV (a first then and still too uncommon now). Assuming Corky will be featured, of course - why the hell does that article just talk about Becca and how dead Jesse will, duh, not appear?
  19. That is not at all my kind of film, but the interaction between the two guys made me laugh a couple of times in the trailer.
  20. I picked back up with my re-watch, but now I'm getting close to the totally manipulative presentation of Irene's departure and the physical assault MTV finds appropriate to air again and again and even give a cutesy name to, and I have to get myself in the right frame of mind to deal with it. I wonder how old Stephen was when he finally learned (if he ever did) how to rein in his emotions and avoid inappropriate displays of them. Hopefully finally coming out released some of that anger swirling around inside him and he deals with things better. Pouting in front of his boss when he didn't get one of the DJ gigs was one thing, but the way he behaved in Nepal at the sherpa's house was appalling. This man has brought them into his home to share a traditional meal with his family, and Stephen chooses to try to pick a fight with Janet. Over how much make-up she wears of all things. I think Nepal is the RW trip I would have most loved to go on, even if I had to do it as an REI commercial. I wonder if Janet and Lindsay stayed friends; they clicked so quickly and thoroughly, it was lovely. I find myself evaluating Lindsay more thoroughly this time around. It was easy to get distracted by her hair habit and her performance as the "cool girl" to guys, and that's all still there but there's also an ambitious, inquisitive young woman still reeling from the death of her father and struggling to let down the emotional wall she'd had to build in the aftermath of that. I remember there's an episode in which she finds out her friend died via suicide, and one of the roommates, maybe even Janet, tries to hug her, and she just physically cannot bear it in that moment. I relate to that.
  21. I'd say both, but more of the former since this is not at all his norm. No, he shouldn't have insisted rather than just expressing his concerns and leaving you to decide, but if this is an anomaly for him, not part of a pattern of controlling behavior, I'd just chalk it up to things being overcharged in general these days, and his worry causing him to do a caring thing in the wrong way.
  22. The Hollywood Reporter article James responded to by saying, "Some judged Mike Richards solely on his podcast comments and formed a negative opinion, but I judged him by the way he treated people backstage at Jeopardy and formed a much stronger negative opinion," is the result of interviewing more than a dozen former staffers on The Price Is Right about its workplace culture during Richards's decade as executive producer, and it is not a pretty picture: It's no surprise the J! gang hated him, too; he's a shitty manager, and surrounds himself with sycophants:
  23. Oh, oops, my brain translated The Talk as The View! I'm totally unfamiliar with that show, so I don't know if it was created for the same purpose as The View. If not, introducing a male host is still unnecessary, but not antithetical. Off to edit my earlier posts, and look into what The Talk is about and who its other hosts are ...
  24. @JustHereForFood I'm glad you took her in, and that the surgery went well. I know it's strange not having her around (even when they're just at the vet for several hours getting a dental cleaning, it's weird!). Lack of appetite is nothing to fool around with in cats -- suddenly not eating or eating far less than normal can actually cause a very dangerous secondary condition, hepatic lipidosis, sometimes in just a matter of days. (Overweight cats are particularly vulnerable to it.) My late cat Maddie was the hairball queen, but when I started mixing fiber (a little ground psyllium husk with some water) into her food, that cut way down on them. (All that remained were deposited in the one room of my house that's carpeted, of course.)
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