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6 MeowMeowBeenz

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Everything posted by 6 MeowMeowBeenz

  1. I just read that it will take 4 millenials to match the buying power of a single Boomer (in reference to the new car market)
  2. 4 out of 5 Great Lakes prefer Michigan, it does make them much easier to remember for us in the Magical Mitten. Although there are T-shirts here that refer to Erie as only "pretty good". And Ontario is "that one that doesn't touch Michigan"
  3. http://jalopnik.com/whats-the-worst-car-insurance-commercial-ever-1721999452 Liberty Mutual seems to be eking out a win
  4. Hugh, Alton Brown, and Arnold diss on food and stuff. Occasional guest stars Fabio and Lee Ann Wong, maybe Dave "i'm not your bitch". There's your show, FN
  5. Well, now you kids know how we Boomers felt about Zeppelin songs in Cadillac commercials, Rolling Stones shilling Windows 95, etc etc etc
  6. Hyacinth B, glad to see another PDL reader here! I do think this is a better commercial that the Honda Pilot Weezer one though. At least you see cars driving and stuff.
  7. Oh yes...I wish JJ had taken the opportunity to get crazy on them for parking in a handicapped zone. Not that the plaintiff should have done what he did because you just never know, but still. So manly, kicking a guy when he's held down. Be proud, mom and dad! I suspected she wasn't a real teacher, and am glad to have that confirmed. What a family of obnoxious entitled douchebags.
  8. I guess you have to be of a certain age to remember the sensation that was Thorn Birds, both book and miniseries. The casting made very little sense if you had read the books, and of course Richard Chamberlain wasn't "out", and yet... I remember loving the miniseries, and rewatching it about a year ago wondering why it was so much more amateurish than I remembered :) Also profoundly sad about the Strangelove clue being a TS.
  9. Probably not the appropriate forum for a discussion of Simone de Beauvoir...
  10. Oh, me too...me too... Closest I've come is sitting in both of them (Charger AND Challenger, actually liked the Charger better, oddly) at the auto show. Very nice.
  11. current favorite remains the traveling chicken sending selfies
  12. Interesting that they're advertising Hellcats...they didn't make enough 2015s to satisfy orders so anyone still waiting for one will now be getting a 2016
  13. And I'm sure the Brits are forming a swell opinion of Americans based on watching JJ! Although I do have a pretty good idea what they think of us, considering I work for a British company with HQ in the northern London burbs. Sadly, not in Slough :(
  14. It's so weird that CNR was actually on TV.
  15. a fairly entertaining thread on Jalopnik about Liberty Mutual's ads: http://carbuying.jalopnik.com/liberty-mutuals-commercials-have-reached-peak-stupid-1713494801
  16. without looking, does anyone remember what vehicle this is advertising? bonus points, what does this ad have to do with that particular vehicle? You can't sing Weezer songs in a Fusion or a Sienna? I can't believe they spend ad dollars on such foolishness
  17. there's also an episode of Chopped titled Oh my goshy Umeboshi. I can't believe the contestants didn't compulsively watch FN before they got on this show, you'd think you'd want to know what does well. And they would have known WTH umeboshi is.
  18. Reminds me of Elaine's little kicks dance--“limbs flailing, arms akimbo, feet kicking up dust…" It is a word not used nearly enough
  19. I noticed at Bob's Burgers live that there were a few younger children (show was not suitable for them, BTW) but I wonder if someone thinks that it's a kiddy show with the early time slot?
  20. Show of hands: which show is more realistic: Mystery Diners or Bob's Burgers?
  21. Well...July FIFTH...Scotch...maybe on purpose?
  22. well, and if you listen to what kind of money these folks are actually living on--maybe 1-2 K a month--I say I enjoy having a higher standard of living than that. I feel sorry for those that must live on that kind of income, and maybe even MORE sorry for those who plot and scheme to get that gubmint pittance and think they are accomplishing something. They spend more energy figuring out how not to work than they would have on an honest job.
  23. Or live and let die :) Clanstarling, we lived on Ramstein AB. Where were you?
  24. there are a lot of excellent attorneys who worked on the gay marriage case for SCOTUS that could be looking for work...
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