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  1. It might not be what his mother taught him but his father & other males that he would associate with 95% of the time once he was of a certain age would almost certainly be of the same mindset as well as his elders & any religious people he is in contact with. I'm not excusing his behavior or condoning it, I just doubt his mother has that much influence on him & the way he behaves.
  2. Not a chance in hell of any chef coming up with an around the world set of dishes that could accommodate all of their so called pretentious dietary restrictions together in one dish per country or whatever. FFS one of them wouldn't eat ANY raw vegetables or fruit, one only ate Romaine lettuce (I would have just given her a plate of lettuce & nothing else) and that's only 2 of the most ridiculous set of dietary restrictions I've ever seen. I must have said "how pretentious can you be" at least 10 times watching this bunch of self-centered women. Which is strange because they seemed so normal in every other aspect, they even showed interest in the sailing part.
  3. Is that because Texas is ground zero for equality or some other reason?
  4. IF the tips are fake then there is even less reason to not take all of the tip away from them. IF the tips are real then Glen has shown that what he says has no bearing on what he does & if this happened in real life, he would no longer have the respect of his crew & a lot less authority because the crew now know that what he says doesn't really matter.
  5. I got the feeling that the guests wanted the crew to get drunk & party with them. At that point it just turns into a way overpriced Carnival cruise.
  6. No need to stop for 2 of those & even missing 1 episode isn't too bad but 2 months between episodes is excessive in the extreme. When most people have some sort of recording device and/or multiple streaming services it is way beyond ridiculous.
  7. Generally speaking yes, the U.S.A. does recognize marriages performed in another country but weirdly different states have different rules so he would need to check the law in his state.
  8. If the outgoing president doesn't attend because he has a golf game, then all future bets are off & nobody should have to attend if they don't want to attend going forward & any reason that they choose should be good enough for everyone on both sides without any finger pointing from either side. This is the part that everyone on the Republican side seems to have conveniently forgotten because they want an old lady who recently suffered an accident to attend, and it is somehow outrageous because she isn't. I'm not even going to start about M.O., she can do what she wants to do. I'm sorry but the orange felon set the precedent going forward when playing golf was more important than attending, so let's just stop all of the panty twisting & pearl clutching & get on with life while we can.
  9. For a long time now teachers have to teach their students how to pass tests rather than teach them about actual stuff. This is what they have to do & is a sad state of affairs and in no way is it the teacher's fault.
  10. A big fat zero for me this week.
  11. That's because of the channel it's shown on & not the show, Matlock with Kathy Bates isn't back until 1/30 either & that's almost 2 months since the last episode. They're both shown by CBS who seem to think it's a good idea to make people wait 2 months to see the next episode of popular shows even though there is much more competition for our attention now.
  12. 5 for $1 here in California at times in the summer.
  13. We won't find out if Glen enforced it until next week. If he doesn't enforce it then he may as well become a deck hand because his words will have zero meaning if he doesn't.
  14. It would more likely be a thicker custard as I don't ever remember seeing the sort of pudding mixes I see in the USA in Wales. Never liked trifle because I'm not a fan of cold custard but trifle was served at every kids party I ever went to.
  15. How about "angry white woman"? I would just call her a nasty bitch but that probably wouldn't do her justice. Any idea from you?
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