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  1. From Lawson’s stories, it doesn’t seem that he and Tiffany have a chaperone, and they seem pretty physically close. Although, I suppose one could be off-camera. They are both adults, as well as Nathan and Esther. I truly hope they are having normal, chaperone free relationships. It’d seem so weird to me to have chaperones at their ages.
  2. Carlin posted the most recent big family photo in her Instagram stories, and Nathan’s lady is there with him, as well as Travis and Katie. The file is too big for me to load, but she posted it today.
  3. Jill Duggar Dillard Opens Up About Distancing from Her Family: 'I Never Expected This to Happen' New People article with new pictures. Not a ton of new information, but I found this quote interesting: "I never expected this to happen or for it to get to this point," Jill says. "But I'm realizing I can't put a timeline on healing. I love my family and they love me. I really just have to follow God's lead and take it one day at a time." Also, this "statement" from Jim Bob and Me-chelle, sounds like there is still a major rift: ""Every family has differences of opinion and perspective at times, but families work things out. We all love Jill, Derick, and their boys very much. It is our prayer that our relationship is healed and fully restored quickly!"
  4. Jill actually looks much better with dark hair, less makeup and she looks less crazy. But those poor kids... Also...her latest post about brain washing? Oi. She does read here.
  5. I watched it again last night, because I missed a lot the first time, and that was a mistake. I was up all night. I am so disturbed by what happened, and seeing some people victim blame and knowing there are people out there who support Chris. It's just sickening. All I can think about is Bella...old enough to know what was about to happen to her, and seeing what he did to her mom and sister. Having the man she thought of as her protector and hero do that to her. Despite what anyone thinks of Shanann, she absolutely did not deserve to be strangled at the hands of the man she loved and trusted. And those girls. I just cannot stop thinking about it and it's breaking my heart.
  6. Would anyone have a link delving further into the girlfriend? I tried finding more information on the Reddit link but there's so much! The documentary was sad. Regardless of Shanann, I just can't imagine someone being such a monster. Listening to an interview with his mom, I can see where he got some of it from. The victim blaming. I really think he thought he'd be able to get away with it, but her friends and the neighbors were too on top of it.
  7. Longtime lurker. I watched the YouTube video and I am honestly stunned. I realize that I don't agree with Derrick and Jill on many things, but we do share a viewpoint in that you can disagree with people and still be friends or at least not enemies. And Jill admitting to using birth control is also huge. I would've never pegged her as becoming the most progressive Duggar, but wow, has she shocked me. I would LOVE to see Jill Rodrigues reaction to this video. I only hope that she can influence some of her siblings to view life more progressively. Obviously, it's a lot of small baby steps, but she is and has made progress and so far, is at least shown she is open minded. Considering how she was raised, this is pretty much rebelling against her family.
  8. While I think their upbringing has a lot to do with it, I also think Michael truly loves and wants children. From what we've been shown, she seems to adore babies and she has a very close bond with Callie. I feel her there. I'm almost 36 and I have always wanted to have kids, but haven't yet. I just finally met someone I want to even have kids with. And I'm about as progressive as they come, but I absolutely love kids and I dote on all the kids in my life. I see that in Michael too. Plus, Gil & Kelly and their other kids do seem to consider other things important, not just popping out babies, as fundy as they are. I also do see love between them. I think they're just both reserved and boring people. But since their wedding episode, I've seen Brandon in a different light. I believe he loves her and they are a good match. I just hope that if they are truly having difficulties, they get the help they need and or adopt.
  9. They just announced Joy is courting.
  10. In her latest Instagram video, it looks like Whitney Bates is wearing jeans. Progress?
  11. If Whitney is the one holding Kaci in her latest Instagram video, she's wearing jeans. Also, Bradley is the cutest.
  12. I'm just wondering who they are trying to sell the unmarried kidults to, since fundies like the Duggars don't watch TV...
  13. I called the "twist" about ten minutes before the end. I like the characters so far.
  14. Jinger frontal hugged Jeremy AND talked about scary movies. Jessa frontal hugged Flame. one of the Duggar boys mentioned video games. JD's dry humor continues to amuse me (wrap vs rap). Weird.
  15. Where do I start? oh, Jill. And the pastors wife. Yes, instead of putting resources into helping these women get away from their bad husbands, let's help them stay in their bad marriages. And thank goodness for Jill, literally sitting there with a blank face while these women cried. Then, you have Dim Bulb grilling Jeremy about his finances, extremely uncomfortable and I wanted Jeremy's parents to say, how about your daughter getting a damn job to cover her thrift store addiction and contribute to their family. And the comment in the car Jeremy made about married in a month or he's out? And Jingers ridiculous reactions to his apartment and that closet he preaches at? I understand the girl wanting to escape the cults clutches, but I'm afraid she's just walking into another form of enslavement. JB is sooooo creepy with his daughters. i actually liked JD this episode. Joy's comment at the end about helping with the kids made me so sad for her. These people are just ridiculous. What they've done to their kids should be criminal. They are all so stunted. I'm sure there was more, but I can't even wrap my head around it. I would like to know where I can pick up some sweet neon shirts.
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