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Everything posted by Makai

  1. I really doubt that the character will be close to 30 when Young Avengers is finally made. MCU time has never been in line with real time and projects aren’t released linearly. It was three years between Hawkeye and Echo but only six months for the characters. Our time is only now starting to catch up with the earliest post-Endgame projects.
  2. This is why the Young Avengers being in their twenties doesn’t bother me in the slightest. Kate’s background makes her read has far younger than Steve or Nat. Plus these are heroes that have been shaped by growing up in a world with the Avengers. It creates a very different dynamic Hailee Steinfield and Florence Pugh are only a year apart but when they were on screen together Kate and Yelena did not feel like contemporaries in the slightest.
  3. Exactly this. There are actually a lot of things that Marvel has keyed up that I would love to see but they are too focused on expanding rather than paying off existing plots. Case in point, Hawkeye set up a ton of plots but the most interesting ones with Yelena/Kate and Kate/Clint is going nowhere. Same with WandaVision. I’m actually craving good superhero movies since no one is making them right now. I have shitty superhero movie/tv fatigue.
  4. I just finished Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson and am now mildly obsessed. It’s been a long time since I laughed so much when reading. He was inspired by The Princess Bride and he nailed the tone.
  5. Trying to come up with a favorites list just caused to be add more books to my re-read list. Fortunately, my library has them all available through Libby since my physical copies are in storage at the moment. Another for the re-read list. I agree that I would be a good one to adapt.
  6. I love seeing this as a topic. I think I’ve read everything she’s written except for Promise Me Tomorrow. My interest has waned somewhat in the last few years but I still enjoy most of her books. Birthright is probably my all time favorite book. I agree. I just love how she writes characters. They feel like real people with real relationships. The oxymoronic titles never fail to amuse me. I loved both of those, particularly Public Secrets. Honest Illusions is another one of my favorites. I still wouldn’t call her books diverse, but she does seem to be improving in that area. Her last completed trilogy (Dragon Heart Legacy) features a gay romance alongside the main couple. The main female lead has a found family within the LGTBQ community. Yep. Unfortunately, I doubt it will ever happen because she is very hands off about her adaptations. Inheritance really hooked me. I’m curious if the second book will be entirely focused on a second couple since she seems to be moving away from that format somewhat.
  7. There isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that these types of decisions haven’t been thoroughly vetted by many top lawyers. She wasn’t even fired. Her contract was complete and they decided not to sign her to a new one. I’m curious if her lawsuit (or Disney’s response) addresses personnel conflicts. Pedro’s sister is trans and Gina had said that he tried to explain to her the importance of pronouns. I can’t see him wanting to work with her in any capacity.
  8. Yep. Many of the same people who now lament cancel culture had zero issue when they were the ones deciding who was cancelled. Then actions having consequences was a good thing and now they see it as a great injustice. I’m not sure if I would call it predatory but Alyssa used the same problematic elements in the industry that lead to predatory behavior to paint herself as a victim and force Shannen out. The Charmed showrunner has since been accused of sexual harassment and Rose McGowan has accused Alyssa of making the Charmed set toxic. Even when the show first aired, you could see a lot of the issues specific to Alyssa, bleed onto the screen with the plot choices. Without knowing any of the details, the decision to write Shannen off the show felt like a big red flag that Alyssa had undue influence over what happened behind the scenes. It doesn’t help that she has since positioned herself as an advocate for women in Hollywood.
  9. They haven’t aired it in the US. They stuck it on Hallmark’s streaming service a few years ago and haven’t aired it since. I miss it every year. I did see that it is available to buy and I am tempted. I thought the same. Too little plot to fill 90 minutes for my taste.
  10. I started watching My Christmas Guide expecting it to be awful but it was much more enjoyable than expected. I think it really helped that a lot of the movie was the two leads walking around and talking to each other. Christmas felt like a backdrop rather than the plot. The third act conflict still wasn’t well developed but it also wasn’t a misunderstanding. Watchable is a good description. They addressed why she was dating the narcissist. She said he had changed and when they met he doted on her and she believed he was thoughtful. Sounded like early relationship love bombing before the true colors come out. As for the dog, he gave him up because he gave up on trying to have a normal life that wasn’t defined by his disability. The dog represented his ability to freely navigate the world and once he was pushed into no longer teaching it killed his hope for more.
  11. Not really. GAF is touting that they are the fastest growing network but that’s because their ratings have been in the toilet. When your programming bring in a .01 ratings share it’s not hard to claim big growth. The Hallmark actresses that jumped ship are not bringing in big numbers. Hallmark’s main channel ratings have been on par with last year’s ratings and HMM’s Thursday Christmas premieres have been significantly up. Overall Hallmark’s numbers have been really good considering live tv viewing has been consistently falling. Their movies are usually in the top 10 or 15 of cable programming and only behind sports. GAF isn’t cracking the top 150. That also doesn’t to take into account people who watch Hallmark on Peacock. Hallmark seems pretty much bulletproof. Probably because more and more people want an escape from reality. Ugh. That was my concern when watching the promo. I like Tyler so I’ll probably still watch. It had the same writer as 3 Bed, 2 Bath, 1 Ghost so I was hoping it would be better than the premise indicated.
  12. The man admitted to setting up a woman to be raped by his friend. Because the friends desire to have sex with a specific woman mattered more than her right to know who she was sleeping with. I’m generally not a vindictive person but the idea that the women he has been in relationships with have brought him pain fills me with glee.
  13. Yeah, he’s just angry she said the quiet part out loud. There are of articles about how everyone on the industry knew there was no point in even trying to put diversity in Hallmark movies when he was in charge. He would have entire scenes reshot because background actors could have appeared to be interracial couples. He’s fine with representation as long as it’s not noticeable or acknowledged.
  14. I feel like multiple sources confirming the same story is evidence that it is true not that it is a lie. I don’t see it not be challenged in court being a problem. What the police and lawyers suspect is not the same as what can be proven. There doesn’t seem to be anything to be gained by challenging him on it during his testimony. The defense had a different alternate theory to float in the trial. Kutcher really only helped established the timeline.
  15. To me age and ignorance is a somewhat justified explanation for mild statements of confusion regarding gender and sexual identity issues. I don’t think simple ignorance due to the changing times is an explanation for Alice Cooper or Carlos Santana. What they are saying is willful ignorance in spouting anti-trans talking points like the person identifying as a cat or concern for kids. If a person of any age is using the same language used to take rights away from or hurt trans individuals they lose any leeway I would be willing to give them.
  16. When I first started seeing mentions of accusations I was really hoping this wouldn’t be that bad but reading the details killed that hope. And now others have come forward to back up the claims made in the lawsuit. Sounds like a really toxic work environment with zero respect for personal boundaries.
  17. I misread part of your post and thought you were saying Rebecca was supposed to be older than Ted and was only responding to that. Watching the show I would have said they were supposed to be around the same age. It really doesn’t impact the rest of my answer in the slightest. No. I thought Sassy was a horrible match for Ted and I never thought either of them viewed the relationship as anything serious. True As someone who couldn’t possibly see them as more than friends it didn’t at all. I actually don’t think that Ted was written as a character who would go for anyone younger in general and who wouldn’t go for anyone at the moment. If he had been open to a relationship I don’t think Rebecca would be someone he was interested in a relationship with and vice versa. When Ted walked out in that robe I was 90% sure it was a fake-out and 10% terrified the show was actually making that decision. I would have viewed it as a massive mistake based on their personalities.
  18. I don’t think that was a factor. I never thought of Rebecca as substantial older than Ted. Ted’s only romantic interest on the show was the exact same age as Rebecca and Rebecca’s pilot is younger than Jason Sudeikis. I just never saw their interactions as anything other than really good friends. I did not see them framing the relationship as will they/or won’t they outside of the two obvious fake-outs. I felt Ted’s interactions with Rebecca were on par with his interactions with the male characters and that Rebecca’s with Ted were on par with her interactions with Keeley and Higgins. And their mutual divorces made them kindred spirits going through much of the same trauma. More of a parallel path story than destined to be together. The only time I thought the show was deliberately hinting at a potential relationship for Ted was with Keeley at the very beginning of the show. Fortunately that did not last long.
  19. Oh, this makes me realize why the team finished second. Before I hadn’t connected Ted leaving to quitting because it was the end of the season and he probably just resigned or didn’t renew is contract. But because they didn’t win Ted didn’t complete what he said they were going to do in the end of season 1. He was able to leave with that unfinished which showed how deeply he was changed. We can’t know that. Coaching a kids team is a nights and weekends thing. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t have another job or that he isn’t just taking a temporary break. He led a small college team to a championship in American football in a season and an international football team through relegation to the Champions League in two seasons. He would have his pick of teams in either sport.
  20. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one thinking that. When Rebecca made that suggestion I thought it was supposed to be obviously unrealistic that Ted’s ex-wife would just move to London and start teaching. Ted called it a leave-cute which I thought was adorable. Then having it turn into her actual meet-cute was great.
  21. Because that is a purely legal standard and the public is under no obligation to follow it. Their only legal obligation in these cases is to not break the law. If the general public was required to adhere to that standard it would be taking away their rights. Since I am not obligated to adhere to “innocent until proven guilty” I get to evaluate the effectiveness of our legal system in determining how much weight I am going to give the legal process. In sexual assault cases the legal process holds very little weight in my evaluation. People make up the masses and entertainers have chosen a profession based entirely on appealing to the masses so their careers are always going to be decided by people. Someone who has been accused is entitled to due process and to be innocent until proven guilty in the eyes of the law. They are not entitled to star in a movie or tv show.
  22. But my saying this person who has been credibly accused of this thing I find unacceptable so I am going to make it clear I am not going to support them doesn’t mean I’m not respecting the legal system. It two completely separate things. Innocent until proven guilty does not mean freedom from consequences. In my opinion, the standards that are the foundations of the US legal system is not meant to supplant individual citizens reasoning, conclusions and any legal actions they may take. Not to mention that laws can vary widely even within the same state.
  23. My question is what does is look like to “respect the legal process and refrain from making definitive judgments until guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt.” The legal system would have to get a hell of a lot better for it to be the determining factor for me. Even presuming the legal system always got it right that has little to do with me deciding I am not going to watch a tv show or buy a product that would put money in the pocket of someone I feel is problematic. Presumed innocence does not entitle someone the right to continued patronage. There are lots of completely legal things that people can do that could cause me to not support someone. I wasn’t saying that’s it’s not important to examine every accusation. I was saying that in most cases I have a tipping point. Woody Allen is probably the easiest example for me to explain my thoughts. I can’t say definitely if he is or isn’t guilty of molestation even though I have examined the details. But at the end of the day the things that are 100% proven about him and are completely separate from Dylan’s accusations are enough for me to think he is a horrible human being and to avoid anything involving him.
  24. I know. Although he was charged (you can’t be arrested without being charged). The charges were dropped. It’s mentioned in the Hollywood Reporter and other places but I didn’t dive into the details. It actually says multiple sources. Those are allegations that he’s never denied. He specifically denied the criminal charges only. My point is that there are enough allegations, that I find believable, just in the workplace sexual harassment for him to make the list of celebrities I choose not to support. The beauty of me being just an average consumer is that I get to make that choice for me. I get to determine my own standard of proof. And, for me, repeated accusations of sexual harassment is enough. It is what many people mean. Although I have rarely actually seen “believe all women” actually used by people who are part of #MeToo. Believe women is what I have mostly seen and the difference between the two is really significant.
  25. It wasn’t just one accusation. In most of the cases where there are lasting consequences there a dozens of reports of concerning behavior. There were many people who were aware of concerns. In this case the criminal charges led to others coming forward with evidence of inappropriate behavior, including with minors. There is a pattern of behavior that the high profile accusation exposes which plays a big role in the outcome. I don’t know if he was guilty of what he was charged with but even without that there is enough to see he is a creep who shouldn’t be any a position of authority. Here’s a quote from Hollywood Reporter. Even if this is all he was guilty of that’s enough for me. Which is often the case in these stories. The best case scenario, the one the accused admits to, is enough to make me never want to support them in any capacity. I can think of quite a few examples where one accusation had zero effect. And way too many where multiple accusations also had no impact.
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