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Everything posted by nottopbravo

  1. I could go another year without hearing the word "fleek" again. It must be a sign of the times that the kids are more comfortable talking into their cellphones than talking to a camera man and camera in their "confessionals".
  2. I guess they have to be somewhat gentle in their judging of kids, because before bringing them to the edge of tears, they always find something good about the dish. "The potato was raw, but it was seasoned well".
  3. How many times can a show advertise a show that I'm watching? I wish they had different hosts.
  4. I only watch the episodes and check in here occasionally . In response to your second question, I know I'm going to get a lot of hate here but-- I have better things to do than call a phone number to vote for some "care package" on a reality show, especially if I don't know what's in it beforehand.
  5. And the "chef" is still working there.
  6. Hey Big Brother-- Please do away with the "hashtags" bullshit whenever something happens in the house. I expecting to see a #commercialcomingup pretty soon. When someone in the future watches this program, they will be asking themselves, "What's the deal with all notations that start with a #?" (Who am I kidding? No one in the future will be watching this.)
  7. Now that Monterery's gone, who's going to be the in-house narrator for the rest of the season? She got more talking heads than anyone.
  8. Jose- Why not double over the tarp for the bottom of the boat? Justin- It's called "Alone", it's survival. Nice way to waste a lot of energy climbing up a mountain. I commend you for doing it, but Jeez. Nichole- Still smiling after 22 days? I give you credit. Hey History Channel. Enough with the fake-outs before commercial. We're smarter than that.
  9. I agree. They should have eliminated Hanna Hart.
  10. I'm getting tired of Tyler's constant mugging for the cameras.
  11. The title of the episode should have been, "And then there were two".
  12. That phone call was definitely staged. If Kevin O'Leary was really calling, the call would have occurred around midnight.
  13. I still don't get the vending machine guys. I realize the product has to be small, but how much inventory can you put in a machine that size? And if it has a lot of inventory in it with value, you could probably pop it off the wall with a crowbar and carry it off under your arm.
  14. You are now an internet "sensation". This now qualifies you to join the cast of The Amazing Race.
  15. I have to say something here about Sarah D. Bunting recaps of this show. She puts in her own personal analysis of the episode which I think is great. I wish some of the others who do recaps on Previously would do the same. If I want to read a scene by scene detail of the show, I'll just watch the damn show. That being said, I like Marcus. I think he's not just in it for the money. But there is something strange about his gait. I just can't put my finger on it.
  16. Yeah Sue, blame the snow machine and not the inept, crazy driver.
  17. Wait-- Sue can't shoot a gun to protect herself, whether it was right handed or left handed? I call BS.
  18. SyFy marathon starts tonight. All episodes are shown in order. About time.
  19. What's with the pizza UNO commercial where the "Italian" guy suddenly has his voice change from commercial to commercial?
  20. I like Jim Parsons. He seems like a nice person. But I cannot tolerate him screaming at people in his Intel commercials. I can't hit the mute button fast enough.
  21. A question about how they film these commercials: Did you meet Amy Matthews on set?
  22. I wonder how many times these residents are interrupted while doing a task so someone from production can attach a Go-Pro?
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