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Everything posted by Aulty

  1. 'All moms are full time moms' - thats was a strong scene and I hope they don't loose those opportunities once America is gone. Glenn is a prime example of someone so stuck up in their own beliefs that its a waste of time to try to argue with them. He was really annoying in this episode, and Jerusha too.
  2. OH FOR FECK'S SAKE! Congratulations Jane - on making 30 under 30 and your brandnew vertical. And on getting one over on Pinstripe again. I am torn about the whole lying Ryan story, mainly because Jane is so annoying and he really seemed sorry for whatever happened and tried to be better. Just let the poor lad go and make Jane someone else's problem. Kat probably should start looking up apartments in SF. That story is going to get nasty. It was sweet seeing Oliver getting all excited about being part of Sutton's wedding. The rest of Sutton's story was SO cringeworthy. And of course she'll get a job offer at Scarlet.
  3. Weird crossovers. I just saw Sam Palladio in an episode of The Repair Shop (S06E01) where they repaired his great-grandfathers's RAF cap. He was there with his grandmother.
  4. Amy's farewell will probably be pushed to the next season after production had to shut down early.
  5. I don't buy magazines that have a horoscope section, so the astrology theme running through this episode was kinda BS to me. But I know that, sadly, Astrology and Astrology apps are a very popular thing for Millenials and Gen Z-ers at the moment, so I am not surprised they chose to incorporate it in the show. Poor Ryan getting caught between a rock and a hard place. Jane is going to ride the guilt wave till the very end, won't she? I am Team Pinstripe on that one. So after the last big finale where they fired Jaqueline only to restore her in the least exciting 1 epsiode twist we can now expect Sutton to move to California? Except she won't because Oliver will magically offer her a stylist position at Scarlett while she walks down the aisle, she will tell Richard at the altar and he will be totally fine with her doing another 180 to stay in NYC. Meanwhile Jane will ditch Pinstripe for a night of wild rides with Andrew. You heard it here first, folks!
  6. To be honest, I didn't have Rosa down as the favourite but the challenge was almost tailor made for her - plus she was very smart to use a variety of techniques. Apart from the small leak on her tea pot it was a great set. Matts showed off his technique and the carbon trapping did give the pieces some depth. But his set lacked whimsy - if only he had time to finish his cake stand properly and add Alice's legs ... Personally, I am not keen on those joke jugs, probably because I've seen so many of them on Bargain Hunt and ART. I was disappointed with Jakob. Another dragon? Apart from the heart stickers the concept was very close to his fire surround. Nice shapes on the pots and flasks though. That was a very enjoyable series. I hope the show will be back next year (I noticed that they didn't ask for applications for a new season, just a call to register your iterest).
  7. There you go: Matt Lucas will replace Sandi Toksiv as host on GBBO.
  8. TV Line has an interview with Charles Michael Davis who plays Zane - its mostly about his stint on NCIS: New Orleans Debut but there is a bit about Younger too and this bit of information: WHAT? They haven't even shot the new season yet? I suppose they needed extra time to come up with new ways to shoe-horn Josh into stories he doesn't need to be in (like that mirco dosing weekend).
  9. I could complain about a bunch of things - Adena and her attitute and Jane, as usual ... But I'd rather talk about what a gread character Oliver is. So lovable, so professional.
  10. Awwww Claire. I am so gutted for her. Hard luck. Not gonna lie, there were tears. Claire and Rosa are such opposites - one is brilliant at building but a bit boring with the design and the other is all about the sensual and whacky shapes and designs but a bit loose with the build. Jakob did well, I liked his design. Didn't care for Matt's and that handle in the front might be allright for full sized grown ups, but picture children navigating their bums onto the seat with that sticking out. Each of the 4 semifinalists has something going for them and it was always going to be a hard decision. Weirdly, I wonder what kind of toilet Rosalind would have come up with.
  11. Maybe they need more time to reshoot all the wee bits where Joe Lycett is mentioned after he changed his name a couple of weeks ago. A Sewing Bee presented by Hugo Boss will probably sent those german laywers reeling. They also started casting for series 7!
  12. Original Air Date: 03/19/2020
  13. If America is game for the odd guest appearance they could have Amy move up to coorporate and keep Jonah in the store. I don't really want them to break those two up.
  14. Don't get me wrong, I love that they whacked some Goop type vagina quack down a few notches, but did it really have to feature Jane as the heroine again? So happy to see Alex going out with that stunning and charismatic doctor - such a shame it didn't work out. Loved the rapport between Alex and Sage, I almost expected him to call and invite her to the restaurant after the his date had to leave for work. Between the vibrators and the pegging it feels like they have Kat trying out something new every other episode. Whatever's gonna be next? I wasn't keen on Sutton's mother in law to be until they had their heart to heart, but am glad that she pushed Sutton to say out loud that an influencer is just trying to manipulate their followers into buying the stuff.
  15. I did not expect them to send Rosalind home, but I see the judge's point - in terms of the actual pottery hers were certainly the weakest. Poor Jakob, he has probably spent two days mentally preparing himself for an elimination and it probably was a really really narrow . escape. Claire's jars were super. I didn't really rate what she did in the scratch challenge because the symbols were as messy as Ronaldo's tile last week, but she excelled in the main throw. Matt did well too, I quite liked the shape of his vessels.
  16. Oliver, Andrew, Sage, Alex - more of them!! (I know its sad that in a female centred show I end up cheering for the boys) Its getting a bit repetitive that so many of the core 3's stories have happy endings with Sutton, Kat or Jane as the knightesses in shining armor. Sutton solving Oliver's problems with his daughter, Kat and all her social justice quests, Jane and - actually don't even get me started on Jane. Of course Jane was the one to unlock Jaqueline's relationship dilemma.
  17. Congratulations Suzie! A well deserved win for NI! I read in a local newspaper that Suzie applied for Bake Off twice before she got on this show. With skills and a personality like hers, she would have been a great Bake Off contestant. Their loss, I guess.
  18. They should give Rich and Will from the Repair Shop their own show. Let them make pots and cabinets for half an hour every day. I'd watch. Bye Ronaldo. For someone who has had problems with his finishing from week 1 he didn't make life any easier for himself by choosing motifs that require such a fiddly and precise paint job. I wasn't keen on Claire's and she probably was quite lucky that Ronaldo did so badly, but the rest was quite good, wasn't it? Jakob's dragon was quite impressive and I liked Rosa's - especially the raised spheres. Well done Matt! His chimney was pretty impressive and his fireplace certainly looked very stylish. If I had a fire surround like that I would probably knock my toe against all the raised motifs on the bottom all the time 🙂
  19. Awww the vet is really cute, I hope they give Dina at least a few happy episodes with him before the inevitable shift back to Garrett. Sad, but true. I know its not supposed to be the focus of the show, but it would be nice to get more than a glimpse of their relationship once in a while. Enjoyed the comment about the graffiti 'Greta is god' and Amy being unsure whether it meant Gerwig or Thunberg.
  20. I'm fine with the final 3 and I honestly think it would always have been those 3 even if the past elimination had gone a bit differently. Thank cod Olli is finally gone - and of course there was a twist to it. They lost me with the tinned tuna challenge. As someone said up-thread, this episode was definetly something you just have on in the background.
  21. Taking your BF to a sex party to solve your bedroom problems sound like taking someone afraid of open water to go deep sea diving. It was a good venue to find a random guy to kiss though. I enjoyed the story about the vibrators. Sage is so open about all things sex but still very aware that others aren't - I quite like her as a character. Loved that she handed out toys left, right, and centre. Its nice that alex got a professional break but judging by past seasons I doubt that we'll see much of him doing that in the future. The future, surely, is for Jane's struggles with her vertical.
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