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Everything posted by againstthewind

  1. Other deaths have bothered me before. John Ritter. Heath Ledger. Patrick Swayze. Paul Walker. But this destroyed me. It doesn't seem real - he was truly larger than life. Good Will Hunting and Aladdin are two of my favorite movies period. I also love, love, love Dead Poets Society, Good Morning Vietnam and Mrs. Doubtfire.
  2. I read the book after the casting was announced but I think Affleck is perfect. I did picture the character as a Scott Petersen type so maybe that's what I'm going after. I don't know enough about Rosamund Pike to have an opinion about it, but could see where Amy Adams would be a good fit. So, the ending has changed a bit apparently. What do we think Fincher does?
  3. I love love love love sports movies! My favorites: Bull Durham - Kevin Costner at his peak in the quintessential baseball movie. Probably my favorite "sports" movie. Miracle - I cry every time at the end when they play Dream On. Then I want to run through a brick wall. Major League - laugh every. single. time. Jerry Maguire - one of my all time favorites, sports movie or not. A League Of Their Own Slap Shot The Cutting Edge - cheesy goodness Field of Dreams Youngblood Brian's Song Varsity Blues
  4. Fucking Janelle screaming at those dogs makes me sick. And this woman has continued to reproduce. People who treat animals badly seriously have a screw loose.
  5. I am suffering some serious second hand embarrassment watching some of these teens talk about their lives. "My friends and I call ourselves the humble crew." Aw, honey.
  6. What the fuck Vaughn? I'm rarely shocked at people's behavior but I'm stunned at how utterly tone deaf he is. Monet seems a bit too keyed up, but at least she is making some semblance of an effort. He's checked out completely. I have a hard time watching their segments at this point. He doesn't want a wife. He wants a silent, subservient sex slave. I'm disappointed we didn't get much interaction between Doug and Jamie. Yeah, her schedule is difficult (my sister works nights as a nurse as well) but she gets extra time off and if you work hard enough, it's not as awful a schedule as some shift work is for a relationship. I speak with my parents daily so I don't think that's a huge deal, but they do seem a bit over involved in Doug's life. It's not like she blew them off because she has something better to do, it's her freaking job, lady. As an aside, I think dogs tend to be a good judge of character, and her dog seems to love Doug. Cortney and Jason are very cute and I like the effort they are putting into making their different lifestyles work. I'm not too mushy but I loved the little notes he left her. I hope they can keep up that level of effort.
  7. It is funny, seeing these people getting what they requested in a spouse, and finding that it really is not what they wanted at all.
  8. Pretty sure no matter what Monet does Vaughan is not going to be happy. He seems smug and argumentative for the sake of it. He's the only one I'm really not liking right now. Cortney and Jason's place was super cute. Jamie has a real case of verbal diarrhea with the monster comment, but she had some legit points about finances. Is till have high hopes for them.
  9. In their defense (as much as this PAINS me) they all wear eyelash extensions - I actually have them on now (thanks to being in three weddings in three weeks). These things are intense and don't budge. I had a crush on Brody back in the day, and I think I have one on him again. Kim can barely move her face, and her faux-concern over Rob is nauseating. At least Khloe seems to give half a shit. I do wonder - she was referencing dark things in the house. I wonder what else went on that we weren't privy to.
  10. I just watched my first full episode in awhile and she's had so much work done that I am stunned she can move her face.
  11. It was kind of cringe-y for me to watch at first at well, how much she kept mentioning how uncomfortable she was. But by the end there I kept getting a vibe that it was almost a defense mechanism for her. If you watched her on the Bachelor, she clearly has a hard time opening up and then sometimes goes from 0-60 and doesn't really handle it well. She doesn't have much family. From what I've read about her she's always had to be the caregiver. I think this kind of guy could be good for her. I say this as a girl who is admittedly very shallow and would be struggling in Jamie's position as well.
  12. I'll be damned. I am also rooting for Doug and Jamie. He seems to be incredibly easy going and patient, and it seems to be working for her. His sense of humor is huge. She looks to be a bit of a smitten kitten. It was almost like a sequence in a cheesy romantic comedy, where you can see her slowly start to open up. I'm really excited to see what happens with them. Monet and Vaughn may not make the thirty days. They are on such different pages they may as well be in different books. Jason and Courtney were my picks to make it at the beginning, but now I'm not so sure. The chemistry didn't seem to be there as much today. Maybe it's the setting, I'm not sure. But I think once the lust isn't there as much it'll flame out for them.
  13. The early episodes were so great. The One with the Prom Video is on right now. "How many cameras were on you?" "Looking good Mr. Kotter." "I am here, on my knees, holding up these couch cushions as a symbol of my sorrow and regret, much like they did in biblical times." I forgot how much i loved Elliot Gould as Mr. Gellar.
  14. I so felt for Andi when they told her about Eric because of this. I had a friend who died last year, and my final conversation with him was an argument over something really, really stupid. He killed himself a month later. I cried on my mother's lap for days. I'm 26. Chris, Chris, Chris. Coming into this season, I thought I'd be all about Josh because I love me some jocks, but I am about to drop everything and move to Iowa. And I am a city girl through-and-through. He's gorgeous, successful and seems kind and centered. I can't believe he's still single. Nick does not do it for me AT ALL, but I think he'd be the best choice for Andi. Which of course means she won't pick him.
  15. Why is Amy crying again? I sort of expect it from some of these actor/model/singer types but you'd think that athletes would be a little bit tougher.
  16. I really thought Meryl was going to say no rather than so blatantly evade the question. Maks killed me with his responses though.
  17. Charlie is so adorable. I broke into a huge smile when he broke that umbrella.
  18. I think the waltz was the best dance Maks has ever choreographed.
  19. Nailed it. I wonder if they'll just drag a whole kitchen set out for the freestyle. I'm hopeful people who have been splitting or voting for Charlie will now support Meryl. You're right, the three of them would have been bad for Meryl and Charlie. And I let out an audible laugh at that last bit.
  20. 3 10s for Amy? What in the actual fuck? I hate you, show. James is super attractive to me but CAI is reaching desperation level. My mom texted me that someone needs to hose her ass down. Oh, look, another trip to the finals for Derek. All the votes go to Meryl and Candace.
  21. They just are not right for each other - she's not that into him. I'm pretty "cut-and-dried" and have been known to roll my eyes at a lot of mushy things my girlfriends are just dying over. There have been guys in my life who have tried to pursue me with typical romantic gestures and I just don't feel it and was kind of turned OFF. However, when I met my current boyfriend and he did the flowers thing, it melted my icy heart and turned me into the kind of girl who I used to hate. Why? Because I am really, really into him. Bottom line, these two need to cut ties and move on or they are in for a miserable life together.
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