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Everything posted by shoetingstar

  1. I'm trying to figure out Bucky's "status" in the current state of the Word as presented by this show. He was pardoned by the U.S. Government. However, judging by Yori, the waitress/bar manager Leah, and the kids from the past episode - normal private citizens are not aware of him. However, the Police seem to "know" him or atleast were nonchalant about the warrant. (just a component of the white guy gets treated better thing?) Are private Citizens aware of "Bucky Barnes" but have no idea what he looks like? This may be something that will be ironed out in future episodes. Just making sure I got it straight from what we've been told thus far.
  2. My word! The worst part is the scheme was taking cash from Elderly victims. That's really low. Wasn't she the one mad at Mary because of her elderly family member?! But it's okay to mess with other families? First rule of z-list "Fame" Club, Wipe your social media of past problematic comments (just delete the whole damn thing in most cases.) 2nd Rule of z-list "Fame" Club, Do not continue to run scams... However, I wouldn't put past Jen to want to be arrested on TV. She's that narcissistic.
  3. Bucky keeps his gloves on when he's home? I find that heartbreaking, like he doesn't even want to see it when he's alone. And Long sleeves as well! The White Panther/White Wolf exchange made my day. Sam had no idea! lol These two are really family and don't realize it. They give each other crap all day but defend each other in front of others. That's how kinfolk act lol. Anthony and Seb are really delivering, I could watch a show of Sam and Bucky just doing random things: grocery shopping. Bucky getting furniture (after Sam pushes him into it and more therapy), picking out paint colors and decor... I just can't get enough of them. Yes, first saw him in Alias - I'm so glad he's still around doing great work. He was great in key role in Dr. Sleep - which a lot of people ignored but I really enjoyed it.
  4. After knowing Imdb has more episodes listed for her, the date reads differently on rewatch. Her questions were too on the nose and she went into great detail about Yori and grief, beyond just sympathy, like she had a personal experience.
  5. Agreed. However, Bucky IS rusty and I suspect he probably would not have asked her out on his own (His personal insecurity. Also, less baggage when he finally told Yori the truth.). Yori is like his cheerleader, his hype-man, reminding him who he used to be. It is just heartbreaking from every angle. Not as dramatic as his story, but as someone who was married for 9 years and now divorced, I actually relate a little. Dating was very different when I dipped my toe in the dating pool. Not to mention I had to figure out who I was or who I wanted to be. I had forgotten things about myself, and that was only 9 years, etc. Dammit, Poor Bucky (sorry, I can't resist!) (Either way, he could test his ladies man skills on me. Ahem.)
  6. About the flowers and the waitress (I think I have a fanfic title already lol). Did she own the bar or was maybe the manager? Was she Izzy? Also: 1-I could see someone feeling flowers meant the person wanted something return. However, he had known her for some amount of time, but had not had the courage to as her out. It was not like they had just met that day. He and Yori went to the restaurant every Wednesday. They all seemed familiar enough with each other. 2-I take the flowers to mean that he was marking the occasion. "I'm not just grabbing a meal where you serve me." Similar to acquaintances/friends deciding to go on a date, especially if you are usually in a group, etc. You do something different to make memories for just you two. Or a hey, I appreciate you spending time with me. Flower can mean many different things, depending on the person and type of flower. It was a nice gesture to me. 3-I'm sure Yori advised him to do it! 😄 So age or generational-factors are in play here as well. I'm in my 40s and a date bringing flowers would be a nice gesture to me. I do agree, red roses on a first date with no history would not be as welcomed. Do guys (or persons) still bring their date a corsage for Prom? So technically the are "old fashioned" in the sense, opening doors for your date has become less utilized, or even know, by younger people in the online dating age. Now this conversation has been picturing Bucky figuring out what kind of flowers to get. Did he just know or did he do research online? lol I really need a day in the life tv series of Bucky making decisions in this modern world. Thanks!
  7. Same way I feel. WHY doesn't anyone try some serious HUG therapy for these broken men? Call it Bone Hugs in Harmony (I couldn't resist!). Bucky and I would include Loki, maybe lol. (Though Loki wasn't brainwashed but savagely misguided, to say the least. But I still love him. *le sigh*). Okay, well I have to seek this out. Is this on A03 (tumblr? dare I say fanfiction.com? I'm probably older than you lol). I confess, I had a period where I didn't read other fanfics until I finished what I was working on. Not sure what happened, but you make me want to read it now! omg I liked her until she said that. And then the whole "you sound like my Dad" thing. I think the writers were trying too hard to make her the "tough, sarcastic cool-chick" or whatever. Now, if it was character trying too hard - she may not be all she seems and knows more than she's letting on?
  8. Oh crap, I know Wyatt Russell! He was in an excellent episode of Black Mirror - where he was test subject for a Virtual video game. It's one of the most freakiest episodes. *winces* He was really good in that. However, he looked goofy-as-hell in Cap's Mask. Chris Evans really does give "good face." James Marden wasn't available? Or Ryan Reynolds in some Deadpool 4th wall breaking bizarro situation? I'm very excited that Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan are finally getting some concentrated attention. They have the talent to pull it off. I wasn't with the initial tone at first but that quickly faded, I was surprised the (less than an) hour was up so soon. That's a good sign for me. I have not had the pleasure of reading that particular Fanfic. However, I have dabbled in enough Bucky FF and had my own ideas as a writer, that the scene felt like some serious Deja Vu! Big grin on my face because it really was like a FF brought to screen! This is not a complaint! I also kept whispering "Poor, Bucky!" like a total fangirl. Only thing missing in my FF writing eyes is him mentioning connecting with some special lady back in Wakanda! lol I I'm really happy to see him get some attention. His poor date with him running out of the restaurant though! Bucky you're old enough to know better, Mister! Quite a few emotional moments. Bucky having the peace of Wakanda ripped from him, all that he's been through, still sleeping on the floor, and realization he killed Mr. Yori's son got me. I expected him to go on a mission to figure out what happened to the son and that it would intersect with Sam's future mission, etc... And Sam - that banker, the Fake-Cap after he generously donated the priceless shield as a historical item, his family's business. I loved his family and sister, and his attempt to make things right. I think they may be exploring the dark side of being a government op/soldier through Sam and Bucky's story. People don't like to examine that side of "serving your country", but it's very real. They taken care of financially (college fund, housing...) but the homeless population is full of former military, not to mention suicide rates and mental illness/PTSD. Also being gone for long periods of time from their families isn't easy either. But yeah, I'm seriously pissed that he wasn't taken care of Financially. I wonder if Endorsement deals, convention appearances, or other showbiz type deals are an option for him... This made me LOL - you are so right. He never said much even with Cap. The most dialogue he got was with him and Sam annoying each other. And the infamous, "what the hell?" when Spiderman wasn't effected by his robo-arm in Civil War lol. I took it as a Watchman/Dr. Manhattan reference! The Umbrella Academy did something similar, as well.
  9. 💀....ha! Choosing to ignore that part - so I wouldn't sound too mean lol. He makes it hard sometimes...
  10. I guess we need a object criteria to establish who would carry on best without the other. Because Sam did not function well when Dean was in hell. He was involved with Ruby and addicted to demon blood (thought I personally didn't like Sam's abilities being continually villainized). Dean didn't have a support network? hmm...I have think more about that. I guess toward the last few seasons. But they honestly had the same group of friends and Dean had hunters from when it was just him & John that he knew. In "The End" Dean lead a whole camp of people alone. But again that was Zachariah created scenario.
  11. I was taken aback as well!. But the question was choose which of the brothers should die if one of them HAD to? Which we all know they did not have to kill either. However, as much as I respect Jensen, we can't forgot how Dean was able to adapt and fit into various situations/communities with ease (Hollywood, Prison, the Weight loss/health spa, uh...Hell for 4 years (?), 😑, etc. and many more). He constantly surprised people who underestimated him. As attached to Sammy as he was, he lived a whole year with Lisa and Ben without him at one point, as well.
  12. He can pull of anything! He was asked to grow the beard and hair out for The Boys right?
  13. Another Mark Sheppard tidbid and someone posted the hilarious blooper The Hockey mask slip stood out to me lol. They had written that Dean would see Jason in Dream A Little Dream but they couldn't get the rights, (so the wrote Lisa into the dream.)
  14. fyi I changed my avi to one of my fav pics - Jensen + little black kitten=my heart. Just so you know I'm a newbie lol. That was nice of you to offer @MishMIsh🙂
  15. @BabySpinach these are gorgeous! Very fitting them for Dean.
  16. haha I changed my twitter to that pic for his Bday! My favorite things in shot.🙂
  17. If Jensen don't go ahead and star in a Western soon! Hollywood, get on that asap!
  18. Ms. Cassie Robinson from the infamous Route 666 (1x13)! I could go on about those two (And I have in other threads lol!) And boy, If I had a dollar for every time a Destiel fan who commented, "OMG! Cassie...Castiel...Cas!! See Dean and Castiel were meant to be!" I would be a much richer gal! (I admit the show has a lot of coincidences.). (I also loved Sarah with Sam - though Cassie had a more significant purpose in her one episode.)
  19. Yeah, it wasn't on purpose lol. The Plus side is that the episode are less worn-in and so I get to enjoy them in a new way. Agreed! I'm continually impressed with how Thoughtfully written and plotted these seasons were. Like Edith and Archie sang: "Those Were The Days..." I like he how they played-up the Boys belief or lack of belief in God and/or Angels and how it kind of flipped around for both....(then they later seasons Royally effed-it up IMHO) but it was interesting to tease at the beginning. We really need a THIRST option here!:
  20. I've been watching Season 2 after realizing it's my least-watched season of the Core 1st 5 seasons. (From most watched to least: Season 5,4,1,3,2...) I find myself yelling, "Yes! Smart!Dean!" Like "Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things" (2x4) when he recognized the circle of dead grass around a new grave and knew they had a case. He had to give Sam multiple evidence to convince him. And episode The Usual Suspects and they only had the clue "Dana Shulps" to go on. They were in separate interrogation rooms working it out and both came to the conclusion it was an Anagram. I think in later seasons, it would have been just Sammy working it out. Also, it's been interesting revisiting that conflict with Sterling K. Brown's Gordon. As well as Jo, Ellen and Ash. Look, My favorite *ship features a character that was on the show once and casually referenced 2 additional times. So it made sense to me and I didn't mind it at the beginning. I just wonder how many can say they actually LIKE DEAN in and of himself?! How valuable is he just by himself to many of them? That's my number one issue/observation. Or in Dean in the shower ala Bobby Ewing on Dallas (those my age may remember that! lol).
  21. oh no @DeeDee79! Awwww, this winter is being extra hard on all of earth's creatures. Hopefully, "spring" will be sprung soon... Just imagine calling you friend Dean about some "uninvited guests." He gets there to find you *really* want his assistance catching a family of mice not any ghosts/demons! Sounds like a cute fanfic.😆 *no mice were harmed during the making of this Imagine*
  22. I think it was influenced by The Secret Life of Alex Mack which was on in the 90s - (Sister Sister starring the Mowry twins also did the talk to the camera thing....). Look at this description! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Secret_World_of_Alex_Mack
  23. laughing in Chicagoland - where winter snow arrives in February and sometimes stays until April. 😆 But for real ya'll stay warm. I'm on an apartment now. But there was a huge field behind our house growing up, so we had that same deal with "mieces" finding a way in to keep warm lol.
  24. You are right, I misspoke and was not trying to demean anyone who suffered abuse. My point was that we make vows of revenge, but as one gets older they can reevaluate and make a more healthy choice. Either way, as someone who suffered verbal abuse as a child and emotional abuse later, I was not intending to dismiss the long-term effects. My frustration was that he would see keeping that vow was hurting him, more than his father. As it held him back from the happiness he wanted. Ultimately, I suspect like many abuse sufferers, he did not feel worthy to be a "husband" or "father". Basically, there were more facets to this I wish had been explored in the WRITING for Simon. Perhaps, I expected too much from this show. (Either way, recovery from these experiences take unpacking, and I wish everyone could have good counseling/therapy to help.)
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