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  1. I guess he saw an off screen doctor because I don’t recall Isaiah giving him an Rx for nitro, but he had a full bottle. Of course if he told the doctor that he continues to have chest pain, the doctor would have admitted him to the hospital for a full work up. Even if that hospital is a private clinic where no one knows who he is.
  2. Yeah my mom had a-fib. She didn’t take nitro, never experienced heart attack type symptoms. She needed a pacemaker and to be put on blood thinners. This whole portrayal is stupid. It would make perfect sense for him to have a heart attack after everything he’s been through. The stress of being a mobster, losing Morgan, almost losing Michael…but if you’re going to give him A-fib, learn what it is!
  3. At the rate they’re going, season 3 will air in 2026 immediately followed by season 4. If the show is already in the can wtf is taking so long to air it???
  4. I’d have zero complaints if it’s RJ. This show would greatly benefit from his presence! Although knowing Frank, he’ll neuter RJ, so maybe I don’t want him after all!
  5. I doubt Ric would be interested. And not that it matters in PC but Molly is an assistant DA and it would be awkward for her to work for her father.
  6. Fairly certain it was Spencer after he got burned in the fire at wyndemere and was left with the teeniest, tiniest scar on his cheek but walked around with a phantom of the opera mask on his face while moaning about his appearance. ETA I was right. https://www.bostonmagazine.com/2015/02/27/shriners-hospital-children-featured-general-hospital-abc/#:~:text=Shriners Hospitals for Children is featured on,Hospitals has been worked into the storyline.
  7. Do you not remember Spencer’s Shriner’s Hospital for Children story? Real place, great work but it became a running joke with how many times per episode they mentioned it. also rolled my eyes when Carly went off about Ava’s burns and how you can’t even tell now. Ava didn’t have 3rd degree burns over 40% of her body. And she wasn’t in constant agony or in need of sedation for the pain. She walked freely around town with a scarf over her head to conceal the scars until she found her way to the Russian clinic. I’d think Michael would want to stay closer to his family but I’m equally sure Carly will walk out of his room and tell everyone he agreed to go to Germany, no matter what he says to her. And no one will know because she’s the only one in the room.
  8. So as of right now, EB, AH and MCE have all lost their homes to the fires. 😢
  9. So I read on Twitter that Not sure if it’s true or not and while I think it’s a much more interesting story, I’m not sure the show really wants to go that route.
  10. She’s on leave WITH pay. Cam has a full scholarship to Stanford and Jason paid for Danny to attend art school in Spain. So she’s got extra cash lying around. Or maybe Laura gave Lucky a credit card to use while he’s back lol! color me stunned when Jason sided with Tracy against Sonny. Before he did, I literally said to the TV, ‘Sonny IS Jason's family. Always has been, always will be. There’s no way he goes against Sonny.’ As contrived as it was, it was a refreshing moment. And I loved the hug between Jason and Tracy. It’s just a shame Sonny didn’t drop dead on the Q doorstep. way to go Joss! Screaming at Cyrus in the middle of the police station instead of letting the cops do their jobs. Good for Anna telling her she basically just blew up the case before the police could even make it. And Joss just standing there trying to understand what Anna said. Of course Cody lost all his money. Who didn’t see that coming the second he decided to blow all $50k on a football game? 🙄 and now Trina is suddenly all into football because he classmate/future boyfriend is the star quarterback? ‘I texted Kai. It’s not like I expect him to get back to me right away…’ but she shows up at his hospital room right away. liz and Lucky were cute together. And he even washed his hair for the occasion 🤣 still not sold on nuEmma. The writing is piss poor and the personality shift too drastic. And when exactly did she become an expert pickpocket?
  11. Spencer, but I don’t think they’re interested in bringing him back.
  12. Olivia of course. She’s already taken over the role of woman of the manor, complete with Cody calling her mama Q and everyone asking her permission for people to stay there.
  13. I really think it’s the hair. Now that she’s lightened it, I never even recognize her.
  14. Nothing like a tragedy to bring out the vultures. Someone set up a go fund me in Cam Mat’s name and he had to take to social media to warn people NOT to send money because it isn’t him. Imagine believe that an actor would set up a fundraising page? in other news, Eric Braeden also lost his house. 💔
  15. Well Jason wouldn’t let him in the penthouse to save Michael, so he wouldn’t be covered in ash. But neither was Jason, and he went in after SLS!
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