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IOU Payne

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Everything posted by IOU Payne

  1. I'd watch a show focusing on the twins. I think they're great kids! And how nice to see Jeannette receive the charm bracelet without even a shot of the exterior of the jewelery store, Sincere gifts are much nicer than product placements!
  2. Kids' TV back in the day was done on a budget of $1.12 per season. We had "Johnny Jellybean", which was not unlike "Peewee's Playhouse" in terms of manic energy. And every Christmas time, we had Santa Claus, reading kids' letters and Ho-ho-ho-ing ad nauseum. Being Jewish, I wasn't allowed to write to Santa, but I watched anyway. He had an elf named Poinsettia, but I didn't associate the name with the Christmas-y plant because, Jewish. So I thought the elf was named a word that I did know from reading my mom's childbirth book. Yes, I thought the elf was named "Placenta". I was five. Go do me something.
  3. So you missed the scene of Noah climbing all over Marissa? Now that's some powerful anti-chem!
  4. SewSumi, I'm so sorry for your loss.
  5. Poor Aly. Such a waste of a legacy character and an excellent actress. The montage of Ivy/Aly scenes yesterday was heartbreaking. So, any Newmans needing spare parts?
  6. Ramen burgers are one of the specialities at my local Filipino restaurant. The "bun" basically tastes like my mom's salt-and-pepper lokshen kugel (a.k.a. noodle pudding). In fact, I'm making kugel buns for Rosh Hashana to serve with BBQ pulled beef. When Michelle started jive talking (for lack of a better term - I can't help but think of the Bee Gees when I hear that term!), I thought of all the times I'd heard chefs refer to "fraaaaaaahhhhhd chicken!" when they're cooking Southern food. Anyhoo, Michelle, thanks for carrying the torch for female chefs and TV personalities. Not.
  7. Cute kitty story in 5-5-3-2-1: Every time Marco came on screen, I'd say "Farko!" in a delighted voice. The nickname just made me smile. Well, my cat Iggy heard the delighted tone and interpreted that to be an invitation to hop on the couch next to me and start purring. So now we use "Farko" as the term for "Come snuggle"!
  8. This reminded me of my family when I was a teen, with umpteen family jokes repeated at the dinner table, teasing, sibling rivalry and tons of support. Since this is The Learning Channel, I learned that there are still normal families that function well, despite any challenges that may be thrown at them. Jazz is a delight, and I wish I could let her know that there are plenty of girls, such as me, who didn't have one single date all through high school and hit their stride dating-wise in college.
  9. Now I'm having a brain fart - what's the GC term for "non-copyrighted search engine"? I don't know if he even has a FacePlace page! And Bonnie Blue Butler is the precursor of Dead Delia - a plot-point child who only existed to bring on angst. Even Saint Cassie actually, like, did stuff!
  10. Hi everyone! I've been here since the closing of TWOP, and even kept my screen name, but up till now most of my posts have been in the Y&R threads. I do have a Duggar connection - back in the day on TWOP when FJ was just starting up/splintering off, I came up with the tagline "A Quiverfull of Snark". Yay me!! More comic relief: My son's band is shooting a video and I somehow became the caterer for the function. However, the actual shoot includes live concert footage at a venue that's rough, and a bunch of people were invited with the incentive of FREE BEER!! so I'm not encouraged to be there for the actual video part. I do, however, get a credit on the video! Cross another item off my bucket list..... Maisie is a cutie-pie and I look forward to reading about her adventures as she explores the world. One day, she may be fronting a band and you'll be figuring out how many pounds of cheese you'll need for lasagna!
  11. Rick, as we say in French is "pas trop bright". He probably assumed that "raised as a boy" meant that Maya's parents wanted a son so they could name him after Grandpa Myron and when they saw that baby "Myron" had an innie instead of an outie, decided to raise their kid as the son they always wanted, biology be damned. That guy has so many issues that he bullied Aly and Ivy into cataloguing them and giving them ISBN numbers. SMH.
  12. If this is the case, will someone pleeeeease dub the Benny Hill theme song over this footage?
  13. I keep imagining a crossover between Y&R and L&O:SVU. I would laugh my ass off to see Paulie Tightpants and The Bug shut down in a NY minute.
  14. Another fan of bannana's awesome recaps. How I enjoy the snark, the ability to know which scenes to FF in advance, etc. So, who thinks that Gabe's way of consoling Gasping Flounder Chels might be a round of the Palindrome Game? Certainly this is one of the things they covered in her GED prep. He can start off with TACO CAT (so easy Nick could get it) and work his way up to the classic MADAM I'M ADAM. Cut. End scene.
  15. Charlie's deduction that Maya is transgender will be pooh-poohed in 2 seconds. They'll save the "Told you so" lines for later when the truth is really revealed. But Charlie is too firmly cast in the role of Cliff Clavin/doofus to be the one who discovers The Secret.
  16. So sorry for your loss, ninja. Your grandmother is surely in the Colonnade Room In The Sky, perhaps sharing a table with my late mom, who also loved to hate TGVN. (My mother was the first in her gang to know the meaning of the phrase "internet spoilers".)
  17. What kind of doofus is Rick that he never noticed that Maya never had her period? Did he go to the Jaggabbott School of All About Women? That would explain a lot.
  18. This was the best soap bombshell since Kevin Fisher revealed he was Michael Baldwin's brother. Well played, B&B! But what's the reason for the name "Myron" as opposed to any other male M name they could have used? Is the real plot twist that she's a 79-year-old Jewish man?? Monday can't come soon enough!
  19. I would love nothing more than to see the two little Faiths alternate between scenes in one show!
  20. He has better flow than Iggy Azalea.
  21. Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates, and Happy belated Chanukah, Festivus and anything else I may have left out. Today's ep was very moving, I may have had some leftover onions from last night's latke-making, which is why my eyes were leaking. Yeah, that's it. JY was personable and sensitive, and non-dickish, unlike the character he portrays. So were the rest of the cast as they broke the 4th wall. And Karla has a lovely voice. Damn you, show for making the unlikeable characters likeable. Must be those leftover onions again....
  22. When Hope disappeared, I expected to see a replication of the infamous "Poochie" ending. That would have been replay-worthy. DB and RS sold their scenes together like nobody's business. I am hoping for a Quinn redemption where she tones down the cray-cray, maybe just to the level of being comedically intrusive (a la classic Jewish mother joke level) instead of hopeless enmeshment. Yes, pun intended.
  23. [seinfeld voice]What's the deal with Kelly's wigs? [/seinfeld voice] Sometimes I simply don't recognize her. Srsly. Yesterday's wig was particularly egregious - it made her look like a young Orthodox Jewish woman with a new sheitel.
  24. Exactly. Why doesn't he find a woman with smarts? You'd think he'd be drawn to intelligent women, especially being raised by his mom, who has issues (okay, subscriptions) but is also highly intelligent. But noooooo! I think we need another Quinntervention. Hell, I think a day without a Quinntervention is like a day without sunshine.
  25. I know!!! Can we have more Quinnterventions? In fact, I'd like to see her redeemed by coming across Waffles in peril and saving him as proof that her therapy (which would have to be shown on screen) was successful. She could then reinvent herself as FC's resident life coach. Quinnyanla, Fix My Life!!
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