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Everything posted by Endora

  1. A formerly abused pet??? Amy can hold her own, she gave as good as she got.
  2. I am sure when the negotiation meeting was discussed with Amy she stirred up shit about Caryn with ZiT. She was always jealous of Caryn’s closeness with ZiT. She is loving every minute of their anger.
  3. Really? She wouldn’t use any of that money to do nice things for Chris? She has to keep him interested somehow.
  4. Chris is interested in finding out how much money Amy might have lost out on in the partial property sale of the farm. After all that would have been his windfall too and then maybe he could have afforded to buy step grandson Jackson a new bike.
  5. More of the constant anger and going on and on about the farm. Chris again very concerned about how much money will make when it’s sold. MYOB Chris! Get over it angry little troll Zach and your frumpy wife! Apparently there has been no “recanazation” from Matt and Caryn🤣. Advice for Caryn, forget them and just enjoy your own grandson. Jackson didn’t care about that used bike, he went right back to his scooter. Amy had more fun on it than he did in the “postage stamp” of a park. Thought it was interesting that Matt said again that Zach came in with a lot of demands and then specifically mentioned maintenance. Did Zach want Matt to pay to maintain his property even after he owned it? I think there is so much we don’t know about the negotiations and never will.
  6. Never mind I see pics now on Audrey’s IG and Lilah and Jackson are in the pics. Thanks
  7. Where can I see the pics?
  8. Jeremy and family are in Arizona. There was a celebration of life for Matt’s dad. Looks like they are might be the only ones there. Audrey posted things on her instagram and there are no pics of any of the other kids. Nice that he went to honor his grandfather.
  9. Tori giving in birth in glittery eyeshadow and false eyelashes just makes me laugh LOL! Chris and Abner Amy Kravitz
  10. The first 10 mins of the show was not funny or entertaining. Tori and the trainer in hysterics about Zach working out with a melon taped to his stomach was so forced. What a waste of air time. Amy took great delight in being asked to do the babysitting now that M&C are out of the picture. She’s the MIMI! They probably had to ask her so they had something to film for the show. Amy went on about how Si is the cutest newborn ever, guess she forgot Radley her other grandson who was born just a few months earlier. It was nice to see Tori’s mom babysitting, nice that she brought “Roseanne’s” grandmother with her! You can really see and hear the anger in Zach when he talks about the farm and his dad. He should get some professional help getting over it. He would like to think that all of his siblings are on the outs with Matt, but I don’t think that is the case. Why is Chris calling Matt to check on the sale of the property? It’s none of his business. If I were Matt I wouldn’t answer his calls. If Amy and her man are so concerned about the family legacy, they should pool their money, buy the property and give it to Zach.
  11. So obvious Z&T now kissing Amy’s butt since they broke ties with M&C. Hope Amy has a brain enough to see thru their BS.
  12. Did he put on the glasses himself? Give me a break Tori🙄
  13. Amy is all about being a senior newlywed couple, having cocktails, having friends over for dinner and fitting date nights into their busy schedule of being “my man, Realtor” and a Mimi.
  14. That Lenny storyline is fake and so is the French man along with the guy on the beach coming on to Whitney. There is no French man romance.
  15. This is true and I believe Christine said the house is in her name, so I assume only her name is on the deed.
  16. Oh yuck!
  17. All of these people need help. Are they f’ng kidding me with how they worship the big boss lady. No, just No! The whole episode was full of fake BS and disgusting IMO. Buddy is barely there and there is no French man.
  18. It’s wonderful, so Christine can stop worrying that she broke her heart.
  19. Loved Janelle throwing a little shade saying they have to rush everything they do so Kody isn’t away from Sol and Arie too long. He also needs to get tested for C apparently every time he is away from Robyn and co. Boy that Sol and Arie certainly are very special. This won’t be very popular but if Christine thinks she broke Truely’s heart and it will stay with her forever then she should just stay in Flagstaff. Truely won’t notice the difference about the marriage till she is older anyway. Coyote Pass is a bust, all the kids are basically on their own with the exception of Savannah. I don’t think they need big houses on all that land for one wife with a few kids and two non wives with one other teenager. Poor Savannah always seems like she isn’t that involved with the rest of the siblings. Kody has clearly lost his mind thinking Christine should give the money from the sale of the home. Can’t wait to see that conversation next week. It’s funny how Robyn seems to be a problem for Christine and two of her children lived with Robyn for a time. Mykelti and Aspyn lived there for a while too.
  20. Like someone I know would say “they weren’t brought up they were dragged up”.
  21. Amy’s dog looks a lot like Matt’s Lucy.
  22. Thanks, I have to look more closely!
  23. Audrey and Jeremy’s kids are gorgeous! Shocked to see Tori there, but glad that the relationship may be better. No Mimi and her man or Matt and Cha Cha?
  24. Dannielle is 35 years old Does boat boy really think April can parent children who are a few years younger than them? He’s and idiot. Brenda, please stop making that face your chin is constantly scrunched up and full of bumps. I guess Bert didn’t like the thought that maybe she was not so special after all and just one of the potential crowd. They are so afraid to lose her that they are letting her dictate the rules and regs. She is having sex with Ick and he is not allowed to share an innocent kiss with another potential? Enough with the crying, all they ever do is cry and wipe each other’s tears. What an annoying trio. The Nick Davis family is creepy. Those women are making fools of themselves while his family and friends are likening him to a pimp. I find them them all repulsive.
  25. I don’t know anyone sweet or not that hasn’t gotten angry and let some cuss words fly, even Amy at that Thanksgiving dinner where she cussed at Matt. I don’t recall him being annoyed, what episode did we see him acting “pissy”. I think he went out of his way to be accommodating and making sure the farm looked nice.
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