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Everything posted by Endora

  1. I don’t, I think anyone would curious to see what was going on at their property.
  2. I will never understand how the Merrifields can have a relationship with someone who they can barely communicate with unless they have a translator. Ick talking to Bert in caveman speak is so annoying. Dannielle needs to get out of that relationship now and let Bert have Ick. It is so obvious he is madly in love with her and Dannielle has basically been delegated to a side piece. Why stick around and be subjected to the hurt. Good luck Marcus with all those strong willed women living together with you as their King. Both Taryn (?) and India know all you want to do is have sex with numerous women, it’s not about building a family or any of that crap, they just won’t admit it. Are these women trolling NIck? They dress him up like a pimp and tell him he doesn’t have to work. They are obviously the ones in control. Maybe someday he will hold up a sign that says “help me”. Steve/April/Brenda are just absurd. April is much too immature to be in that mess. It’s so weird and awkward.
  3. When we moved into our house the large family room had that commercial type carpet and after living there a few days, we could smell the carpet, it was definitely animal urine. They had two small dogs I think they used to keep mainly in that room. We had to rip it out sooner than we planned because of the smell. We have beautiful wood flooring now.
  4. How is he building a foot bridge that will be safe? Does he have any training or experience with carpentry? It’s more than just hammering some wood together over a puddle of water.
  5. I thought that was Jackson, sorry I think they look exactly alike.
  6. Do we think it’s over between Bert and the Merrifields? Next weeks episode looks like Dani and Bert might have had a falling out, I hope instead of crying and appeasing Bert, Dani speaks her mind. No words for that gang, the mother looks fine, got there on her own and everything. I can’t wait to find out how it ended with them. Again, so many urges to punch Ick, the guy moves and speaks at a snails pace. Sidian and Ick must have been separated as birth, they are both slow witted bores. Little Epps just wants to get laid and those stupid women can’t see thru him. I just laugh with the Davis family, a 12 ft bed, these people are nuts. Bobble head doesn’t know what is in store for her.
  7. If there was birthday party for her man, that was probably at the farm too!
  8. Why does Ick have to constantly call not so hot Bert “Love” in front of Dannielle? It is so annoying and disrespectful. Dannielle tries way to hard to be sexy and appealing, it is very obvious the competition is on! Deep down inside Dannielle knows Bert is first in Ick’s heart you can see it in her eyes. I was so glad Bert agreed with Dannielle that the baby making should wait, I thought Ick would burst out in tears again. He is just repulsive. The Epps are boring. Brenda came off as the mom teaching the daughter how to cook, not going to work out well for Brenda. Hope the Davis’s have a big enough bed for a baby too! Sidian referring to Arielle as catch was sickening. Hurry up Sidian grab her before she meets a handsome Philippine man who only wants and needs her.
  9. I thought the original plan for the Merrifields was to move to Brazil if Bert couldn’t get to the United States. Dannielle is 100 percent correct when she told Ick that if they didn’t all live together then they wouldn’t be the family/life style they are trying to achieve. He is not about that anymore, he just wants to be able to have sex with Bert and possibly other women with everyone’s blessing. HIs fawning and crying over Bert especially in front of Dannielle is disgusting and I want to hit him!
  10. Hell no she hasn’t. Marcus should talk to Nick, Nick would never have to iron his own shirt. I have a hard time watching Nick and co. I really find them repulsive. Okay Garrick, Bert is the type of person would give her last dollar to a person in need on the street. She is the Brazilian Mother Theresa. Not sure how he hasn’t been punched by someone, he is that dam annoying. Wake up Dani!! April couldn’t care less about Brenda, she only wants Steve, she is not looking for a mother figure too, Brenda needs to speak up and tell him April is a NO GO.
  11. This is a real gem of a capture!
  12. https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/little-people-big-world-roloff-farms-realtor-says-farm-offered-roloff-kids-many-times.html/
  13. They had to let him on, he walked over to that roller coaster like he owned the place!
  14. Maybe they did ask and he refused to out personal information. We don’t know what other factors are involved. There are other children to consider too, especially since J&A also made an offer that was turned down. I do know one thing, none of it is any of Amy’s and her man’s business.
  15. Nick and his band of merry women in that hot tub with asses out boobs out, Nick kissing and pawing at them all was just disgusting, IMO. All of that in front of each other and the all in one bed thing makes me think there is something going on between the women too, Danielle may be in for more than she bargained for with that crew.
  16. I agree that Amy is just angry that 2 years later the farm is worth so much more than she sold it to Matt for, can’t Chris explain this to her? I sold my house and then 2 years later similar houses in my area were getting much more than I got, that’s how it works. Amy is just stupid and greedy. I guess everything is about Jackson because the other grands can’t be mentioned or showed. It’s very important now for Chris to bond with Jackson. Amy trying to stir up shit with ZiT at the frog naming dinner by whispering and saying things about the farm sale, really didn’t get the big reaction she was hoping for, just sour puss looks and mumbling. What a loser, instead of trying to mend the relationship she is trying to make it worse. Every week it seems ZiT get angrier. Zach apparently is the family’s spokesman saying none of kids care and no one answered Matt’s email and they all want him to lay in the bed he made. Ok Zach, you don’t even talk to Jeremy. Chris saying they invited M&C over for dinner and they are going to try and get the details of the farm sale says a lot them, not nice!
  17. I thought Jacob was filling the void Zach left at the farm and there have been instagram posts of him doing work at the farm, but who knows.
  18. About the story she told on the trip to Michigan about the man following her home from school everyday and tormenting her, why was this allowed to continue? Where was her father and why weren’t the authorities called? That’s pretty dangerous for a little girl to be followed by an adult male.
  19. Audrey has stated they want more children
  20. Isn’t that photographer Monique a friend of theirs, she does all the family photo shoots, even Amy and Chris (I still LOL at their pics). I hope they didn’t pay too much for a bunch of photos of the back of Mateo’s head.
  21. I doubt it, if she ruins the relationship with Chris then Matt wins.
  22. Don’t they live on the farm now? Wondering where though, certainly not the big house.
  23. The whole episode was cringey. Nick and his harem are disgusting, kissing them one after another all that spit swapping and then the big nosed one gets the prize that night while Mama Cass and Bobblehead go off to share a bed. Danielle’s constant shaking of her head is so annoying, I find it hard to watch this group. Poor Brenda, Jayden hit the nail on the head, you are not enough for Steve. Garrick needs a B12 shot or something, he acts dopey and mopey all the time. At least we didn’t have to see him crying like a little bitch about Bert. I knew Leah wouldn’t work out, she can do so much better than sad sack Garrick. Sidian is just a bore and this girl seems very nice. Wonder if it worked out.
  24. Does ZiT really consider that run off creek potentially full of garbage a treasure that they can clean up like when you adopt a section of the highway? Do they really “own” the section on their property or is owned by the town or something? Reminds me of the runoff drain on the Kody Brown family property and they were calling it a pond and went swimming in it.
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