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Everything posted by Endora

  1. I see Zach doing the same thing, only he seems much more angry then Matt when he is doing it. Zach is an angry little turd, he is a lot like his mother. Concerning the party, if the siblings had been there, we have seen a glimpse of them in the background. They weren’t there IMO. They had a falling out with A&J and it seems Amy brings the kids to the parties not the parents. She brought Jackson to Embers’s party and Ember was seen at Jackson’s, Amy probably did the same and brought Ember. Seeing the true side of someone goes both ways, Caryn may have seen a side of Tori she never saw before and it was ugly. If I were Matt and Caryn I would not have stayed at the party considering the treatment they were getting (at least what we saw that was filmed). How about Zach making a thank you and obviously a goodbye get out announcement, some people looked surprised. That was so rude, he’s an idiot. Also the talking heads about the same gift being purchased by M&C and Amy, Matt was laughing and kidding and Amy got a bit annoyed right away. Zach has a lot in common with her.
  2. We don’t know everything maybe something was offered to Molly and Jacob to make it fair to all. Just speculating here.
  3. Matt has 3 other children to consider when making deals with any of them about the farm. Also, IMO if he and Amy were still together, the farm would just end up being inherited by the 4 kids once they were gone. There would be no partial sales of the property.
  4. I find it pretty funny that Zach is dissing Matt like crazy, blaming him for ruining his farming future dreams, but gladly took a lawn mower from him. Zach and Tori are users and now they are losers. Amy looked like she had plenty of fun with Jackson, but why does it always have to include a cooking lesson. Put a frozen corn dog in the oven and give the kid a bowl of cereal for breakfast. She always has to get some kind of over the top meal prep involved. I never saw a corn dog in muffin form, that’s not really a corn dog is it? I don’t care about Jackson or Lilah and if they never appear on screen again I am fine, but it does seem it is all about Jackson.
  5. I think the show has pretty much run its course at this point. Z&T not involved in the farm anymore and once the griping about losing the farm and the strained relationship with Matt storyline is played out this season, they bring nothing to the table. Amy and Chris are married so all that planning etc is over. That just leaves Matt tooling around the farm alone. They would have to creat new drama.
  6. Vroom Vroom, LOL they are ridiculous looking!
  7. Wow they got an offer of $4 million already and he accepted it? Didn’t know.
  8. I took it as the farm was in trouble financially and if they owned part of it that would take some pressure off of of Matt and or Amy.
  9. I guess we are in for more uncomfortable scenes with Matt and Z&T next episode. Looks like Tori walks right past Matt in their home without even looking at him. She is a real sore losing bitch and she is also frumpy. That scene at the farm was so awkward, including Caryn uncomfortably yelling out “Lilah Rae”. She should have said remember me your full time babysitter!
  10. I can’t believe the audacity of Tori and Zach to act all butt hurt and slighted. Now they flip flopped and are dissing Matt to momma Amy. “Dad does something stupid and we react”. Really Zach, you are a stupid lazy jackass and so is your wife. Amy sits there and says she is not surprised there are problems now and is obviously loving the falling out because she was always jealous of Cha Cha and Matt’s closeness with them. How about Lilah’s room being right near the front door and Jackson running into the street chasing the moving van, two idiots for parents. I did enjoy Chris’s honesty about the commute to the house and the review. Amy got a lot of practice for her arm waving cooking videos doing her cheers at the farm. Zach and Tori should stop showing up at the Farm looking for a reaction they are not going to get.
  11. Definitely scraping dead skin cells off in the process that are ending up in the food🤮
  12. Amy US Magazine Interview https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/amy-roloff-its-hard-to-see-matt-roloff-zach-roloff-feud-over-farm/
  13. How about thanking people by taking them out to a nice restaurant and paying the bill? I would much prefer that to eating Amy’s finger licking slop.
  14. I thought the dinner together went well. They seem to be getting more comfortable with each other. Amy wanted to bust out laughing so badly when Matt was talking about the stroller, but she held it in. Not sure if it is part of the script or not but Chris seems to really want to be “friendly” with Matt and Caryn. Zach and Tori are annoying and boring. Spare us the ridiculous little comments about Zach in that body suit🫣. Their kids are not entertaining either and IMO not all that cute. I thought Zach had a very bad back? Wasn’t he getting shots and almost had to have surgery? How is he now a weight lifter winning medals? I do think it is good that he wants to healthier and stronger for his family.
  15. I thought her father died.
  16. Si.....Sigh😒
  17. I think her grandmother moved there too from California. Now she has to move again too, I guess.
  18. Part of Matt's thoughts going into negotiations with Zach might have been that he also has to be fair to Jeremy, who's offer was turned down. Unless Zach's offer was much better then J&A's Matt needed to be careful. Also, IMO J&A handled the rejection much better then Z&T.
  19. Zach and Tori are jerks. Did they move just to get a reaction out of Matt? They were so disappointed and mad that Matt didn't get hysterical that they are going to Washington. Maybe they thought he would beg them to stay and give them the property. Also Tori sucks because her grandmother moved to Oregon a short time ago to be near her and now she is leaving. Selfish entitled little girl. Zach is taking orders from her, he will loose his whole family.
  20. I couldn't read through all those comments, did Jacob go after Matt? Surprising since Jacob and his family have been living at the farm or at least it appeared that way.
  21. No it was a special
  22. I actually feel bad for Amy and Matt, I can't imagine any parents not being upset or bothered by a rift in the family.
  23. She could have added "and my man says Happy Birthday too"😂
  24. They replayed the wedding last night. How many times do we have see this episode, ridiculous!
  25. IMO Tori is the problem. Got in Zach's ear about wanting the farm and turned him against his father. Tori is evil. Oh and looks both boys did make an offer on the farm.
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