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Everything posted by green

  1. Yeah and a poster who has rowed a lot posted a few pages back and explained that Christie was the one balancing the shell preventing it from flipping over and she was suppose to keep just a small bit of the oar in the water for that purpose while preventing too much drag. Which, in turn, is extremely tiring on the arms to say the least since she had to hold the oars in an exact position the whole time while slightly adjusting if the shell started to tip one way or the other. I do wish they had explained that in the episode though because to most of us non-rowers it looked like she was just sitting back doing nothing like Nicole on the tandem bike the previous leg.
  2. Nay. Clearly you were having more fun than memorizing Grodner's latest creation which is about to become useless anyway because of the fine print not helping the power holder if they are backdoored.
  3. But how can both nominees come off the block before the nominations. There has to be actual nominees on the block before nominees can come off the block otherwise who would be saved when the power is used? Also I think from the early comments about who has the power that this power was gotten before the original nominations. So had Ovi been nominated instead of Cliff he probably would have used the power to remove himself from the block but at the same time Kat would have been saved (and safe) this week as well. Even if Ovi didn't want her safe. It is just how the power works. Of course Ovi is so dumb he might not have used it because he formed this great alliance and "Jack has my back."
  4. Nope. They most definitely said BOTH nominees come off the block and the HOH has to immediately name two others. Also the original two nominees are safe for the rest of the week. (In other words neither can be backdoored either).
  5. They said it has to be used the night right after a nomination ceremony. Otherwise how can a HOH change the two nominations if no on has been nominated yet. Nope. Other than it is for the original noms I believe so he is screwed this week and unable to save himself. In other news, the TV version tonight showed Jack the Misogynist as getting the "handsome, clever, nice, everyone loves him, brilliant beyond belief" edit. Why? Yeah they cut the hundred B-word attacks on Kemi and the other stuff about his stupid "member" but in this day and age even Grodner can't make him likeable with the live feeds 180 degrees different. And they expect us to start calling Jackson that other name? Screw you, BB. It takes forever for me to learn their names. I'm not going to start over and call him "Mike-ee" and especially since it is spelled to sound like "Mitch-ee." And I can tell the difference between the names Jack and Jackson just fine. Force me to change and he will be "Blockhead-ee" the rest of the time he is in the house.
  6. Well IF you want to keep liking Jack then do NOT read the posts over the last page or two. Jack is making Jackson look good by comparison. Which is really really hard to do.
  7. OT: But we say "thug" instead of the original Hindi "tug" (also a "th" where the "h" is silent). I don't see any Hindi speakers upset at the change into English. Language is a river ever changing and flowing and nabbing stuff from other languages and changing them on the fly and even that French uber-conservative grammatical organization can't keep French "pure" ... which is a good thing I think. So pronounce those poor, past people any way you like best. If "tal" does it for you then use it. It is all good either way.
  8. Our fav Peach (and Mango) who, while most of the rest of us were loving last season, was all in grumpy old man mode the whole summer: "Hey get out of my house you rotten happy BB house guests" hah. No offense meant to you at all but rather a deep appreciation felt. I don't think I would have enjoyed last season as much as I did without seeing you circling the drain each week so a belated thank you for that, hee. 😎 Well more recent PBS style (as in non History Channel ancient alien stuff) science shows seem to have gone back to the "thal" pronunciation I've noticed. What was old is new again. (Until they flip-flop again of course).
  9. I was thinking of a whole theme of TAR: The Next Generation so I'm with you there ... and beyond. Either two next gen on a team or even include a former Racer as the mom (or dad) now with their grown kid. I'm glad there was no Race memory test this last leg. Everyone keeps journals throughout the Race now so it isn't all that hard anymore. And it was never a "thing" from the beginning. Just a passing phase but now the Racers are on to it it has outlived its purpose of creating max stress right before the final mat. The drum set did that just fine this time. And they assembled a small plane was it last season. Maybe assembling random stuff is the new stress producer and you can't prepare in advance to assemble every known object in the world. Though I wonder if the Afganibles assembled their drum set in far less time it took for Leo to do the vault RB. I would so be Leo since I screwed up on my locker locks throughout school all the time.
  10. Well the DR guy tried at least. How sad it took a visit to the DR for it to occur to these stupid people how all this looks to a very divided America. And still it got brushed aside. I'm white but I would LOVE the next BB to have all minorities with only two token white people. You want this to be a real social experiment, Grodner? Put the shoe on the other foot. So put on your big girl pants and make it so. (Oh wait. She doesn't want that in reality). Edit: If she actually did this she would get a ton of constant free press and PR and the show would be the talk of the summer as new people tuned in in droves to see what all the talk was about. But she is too scared to try anything creative. Yeah last summer was so much fun. Two pretty even alliances and the one I didn't like turned into The Gang Who Couldn't Shoot Straight and it was awesome seeing how they would snatch defeat from the jaws of victory each week. But even if I didn't like them I didn't hate them either. I just supported Level 6. And hey even a dust-up between Brett and Rockstar eventually became fun because Brett turned it into fun. But here it is endless boring and mean crap so far this season. Not looking good so far. I feel for Cliff and thanks to the people above who posted Chapter 1 of Cliff's Notes when he did his sane and kindly musings this morning. More Cliff and less of everyone else at this point.
  11. I never read spoilers for The Amazing Race (which was totally AMAZING this season, hated to see it end Wednesday, sniff) or for Survivor. They can give away who wins when who is out etc. But BB spoilers are totally different. You may know who is HOH for the week or who wins veto a day or too early but since it is a live and happening show no one can possibly spoil who ultimately wins or who is voted out in advance (all evictions are live remember). So it is oranges to the other shows' apples. I don't watch the live feeds myself. But honestly I could never ever watch TV BB unless I read the Live Feed thread here. It is usually far more fun than watching the episodes. The people posting are funny and snarky and it is a blast. And yes the Live Feeds often (always) give you a totally different take on things. At least TAR and somewhat with Survivor their storylines are based on major content the Racers and Survivors do. The editors know the outcome and the major plus and minus traits of these people over the whole season and shape the show so it matches more the reality of things while still being entertaining. But this being a live all summer show and producer Grodner having a heavy hand the edit is really weird for the TV version. So to me the Live Feeds thread is essential. And again that thread is funny as hell. It's like people reading it like me and people both reading and watching the live feeds are all together in a dysfunctional family way making snarky comments and such and having a blast. So please come join us all of you who have never been but don't mind losing the surprise of who wins veto in advance for an episode. If you don't like it what do you lose? Knowing who wins HOH a day early and not even that if HOH is live on the TV version as it sometimes is. No big deal. Drop out if it isn't your cup of tea. Or become "one of us" "one of us" "one of us" ... heh.
  12. Not really. This is TAR. Not Survivor or BB. You help each other in loose alliance to try and survive. Not to vote anyone out. The only negative move against Nic & Vic was the Afganibles u-turning them. But then Nic & Vic said they were planning to u-turn the Afganibles on that leg too but didn't get to the u-turn in time. Also the BB teams formed an alliance right out of the gate so if an alliance is indeed a negative towards other teams then the BB teams started it. But if they wanted to be loyal to their show I have no problem with it. Nor with TAR teams representin' for TAR. The season was billed as BB vs Survivor vs TAR after all.
  13. Not that I could see. It looked like they were helping Tyler & Korey. But the Afganibles were ahead of them in line so of course had the advantage. Whichever way it was I agree with alihart41 that that was what helped them win that leg. They got to the boats a lot sooner and had maybe two official tries even was it before the next team showed up? Which allowed them to bolt quicker to the taxi task. I really did feel bad for Leo at the vault though. It brought back nightmares of me using combination locks in junior high and high school. God I sucked at that no matter how many years I had to do it. And yeah MarylandGirl, I also always need written directions. Especially if I scribble them down myself as in if I write it I remember it without having to look at it again. Does that mean I have some sort of "writeographic" memory, heh. A bunch of oral directions means absolutely nothing to me. In one ear and out the other. Actually for real is there some sort of writeographic thing? In all my years of schooling I'd take notes then before tests I never ever cracked a text book or even went back over my notes. Once I wrote something down it went somewhere into my brain as well.
  14. I appreciate you doing all the math and respect same but I'm not into who finished highest in each leg averages. Only one leg counts in the end. All the others, don't finish last. Like Colin & Christie said this season, their goal was to hang in the middle and not stress out and save their afterburners for the end. Race smart. Also I don't care how Charla & Mirna got on flights nor what you are referring to for that matter. I just care they did get on them and Mirna was great at that. I mean if they smuggled themselves aboard as luggage I'm down with it. Don't see Eric as a great Racer at all. TAR9's cast was really really weak in every imaginable way. But he sure got lucky on All Stars that he had no business being on to start with and where non-elim saved him. The Clowns from TAR4 were great at airports but that actually cost them their chance of winning when their better flight was held up by fog. Very competent Racers who seem to have been forgotten. As were Ken & Gerard from TAR3. Hard to judge a lot of the later Racers since TAR got dumbed down so much with little airport skills and self-navigation coming into play as well as easier, shorter legs compared to earlier seasons. So I go with a tie between Colin for both TAR5 and this season and TAR3 Zach who dragged Flo around the globe in perhaps the worst handicap any Racer has had to overcome and won the whole thing as well.
  15. That was BB3. And Danielle was robbed. She remains my favorite HG ever. But back then they cast some interesting people at times. Grodner just casts cardboard cut-outs.
  16. Ah but chicken/egg. CBS promotes BB far FAR more so they should get a bigger audience. They have never done any decent promo campaign for TAR ever. If they were creative in the marketing and ads who knows what TAR's ratings would be.
  17. I found them intense and exciting and anything but dull. Their life story and growth was mesmerizing to me. OTOH I find the typical 20-something airheads with no life history who like to act out on screen doing outrageous things for attention the most shallow, dull and boring of people. Also TAR2 Wil says hi. (And in the middle of the Race itself who can forget that Paris was their "home" for some years for The Guidos). Best individual Racer? Yeah I'd go with Colin but also would have Zach on the list too. Zach ran his whole Race impeccably with one of the most major handicaps in Race history. A loud, screeching albatross around his neck who whined and sulked and threatened to quit every other task. Someone named Flo that you may remember.
  18. I think he meant that he was going into total mind-block a la Leo at the bank at the drum task and she was the one that supported him and got him back to functional again. She also suggested it wasn't something they were missing but the details about what they already had mounted. In baseball parlance she had been batting 0-fer in those two legs until the bottom on the 9th then came through with the big walk off hit. And I think they both got each other through the Race emotionally, psychologically etc.
  19. Nice pic on the TAR and the Media thread ported over from Brett's Instagram page: https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/541-tar-in-the-media/?page=17&tab=comments#comment-5402539 Seems there was a viewing party in Dallas for the Finale. Most of the Racers were there including Korey that the original poster hadn't noticed. What a happy looking group. Glad there is that strong of a bond there that so many of them got together especially after this much time since the Race ended nearly a year ago (early July 2018) in real time. What a wait these guys had to sit through waiting for their season to be broadcast too. (Another example of CBS disrespect to their best show).
  20. Just have to add that I'm so glad it was a final three of TAR Racers and so glad they worked together to try and ensure it too. The BB teams were working together too and I had no problem with them doing that either. Be true to your school. As a diehard Red Sox fan I can respect the Yankees but never ever root for them. And having been on this ride since TAR1 and seeing how CBS has always treated TAR as their ugly stepchild while always promoting the hell out of Survivor and BB always rankled. Fans wrote letters to CBS and the sponsors begging for it to continue. But TAR4 would have been the end of TAR if an Emmy for reality shows hadn't come along and the eligible TAR3 season, despite being the massive underdog, won and thus saved the show at that time. And that in turn got us a TAR5 and Colin & Christie on same.. But despite TAR getting the network 10 Emmys, CBS has always treated it like a second class show with next to no support and promos. Then they started moving it all over the place on their schedule and for years it was in a very bad place schedule wise. But it somehow has survived despite CBS. So this was sweet to see an all-TAR finale. So take that, CBS! The TAR teams did all of their fellow TAR alums proud and they even did us TAR fans watching for years proud too so, thanks guys. Thanks so very very much! Top 4 out of 5 was an awesome showing!!
  21. Thank God I don't look at spoilers for TAR. It would have ruined the whole race for me. I did spoilers for maybe two years around the times of like TAR9 or TAR10 maybe. Wouldn't go back to that ever again. But to each their own. Well there is a really great, in depth interview from last week that was linked in Coin & Christie's thread by bunnyface here. The thing that Colin said at the end of the Race here about proving what he had been doing these last years was real taking it into the pressure of the Race is explained more as well as their long, and hard fought journey of change, growth and redemption. I recommend this article 100%. A great way to decompress and get perceptive on our winners as real people fighting a real fight. One of the most raw and honest ones too. No Hollywood spin here. But the fight was worth it. After all what are we all here for but to change, grow and find redemption however we define it. https://ew.com/tv/2019/06/19/amazing-race-31-colin-christie/
  22. Middle of London leg - I can't take this, heart attack time. End of London leg: Yes! TAR Power! TAR Power! and, TAR Power! Middle of finale leg - I can't take this, heart attack time. Final Mat: Yes! God I knew I wanted Colin & Christie to win but how much was a surprise to even me as I was screaming as they ran to the Finish. Yes indeed, the team with the best vibes won! Congrats!!! Tyler & Korey, VERY worthy runners-up. Afganibles, I owe you guys thanks for beating Rachel's records alone. Now go show Pablo the Cat some love. Perfect end to a really REALLY great season!
  23. OT: Learn something new every day. Well I thought the Mr Robot one was the one in the south as in I imagined it in the southern part of the state for some reason based on the show like time to drive all the way down there or something. Though I didn't know there was one in the north. But really NJ is NOT that big geographically that they would run out of names for towns and had to start duplicating them. Now who again is from Washington Township and which one was it?
  24. Yeah Jackson is already a jerk. Run far away and be a likable human, Jack. Because otherwise there will be guilt by association. Thanks. I'll use that rather than just calling him Mr Block Head which I was going to do. Washington Township, NJ sounded familiar. Now it comes to me. Most famous for being the hometown of Elliot, the troubled hero of Mr Robot (played by Rami Melek who won an Emmy in the role) and site of some rumored ultra-weird experiment in the past not yet explained in the series. So I'm thinking now maybe the result of the experiment produces house guests for BB.
  25. In that interview Colin agrees with you. Said they couldn't watch TAR5 again for nearly 14 years but then realized their kids had never seen them on TAR and they re-watched it for the last time a year or so back. He said though he has learned to forgive his younger self finally that incident still makes him feel really really bad. The ox he had made peace with years before though and finds the scene as funny as any of us at this point. That re-watch was what lead to them being on this season btw. All explained in that awesome interview.
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