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Everything posted by green

  1. When the final votes were being read there was like 10 people quietly applauding Gavin's name and 20 people quietly applauding Chis. That sums up the season in a nutshell. Meanwhile Rick gets a rousing standing O as the only entertaining person this season other than early David. Good for Rick. He deserved it. Can't wait until he comes back to play again and maybe in a situation where he isn't always the target and on the bottom. Guy deserves it. Of the final three the best player won and absolutely NO asterisk by his name. He won fair and square just like TAR teams do that finish last in a non-elim leg. But Rick deserved the win the most in my pov.
  2. Well these last few episodes were pure crap. And the ending was absurd. Also they decided to kill off the only truly good man in the series other than the dude with the lightsaber in Loyal Wingman Templar. And kill off his beloved Nun besides. And kill off the fairly decent wife of Louis. Yep, the trifecta of good killed leaving only Luke Templewalker as the only character I'm remotely interested in. And of course all action screeches to a halt so Good Templar Guy and Noble Nun can die in each others' arm. At first I thought Templar guy might live but break into "A Little Fall of Rain" with his Eponine a la Les Mis but then no it was straight Romeo & Juliet Offed By Others. I still have no idea who the shaveheads are. Their hair should have grown out months back by the way. Plus why were they shaved at all? Templar recruits didn't get haircuts to look like US Marine recruits and Paris wasn't Paris Island. Geez. (I take it one of the shavetails was the guy who broke under torture and was fed to the mod but he somehow survived the mash pit)? Meanwhile we had: Gwain: You started it. Landry: But you were worse. 10 minutes later they are still having a hissy fit at each other ... Gwain: No, I wouldn't have done what I did it you didn't do what you did first. Landy: No, you bad. Gwain: No, you bad. Landry: Bad actor goes into mumble mode for some unintelligible stupid speech saying some sort of garbage to finally end 10 minutes of my wasted life that felt like an hours. At the end I could not decided who I wanted to see win the dumb final sword fight which stupid Landry comes back for because ... why? PS: Landry, Gwain was right. You are to blame for this whole big mess. You threw the first stone betraying your old friend by screwing his wife. Then you treated Gwain like crap sending him off down a dark path. You and Philip deserve each together in the end. You both stink.
  3. Liked your whole post but now look what you have done to me: Backstabbing partners And blindsiding bitches Making false idols That fool without hitches Searching for real ones more precious than rings These are a few of my favorites things.
  4. And I think people who believe all the Survivor conspiracy theories about endless producer interference for supposed "favorites" and giving away idols to same also have been sold a lot of swampland in Florida. Can production slant things and try to apply some pressure on Survivor? Sure. But they don't go out and give away idols to their supposed "chosen ones" either. The show isn't one endless conspiracy drama.
  5. Then it is her fault since she should know better than singing anything other than old traditional folk songs that aren't copyrighted. I don't watch the live feeds of BB but I read comments by people who do and their bane is some idiot starting to sing some pop song and boom, cut away from the live feeds to something like a tank of fishes for minutes on end. Sounds like Victoria would fit right in with the typical BB house guest in driving live feeders bananas.
  6. I think you need to ask Halting Hex here who just mentioned another team that got booted. Honestly Mark & Elena would have been terrible casting as well.
  7. This season was suppose to be TAR vs BB teams only. Several BB teams got kicked out at the last minute and some former Survivors inserted within days of the start of the Race according to stuff on the internet. The Survivor teams were not planned for nor recruited early on with the others. According to another person on this forum the reason for the BB teams that got kicked off was because they found out (how I don't know) where the first destination was to be days before the Race began. That amounted to cheating giving them a leg up on research etc pre-Race and both the first destination was changed at the last minute to Tokyo instead of the original destination of Papua/New Guinea -- according to that poster -- and those BB teams were dropped. How they decided to switch to fill in with Survivors instead of more BB people to fill the gap I don't know. I assume Rupert at least is on CBS' speed dial. But I have to assume some other better known former Survivors couldn't get their affairs in order quick enough to take part on the Race or just plain refused because yeah the other two teams are basically no names for casual viewers and I have seen Survivor from the start and don't remember any of them. Compare that to the TAR and BB Teams and except for the border patrol dudes these teams are pretty well known from their respected shows. Not so the Survivors other than Rupert. And all of the above is based on a post in one of the episode threads but I forget which one. I'm taking the word of the poster because I'm kind of playing telephone game with this so anyone have more facts please correct me. The part that Survivor teams were not part of the original cast and were added at the last minute is pretty much all over the internet. The reason for replacing some of the BB teams I didn't hear until the poster here mentioned it centered around the Papua/New Guinea leak. For whatever reason it is good that one of the BB teams was Paul & Josh that got kicked because Paul (a horrible bully type) makes the Survivor team that just got eliminated this leg look like two Mother Theresas in comparison. It also may explain not only the weird Survivor casting choices but also the poorer showing by the Survivor teams in general as they had less prep time like watching old seasons of TAR etc. Not that that would have helped Rupert much. I like Rupert but TAR is not his cup of tea.
  8. Yeah I heard that and laughed like anything as Colin stole Charla & Mirna's trademark line. I said right out loud. "No Colin. That would be an "emergencio." Only 2 legs in Vietnam. Not three. Two legs back they were in Laos. But back in earlier seasons that second Vietnam leg WOULD have left the city for a rural area and not one only a couple of miles away either. There would be trains or buses or even several hour long rides in a tuk-tuk at least. But no more. They don't travel too far from the arrival/departure airport any more and how sad that is.
  9. This board is definitely NOT anti-Rick. Look at the posts. The lion's shares of thumbs up are in pro-Rick posts. And I am a proud pro-Rick person as well.
  10. That was my very first thought when I saw the teacup boats as they called them in Season 3. The producers were doing a shout out to Flo. Flo's inability to do anything but paddle on one side of the boat only leading to endless spinning circles that in turn leads to one of her worst of many meltdowns has been seared into my brain forever. In contrast everyone in this episode knew how to row the boats the right way. That about sums it up, doesn't it. I can actually see Intense Colin drowning one of them now that you mention it. But Zen Colin didn't even seem to get upset when Christie told him they had to go back to get the basket. And he was actually helping Victor & Nicole find the mat. ("It's down by the river"). Not his fault they ran ahead in the wrong direction. So glad to see C&C finally win a leg. BTW, does anyone know if TAR remains at 9 pm in two weeks or will it be moved up to 8 pm to take over Survivor's old slot? PS: I hope Pablo the Cat got to see that cool cat walking the high electric wire tightrope. Tip of the cap to the cameraman who caught that.
  11. This is Season 38. Nobody CAN be original any more. I'll take The Amazing Race most any time less the stupid blind date and internet celeb seasons. And this season with Racers from all three of CBS's reality shows including Survivor has been great so far. I don't think it is an unpopular opinion. Everyone I know is rooting for him too. And this season that would be bad why? 😉 I agree. I LOVED the wild idol chase. Rick is having the fun time of his life and is ENJOYING playing the game despite having to fight for his Survivor life every tribal. The confessionals are great too and done with a good sense of humor and tongue in cheek. So refreshing compared to the other serious/sour puss types. And he is playing the hell out of the game especially given that he was behind the eight ball from the beginning. He has always had to play as the outsider everyone has in their sites to take down. And yet he is still there ... and laughing at it as well. He is like Bugs Bunny surviving a bunch of dummy Elmer Fudds. Unless you have hard evidence like interviews etc I am not buying it because I noticed there were a LOT of sideways glances going on with Gavin, Lauren and Victoria so yeah I think Rick pushed them over to their Plan B on the spot. And if you are right then he still gets credit for working Julie to work Lauren to target Aurora instead. So win-win for him either way.
  12. They said in Vietnam. To me it didn't look like a scab as in oldish. It looked like a fresh wound that had just barely stopped bleeding. Construction can go on 24/7 and usually does in large cities so a nail falling at night would be just as common as one falling in the day time.
  13. I agree as I think the Afghanibles are just having fun. I still want Colin & Christie to win on behalf of awesome Classic TAR but these two teams above I'd love to see come in right behind them. My turn. To me it is real joy vs artificial mugging. Joy is something special and cannot be faked. Context is everything. Colin was unique as in he was in some ways TAR5's villain that some still rooted for because he was so damn good while many others rooted against but admitted he was TAR's best overall Racer to date. He self-declared himself the most INTENSE Racer ever at that time and he was not lying. So being foiled through half the race by Charla & Mirna and then Yielded and later upset by highly likeable Chip -- as well as a broken ox -- was pure entertainment. I like Zen Colin but zen isn't as entertaining as Intense Colin so far though I want this team representin' Classic TAR to win. Though the emphasis on Colin's new zen seems to be a set-up in editing for the Intense Colin to reemerge at some point. I clearly saw the gash on his forehead so thanks for explaining same. That could have been far worse as in only inches from his eye.
  14. I agree that the Afghanimals are just having some wild and woolly fun and doing these crazy things/comments with tongue in cheek and having a blast. It is great to see a team both full into the racing and embracing the fun of it at the same time. And Team Fun didn't mess with whatever team got upset with them. They just seem to scout in different locations and when they found the ticket place they were probably going to get theirs and then go tell Team Unfun where to go for them.
  15. Yeah either the Portugal via Spain survival route or, more likely, the one to Scotland is more the endgame. I say more likely since they could have brushes with the English king along the way since Philip's daughter is a major player in the series and she ends up in England with their king. And since we are in the midst of not only a pro-Templars pop culture revival but also a Templars came to America to bury all their relics craze these days maybe Landry ends up burying the Arc of the Covenant on Oak Island then dropping his Templar's metal cross there for the metal detector guy to find centuries later, heh. (Well that actually could happen if The Curse of Oak Island was on the History Channel instead of the Discovery Channel instead because cross-overs are big on networks, haha).
  16. The person alluded to above is Reem. The answers are easy. 1. She doesn't want to be seen as a quitter. That is important to a lot of people thankfully and I admire her for it. 2. She is a self-declared super fan who wanted on the show for years and years so why would she ever dream of voluntarily leaving? 3. She remains on the TV screen and gets her 15 minutes of fame extended. 4. She gets more money for staying and being on the jury. Why would anyone throw anything at you? Barring David's return I want Rick to win too. He was handicapped from the beginning at the merge and despite all odds he is like a cockroach "Kama Strong" hasn't been able to kill. They thought they did then he came back. They plotted to "kill" him this last time and he survived. He gives the most funny and witty confessionals outside of maybe David this season. And he ignited the massive kaboom that ended up seeing Julia packing. I don't see how he can survive in the next episode but I am rooting for him to do just that.
  17. I agree 100% with everything you just said so much I could have given you a dozen thumbs up. And I hate when "older" women get called all sorts of names and people think it is okay to do that in society. Someone here a few episodes back said Keith posted or tweeted that he and Wendy got to go to Australia and they had a blast. I'm glad someone enjoyed this season. This is the worst. You don't meet Kama save Joe and Aubrey to like half way through. It's like opening a book at the middle and starting to read it not having formed any attachment to any of the characters. And what you can see when we finally meet (gag me) "Kama Strong" is that they are big fat nothings. Aurora has the outcast label but it is the label that makes her of any interest as in the underdog. Her personality doesn't grab you. Red hair looked like she was suppose to be a strategy type early on but she is just a follower who can't even get into the main herd at this point to follow anyone. Ron is an asshole and Gavin is his little yappy, whiny asshole caddy/squire. Julie is a mess. The non-Joe physical guy didn't register at all. And of course EoE makes everything a theatre of the absurd since no one is technically gone from the game or getting back into same except the happy two-some that vacationed in Australia. Probably clips of their vaca there on Survivor's dime would be far more interesting than this season. I really like David and Aubrey is okay but man they got cursed returning to what is shaping into the worst season ever. And the fact that Probst has to go out doing the PR and lying through his teeth saying people love this season just makes the fans more angry. Thank God TAR is back and off to a good, entertaining start. I'll take those two catty/smug Survivor women team on it to 90% of this cast any day and I'm rooting for them to go out next. But at least they have entertaining personalities.
  18. Me too. He is the last likeable person left. Well except for David and maybe Aubrey if one of them comes back. I don't think there is any more "replacing" of idols. Maybe if Lauren played hers and there was then none left but I don't think even then. I thought I wanted Ron out the most but now I want Gavin out. He is like one of those annoying small dogs that run around all the time yapping and barking and driving you crazy seeking attention with his always wanting to be Master of the Universe but no one can be bothered to listen to him and why don't they and he is really the king but no one knows it and it is so unfair blah blah blah. WarDog may be gone but we are now stuck with WhineDog. And do we have to a see crappy close-ups of Kelley's tear magnified a hundred times? And like others have said above, no Kelley, they were not taking personal revenge on your behalf. Get over yourself. I was pro-David so anti-Wardog but not on a personal level. He was one of the few kind of entertaining newbies and he played a good game until he started over-playing of late. And it was a joy to watch how inept he was at every single challenge. I love Reem reaming all these people on EoE every week. It's about the only thing I can look forward to on this horrible season. If either David (if he can come back) or Rick can't win then I want Reem to win and ream the audience live on Finale Night.
  19. Elephants on TAR never gets old. They rode them in TAR1, washed them in TAR2 and pushed wooden ones through the streets in TAR7. I still remember Gretchen misreading the clue and instead of helping to push she rode on top of her giant wooden elephant as her husband almost had a heart attack pushing them both.
  20. I totally agree. I have never ever gotten the Rupert hate and never will. He just isn't built to race around the world on TAR. Way too intense of an undertaking. But I'm glad he got to ride an elephant before his elimination. So many Colin clips I still want to see. Remember the time they had to find Rembrandt's painting of "The Prodigal Son" and Colin mixed up said character with the parable teller of same and ran around The Hermitage like a madman pointing at every single painting of Jesus he could find. And yeah like the person above, I'd love to see Mirna calling him a disgusting criminal again. In fact a whole montage of Colin vs Mirna clips need to be shown. Also Colin Stares Death Rays At The Hour Glass after Chip yielded him.
  21. Really? You preferred Blind Date Race and Internet Whores Race casts to this cast? Granted one of the Internet Whores teams is on this race and I want them out. But they will have to wait their turn after at least one of the Survivor Smug Women team and the two BB Women teams because I cannot tell the three women teams apart. That herd needs to be culled some first. At least one of the two all male teams I couldn't tell apart went out first and since I disliked the border patrol team that was a blessing. Speaking of the three women's teams I can't tell apart. I do know they are kind of TAR color coded. Can someone tell me which colors go with which female teams before tonight's show so I follow along tonight.
  22. Episode 3. Or is it four? I have no idea at this point. Now we have the inept and so-called "hero" Landry not being able to put away the princeling he has wounded badly? First he can't be bothered to walk over several yards to eliminate the threat to the kid and two women and obviously the whole convent but has to ride off to find the former? And those women would be safe if he just eliminated the threat and finished the job too. Then the second time he turns around in maybe real slo-mo and finds Louis mysteriously gone because by the time he would turn around if in real time Louis wouldn't be able to turn around himself let alone start running. But no, Louis had managed to clear the place entirely in said split second and disappear, still wounded. Meanwhile Landry can't be bothered to run after him a few yards or even track the blood trail and Finish. The. Job. In other news it has been confirmed today that the real name of The Flash is Prince Louis.
  23. No it is just TAR showing it's age. It is like a paint by numbers show now. How can it not be after all those endless years? The main difference is the increase in airfares but now they aren't allowed to do multiple bookings and spoon feed so much of the flights (how I miss BIG time the airport scenes) so they save money that way. If you mean the world is less safe now I disagree totally with that. TAR2 started off less than 4 months after 9/11 when the world was far more dangerous and many Americans were in a state of paranoia about all things foreign. It almost caused the cancellation of this show that embraced the world. TAR2 had to switch out it's original first destination as well. They were scheduled to go to Buenos Aries but because of a synagogue bombing in BA they switched to Rio instead. BA would have to wait until TAR5. Colin & Christie's TAR5 got diverted to a back-up (Dubai) leg when the original Istanbul leg was pulled within a day or two of them going there because of a major terrorist bombing in Istanbul and curfews throughout the city. Istanbul would have to wait until TAR7. In TAR3 in Morocco Team FireCop got taken by a shady cabbie to a far off the grid area and TAR's private British security team had to be brought in quickly to back up the Racers who refused to hand over their passports to a rather sketchy looking so-called "official." And with no GPS and such TAR1's team of Paul & Aimee were lost in the Sahara Desert for hours with their camera crew's emergency cell phone out of battery power. Search teams went out looking for them. Hours and hours passed but they finally saw a line of trees and drove to it and accidentally stumbled on the oasis pit stop much to the relief of everyone. That was a close call. Followed by an emergency weather alert that a major sandstorm was coming and everyone fled the oasis to the nearest town some hours away to avoid another disaster. Also they had to wait in India 2 or 3 days because they were having last minute visa problems about getting into China after it had been set up months before. These days it is a piece of cake by comparison. Are you kidding? Colin is one of the most iconic Racers of all time. Their team held the record for many seasons of winning the most legs in a Race because they were damn good and usually way ahead of everyone else. That's what Colin's ox being broken contrasted so wonderfully with. He had been the undisputed king of the race up until then. And Charla & Mirna were great at working the airports but Colin pulled off connecting flights from Russia to Egypt that got them there over a half day ahead of everyone else. Half a freaking day. The guy was both intense and a early mastermind of the race. Then Colin vs Mirna was one of the biggest TAR match-ups ever. C&C were an automatic invite to All Stars (TAR11) and only didn't appear there because Christie was pregnant at the time. That team is one of the top TAR Hall of Fame teams as one of the very best race teams of all time and one of the most famous ever as well. Well, Colin is. Christie was just along for the ride. But since we had already survived Flo she didn't seem too bad by comparison I guess.
  24. I agree with some of the posters right above me. David's best move was the one he made. Trying to keep Rick safe since Rick is now a major target to be voted out as well. Also it was a stand up thing to do after Rick allowed David to play their joint immunity idol earlier which looks good on the resume under "loyalty" if David could make it back in.
  25. Well we almost made it through this year without the clothing question coming up. Reason: Because they have NO choice on what clothing they take on Survivor. It is dictated by production who wants to set up certain players with certain "looks."
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